class Juicescript { // TOKEN TYPES // static token_type = new Juicescript_helper_enum( // keywords "DEF", "GLOBAL", "END", // literals "IDENTIFIER", "VARIABLE", "FLAG", "STRING", "NUMBER", // language constants "TRUE", "FALSE", "NULL", // operators "NOT", "EQUAL_EQUAL", "NOT_EQUAL", "GREATER", "GREATER_EQUAL", "LESS", "LESS_EQUAL", // brackets "BRACKET_SQUARE_OPEN", "BRACKET_SQUARE_CLOSE", "BRACKET_CURLY_OPEN", "BRACKET_CURLY_CLOSE", // special chars "AMPERSAND", "QUESTION_MARK", // delimiters "DELIMITER", // meta stuff "EOF" ); // ARGUMENT TYPES // static argument_type = new Juicescript_helper_enum( // parsable types "VARIABLE", "LITERAL", "OPERATOR", "IDENTIFIER", // meta types "VALUE" ); // VARIABLE TYPES // static data_type = new Juicescript_helper_enum( // null "NULL", // boolean "BOOL", // simple values "NUM", "STR" ); // COMMAND FUNCTIONS // static command = {}; /* CONSTRUCTOR: Return new juicescript parser with OPTIONS */ constructor(options){ // STORE CALLBACKS // // save if(options.callback !== undefined){ this.callback = options.callback; } // check if all have been set if(!(this.callback.stdout instanceof Function)){ throw "invalid stdout callback"; } if(!(this.callback.stderr instanceof Function)){ throw "invalid stderr callback"; } // GET IO ADAPTER // = new Juicescript_io(this.callback); } /* Parse given PROGRAM-STRING and store syntax tree */ parse(program_string){ // CLEAR OLD PROGRAM TREE // this.program_tree = null; // DO SCANNING // // get lexer let lexer = new Juicescript_lexer(program_string, { io: }); // run lexical analysis let token_list = lexer.scan(); // stop here if unsuccessful if(lexer.error_count > 0) return false; // GET PROGRAM TREE FROM TOKENS // // get parser let parser = new Juicescript_parser(token_list, { io: }); // do parsing let program_tree = parser.parse(); // stop here if unsuccessful if(parser.error_count > 0) return false; // FINISH UP // // store program tree this.program_tree = program_tree; // return success return true; } /* Run previously parsed program */ run(){ // RUN // // get runner let runner = new Juicescript_runner(this.program_tree, { io: }); // run the program; } /* HELPER: Add command with expanded command aliases to command function list */ static command_define(command){ // CHECK IF ALL ATTRIBUTES HAVE BEEN SET // // name if(!Object.keys(command).includes("name")){ throw "command definition missing its name"; } // alias if(!Object.keys(command).includes("alias")){ throw "command definition '" + + "' missing its alias list"; } // validate function if(!(command.validate instanceof Function)){ throw "command definition '" + + "' missing its validate function"; } // execute function if(!(command.execute instanceof Function)){ throw "command definition '" + + "' missing its execute function"; } for(var name_or_alias of command.alias.concat([])){ // MAKE SURE WE'RE NOT RE-DEFINING IT // if(Object.keys(Juicescript.command).includes(name_or_alias)){ // throw error throw "cannot redefine command '" + name_or_alias + "'"; } // ADD // Juicescript.command[name_or_alias] = command; } } }