light refactoring, putting pieces in order

This commit is contained in:
Thel Seraphim 2015-03-13 23:41:38 -07:00
parent 818f985232
commit 2a78ab1eb0

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@ -31,15 +31,15 @@
[subject reflexive]
(render-sentence (wrap-pronoun (s/capitalize subject)) " threw the frisbee to " (wrap-pronoun reflexive) "."))
(defn twitter-name [name]
[:a {:href (str "" name)} (str "@" name)])
(defn contact-block []
[:div {:class "contact"}
[:p "Written by " (twitter-name "morganastra") " and " (twitter-name "thelseraphim") ". "
"Visit the project on " [:a {:href ""} "github!"]]])
(defn examples-block
[subject object possessive-determiner possessive-pronoun reflexive]
[:div {:class "examples"}
[:p [:h1 "Here are some usage examples for my pronouns:"]]
(subject-example subject)
(object-example object)
(posessive-determiner-example subject possessive-determiner)
(possessive-pronoun-example possessive-pronoun)
(reflexive-example subject reflexive)])
(defn about-block []
[:div {:class "about"}
@ -51,18 +51,13 @@
[:p "My name is Thel Seraphim, my " [:a {:href ""} ""] "."]
[:p "My name is Morgan, my " [:a {:href ""} ""] "."]])
(defn contact-block []
(let [twitter-name (fn [handle] [:a {:href (str "" handle)} (str "@" handle)])]
[:div {:class "contact"}
[:p "Written by " (twitter-name "morganastra") " and " (twitter-name "thelseraphim") ". "
"Visit the project on " [:a {:href ""} "github!"]]]))
(defn examples-block
[subject object possessive-determiner possessive-pronoun reflexive]
[:div {:class "examples"}
[:p [:h1 "Here are some usage examples for my pronouns:"]]
(subject-example subject)
(object-example object)
(posessive-determiner-example subject possessive-determiner)
(possessive-pronoun-example possessive-pronoun)
(reflexive-example subject reflexive)])
(defn format-pronoun-examples
[subject object possessive-determiner possessive-pronoun reflexive]