#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail ## INIT ## # get script base directory SCRIPT_PATH=$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname -- "$SCRIPT_PATH") # store arguments globally ARG_LIST=("$@") # get version number VERSION=$(cat ${SCRIPT_DIR}/VERSION | xargs) # load libraries source "${SCRIPT_DIR}/lib/color" source "${SCRIPT_DIR}/lib/log" source "${SCRIPT_DIR}/lib/toolcheck" source "${SCRIPT_DIR}/lib/sudocheck" # regex definitions regex_ip_address="^([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}$" regex_ip_or_net="^([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\.([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])){3}(\/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))?$" regex_local_address="^(10\.|172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])\.|192\.168\.).*$" # subnet list subnet_list_special_use="" subnet_list_local="" # # HELPER: Remove a firewall. # xynat_fw_remove(){ ## REMOVE CHAINS ## # flush chains iptables -F "${chain_id}_IN" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -F "${chain_id}_OUT" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -F "${chain_id}_FWI" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -F "${chain_id}_FWO" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -t nat -F "${chain_id}_NI" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -t nat -F "${chain_id}_NO" 2> /dev/null || true # remove ipv4 references iptables -D INPUT -i "$arg_iface" -j "${chain_id}_IN" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -D OUTPUT -o "$arg_iface" -j "${chain_id}_OUT" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -D FORWARD -i "$arg_iface" -j "${chain_id}_FWI" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -D FORWARD -o "$arg_iface" -j "${chain_id}_FWO" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -j "${chain_id}_NI" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -j "${chain_id}_NO" 2> /dev/null || true # remove ipv6 references ip6tables -D INPUT -i "$arg_iface" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-no-route 2> /dev/null || true ip6tables -D OUTPUT -o "$arg_iface" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-no-route 2> /dev/null || true ip6tables -D FORWARD -i "$arg_iface" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-no-route 2> /dev/null || true ip6tables -D FORWARD -o "$arg_iface" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-no-route 2> /dev/null || true # delete chains iptables -X "${chain_id}_IN" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -X "${chain_id}_OUT" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -X "${chain_id}_FWI" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -X "${chain_id}_FWO" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -t nat -X "${chain_id}_NI" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -t nat -X "${chain_id}_NO" 2> /dev/null || true } # # HELPER: Add a firewall. # xynat_fw_add(){ ## RESET ## # remove references iptables -D INPUT -i "$arg_iface" -j "${chain_id}_IN" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -D OUTPUT -o "$arg_iface" -j "${chain_id}_OUT" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -D FORWARD -i "$arg_iface" -j "${chain_id}_FWI" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -D FORWARD -o "$arg_iface" -j "${chain_id}_FWO" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -j "${chain_id}_NI" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -j "${chain_id}_NO" 2> /dev/null || true # remove ipv6 references ip6tables -D INPUT -i "$arg_iface" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-no-route 2> /dev/null || true ip6tables -D OUTPUT -o "$arg_iface" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-no-route 2> /dev/null || true ip6tables -D FORWARD -i "$arg_iface" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-no-route 2> /dev/null || true ip6tables -D FORWARD -o "$arg_iface" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-no-route 2> /dev/null || true ## ADD CHAINS ## # create chains iptables -N "${chain_id}_IN" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -N "${chain_id}_OUT" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -N "${chain_id}_FWI" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -N "${chain_id}_FWO" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -t nat -N "${chain_id}_NI" 2> /dev/null || true iptables -t nat -N "${chain_id}_NO" 2> /dev/null || true # insert references iptables -I INPUT -i "$arg_iface" -j "${chain_id}_IN" iptables -I OUTPUT -o "$arg_iface" -j "${chain_id}_OUT" iptables -I FORWARD -i "$arg_iface" -j "${chain_id}_FWI" iptables -I FORWARD -o "$arg_iface" -j "${chain_id}_FWO" iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -j "${chain_id}_NI" iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -j "${chain_id}_NO" # block ipv6 ip6tables -I INPUT -i "$arg_iface" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-no-route ip6tables -I OUTPUT -o "$arg_iface" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-no-route ip6tables -I FORWARD -i "$arg_iface" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-no-route ip6tables -I FORWARD -o "$arg_iface" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp6-no-route } # # HELPER: Update all rulesets. # xynat_ruleset_update(){ xynat_ruleset_update_in xynat_ruleset_update_out xynat_ruleset_update_fwi xynat_ruleset_update_fwo xynat_ruleset_update_ni xynat_ruleset_update_no } # # HELPER: Update ruleset: `in`. # xynat_ruleset_update_in(){ ## FLUSH CHAIN ## iptables -F "${chain_id}_IN" ## ADD RULES ## # enforce correct vm address iptables -A "${chain_id}_IN" ! -s "$arg_vm_address" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-admin-prohibited # maybe allow host access if [[ "${arg_allow_host_mode:-}" == "in_out" ]]; then iptables -A "${chain_id}_IN" -j ACCEPT elif [[ "${arg_allow_host_mode:-}" == "in" ]]; then iptables -A "${chain_id}_IN" -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT fi # reject all packets iptables -A "${chain_id}_IN" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-unreachable } # # HELPER: Update ruleset: `out`. # xynat_ruleset_update_out(){ ## FLUSH CHAIN ## iptables -F "${chain_id}_OUT" ## ADD RULES ## # allow related icmp messages iptables -A "${chain_id}_OUT" -p icmp -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED -j ACCEPT # enforce correct vm address iptables -A "${chain_id}_OUT" ! -d "$arg_vm_address" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-admin-prohibited # maybe allow host access if [[ "${arg_allow_host_mode:-}" == "in_out" || "${arg_allow_host_mode:-}" == "in" ]]; then iptables -A "${chain_id}_OUT" -j ACCEPT fi # reject all other packets iptables -A "${chain_id}_OUT" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-unreachable } # # HELPER: Update ruleset: `fwi`. # xynat_ruleset_update_fwi(){ ## FLUSH CHAIN ## iptables -F "${chain_id}_FWI" ## ADD RULES ## # enforce correct vm address iptables -A "${chain_id}_FWI" ! -s "$arg_vm_address" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-admin-prohibited # reject packets for blocked address(es) for a in ${arg_block[*]:-}; do iptables -A "${chain_id}_FWI" -d "$a" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-net-unreachable done # accept allowed local addresses for a in ${arg_allow[*]:-}; do iptables -A "${chain_id}_FWI" -d "$a" -j ACCEPT done # accept allowed incomming local addresses for a in ${arg_allow_in[*]:-}; do iptables -A "${chain_id}_FWI" -d "$a" -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT done # reject filtered packets for a in $subnet_list_special_use $subnet_list_local; do iptables -A "${chain_id}_FWI" -d "$a" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-net-unreachable done # default: allow iptables -A "${chain_id}_FWI" -j ACCEPT } # # HELPER: Update ruleset: `fwo`. # xynat_ruleset_update_fwo(){ ## FLUSH CHAIN ## iptables -F "${chain_id}_FWO" ## ADD RULES ## # enforce correct vm address iptables -A "${chain_id}_FWO" ! -d "$arg_vm_address" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-admin-prohibited # reject packets for blocked address(es) for a in ${arg_block[*]:-}; do iptables -A "${chain_id}_FWO" -s "$a" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-net-unreachable done # accept allowed local addresses for a in ${arg_allow[*]:-} ${arg_allow_in[*]:-}; do iptables -A "${chain_id}_FWO" -s "$a" -j ACCEPT done # reject filtered packets for a in $subnet_list_special_use $subnet_list_local; do iptables -A "${chain_id}_FWO" -s "$a" -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-net-unreachable done # default: accept iptables -A "${chain_id}_FWO" -j ACCEPT } # # HELPER: Update ruleset: `ni`. # xynat_ruleset_update_ni(){ ## FLUSH CHAIN ## iptables -t nat -F "${chain_id}_NI" ## ADD RULES ## # translate destination address (forward to vm) if [[ "${arg_public_ip:+x}" ]]; then iptables -t nat -A "${chain_id}_NI" -d "$arg_public_ip" -j DNAT --to-destination "$arg_vm_address" fi } # # HELPER: Update ruleset: `no`. # xynat_ruleset_update_no(){ ## FLUSH CHAIN ## iptables -t nat -F "${chain_id}_NO" ## ADD RULES ## # filter for vm ip address iptables -t nat -A "${chain_id}_NO" ! -s "$arg_vm_address" -j RETURN # translate source address/port (forward to internet) if [[ "${arg_public_ip:+x}" ]]; then iptables -t nat -A "${chain_id}_NO" -j SNAT --to-source "$arg_public_ip" else iptables -t nat -A "${chain_id}_NO" -j MASQUERADE fi } # # Explain usage of script. # xynat_help(){ echo "XYNat v${VERSION}" echo echo "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]" echo echo "Options:" echo " -a, --add - Add new firewall (default, fallback: MODE=start)" echo " -r, --remove - Remove existing firewall (fallback: MODE=stop)" echo echo " -i, --iface=iface - Interface name for virtual switch (required, fallback: IFACE)" echo " -s, --vm-address=ip - IP address of virtual machine (required when adding new fw)" echo " -p, --public-ip=ip - IP address to use for outgoing traffic and DNAT" echo echo " -b, --block=ip-or-net - Block address(es) for all connections (multi-use allowed)" echo echo " -w, --allow=ip-or-net - Allow local address(es) for all connections (multi-use allowed)" echo " -x, --allow-in=ip-or-net - Allow local address(es) for incomming connections only (multi-use allowed)" echo " -y, --allow-host - Allow local host for all connections" echo " -z, --allow-host-in - Allow local host for incomming connections only" echo echo " -h, --help - Display this help message and exit" echo " -v, --version - Display version information and exit" echo echo "Examples:" echo " Add a new firewall and NAT for a VM which has IP address '' and is a member of the bridge interface 'br2'" echo " All traffic to and from local addresses will be blocked; Traffic to public addresses will be allowed" echo " $0 --add --iface \"br2\" --vm-address \"\"" echo echo " Same as first example, but use '' as source address for outgoing connections" echo " $0 --add --iface \"br2\" --vm-address \"\" --public-ip \"\"" echo echo " Same as first example, but also block all traffic to and from ''" echo " $0 --add --iface \"br2\" --vm-address \"\" --block \"\"" echo echo " Same as second example, but allow incomming and outgoing connections from host device" echo " The VM will also be accessible from devices in '' via its public address" echo " $0 --add --iface \"br2\" --vm-address \"\" --public-ip \"\" --allow-host --allow-in \"\"" echo echo " Remove all firewall and NAT rules for iface 'br2'" echo " $0 --remove --iface \"br2\"" } # # Display version information. # xynat_version(){ echo "XYNat v${VERSION}" echo "(c) 2024 DrMaxNix" } # # VALIDATOR: `vm-address`. # xynat_validate_vm_address(){ ## CHECK FORMAT ## if [[ ! "$1" =~ $regex_ip_address ]]; then log_error "Malformed vm-address '$1'" fi } # # VALIDATOR: `public-ip`. # xynat_validate_public_ip(){ ## CHECK FORMAT ## if [[ ! "$1" =~ $regex_ip_address ]]; then log_error "Malformed vm-address '$1'" fi ## CHECK IP IFACE ASSIGNMENT ## # make sure this is not a primary ip address local primary_ip_list="$(xynat_primary_ip_list)" for p in $primary_ip_list; do if [[ "$p" == "$1" ]]; then log_error "Virtual machine's public-ip is in use as primary host address" fi done # check whether it exists as a secondary address local secondary_ip_list="$(xynat_secondary_ip_list)" local found="no" for s in $secondary_ip_list; do if [[ "$s" == "$1" ]]; then found="yes" fi done if [[ "$found" != "yes" ]]; then log_warn "Virtual machine's public-ip '$1' is not assigned to any host interface" fi } # # VALIDATOR: `block`. # xynat_validate_block(){ for a in $1; do ## VALIDATE SYNTAX ## if [[ ! "$a" =~ $regex_ip_or_net ]]; then log_error "Malformed ip address or subnet in blocklist: '$a'" fi done } # # VALIDATOR: `allow`. # xynat_validate_allow(){ for a in $1; do ## VALIDATE SYNTAX ## if [[ ! "$a" =~ $regex_ip_or_net ]]; then log_error "Malformed ip address or subnet in allowlist: '$a'" fi ## CHECK FOR KNOWN LOCAL PREFIX ## if [[ ! "$a" =~ $regex_local_address ]]; then log_warn "Allowlist entry does not look like a local address: '$a'" fi done } # # HELPER: List all primary ip addresses of the host. # xynat_primary_ip_list(){ ip address show | grep -Pe "^\s+inet ([0-9\.]+)\/[0-9]+.*$" | grep -v "\ssecondary\s" | sed -E "s/^\s+inet ([0-9\.]+)\/[0-9]+.*$/\1/g" } # # HELPER: List all secondary ip addresses of the host. # xynat_secondary_ip_list(){ ip address show | grep -Pe "^\s+inet ([0-9\.]+)\/[0-9]+.*$" | grep "\ssecondary\s" | sed -E "s/^\s+inet ([0-9\.]+)\/[0-9]+.