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2022-10-05 19:18:32 +02:00
Prism Live: Code editor based on Prism.js
Works best in Chrome. Currently only very basic support in other browsers (no snippets, no shortcuts)
@author Lea Verou
(async function() {
const CURRENT_URL = document.currentScript? new URL(document.currentScript.src) : null;
if (!window.Bliss) {
// Load Bliss if not loaded
console.log("Bliss not loaded. Loading remotely from blissfuljs.com");
let bliss = document.createElement("script");
bliss.src = "https://blissfuljs.com/bliss.shy.min.js";
await new Promise(resolve => bliss.onload = resolve);
var $ = Bliss, $$ = Bliss.$;
var ready = Promise.resolve();
// Tiny dynamic loader. Use e.g. ?load=css,markup,javascript to load components
var load = CURRENT_URL.searchParams.get("load");
if (load !== null) {
var files = ["../prism-live.css"];
if (load) {
files.push(...load.split(/,/).map(c => /\./.test(c)? c : `prism-live-${c}.js`));
ready = Promise.all(files.map(url => $.load(url, CURRENT_URL)));
var superKey = navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") === 0? "metaKey" : "ctrlKey";
var _ = Prism.Live = class PrismLive {
constructor(source) {
this.source = source;
this.sourceType = source.nodeName.toLowerCase();
this.wrapper = $.create({
className: "prism-live",
around: this.source
if (this.sourceType === "textarea") {
this.textarea = this.source;
this.code = $.create("code");
this.pre = $.create("pre", {
className: this.textarea.className + " no-whitespace-normalization",
contents: this.code,
before: this.textarea
else {
this.pre = this.source;
// Normalize once, to fix indentation from markup and then remove normalization
// so we can enter blank lines etc
// Prism.plugins.NormalizeWhitespace.normalize($("code", this.pre), {});
this.code = $("code", this.pre);
this.textarea = $.create("textarea", {
className: this.pre.className,
value: this.pre.textContent,
after: this.pre
_.all.set(this.textarea, this);
_.all.set(this.pre, this);
_.all.set(this.code, this);
if (self.Incrementable) {
// TODO data-* attribute for modifier
// TODO load dynamically if not present
new Incrementable(this.textarea);
$.bind(this.textarea, {
input: evt => this.update(),
keyup: evt => {
if (evt.key == "Enter") { // Enter
// Maintain indent on line breaks
keydown: evt => {
if (evt.key == "Tab" && !evt.altKey) {
// Default is to move focus off the textarea
// this is never desirable in an editor
if (this.tabstops && this.tabstops.length > 0) {
// We have tabstops to go
else if (this.hasSelection) {
var before = this.beforeCaret("\n");
var outdent = evt.shiftKey;
this.selectionStart -= before.length;
var selection = _.adjustIndentation(this.selection, {
relative: true,
indentation: outdent? -1 : 1
if (outdent) {
var indentStart = _.regexp.gm`^${this.indent}`;
var isBeforeIndented = indentStart.test(before);
this.selectionStart += before.length + 1 - (outdent + isBeforeIndented);
else { // Indent
var hasLineAbove = before.length == this.selectionStart;
this.selectionStart += before.length + 1 + !hasLineAbove;
else {
// Nothing selected, expand snippet
var selector = _.match(this.beforeCaret(), /\S*$/);
var snippetExpanded = this.expandSnippet(selector);
if (snippetExpanded) {
requestAnimationFrame(() => $.fire(this.textarea, "input"));
else {
else if (_.pairs[evt.key]) {
var other = _.pairs[evt.key];
before: evt.key,
after: other,
outside: true
else if (Object.values(_.pairs).includes(evt.key)) {
if (this.selectionStart == this.selectionEnd && this.textarea.value[this.selectionEnd] == evt.key) {
this.selectionStart += 1;
this.selectionEnd += 1;
else {
for (let shortcut in _.shortcuts) {
if (_.checkShortcut(shortcut, evt)) {
_.shortcuts[shortcut].call(this, evt);
click: evt => {
var l = this.getLine();
var v = this.value;
var ss = this.selectionStart;
//console.log(ss, v[ss], l, v.slice(l.start, l.end));
"click keyup": evt => {
if (!evt.key || evt.key.lastIndexOf("Arrow") > -1) {
// Caret moved
this.tabstops = null;
// this.syncScroll();
this.textarea.addEventListener("scroll", this, {passive: true});
$.bind(window, {
"resize": evt => this.syncStyles()
// Copy styles with a delay
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
var sourceCS = getComputedStyle(this.source);
