class Juicescript_lexer { /* CONSTRUCTOR: Return new juicescript lexer for SOURCE with OPTIONS */ constructor(source, options){ // STORE ARGUMENTS // // source this.source = source; // io adapter =; } /* MAIN: Run lexical analysis */ scan(){ // RESET // // counters this.start = 0; this.end = 0; this.line = 1; // token list this.token_list = []; // warning and error counter this.warning_count = 0; this.error_count = 0; // SCAN WHOLE SOURCE // while(!this.is_at_end()){ // start where last scan ended this.start = this.end; // consume next character; // scan next token this.scan_one(); } // ADD END-OF-FILE TOKEN // this.token_add({ type: Juicescript.token_type.EOF, line: this.line, lexeme: "" }); // RETURN LIST OF TOKENS // return this.token_list; } /* HELPER: Scan one token at current position */ scan_one(){ switch(this.char){ // WHITESPACE // case " ": case "\r": case "\t": break; // DELIMITER // case ";": this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.DELIMITER}); break; // NEWLINE // case "\n": this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.DELIMITER}); this.line++; break; // OPERATORS // case "!": if (this.match("=")) this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.NOT_EQUAL}); else this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.NOT}); break; case "=": if (this.match("=")) this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.EQUAL_EQUAL}); else this.error("unexpected character '" + this.char + "'"); break; case "<": if (this.match("=")) this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.LESS_EQUAL}); else this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.LESS}); break; case ">": if (this.match("=")) this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.GREATER_EQUAL}); else this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.GREATER}); break; // BRACKETS // case "[": this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.BRACKET_SQUARE_OPEN}); break; case "]": this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.BRACKET_SQUARE_CLOSE}); break; case "{": this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.BRACKET_CURLY_OPEN}); break; case "}": this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.BRACKET_CURLY_CLOSE}); break; // COMMENTS // case "#": case "/": // block comment if(this.char === "/" && this.match("*")){ this.scan_block_comment(); break; } // single slash if(this.char === "/" && !this.match("/")){ this.error("unexpected character '" + this.char + "'"); break; } // normal comment while(this.peek() !== "\n" && !this.is_at_end()); break; // STRINGS // // handle escape sequences case "\"": this.scan_string(this.char, true); break; // ignore escape sequences case "'": this.scan_string(this.char, false); break; // VARIABLE // case "$": this.scan_variable(); break; // PREFIXED FLAGS // case ":": this.scan_flag(); break; // NEGATIVE NUMBERS // case "-": // only if there's a valid digit after it if(this.is_digit(this.peek())){ // consume minus sign; // scan like a normal number this.scan_number(); break; } // ignore with error this.error("unexpected character '" + this.char + "'"); break; // SPECIAL CHARS // // ampersand case "&": this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.AMPERSAND}); break; // question mark case "?": this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.QUESTION_MARK}); break; // EVERYTHING ELSE // default: // numbers if(this.is_digit(this.char)){ this.scan_number(); break; } // identifiers if(this.is_alpha(this.char)){ this.scan_identifier(); break; } // unexpected (ignore with error) this.error("unexpected character '" + this.char + "'"); break; } } /* SCANNER: Handle string surrounded by MARKER and optionally convert ESCAPE-SEQUENCES */ scan_string(marker, escape_sequences){ // TRY TO CONSUME UNTIL END OF SOURCE // while(!this.is_at_end()){ // do we have a quote? if(this.peek() === marker){ // count backslashes in front of quote let backslash_count = 0; while(this.peek(-(backslash_count + 1)) === "\\"){ backslash_count++; }; // terminate string if count of backslashes is correct if(backslash_count % 2 === 0) break; } // take note of passed lines if(this.peek() === "\n") this.line++; // consume next character; } // DID