define([ "title" => [ "de" => "", "en" => "", ], "description" => [ "de" => "Ein übersichtlicher Hub für Student*innen der THI", "en" => "A simple hub for THI students", ], "quicklink_list" => [ "de" => [ [ "color" => "blue", "icon" => "school", "name" => "Moodle", "extra" => "", "url" => "", ],[ "color" => "red", "icon" => "settings", "name" => "Primuss", "extra" => "Für Studierende", "url" => "", ],[ "color" => "green", "icon" => "calendar-time", "name" => "Stundenplan", "extra" => "", "url" => "", ],[ "color" => "yellow", "icon" => "books", "name" => "Bücherei", "extra" => "OPAC", "url" => "", ],[ "color" => "orange", "icon" => "mail", "name" => "Webmail", "extra" => "Outlook", "url" => "", ], ], "en" => [ [ "color" => "blue", "icon" => "school", "name" => "Moodle", "extra" => "", "url" => "", ],[ "color" => "red", "icon" => "settings", "name" => "Primuss", "extra" => "For Students", "url" => "", ],[ "color" => "green", "icon" => "calendar-time", "name" => "Timetable", "extra" => "", "url" => "", ],[ "color" => "yellow", "icon" => "books", "name" => "Library", "extra" => "OPAC", "url" => "", ],[ "color" => "orange", "icon" => "mail", "name" => "Webmail", "extra" => "Outlook", "url" => "", ], ], ], "about_title" => [ "de" => "Über diese Seite", "en" => "About this Page", ], "about_text" => [ "de" => [ "Eine Webseite nur für THI-Links? Im Ernst? – Ja, im Ernst!", "Die Onlineangebote der Technischen Hochschule Ingolstadt sind über eine Vielzahl von Seiten verteilt; Um diese zu erreichen musst Du dich jedes Mal durch komplexe Untermenüs klicken – Das muss nicht sein!", "Auf hast Du alle wichtigen Links für Dein Studium immer griffbereit! Die großen farbigen Buttons mit Icons helfen Dir dabei, den Richtigen Link blitzschnell zu finden; Ohne Untermenüs oder schreckliche Ladezeiten. Ganz einfach.", ], "en" => [ "A website just for THI links? Seriously? – Yes, seriously!", "The online portals of the Ingolstadt Technical University are distributed over a variety of pages; To reach them, you have to click through complex sub menus every time – This should not be necessary!", "On you always have all the important links for your studies at hand! The large colored buttons with icons help you to find the right link at lightning speed; Without sub menus or terrible loading times. Very easy.", ], ], "text_sourcecode" => [ "de" => "Quellcode", "en" => "Source Code", ], "text_imprint" => [ "de" => "Impressum", "en" => "Imprint", ], "link_imprint" => [ "de" => "", "en" => "", ], "text_privacy_policy" => [ "de" => "Datenschutz­erklärung", "en" => "Privacy Policy", ], "link_privacy_policy" => [ "de" => "", "en" => "", ], ]); ?>