class Juicescript_runner { /* CONSTRUCTOR: Return new juicescript runner for PROGRAM-TREE with OPTIONS */ constructor(program_tree, options){ // STORE ARGUMENTS // // program tree this.tree = program_tree; // io adapter =; } /* MAIN: Do running */ run(){ // RESET // // stack for command counter, scope and variable list this.stack = [{ scope: null, counter: 0, variable: {} }]; // warning and error counter this.warning_count = 0; this.error_count = 0; // RUN FULL PROGRAM // while(true){ // end execution on error if(this.has_error) break; // handle end of command list if(this.handle_command_list_end()) break; // load next command this.command_load(); // set new default command counter this.counter++; // run this.run_one(); } } /* HELPER: Run one command at current position */ run_one(){ // TRY AS BUILT-IN COMMAND // if(Object.keys(Juicescript.command).includes({ // run validate function Juicescript.command[].validate(this); // maybe run execute function if(!this.has_error){ Juicescript.command[].execute(this); } // done return; } // TRY AS USER-DEFINED COMMAND // if(Object.keys(this.tree.scope).includes({ this.scope_enter(); return; } // UNKNOWN COMMAND // // stop with error this.error("unknown command '" + + "'"); } /* HELPER: Handle possible end of command list */ handle_command_list_end(){ // CHECK IF AT END OF COMMAND LIST // if(this.counter < this.scope_tree.command.length){ // not at end, continue return false; } // IN USER-DEFINED SCOPE // if(this.scope !== null){ // return from scope this.scope_return(); // check again for new scope return this.handle_command_list_end(); } // HALT PROGRAM // return true; } /* HELPER: Load next command from current scope at current command counter */ command_load(){ this.command = this.scope_tree.command[this.counter]; } /* HELPER: Handle entering another scope by user command */ scope_enter(){ // VALIDATE ARGUMENTS // // argument count this.argument_validate_count(this.tree.scope[].parameter_count); // they must all be of type 'value' for(var q = 1; q <= this.command.argument.length; q++){ this.argument_validate_type(q, Juicescript.argument_type.VALUE); } // RESOLVE ARGUMENTS // // resolve to value let argument_value_list = []; for(var q = 1; q <= this.command.argument.length; q++){ argument_value_list.push(this.argument_value(q)); } // resolve to absolute variable let argument_variable_list = []; for(var q = 0; q < this.command.argument.length; q++){ if(this.command.argument[q].type === Juicescript.argument_type.VARIABLE){ // variable, add absolute variable argument_variable_list.push(this.argument_variable(q + 1)); } else { // literal, add null argument_variable_list.push(null); } } // PUSH NEW LAYER TO STACK // this.stack.push({ scope:, counter: 0, variable: {}, argument_variable: argument_variable_list }); // FILL IN PARAMETER VARIABLES // for(var q = 0; q < this.scope_tree.parameter.length; q++){ // get parameter name let parameter_name = this.scope_tree.parameter[q].name; // get argument value let argument_value = argument_value_list[q]; // store as variable in current scope this.variable_set({ name: parameter_name, index: [] }, argument_value); } } /* HELPER: Handle returning back to previous scope */ scope_return(){ // REMEMBER VALUES TO TAKE OVER // let take_over_list = []; for(var q = 0; q < this.scope_tree.parameter.length; q++){ // make sure argument was set when called if(q >= this.stack_top.argument_variable.length) continue; // make sure parameter is read-write if(!this.scope_tree.parameter[q].reference) continue; // make sure the argument was a variable if(this.stack_top.argument_variable[q] === null) continue; // get parameter name let parameter_name = this.scope_tree.parameter[q].name; // get variable's final value let variable_value = this.variable_get({ name: parameter_name, index: [] }); // add to list take_over_list.push({variable: this.stack_top.argument_variable[q], value: variable_value}); } // POP LAYER FROM STACK // this.stack.pop(); // TAKE OVER READ-WRITE PARAMETERS // for(var one_reference of take_over_list){ // set variable's new value this.variable_set(one_reference.variable, one_reference.value); } } /* GETTER: Return top/bottom of stack */ get stack_top(){ return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; } get stack_bottom(){ return this.stack[0]; } /* GETTER: Return name of current scope */ get scope(){ return this.stack_top.scope; } /* GETTER: Return tree of current scope */ get scope_tree(){ // are we in root scope? if(this.scope === null){ // return root scope return this.tree.root; } // make sure this scope exists if(!Object.keys(this.tree.scope).includes(this.scope)){ throw "unknown scope '" + this.scope + "'"; } // return scope return this.tree.scope[this.scope]; } /* GETTER / SETTER: Return current command counter */ get counter(){ return this.stack_top.counter; } set counter(value){ this.stack_top.counter = value; } /* COMMAND HELPER: Validate number of command arguments */ argument_validate_count(count){ // CONVERT SIMPLE FORM TO MIN / MAX // if(Number.isInteger(count)){ count = {min: count, max: count}; } // CHECK // // get actual argument count let actual_count = this.command.argument.length; // maybe compare against list if(Array.isArray(count)){ if(!count.includes(actual_count)){ this.error( + ": invalid argument count (" + count.join(" or ") + " expected)"); } return; } // build range string let range_string; if(count.min === count.max){ range_string = count.min; } else if(count.max === null){ range_string = "at least " + count.min; } else { range_string = count.min + " to " + count.max; } // too few arguments if(actual_count < count.min){ this.error( + ": too few arguments (" + range_string + " expected)"); } // too many arguments if(count.max !== null && actual_count > count.max){ this.error( + ": too many arguments (" + range_string + " expected)"); } } /* COMMAND HELPER: Validate type of one command argument */ argument_validate_type(number, type){ // GET WANTED ARGUMENT'S ACTUAL TYPE // // make sure this argument number exists if(this.command.argument.length < number){ throw "unable to validate type of argument " + number + ", command " +; } // load let actual_type = this.command.argument[(number - 1)].type; // COMPARE AGAINST META TYPES // // value if(type === Juicescript.argument_type.VALUE){ if(![Juicescript.argument_type.VARIABLE, Juicescript.argument_type.LITERAL].includes(actual_type)){ this.error_argument(number, "expected " + + ", but got " +; } return; } // COMPARE AGAINST PARSABLE TYPES // if(actual_type !== type){ this.error_argument(number, "expected " + + ", but got " +; } } /* COMMAND HELPER: Get one command argument with NUMBER */ argument(number){ // GET WANTED ARGUMENT // // fallback for argument not existing if(this.command.argument.length < number){ return {type: Juicescript.argument_type.LITERAL, value: null}; } // get argument object let argument = this.command.argument[(number - 1)]; // RETURN // return argument; } /* COMMAND HELPER: Get raw value of one command argument */ argument_value(number){ // GET WANTED ARGUMENT // let argument = this.argument(number); // RESOLVE VALUE // return this.argument_resolve(argument); } /* COMMAND HELPER: Get absolute variable object of one command argument */ argument_variable(number){ // GET WANTED ARGUMENT // // get by number let argument = this.argument(number); // validate type if(argument.type !== Juicescript.argument_type.VARIABLE){ throw "called `argument_variable()` on non-variable argument"; } // RESOLVE VARIABLE // return this.variable_resolve(argument.variable); } /* HELPER: Resolve the value of a nested argument object */ argument_resolve(argument){ // LITERAL // if(argument.type == Juicescript.argument_type.LITERAL){ // return its value return argument.value; } // VARIABLE // if(argument.type == Juicescript.argument_type.VARIABLE){ // resolve variable let variable = this.variable_resolve(argument.variable); // get this variable's value let value = this.variable_get(variable); // return the value return value; } // THROW ERROR ON EVERYTHING ELSE // throw "unable to extract value of