WE REACH THE END OF SOURCE WITHOUT TERMINATION? // if(this.is_at_end()){ // ignore with error this.error("unterminated string"); return; } // GET STRING VALUE // // consume closing quote; // get consumed string let string = this.source.substring(this.start + 1, this.end - 1); // RESOLVE ESCAPE SEQUENCES // // iterate over whole string let offset = 0; let pos = -1; while((pos = string.indexOf("\\", offset)) > -1){ // defaults for escaping one character let char_escaped = string.substring(pos + 1, pos + 2); let replace = char_escaped; let remove_length = replace.length; // special escape sequences switch(char_escaped){ // newline case "n": replace = "\n"; break; // tab case "t": replace = "\t"; break; // null case "0": replace = "\0"; break; // unicode case "u": // get four-letter codepoint string let next_four_chars = string.substring(pos + 2, pos + 6); // check if this is valid hexadecimal if(/^[0-9a-fA-F]*$/.test(next_four_chars)){ // convert codepoint to decimal number let codepoint = parseInt(next_four_chars, 16); // get corresponding unicode character replace = String.fromCharCode(codepoint); remove_length += 4; } break; } // if all aren't allowed, only replace essential escape sequences if(replace === "\\" || replace === "'" || escape_sequences){ // replace in string string = string.substr(0, pos) + replace + string.substr(pos + 1 + remove_length); } // remember we resolved this one offset = pos + replace.length; } // ADD TOKEN // this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.STRING, value: string}); } /* SCANNER: Handle block comment */ scan_block_comment(){ // TRY TO CONSUME UNTIL END OF SOURCE // while(!this.is_at_end()){ // do we have a `*/`? if(this.char === "*" && this.peek() === "/"){ // block comment ends here break; } // take note of passed lines if(this.peek() === "\n") this.line++; // consume next character; } // DID WE REACH THE END OF SOURCE WITHOUT TERMINATION? // if(this.is_at_end()){ // ignore with error this.error("unterminated block comment"); return; } // consume (=ignore) closing slash; } /* SCANNER: Handle variable */ scan_variable(){ // GET VARIABLE NAME // // consume all valid characters while(this.is_alphanumeric(this.peek())); // get consumed string let variable = this.source.substring(this.start + 1, this.end); // ADD TOKEN // this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.VARIABLE, value: variable}); } /* SCANNER: Handle number */ scan_number(){ // DEFAULT VALUES FOR POSITIVE BASE 10 NUMBER // let negative = false; let base = null; let is_valid_char = this.is_digit; let number_string_offset = 0; // HANDLE OTHER BASES // // check for '0' prefix if(this.char === "0"){ // assume we have to cut off a prefix of length 2 number_string_offset = 2; // check switch(this.peek().toLowerCase()){ case "b": // binary (base 2) base = 2; is_valid_char = this.is_binary; break; case "o": // octal (base 8) base = 8; is_valid_char = this.is_octal; break; case "x": // hexadecimal (base 16) base = 16; is_valid_char = this.is_hexadecimal; break; default: // didn't find valid base-char, ignore prefix number_string_offset = 0; } // consume base-char if valid if(number_string_offset > 0); } // GET NUMBER'S VALUE AS STRING // // consume all valid chars while(is_valid_char(this.peek())); // allow decimal point on base 10 numbers if(base === null && this.peek() === "." && is_valid_char(this.peek(1))){ // consume decimal point; // consume all valid chars while(is_valid_char(this.peek())); } // get consumed string let number_string_full = this.source.substring(this.start, this.end); // HANDLE NEGATIVE NUMBERS // if(number_string_full.substring(0, 1) === "-"){ // remember to negate later negative = true; // ignore minus sign number_string_offset++; } // STORE NUMBER IN TOKEN // // get number string let number_string = number_string_full.substring(number_string_offset); // parse number let number; if(base !