this.pre.style.height = this.source.style.height || sourceCS.getPropertyValue("--height");
this.pre.style.maxHeight = this.source.style.maxHeight || sourceCS.getPropertyValue("--max-height");
this.textarea.spellcheck = this.source.spellcheck || sourceCS.getPropertyValue("--spellcheck");
this.lang = (this.code.className.match(/lang(?:uage)?-(\w+)/i) || [,])[1];
this.observer = new MutationObserver(r => {
if (document.activeElement !== this.textarea) {
this.textarea.value = this.pre.textContent;
this.source.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("prism-live-init", {bubbles: true, detail: this}));
handleEvent(evt) {
if (evt.type === "scroll") {
observe () {
return this.observer && this.observer.observe(this.pre, {
childList: true,
subtree: true,
characterData: true
unobserve () {
if (this.observer) {
expandSnippet(text) {
if (!text) {
return false;
var context = this.context;
if (text in context.snippets || text in _.snippets) {
// Static Snippets
var expansion = context.snippets[text] || _.snippets[text];
else if (context.snippets.custom) {
var expansion = context.snippets.custom.call(this, text);
if (expansion) {
// Insert snippet
var stops = [];
var replacement = [];
var str = expansion;
var match;
while (match = _.CARET_INDICATOR.exec(str)) {
stops.push(match.index + 1);
replacement.push(str.slice(0, match.index + match[1].length));
str = str.slice(match.index + match[0].length);
_.CARET_INDICATOR.lastIndex = 0;
replacement = replacement.join("");
if (stops.length > 0) {
// make first stop relative to end, all others relative to previous stop
stops[0] -= replacement.length;
this.insert(replacement, {matchIndentation: true});
this.tabstops = stops;
return !!expansion;
get selectionStart() {
return this.textarea.selectionStart;
set selectionStart(v) {
this.textarea.selectionStart = v;
get selectionEnd() {
return this.textarea.selectionEnd;
set selectionEnd(v) {
this.textarea.selectionEnd = v;
get hasSelection() {
return this.selectionStart != this.selectionEnd;
get selection() {
return this.value.slice(this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd);
get value() {
return this.textarea.value;
set value(v) {
this.textarea.value = v;
get indent() {
return _.match(this.value, /^[\t ]+/m, _.DEFAULT_INDENT);
get currentIndent() {
var before = this.value.slice(0, this.selectionStart-1);
return _.match(before, /^[\t ]*/mg, "", -1);
// Current language at caret position
get currentLanguage() {
var node = this.getNode();
node = node? node.parentNode : this.code;
var lang = _.match(node.closest('[class*="language-"]').className, /language-(\w+)/, 1);
return _.aliases[lang] || lang;
// Get settings based on current language
get context() {
var lang = this.currentLanguage;
return _.languages[lang] || _.languages.DEFAULT;
setSelection(start, end) {
if (start && typeof start === "object" && (start.start || start.end)) {
end = start.end;
start = start.start;
let prevStart = this.selectionStart;
let prevEnd = this.selectionEnd;
if (start !== undefined) {
this.selectionStart = start;
if (end !== undefined) {
this.selectionEnd = end;
// If there is a selection, and it's not the same as the previous selection, fire appropriate select event
if (this.selectionStart !== this.selectionEnd && (prevStart !== this.selectionStart || prevEnd !== this.selectionEnd)) {
this.textarea.dispatchEvent(new Event("select", {bubbles: true}));
update (force) {
var code = this.value;
// If code ends in newline then browser "conveniently" trims it
// but we want to see the new line we just inserted!
// So we insert a zero-width space, which isn't trimmed
if (/\n$/.test(this.value)) {
code += "\u200b";
if (!force && this.code.textContent === code && $(".token", this.code)) {
// Already highlighted
this.code.textContent = code;
syncStyles() {
// Copy pre metrics over to textarea
var cs = getComputedStyle(this.pre);
// Copy styles from <pre> to textarea
this.textarea.style.caretColor = cs.color;
var properties = /^(font|lineHeight)|[tT]abSize/gi;
for (var prop in cs) {
if (cs[prop] && prop in this.textarea.style && properties.test(prop)) {
this.wrapper.style[prop] = cs[prop];
this.textarea.style[prop] = this.pre.style[prop] = "inherit";
// This is primarily for supporting the line-numbers plugin.