argument " + number + ", command " + + " (unexpected type)"; } /* VARIABLE HELPER: Resolve variable to absolute name and index list */ variable_resolve(relative_variable){ // RESOLVE // // get variable's absolute name let name = this.argument_resolve(; // get variable's absolute index list let index = []; for(var one_index of relative_variable.index){ index.push(this.argument_resolve(one_index)); } // RETURN ABSOLUTE VARIABLE OBJECT // // build object let variable = {name: name, index: index}; // return return variable; } /* VARIABLE HELPER: Get a variable's value */ variable_get(variable){ // FIND VARIABLE IN STACK // // get its scope's full variable list let variable_list; if(this.variable_is_global(variable)){ variable_list = this.stack_bottom.variable; } else { variable_list = this.stack_top.variable; } // try to load value from list let value = null; if(Object.keys(variable_list).includes({ value = variable_list[]; } // APPLY INDEXES // //*/ TODO: apply indexes /**/if(variable.index.length > 0) this.warning("yet to be implemented"); /**/if(value === undefined) value = null; // RETURN VALUE // return value; } /* VARIABLE HELPER: Get a variable's data type */ variable_type(variable){ // LOAD VALUE // let value = this.variable_get(variable); // RETURN TYPE // // get type let type = this.data_type(value); // return return type; } /* VARIABLE HELPER: Set a variable's value */ variable_set(variable, value){ // FIND VARIABLE IN STACK // // get its scope's full variable list let variable_list; if(this.variable_is_global(variable)){ variable_list = this.stack_bottom.variable; } else { variable_list = this.stack_top.variable; } // set value on list //*/ TODO: apply indexes variable_list[] = value; } /* VARIABLE HELPER: Check if variable is global */ variable_is_global(variable){ // CHECK IF IN ROOT SCOPE // if(this.scope === null){ // can't be global in here return false; } // CHECK IF IN LIST OF GLOBAL VARIABLE NAMES // // get list let global_list =; // check return global_list.includes(; } /* GETTER: Check if there was a warning/error so far */ get has_warning(){ return (this.warning_count > 0); } get has_error(){ return (this.error_count > 0); } /* HELPER: Get data type of VALUE */ data_type(value){ // CHECK SPECIAL CASES // // null if(value === null){ return Juicescript.data_type.NULL; } // CONVERT TO ENUM FROM JAVASCRIPT TYPE // // get javascript's type let js_type = typeof value; // try to convert to enum let type = ({ "number": Juicescript.data_type.NUM, "boolean": Juicescript.data_type.BOOL, "string": Juicescript.data_type.STR, })[js_type] ?? null; // lookup error? if(type === null){ throw "unable to convert javascript type '" + js_type + "'"; } // RETURN // return type } /* HELPER: Express VALUE as a string */ stringify(value){ // NULL // if(value === null){ return "null"; } // TRY JAVASCRIPT'S `toString()` // return value.toString(); } /* HELPER: Automagically produce error messages */ warning_argument(number, text){ // construct warning message this.warning( + ", argument " + number + ": " + text); } error_argument(number, text){ // construct error message this.error( + ", argument " + number + ": " + text); } /* HELPER: Automagically keep track of problems and add additional info to stderr */ debug(text, additional){ // add defaults additional ??= {}; additional.line ??= (this.command === undefined ? null : this.command.line); // forward, additional); } info(text, additional){ // add defaults additional ??= {}; additional.line ??= (this.command === undefined ? null : this.command.line); // forward, additional); } warning(text, additional){ // KEEP TRACK OF PROBLEM // this.warning_count++; // PRINT MESSAGE // // add defaults additional ??= {}; additional.line ??= (this.command === undefined ? null : this.command.line); // forward, additional); } error(text, additional){ // KEEP TRACK OF PROBLEM // this.error_count++; // PRINT MESSAGE // // add defaults additional ??= {}; additional.line ??= (this.command === undefined ? null : this.command.line); // forward, additional); } }