# XYNat NAT with integrated firewall for use with VMs and containers ## Setup Instructions Install required tools (Debian): ```console # apt update # apt install grep sed iptables iproute2 ``` Install required tools (Fedora): ```console # dnf install grep sed iptables iproute2 ``` Clone git repository: ```console # cd /opt # git clone https://git.tjdev.de/DrMaxNix/xynat.git ``` ## Usage ``` Usage: ./xynat [OPTIONS] Options: -a, --add - Add new firewall (default, fallback: MODE=start) -r, --remove - Remove existing firewall (fallback: MODE=stop) -i, --iface=iface - Interface name for virtual switch (required, fallback: IFACE) -s, --vm-address=ip - IP address of virtual machine (required when adding new fw) -p, --public-ip=ip - IP address to use for outgoing traffic and DNAT -b, --block=ip-or-net - Block address(es) for all connections (multi-use allowed) -w, --allow=ip-or-net - Allow local address(es) for all connections (multi-use allowed) -x, --allow-in=ip-or-net - Allow local address(es) for incomming connections only (multi-use allowed) -y, --allow-host - Allow local host for all connections -z, --allow-host-in - Allow local host for incomming connections only -h, --help - Display this help message and exit -v, --version - Display version information and exit Examples: Add a new firewall and NAT for a VM which has IP address '' and is a member of the bridge interface 'br2' All traffic to and from local addresses will be blocked; Traffic to public addresses will be allowed ./xynat --add --iface "br2" --vm-address "" Same as first example, but use '' as source address for outgoing connections ./xynat --add --iface "br2" --vm-address "" --public-ip "" Same as first example, but also block all traffic to and from '' ./xynat --add --iface "br2" --vm-address "" --block "" Same as second example, but allow incomming and outgoing connections from host device The VM will also be accessible from devices in '' via its public address ./xynat --add --iface "br2" --vm-address "" --public-ip "" --allow-host --allow-in "" Remove all firewall and NAT rules for iface 'br2' ./xynat --remove --iface "br2" ``` ## Example `/etc/network/interfaces` #### Host ``` auto br-vm-test iface br-vm-test inet static bridge_ports none address network netmask pre-up /opt/xynat/xynat -s -p -x -z post-down /opt/xynat/xynat ``` #### Guest ``` auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address network netmask gateway ```