mirror of https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-Android.git synced 2024-09-19 19:42:17 +02:00

Updated strings from Crowdin

This commit is contained in:
AnkiDroid Translations 2024-08-21 02:06:42 +00:00 committed by Mike Hardy
parent 7fbfcae180
commit 1a0f620078
5 changed files with 131 additions and 148 deletions

View File

@ -89,12 +89,12 @@
<string name="move_all_to_deck">Movi ĉiujn al kartaro</string>
<string name="unbury">Malkaŝi</string>
<string name="rename_deck">Renomi kartaron</string>
<string name="create_shortcut">Krei simbolan ligilon</string>
<string name="create_shortcut">Krei fenestraĵon</string>
<string name="browse_cards">Foliumi kartojn</string>
<string name="edit_deck_description" comment="edit the deck description">Redakti priskribon</string>
<string name="menu_add" comment="A generic add button. Please inform us if you need more specific strings">Aldoni</string>
<string name="menu_add_note">Aldoni noton</string>
<string name="menu_my_account" comment="Label of the window in which the user should enter their account. This text can\'t be found in AnkiDroid directly.">Samtempigo-konton</string>
<string name="menu_my_account" comment="Label of the window in which the user should enter their account. This text can\'t be found in AnkiDroid directly.">Samtempigi konton</string>
<string name="menu_dismiss_note">Kaŝi / forigi</string>
<string name="menu_bury_card">Kaŝi karton por tago</string>
<string name="menu_bury_note">Kaŝi noton por tago</string>
@ -104,15 +104,15 @@
<string name="menu_suspend">Kaŝi daŭre</string>
<string name="menu_delete_note">Forigi noton</string>
<string name="menu_flag">Flagi</string>
<string name="rename_flag">Rename flags</string>
<string name="rename_flag">Renomi flagojn</string>
<string name="menu_flag_card">Flagi karton</string>
<string name="menu_edit_tags">Redakti etikedojn</string>
<string name="delete_note_message">Ĉu vi certe volas forigi tiun ĉi noton kaj ĉiujn ĝiajn kartojn?\n%s</string>
<string name="menu_search">Serĉi en %1$s</string>
<string name="menu_mark_note">Marki noton</string>
<string name="menu_unmark_note">Malmarki noton</string>
<string name="menu_enable_voice_playback">Enable voice playback</string>
<string name="menu_disable_voice_playback">Disable voice playback</string>
<string name="menu_enable_voice_playback">Aktivigi ludadon de voĉo</string>
<string name="menu_disable_voice_playback">Malaktivigi ludadon de voĉo</string>
<string name="new_deck">Krei kartaron</string>
<string name="new_dynamic_deck">Krei filtritan kartaron</string>
<string name="directory_inaccessible">Dosierujo de AnkiDroid estas nealirebla</string>
@ -120,10 +120,10 @@
The user is taken to the "App Info" screen, and needs to click "Permissions" and
grant AnkiDroid the \'Storage\' permission. This needs to be a fairly generic message as implementations
of the permissions/app info screen will differ between devices. -->
<string name="startup_no_storage_permission">Donu al AnkiDroid permeson al konservejo por pluigi</string>
<string name="startup_no_storage_permission">Donu al AnkiDroid la permeson por aliri konservejo por pluigi</string>
<string name="rebuild_filtered_deck">Rekreado de filtrita kartaro&#8230;</string>
<string name="rebuild_cram_label">Rekrei</string>
<string name="empty_cram_label">Forviŝi</string>
<string name="empty_cram_label">Malplenigi</string>
<string name="create_subdeck">Krei subkartaron</string>
<string name="empty_filtered_deck">Malplenigado de filtrita kartaro&#8230;</string>
<string name="custom_study_deck_name">Propra lernado</string>
@ -132,19 +132,19 @@
<string name="empty_deck">Tiu ĉi kartaro estas malplena</string>
<string name="search_for_download_deck" comment="Deck search value for downloading deck">Serĉi kartaron</string>
<string name="invalid_deck_name">Malĝusta nomo por kartaro</string>
<string name="studyoptions_congrats_finished">Congratulations! You have finished for now.</string>
<string name="studyoptions_congrats_next_due_in" comment="The param will be replaced with \'The next card will be ready in X time\'">Deck finished for now! %s</string>
<string name="studyoptions_congrats_finished">Gratulon! Vi finis hodiaŭan lernadon.</string>
<string name="studyoptions_congrats_next_due_in" comment="The param will be replaced with \'The next card will be ready in X time\'">La kartaro estas ripetita! %s</string>
<string name="studyoptions_no_cards_due">Neniu karto por ripeti</string>
<string name="sd_card_not_mounted">Aparata konservejo ne muntita</string>
<string name="button_sync" comment="Text of the sync button">Samtempigi</string>
<string name="button_upgrade" comment="Text of the sync button">Migrate to scoped storage</string>
<string name="button_upgrade" comment="Text of the sync button">Migri al limigit-ampleksa konservejo «scoped storage»</string>