== null){ // custom base number = parseFloat(parseInt(number_string, base)); } else { // base 10 number = parseFloat(number_string); } // maybe negate if(negative) number *= -1; // add token this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.NUMBER, value: number}); } /* SCANNER: Handle identifier */ scan_identifier(){ // GET IDENTIFIER NAME // // consume all valid chars while(this.is_alphanumeric(this.peek())); // get consumed string let identifier = this.source.substring(this.start, this.end); // CHECK IF THIS IS A SUFFIXED FLAG // // has `:` after it? if(this.match(":")){ // add token this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.FLAG, value: identifier}); // ignore the rest return; } // MAYBE CONVERT IDENTIFIER TO KEYWORD // // try to load from lookup table let keyword = ({ "DEF": Juicescript.token_type.DEF, "GLOB": Juicescript.token_type.GLOBAL, "GLOBAL": Juicescript.token_type.GLOBAL, "PUB": Juicescript.token_type.GLOBAL, "PUBLIC": Juicescript.token_type.GLOBAL, "END": Juicescript.token_type.END, "TRUE": Juicescript.token_type.TRUE, "FALSE": Juicescript.token_type.FALSE, "NULL": Juicescript.token_type.NULL, })[identifier.toUpperCase()] ?? null; // found something? if(keyword !== null){ // found entry: add keyword token this.token_add({type: keyword}); } else { // didn't find entry: add as identifier this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.IDENTIFIER, value: identifier}); } } /* SCANNER: Handle flag */ scan_flag(){ // GET FLAG NAME // // consume all valid characters while(this.is_alphanumeric(this.peek())); // get consumed string let flag = this.source.substring(this.start + 1, this.end); // consume (=ignore) optional `:` suffix this.match(":"); // CHECK IF THERE EVEN IS A NAME // if(flag.length <= 0){ // ignore with error this.error("unexpected character '" + this.source.charAt(this.start) + "'"); return; } // ADD TOKEN // this.token_add({type: Juicescript.token_type.FLAG, value: flag}); } /* HELPER: Consume next character from source */ next(){ this.char = this.source.charAt(this.end++); } /* HELPER: Return OFFSET next character from source */ peek(offset = 0){ return this.source.charAt(this.end + offset); } /* HELPER: Consume (and return true) if OFFSET next character from source matches NEEDLE */ match(needle, offset = 0){ // ignore if it doesn't match if(this.peek(offset) != needle) return false; // consume if it matches this.end += offset;; return true; } /* HELPER: Return if we are at end of source */ is_at_end(){ return this.end >= this.source.length; } /* HELPER: Is CHAR a digit? */ is_digit(char){ return (char >= "0" && char <= "9"); } /* HELPER: Is CHAR a binary digit? */ is_binary(char){ return (char === "0" || char === "1"); } /* HELPER: Is CHAR a octal digit? */ is_octal(char){ return (char >= "0" && char <= "7"); } /* HELPER: Is CHAR a hexadecimal digit? */ is_hexadecimal(char){ return (char >= "0" && char <= "9") || (char >= "a" && char <= "f") || (char >= "A" && char <= "F"); } /* HELPER: Is CHAR a char from a-z? */ is_alpha(char){ return (char >= "a" && char <= "z") || (char >= "A" && char <= "Z"); } /* HELPER: Is CHAR a in a-z, A-Z, -, _? */ is_alphanumeric(char){ return (this.is_alpha(char) || this.is_digit(char) || char === "-" || char === "_"); } /* HELPER: Add new token object with OPTIONS */ token_add(options){ // NEW OJECT // let token = {}; // COLLECT REQUIRED ATTRIBUTES // // type token.type = options.type ?? null; if(!Juicescript.token_type.has(token.type)){ throw "invalid token type '" + token.type + "'"; } // COLLECT ATTRIBUTES WITH POSSIBLE FALLBACK VALUES // // line token.line = options.line ?? this.line; // lexeme token.lexeme = options.lexeme ?? this.source.substring(this.start, this.end); // OPTIONAL ATTRIBUTES // token.value = options.value ?? null; // ADD TO LIST // this.token_list.push(token); } /* HELPER: Automagically keep track of problems and add additional info to stderr */ debug(text, additional){ // add defaults additional ??= {}; additional.line ??= this.line; // forward, additional); } info(text, additional){ // add defaults additional ??= {}; additional.line ??= this.line; // forward, additional); } warning(text, additional){ // KEEP TRACK OF PROBLEM // this.warning_count++; // PRINT MESSAGE // // add defaults additional ??= {}; additional.line ??= this.line; // forward, additional); } error(text, additional){ // KEEP TRACK OF PROBLEM // this.error_count++; // PRINT MESSAGE // // add defaults additional ??= {}; additional.line ??= this.line; // forward, additional); } }