this.textarea.style['padding-left'] = cs['padding-left'];
syncScroll() {
if (this.pre.clientWidth === 0 && this.pre.clientHeight === 0) {
this.pre.scrollTop = this.textarea.scrollTop;
this.pre.scrollLeft = this.textarea.scrollLeft;
beforeCaretIndex (until = "") {
return this.value.lastIndexOf(until, this.selectionStart);
afterCaretIndex (until = "") {
return this.value.indexOf(until, this.selectionEnd);
beforeCaret (until = "") {
var index = this.beforeCaretIndex(until);
if (index === -1 || !until) {
index = 0;
return this.value.slice(index, this.selectionStart);
getLine(offset = this.selectionStart) {
var value = this.value;
var lf = "\n", cr = "\r";
var start, end, char;
for (var start = this.selectionStart; char = value[start]; start--) {
if (char === lf || char === cr || !start) {
for (var end = this.selectionStart; char = value[end]; end++) {
if (char === lf || char === cr) {
return {start, end};
afterCaret(until = "") {
var index = this.afterCaretIndex(until);
if (index === -1 || !until) {
index = undefined;
return this.value.slice(this.selectionEnd, index);
setCaret(pos) {
this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = pos;
moveCaret(chars) {
if (chars) {
this.setCaret(this.selectionEnd + chars);
insert(text, {index} = {}) {
if (!text) {
if (index === undefined) {
// No specified index, insert in current caret position
else {
// Specified index, first move caret there
var start = this.selectionStart;
var end = this.selectionEnd;
this.selectionStart = this.selectionEnd = index;
start + (index < start? text.length : 0),
end + (index <= end? text.length : 0)
// Replace currently selected text
replace (text) {
var hadSelection = this.hasSelection;
if (hadSelection) {
// By default inserText places the caret at the end, losing any selection
// What we want instead is the replaced text to be selected
this.setSelection({start: this.selectionEnd - text.length});
// Set text between indexes and restore caret position
set (text, {start, end} = {}) {
var ss = this.selectionStart;
var se = this.selectionEnd;
this.setSelection(start, end);
this.setSelection(ss, se);
insertText (text) {
if (!text) {
if (_.supportsExecCommand === true) {
document.execCommand("insertText", false, text);
else if (_.supportsExecCommand === undefined) {
// We still don't know if document.execCommand("insertText") is supported
let value = this.value;
document.execCommand("insertText", false, text);
_.supportsExecCommand = value !== this.value;
if (_.supportsExecCommand === false) {
this.textarea.setRangeText(text, this.selectionStart, this.selectionEnd, "end");
requestAnimationFrame(() => this.update());
return _.supportsExecCommand;
* Wrap text with strings
* @param before {String} The text to insert before
* @param after {String} The text to insert after
* @param start {Number} Character offset
* @param end {Number} Character offset
wrap ({before, after, start = this.selectionStart, end = this.selectionEnd} = {}) {
var ss = this.selectionStart;
var se = this.selectionEnd;
var between = this.value.slice(start, end);
this.set(before + between + after, {start, end});
if (ss > start) {
ss += before.length;
if (se > start) {
se += before.length;
if (ss > end) {
ss += after.length;
if (se > end) {
se += after.length;
this.setSelection(ss, se);
wrapSelection (o = {}) {
var hadSelection = this.hasSelection;
this.replace(o.before + this.selection + o.after);
if (hadSelection) {
if (o.outside) {
// Do not include new text in selection
this.selectionStart += o.before.length;
this.selectionEnd -= o.after.length;
else {
toggleComment() {
var comments = this.context.comments;
// Are we inside a comment?