<string name="cancel_sync_confirm" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Ĉu vi volas ĉesigi samtempigadon?</string>
<string name="continue_sync" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Pluigi samtempigadon</string>
<string name="sync_cancelled" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Samtempigado nuligita</string>
<string name="sync_cancel_message" tools:ignore="UnusedResources">Nuligado&#8230;\nTio ĉi povas okupi iom da tempo.</string>
<string name="syncing_media">Syncing media</string>
<string name="syncing_media">Samtempigado de aŭdvidaĵoj</string>
<string name="export_deck">Elporti kartaron</string>
<string name="export_collection">Export collection</string>
<string name="export_collection">Elporti kolekton</string>
<string name="nothing">Nenio</string>
<!-- Card template editor -->
<string name="title_activity_template_editor">Tipo de karto</string>
@ -161,8 +161,8 @@
<item quantity="other">%1$d kartoj estos kreitaj. Ĉu pluigi?</item>
<plurals name="card_template_editor_confirm_delete">
<item quantity="one">Ĉu forigi la tipon de kartoj “%2$s” kaj ĝian %1$d karton?</item>
<item quantity="other">Ĉu vi volas forigi la kartotipon “%2$s” kaj ĝiajn %1$d kartojn?</item>
<item quantity="one">Ĉu forigi la kart-tipon “%2$s” kaj ĝian %1$d karton?</item>
<item quantity="other">Ĉu forigi la kart-tipon “%2$s” kaj ĝiajn %1$d kartojn?</item>
<string name="card_template_editor_save_error">Fiaskis konservi ŝanĝojn al ŝablono de karto: %s</string>
<string name="template_for_current_card_deleted">La speco de karto por la nuna karto estis forigita.</string>
@ -189,66 +189,54 @@
<item quantity="other">%1$d kartoj (0 lernenda)</item>
<!-- Generic errors -->
<string name="error__etc__cannot_write_to_or_create_file">Cannot write to or create file %s</string>
<string name="error__etc__multiple_errors_most_recent" comment="Generic message for an error that has multiple causes, e.g., “Multiple errors, most recent: CPU hit by a cosmic ray particle”.">"Multiple errors, most recent: %s"</string>
<string name="error__etc__multiple_consecutive_errors_without_progress_most_recent" comment="Generic message for an error that has multiple causes that happened in sequence, e.g., “Multiple consecutive errors without progress, most recent: CPU hit by a cosmic ray particle”.">Multiple consecutive errors without progress, most recent: %s</string>
<string name="error__etc__cannot_write_to_or_create_file">Ne povas skribi aĭ krei la dosieron %s</string>
<string name="error__etc__multiple_errors_most_recent" comment="Generic message for an error that has multiple causes, e.g., “Multiple errors, most recent: CPU hit by a cosmic ray particle”.">"Pluraj eraroj, la plej frua: %s"</string>
<string name="error__etc__multiple_consecutive_errors_without_progress_most_recent" comment="Generic message for an error that has multiple causes that happened in sequence, e.g., “Multiple consecutive errors without progress, most recent: CPU hit by a cosmic ray particle”.">Pluraj sinsekvaj eraroj sen progreso, la plej frua: %s</string>
<!-- Scoped storage migration -->
<string name="migration__migrating_database_files" comment="Notification title that is shown when copying essential database files. As this is shown on the same line as the notification message, prefer shorter text.">Migrating database files</string>
<string name="migration__copying" comment="Notification message that is shown when copying essential database files. As this is shown on the same line as the notification title, prefer shorter text.">Copying&#8230;</string>
<string name="migration__migrating_media" comment="Notification title that is shown when migrating media files. As this is shown on the same line as the notification message, prefer shorter text.">Migrating media</string>
<string name="migration__calculating_transfer_size" comment="Notification message that is shown when calculating the total size of media files to move. As this is shown on the same line as the notification title, prefer shorter text.">Calculating transfer size&#8230;</string>
<string name="migration__moved_x_of_y" comment="Notification message that is shown when moving media files. As this is shown on the same line as the notification title, prefer shorter text. The placeholders will be replaced with short localized byte amounts, e.g. Moved 10 kB of 5.2 MB">Moved %1$s of %2$s</string>
<string name="migration_successful_message" comment="A title for a dialog, or a short message shown in a notification, when storage migration succeeds">Migration successful</string>
<string name="migration__succeeded__message" comment="A more detailed message shown when storage migration succeeds"> Your data has been migrated successfully.
