diff --git a/meta.php b/meta.php index c3ce970..4aca2a5 100644 --- a/meta.php +++ b/meta.php @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Bundestag (Parliament) discusses the results of the committees. Individual members of the Bundestag can request changes. At the end of the third reading, a final vote is taken on the law.", "Compared to the government draft, the recommendation of the family committee contains only small changes; In the event of a change in civil status, children starting at the age of 5 must agree and the parents of minors must confirm that they have been advised. In addition, the transfer of personal information to security authorities has been removed.", "The government parties' speakers (FDP, SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) emphasized the importance of this law for fundamental rights and human dignity. The suffering that the TSG has caused is now being put to an end. This meets broad support from women's policy organizations and churches.", - "From the camps of the parties CDU/CSU, AfD and the group BSW, fears were loud, the law would be a risk for child and youth protection and could be susceptible to abuse. Some of these speakers believe that trans* would be imagination and a 'hype' that would be strengthened by a lobby and trans*-people were only people in disguise and wigs.", + "From the camps of the parties CDU/CSU, AfD and the group BSW, fears were loud, the law would be a risk for child and youth protection and could be susceptible to abuse. Some of these speakers believe that trans* would be imagination and a 'hype' that would be strengthened by a lobby and trans* people were only people in disguise and wigs.", "The group Die Linke welcomes the law, but also warns that this can only be the beginning; Advice options must be improved and regulations for financing health measures should be created.", "The decision recommendation of the family committee was accepted with 372 to 251 votes. The AfD's request to maintain the TSG and even tighten its regulations was rejected by the parliament." ] @@ -324,11 +324,11 @@ "timeline_bundesrat_2_text" => [ "de" => [ "Da es sich beim Selbstbestimmungsgesetz um ein Einspruchsgesetz handelt, bedarf es keiner Zustimmung im Bundesrat. Durch einen Einspruch lässt sich der Gesetzgebungsprozess jedoch verzögern.", - "Hinweis: Zusammenfassung folgt!" + "Die Grünenpolitiker*innen Katharina Fegebank, Dr. Benjamin Limbach und Doreen Denstädt sprachen sich für das Gesetz aus und betonten dessen Wichtigkeit für Trans*-Menschen. Die Forderung, den Vermittlungsausschuss anzurufen, fand keine Mehrheit." ], "en" => [ "As the Self-Determination Act is a Einspruchsgesetz (\"veto law\"), an approval by the Bundesrat (Federal Council) is not required. A veto however would delay the legislative process.", - "Note: English translation of abstract will follow soon!" + "The green politicians Katharina Fegebank, Dr. Benjamin Limbach and Doreen Denstädt spoke out for the law and emphasized its importance for trans* people. The request to call the mediation committee did not obtain a majority." ] ], "timeline_bundesrat_2_button" => [