var node = this.getNode();
var commentNode = node.parentNode.closest(".token.comment");
if (commentNode) {
// Remove comment
var start = this.getOffset(commentNode);
var commentText = commentNode.textContent;
if (comments.singleline && commentText.indexOf(comments.singleline) === 0) {
var end = start + commentText.length;
this.set(this.value.slice(start + comments.singleline.length, end), {start, end});
else {
comments = comments.multiline || comments;
var end = start + commentText.length - comments[1].length;
this.set(this.value.slice(start + comments[0].length, end), {start, end: end + comments[1].length});
else {
// Not inside comment, add
if (this.hasSelection) {
comments = comments.multiline || comments;
before: comments[0],
after: comments[1]
else {
// No selection, wrap line
// FIXME *inside indent*
comments = comments.singleline? [comments.singleline, ""] : comments.multiline || comments;
end = this.afterCaretIndex("\n");
before: comments[0],
after: comments[1],
start: this.beforeCaretIndex("\n") + 1,
end: end < 0? this.value.length : end
duplicateContent () {
var before = this.beforeCaret("\n");
var after = this.afterCaret("\n");
var text = before + this.selection + after;
this.insert(text, {index: this.selectionStart - before.length});
delete (characters, {forward, pos} = {}) {
var i = characters = characters > 0? characters : (characters + "").length;
if (pos) {
var selectionStart = this.selectionStart;
this.selectionStart = pos;
this.selectionEnd = pos + this.selectionEnd - selectionStart;
while (i--) {
document.execCommand(forward? "forwardDelete" : "delete");
if (pos) {
// Restore caret
this.selectionStart = selectionStart - characters;
this.selectionEnd = this.selectionEnd - pos + this.selectionStart;
* Get the text node at a given chracter offset
getNode(offset = this.selectionStart, container = this.code) {
var node, sum = 0;
var walk = document.createTreeWalker(container, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT);
while (node = walk.nextNode()) {
sum += node.data.length;
if (sum >= offset) {
return node;
// if here, offset is larger than maximum
return null;
* Get the character offset of a given node in the highlighted source
getOffset(node) {
var range = document.createRange();
range.setEnd(node, 0);
return range.toString().length;
// Utility method to get regex matches
static match(str, regex, def, index = 0) {
if (typeof def === "number" && arguments.length === 3) {
index = def;
def = undefined;
var match = str.match(regex);
if (index < 0) {
index = match.length + index;
return match? match[index] : def;
static checkShortcut(shortcut, evt) {
return shortcut.trim().split(/\s*\+\s*/).every(key => {
switch (key) {
case "Cmd": return evt[superKey];
case "Ctrl": return evt.ctrlKey;
case "Shift": return evt.shiftKey;
case "Alt": return evt.altKey;
default: return evt.key === key;
static registerLanguage(name, context, parent = _.languages.DEFAULT) {
Object.setPrototypeOf(context, parent);
return _.languages[name] = context;
static matchIndentation(text, currentIndent) {
// FIXME this assumes that text has no indentation of its own
// to make this more generally useful beyond snippets, we should first
// strip text's own indentation.
text = text.replace(/\r?\n/g, "$&" + currentIndent);
static adjustIndentation(text, {indentation, relative = true, indent = _.DEFAULT_INDENT}) {
if (!relative) {
// First strip min indentation
var minIndent = text.match(_.regexp.gm`^(${indent})+`).sort()[0];
if (minIndent) {
text.replace(_.regexp.gm`^${minIndent}`, "");
if (indentation < 0) {
return text.replace(_.regexp.gm`^${indent}`, "");
else if (indentation > 0) { // Indent
return text.replace(/^/gm, indent);
static create (source, ...args) {
let ret = _.all.get(source);
if (!ret) {
ret = new _(source);
return ret;
// Static properties
Object.assign(_, {
all: new WeakMap(),
CARET_INDICATOR: /(^|[^\\])\$(\d+)/g,
snippets: {
"test": "Snippets work!",
pairs: {
"(": ")",
"[": "]",
"{": "}",
'"': '"',
"'": "'",
"`": "`"
shortcuts: {
"Cmd + /": function() {
"Ctrl + Shift + D": function() {
languages: {
comments: {
multiline: ["/*", "*/"]
snippets: {}
// Map of Prism language ids and their canonical name
aliases: (() => {
var ret = {};
var canonical = new WeakMap(Object.entries(Prism.languages).map(x => x.reverse()).reverse());
for (var id in Prism.languages) {
var grammar = Prism.languages[id];
if (typeof grammar !== "function") {
ret[id] = canonical.get(grammar);
return ret;
regexp: (() => {
var escape = s => s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");
var _regexp = (flags, strings, ...values) => {
var pattern = strings[0] + values.map((v, i) => escape(v) + strings[i+1]).join("");
return RegExp(pattern, flags);
var cache = {};
return new Proxy(_regexp.bind(_, ""), {
get: (t, property) => {
return t[property] || cache[property]
|| (cache[property] = _regexp.bind(_, property));
_.supportsExecCommand = document.execCommand? undefined : false;
$.ready().then(() => {
$$(":not(.prism-live) > textarea.prism-live, :not(.prism-live) > pre.prism-live").forEach(source => _.create(source));