AnkiDroid is fully functional again, and you can sync.
\nNote that your collection is now located in a folder that is removed when uninstalling the app.
Please make sure that your data is safe by regularly syncing or exporting backups.
<string name="migration__failed__title" comment="A title for a dialog, or a short message shown in a notification, when storage migration fails">Migration failed</string>
<string name="migration__failed__changes_rolled_back__message" comment="A more detailed message shown when storage migration fails, with the changes rolled back"><![CDATA[ Copying database files failed with the error: %1$s.
The changes were reverted.
Please try re-running the migration.
To resolve the problem, you may need to free up some disk space,
or reconnect the removable storage that holds your collection.
<a href="%2$s">Learn more and get help</a>
<string name="migration__failed__changes_not_rolled_back__message" comment="A more detailed message shown when storage migration fails, with the changes not rolled back"><![CDATA[ Moving media files is paused after having failed with the error: %1$s.
The changes were <i>not</i> reverted.
While no data shouldve been lost,
the media files might be split between the old and the new folder.
Please try re-running the migration.
To resolve the problem, you may need to free up some disk space,
or reconnect the removable storage that holds your collection.
<a href="%2$s">Learn more and get help</a>
<string name="migration__resume_after_failed_dialog__message"><![CDATA[ Storage migration is paused after failing with the error: %1$s.
<a href="%2$s">Learn more and get help</a>
<string name="migration__resume_after_failed_dialog__button_positive">Resume migration</string>
<string name="directory_inaccessible_after_uninstall" comment="Dialog title if AnkiDroid can\'t access the collection once the app is installed">Inaccessible collection</string>
<string name="directory_inaccessible_after_uninstall_summary" comment="the parameter is the path to the AnkiDroid folder. Typically /storage/emulated/0/AnkiDroid">We are unable to access your collection after AnkiDroid is uninstalled due to a change in Play Store Policy\n\nYour data is safe and can be restored. It is located at\n%s\n\nSelect an option below to restore:</string>
<string name="directory_revoked_after_inactivity" comment="the first parameter is WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE the second parameter is the path to the AnkiDroid folder. Typically /storage/emulated/0/AnkiDroid">Android has removed AnkiDroid\'s %1$s permission due to app inactivity.\n\nYour data is safe and can be restored. It is located at\n%2$s\n\nSelect an option below to restore:</string>
<string name="restore_data_from_ankiweb">Restore from AnkiWeb (recommended)</string>
<string name="install_non_play_store_ankidroid_recommended">Restore folder access (recommended)</string>
<string name="install_non_play_store_ankidroid">Restore folder access (advanced)</string>
<string name="restore_data_from_backup">Restore from .colpkg backup (advanced)</string>
<string name="migration__migrating_database_files" comment="Notification title that is shown when copying essential database files. As this is shown on the same line as the notification message, prefer shorter text.">Migrado de datumbazo</string>
<string name="migration__copying" comment="Notification message that is shown when copying essential database files. As this is shown on the same line as the notification title, prefer shorter text.">Kopiado&#8230;</string>
<string name="migration__migrating_media" comment="Notification title that is shown when migrating media files. As this is shown on the same line as the notification message, prefer shorter text.">Migrado de aŭdvidaĵoj</string>
<string name="migration__calculating_transfer_size" comment="Notification message that is shown when calculating the total size of media files to move. As this is shown on the same line as the notification title, prefer shorter text.">Kalkulado de grando&#8230;</string>
<string name="migration__moved_x_of_y" comment="Notification message that is shown when moving media files. As this is shown on the same line as the notification title, prefer shorter text. The placeholders will be replaced with short localized byte amounts, e.g. Moved 10 kB of 5.2 MB">Movis %1$s el %2$s</string>
<string name="migration_successful_message" comment="A title for a dialog, or a short message shown in a notification, when storage migration succeeds">Migrado sukcesis</string>
<string name="migration__succeeded__message" comment="A more detailed message shown when storage migration succeeds">Viaj datumoj estas sukcese migritaj. AnkiDroid denove plene funkcias kaj vi povas aktivigi samtempigon.
