2024-03-01 16:57:54 +01:00

137 lines
3.8 KiB

declare(strict_types = 1);
namespace Kimendisch\Thi_Hub;
"title" => [
"de" => "",
"en" => "",
"description" => [
"de" => "Ein übersichtlicher Hub für Student*innen der THI",
"en" => "A simple hub for THI students",
"quicklink_list" => [
"de" => [
"color" => "blue",
"icon" => "school",
"name" => "Moodle",
"extra" => "",
"url" => "",
"color" => "red",
"icon" => "settings",
"name" => "Primuss",
"extra" => "Für Studierende",
"url" => "",
"color" => "green",
"icon" => "calendar-time",
"name" => "Stundenplan",
"extra" => "",
"url" => "",
"color" => "yellow",
"icon" => "books",
"name" => "Bücherei",
"extra" => "OPAC",
"url" => "",
"color" => "orange",
"icon" => "mail",
"name" => "Webmail",
"extra" => "Outlook",
"url" => "",
"en" => [
"color" => "blue",
"icon" => "school",
"name" => "Moodle",
"extra" => "",
"url" => "",
"color" => "red",
"icon" => "settings",
"name" => "Primuss",
"extra" => "For Students",
"url" => "",
"color" => "green",
"icon" => "calendar-time",
"name" => "Timetable",
"extra" => "",
"url" => "",
"color" => "yellow",
"icon" => "books",
"name" => "Library",
"extra" => "OPAC",
"url" => "",
"color" => "orange",
"icon" => "mail",
"name" => "Webmail",
"extra" => "Outlook",
"url" => "",
"about_title" => [
"de" => "Über diese Seite",
"en" => "About this Page",
"about_text" => [
"de" => [
"Eine Webseite nur für THI-Links? Im Ernst? &ndash; Ja, im Ernst!",
"Die Onlineangebote der Technischen Hochschule Ingolstadt sind über eine Vielzahl von Seiten verteilt; Um diese zu erreichen musst Du dich jedes Mal durch komplexe Untermenüs klicken &ndash; Das muss nicht sein!",
"Auf <i></i> hast Du alle wichtigen Links für Dein Studium immer griffbereit! Die großen farbigen Buttons mit Icons helfen Dir dabei, den Richtigen Link blitzschnell zu finden; Ohne Untermenüs oder schreckliche Ladezeiten. Ganz einfach.",
"en" => [
"A website just for THI links? Seriously? &ndash; Yes, seriously!",
"The online portals of the Ingolstadt Technical University are distributed over a variety of pages; To reach them, you have to click through complex sub menus every time &ndash; This should not be necessary!",
"On <i></i> you always have all the important links for your studies at hand! The large colored buttons with icons help you to find the right link at lightning speed; Without sub menus or terrible loading times. Very easy.",
"text_sourcecode" => [
"de" => "Quellcode",
"en" => "Source Code",
"text_imprint" => [
"de" => "Impressum",
"en" => "Imprint",
"link_imprint" => [
"de" => "",
"en" => "",
"text_privacy_policy" => [
"de" => "Datenschutz&shy;erklärung",
"en" => "Privacy Policy",
"link_privacy_policy" => [
"de" => "",
"en" => "",