*$/\1/g" } ## TOOLCHECK ## toolcheck error "grep sed iptables ip" ## PARSE ARGUMENTS ## while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in # help -h|--help) xynat_help exit 0 ;; # version -v|--version) xynat_version exit 0 ;; # add -a|--add) if [[ "${arg_mode:+x}" ]]; then log_error "Cannot set mode twice; already set to '$arg_mode'"; fi arg_mode="add" shift ;; # remove -r|--remove) if [[ "${arg_mode:+x}" ]]; then log_error "Cannot set mode twice; already set to '$arg_mode'"; fi arg_mode="remove" shift ;; # iface -i|--iface|-i=*|--iface=*) if [[ "${arg_iface:+x}" ]]; then log_error "Cannot set iface twice; already set to '$arg_iface'"; fi if [[ "$1" =~ ^[a-z\-]+=(.+)$ ]]; then arg_iface=$(echo $1 | sed -E "s/^[a-z\-]+=(.*)$/\1/g") shift; continue; fi shift; if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then arg_iface="$1" else log_error "Value expected for parameter 'iface'"; fi; shift ;; # vm-address -s|--vm-address|-s=*|--vm-address=*) if [[ "${arg_vm_address:+x}" ]]; then log_error "Cannot set vm-address twice; already set to '$arg_vm_address'"; fi if [[ "$1" =~ ^[a-z\-]+=(.+)$ ]]; then arg_vm_address=$(echo $1 | sed -E "s/^[a-z\-]+=(.*)$/\1/g") shift; continue; fi shift; if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then arg_vm_address="$1" else log_error "Value expected for parameter 'vm-address'"; fi; shift ;; # public-ip -p|--public-ip|-p=*|--public-ip=*) if [[ "${arg_public_ip:+x}" ]]; then log_error "Cannot set public-ip twice; already set to '$arg_public_ip'"; fi if [[ "$1" =~ ^[a-z\-]+=(.+)$ ]]; then arg_public_ip=$(echo $1 | sed -E "s/^[a-z\-]+=(.*)$/\1/g") shift; continue; fi shift; if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then arg_public_ip="$1" else log_error "Value expected for parameter 'public-ip'"; fi; shift ;; # block -b|--block|-b=*|--block=*) if [[ "$1" =~ ^[a-z\-]+=(.+)$ ]]; then arg_block=(${arg_block[@]:-""} "$(echo $1 | sed -E "s/^[a-z\-]+=(.*)$/\1/g")") shift; continue; fi shift; if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then arg_block=(${arg_block[@]:-""} "$1") else log_error "Value expected for parameter 'block'"; fi; shift ;; # allow -w|--allow|-w=*|--allow=*) if [[ "$1" =~ ^[a-z\-]+=(.+)$ ]]; then arg_allow=(${arg_allow[@]:-""} "$(echo $1 | sed -E "s/^[a-z\-]+=(.*)$/\1/g")") shift; continue; fi shift; if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then arg_allow=(${arg_allow[@]:-""} "$1") else log_error "Value expected for parameter 'allow'"; fi; shift ;; # allow-in -x|--allow-in|-x=*|--allow-in=*) if [[ "$1" =~ ^[a-z\-]+=(.+)$ ]]; then arg_allow_in=(${arg_allow_in[@]:-""} "$(echo $1 | sed -E "s/^[a-z\-]+=(.*)$/\1/g")") shift; continue; fi shift; if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then arg_allow_in=(${arg_allow_in[@]:-""} "$1") else log_error "Value expected for parameter 'allow-in'"; fi; shift ;; # allow-host -y|--allow-host|-y=*|--allow-host=*) if [[ "${arg_allow_host_mode:+x}" ]]; then log_error "Cannot set allow-host mode twice; already set to '$arg_allow_host_mode'"; fi arg_allow_host_mode="in_out" shift ;; # allow-host-in -z|--allow-host-in|-z=*|--allow-host-in=*) if [[ "${arg_allow_host_mode:+x}" ]]; then log_error "Cannot set allow-host mode twice; already set to '$arg_allow_host_mode'"; fi arg_allow_host_mode="in" shift ;; # unknown *) log_error "Unexpected argument '$1'" ;; esac done ## MAKE SURE WE HAVE SUDO PERMISSION ## sudocheck ## ARGUMENT FALLBACKS AND VALIDATION ## # mode if [[ -z "${arg_mode:+x}" ]]; then case "${MODE:-""}" in "stop") arg_mode="remove";; "start"|*) arg_mode="add";; esac fi # iface if [[ -z "${arg_iface:+x}" ]]; then if [[ -z "${IFACE:+x}" ]]; then log_error "Missing required argument 'iface'; See '$0 --help' for usage information"; fi arg_iface="$IFACE" fi # vm-address if [[ "$arg_mode" != "remove" ]]; then if [[ -z "${arg_vm_address:+x}" ]]; then log_error "Missing required argument 'vm-address'; See '$0 --help' for usage information" fi xynat_validate_vm_address "$arg_vm_address" fi # public-ip if [[ "${arg_public_ip:+x}" ]]; then xynat_validate_public_ip "$arg_public_ip" fi # block xynat_validate_block "${arg_block[*]:-""}" # allow xynat_validate_allow "${arg_allow[*]:-""}" # allow-in xynat_validate_allow "${arg_allow_in[*]:-""}" ## BUILD MISSING VALUES ## # firewall chain id chain_id="XYNAT_$(echo "$arg_iface" | tr a-z A-Z | tr - _)" ## EXECUTE ACTION ## case "$arg_mode" in # add "add") xynat_fw_add xynat_ruleset_update ;; # remove "remove") xynat_fw_remove ;; # should not happen *) log_error "Invalid mode '$arg_mode'" ;; esac