Estu konscia, ke via kolekto nun troviĝas en dosierujo, kiu foriĝos dum malinstali la aplikaĵon. Certiĝu pri sekureco de viaj datumoj per ofte samtempigi aŭ per fari sekurkopiojn.</string>
<string name="migration__failed__title" comment="A title for a dialog, or a short message shown in a notification, when storage migration fails">Migrado malsukcesis</string>
<string name="migration__failed__changes_rolled_back__message" comment="A more detailed message shown when storage migration fails, with the changes rolled back"><![CDATA[Kopiado de datumbazo malsukcesis pro la eraro: %1$s
La ŝanĝoj estas malfaritaj.
Provu refari migradon. Por solvi tiun ĉi problemon, provu liberigi iom da spaco aŭ rekonektu la eksteran konservejon, kiu entenas vian kolekton.
<a href="%2$s">Pliaj informoj kaj helpo</a>]]></string>
<string name="migration__failed__changes_not_rolled_back__message" comment="A more detailed message shown when storage migration fails, with the changes not rolled back"><![CDATA[Movado de aŭdvidaĵoj estas haltigita pro la eraro: %1$s
La ŝanĝoj <i>ne estas</i> malfaritaj. Kvankam probable neniuj datumoj perdiĝis, aŭdvidaĵaj dosieroj povas povas esti parte en malnova kaj parte en nova dosierujo.
Provu refari migradon. Por solvi tiun ĉi problemon, provu liberigi iom da spaco aŭ rekonektu la eksteran konservejon, kiu entenas vian kolekton.
<a href="%2$s">Pliaj informoj kaj helpo</a>]]></string>
<string name="migration__resume_after_failed_dialog__message"><![CDATA[Migrado de datumoj estas haltigita pro la eraro: %1$s
<a href="%2$s">Pliaj informoj kaj helpo</a>]]></string>
<string name="migration__resume_after_failed_dialog__button_positive">Pluigi migradon</string>
<string name="directory_inaccessible_after_uninstall" comment="Dialog title if AnkiDroid can\'t access the collection once the app is installed">Kolekto nealirebla</string>
<string name="directory_inaccessible_after_uninstall_summary" comment="the parameter is the path to the AnkiDroid folder. Typically /storage/emulated/0/AnkiDroid">Pro ŝanĝi politikon en la vendejo Play Store, AnkiDroid ne povis aliri vian kolekton post malinstali.\n\nViaj datumoj estas sekuraj kaj povas esti restarigitaj. Ili troviĝas en la dosierujo:\n%s\n\nElektu ion el la suba listo por restarigi viajn datumojn:</string>
<string name="directory_revoked_after_inactivity" comment="the first parameter is WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE the second parameter is the path to the AnkiDroid folder. Typically /storage/emulated/0/AnkiDroid">Android senigis la aplikaĵon AnkiDroid je la permeso %1$s pro longa malaktiveco de aplikaĵo.\n\nViaj datumoj estas sekuraj kaj povas esti restarigitaj. Ili troviĝas en la dosierujo:\n%2$s\n\nElektu ion el la suba listo por restarigi viajn datumojn.</string>
<string name="restore_data_from_ankiweb">restarigi el AnkiWeb (konsilinda)</string>
<string name="install_non_play_store_ankidroid_recommended">Restarigi aliron al dosierujo (konsilinda)</string>
<string name="install_non_play_store_ankidroid">restarigi aliron al dosierujo (altnivela)</string>
<string name="restore_data_from_backup">restarigi el sekurkopio .colpkg (altnivela)</string>
<string name="create_new_collection">Krei novan kolekton</string>
<string name="new_unsafe_collection">The new collection will be deleted from your phone if you uninstall AnkiDroid</string>
<string name="new_unsafe_collection">La nova kolekto estos forigita el via telefono, se vi malinstalos AnkiDroid</string>
<!-- Permissions screen -->
<string name="permissions_screen_headline">AnkiDroid needs some permissions to work</string>
<string name="storage_access_title">Storage access</string>
