🌐 english translation of steps (fix #115)

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DrMaxNix 2024-07-29 16:53:18 +02:00
parent db7d348260
commit f3f79295c8

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
"steps_note" => [
"de" => "Folgende Anleitung umreißt die für die Personenstandsänderung einer volljährigen geschäftsfähigen Person mit deutscher Staatsangehörigkeit nach SBGG notwendigen Schritte und Überlegungen. Zusatzinformationen für minderjährige bzw. nicht geschäftsfähige Personen und Menschen ohne deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit finden sich weiter unten im <a href=\"#faq\">FAQ</a>.",
"en" => "TODO",
"en" => "Following instructions outline the steps and considerations necessary for changing the civil status of an adult with legal competence and German citizenship in accordance with the SBGG. Additional information for minors or persons without legal competence and people without German citizenship can be found in the <a href=\"#faq\">FAQ</a> below.",
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"step_1_title" => [
"de" => "Informieren",
"en" => "TODO",
"en" => "Inform Yourself",
"step_1_text" => [
"de" => [
@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
"Viele Standesämter, vor allem in großen Städten, haben hierzu bereits Informationen auf ihrer Webseite. Ist dies nicht der Fall, kannst Du dem Standesamt einfach eine kurze E-Mail schreiben oder dort anrufen. Wichtige Fragen, die Du klären solltest, sind unter Anderem:",
"en" => [
"Since there are large differences between registry offices in the exact interpretation of the law, it is advisable to find out more in advance. The decisive factor here is the registry office responsible for you. This is usually the registry office that entered you into the birth register (<i>Birth registry office</i>, <span class=\"inline gray\">further information on responsibility in the <a href=\"#faq\">FAQ</a></span>). If you would like to make your declaration at another registry office, it is advisable to also find out about its requirements.",
"Many registry offices, especially in large cities, already have information about this on their websites. If this is not the case, you can simply write a short email to the registry office or call them. Important questions that you should clarify include:",
"step_1_list" => [
@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
"Muss die Anzahl der gewählten neuen Vornamen gleich der alten Anzahl an Vornamen sein? <span class=\"inline gray\">(Mehr dazu im <a href=\"#faq\">FAQ</a>)</span>",
"en" => [
"How does the registration take place? Can I register by phone? Is there a printable form for the registration?",
"Which documents are necessary for registration and/or declaration? <span class=\"inline gray\">(Many registry offices require a birth certificate, which may have to be applied for in advance)</span>",
"Does the number of new first names chosen have to be equal to the old number of first names? <span class=\"inline gray\">(More on this in the <a href=\"#faq\">FAQ</a>)</span>",
@ -68,11 +68,11 @@
"step_2_date" => [
"de" => "ab 01 Aug 2024",
"en" => "TODO",
"en" => "from 01 Aug 2024",
"step_2_title" => [
"de" => "Anmelden",
"en" => "TODO",
"en" => "Registration",
"step_2_text" => [
"de" => [
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@
"Abhängig vom Standesamt ist die Anmeldung auch telefonisch oder per Fax möglich.",
"en" => [
"In order to change your gender entry and your first names, you must register at least three months in advance. This registration must be done at the same registry office where you would like to have your civil status change made (<i>Declaration</i>).",
"You can either declare this registration in person on site or send it in written form by post to the registry office. Many registry offices already have printable forms for this on their websites. If there is no form, you can also register informally. Here it is important that your registration contains your current legal name, your date and place of birth, your home address and your signature!",
"Depending on the registry office, registration is also possible by telephone or fax.",
@ -93,11 +93,11 @@
"step_3_date" => [
"de" => "ab 01 Nov 2024, 3-6 Monate nach Anmeldung",
"en" => "TODO",
"en" => "from 01 Nov 2024, 3-6 months after registration",
"step_3_title" => [
"de" => "Erklärung Vornehmen",
"en" => "TODO",
"en" => "Declaration",
"step_3_text" => [
"de" => [
@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
"Zuletzt musst Du versichern, dass dein gewählter Geschlechtseintrag deiner Geschlechtsidentität am besten entspricht und, dass dir die Tragweite der durch die Erklärung bewirkten Folgen bewusst ist.",
"en" => [
"Three months after registration, you have another three months to make the actual declaration of change in your civil status on site. If you do not make the declaration within six months of registration, you must register again and wait three months. For example, if you registered on August 1st, you can submit the declaration in November, December or January.",
"You should bring an ID (e.g. <i>Personalausweis</i> (identity card) or passport) with you for the declaration. Many registry offices also require a birth certificate and, if applicable, a marriage or civil partnership certificate. Depending on the registry office, it may be advisable to make an appointment to submit the declaration.",
"Now you have to decide on a new gender entry and new first names. Possible gender specifications are <i>\"weiblich\"</i> (female), <i>\"männlich\"</i> (male), <i>\"divers\"</i> (diverse) or deletion of the entry. Your new first name(s) must match your chosen gender entry. <span class=\"inline gray\">(More on this in the <a href=\"#faq\">FAQ</a>)</span>",
"Finally, you must confirm that your chosen gender entry best corresponds to your gender identity and that you are aware of the consequences of the declaration.",
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
"step_4_title" => [
"de" => "Beantragen neuer Ausweisdokumente und Zeugnisse",
"en" => "TODO",
"en" => "Applying for new Identification Documents and Certificates",
"step_4_text" => [
"de" => [
@ -128,8 +128,8 @@
"Dokumente, die Du mit deinem neuen Namen beantragen solltest, sind unter Anderem:",
"en" => [
"Now that you have a different legal name, you will also need to have your ID cards and other documents reissued. <span class=\"inline gray\">(More about the costs in the <a href=\"#faq\">FAQ</a>)</span>",
"Documents you should apply for with your new name include:",
"step_4_list" => [
@ -139,9 +139,9 @@
"Zeugnisse (z.B. Schulabschluss)",
"en" => [
"<i>Personalausweis</i> (identity card) and passport",
"Driver's license",
"Certificates (e.g. graduation)",
@ -151,14 +151,14 @@
"step_5_title" => [
"de" => "Ändern des Personenstands in nichtamtlichen Registern",
"en" => "TODO",
"en" => "Changing Civil Status in nonofficial Registers",
"step_5_text" => [
"de" => [
"Deine persönlichen Angaben finden sich auch in den Akten vieler nichtamtlicher Organisationen wieder. Diese werden im Normalfall nicht automatisch über deine Personenstandsänderung in Kenntnis gesetzt, sondern sind darauf angewiesen, dass Du sie über die Änderung deines Geschlechtseintrags und deiner Vornamen informierst. Hier einige Beispiele:",
"en" => [
"Your personal information can also be found in the files of many nonofficial organizations. Normally, they will not be informed automatically about your change in civil status, but will rely on you to inform them about the change in your gender entry and your first names. Here are some examples:",
"step_5_list" => [
@ -169,10 +169,10 @@
"Vereine, bei denen Du Mitglied bist",
"en" => [
"Your school, your university and/or your employer",
"Your bank and/or payment service providers",
"Your Insurance",
"Clubs you are a member of",