<string name="storage_access_summary">Saves your collection in a safe place that will not be deleted if the app is uninstalled</string>
<string name="all_files_access_title" comment="Name of the “All files access” permission from Android 10 and after">All files access</string>
<string name="image_occlusion">Image Occlusion</string>
<string name="remove_account" comment="open a website to start the deletion of an AnkiWeb account">Remove account</string>
<string name="permissions_screen_headline">AnkiDroid postulas kelkajn permesojn por funkcii</string>
<string name="storage_access_title">Aliro al konservejo</string>
<string name="storage_access_summary">por konservi vian kolekton en sekura loko, kiu ne estos forviŝita post malinstali la aplikaĵon AnkiDroid</string>
<string name="all_files_access_title" comment="Name of the “All files access” permission from Android 10 and after">Aliro al ĉiuj dosieroj</string>
<string name="image_occlusion">Bildtruo</string>
<string name="remove_account" comment="open a website to start the deletion of an AnkiWeb account">Forigi konton</string>
<!-- Instant Note Editor -->
<string name="instant_card" comment="This does not need to be translated literally, translate the concept of quickly adding a Cloze note with a popup. Used in the Android system context menu/share dialog.">Instant card</string>
<string name="instant_card" comment="This does not need to be translated literally, translate the concept of quickly adding a Cloze note with a popup. Used in the Android system context menu/share dialog.">Tuja karto</string>

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
<string name="CardEditorModel">Tipo:</string>
<string name="CardEditorTags">Etikedoj: %1$s</string>
<string name="CardEditorCards">Kartoj: %1$s</string>
<string name="edit_occlusions">Edit Occlusions</string>
<string name="edit_occlusions">Redakti bildtruojn</string>
<string name="tag_name">Nomo de etikedo</string>
<string name="add_new_filter_tags">Aldoni/filtri etikedojn</string>
<string name="add_tag">Aldoni etikedon</string>
@ -91,8 +91,8 @@
<string name="custom_study_limit_tags">Limigi al specialaj etikedoj</string>
<!-- Card editor -->
<string name="cardeditor_title_edit_card">Redakti noton</string>
<string name="discard">Discard</string>
<string name="note_editor_no_cards_created">Neniu karto kreita. Bonvolu plenigi pliajn kampojn</string>
<string name="discard">Rezigni</string>
<string name="note_editor_no_cards_created">Neniu karto kreita. Plenigu pliajn kampojn</string>
<string name="note_editor_no_cards_created_all_fields">El la nuna nototipo neniu karto kreiĝis.\nElektu alian nototipon aŭ frapetu “kartoj”-n por aldoni anstataŭan kampon</string>
<string name="note_editor_insert_cloze_no_cloze_note_type">Trutekstaj malplenoj nur funkcias kun la nototipo “truteksto”</string>
<string name="saving_facts">Konservado de noto</string>
@ -120,10 +120,10 @@
<string name="card_editor_reset_card">Nuligi progreson</string>
<string name="card_editor_reschedule_card" comment="Action to reschedule a card">Replani</string>
<string name="card_editor_preview_card" comment="Button offering to preview some card(s)">Antaŭrigardi</string>
<string name="copy_as_markdown" comment="Copies text to the clipboard as Markdown">Copy as Markdown</string>
<string name="copy_as_markdown" comment="Copies text to the clipboard as Markdown">Kopii kiel Markdown</string>
<string name="preview_progress_bar_text" comment="What card we are on out of how many in card previewer progress bar">%1$d el %2$d</string>
<string name="rename" comment="Confirm that the renaming action should be processed.">Alinomi</string>
<string name="checks_action">Check</string>
<string name="checks_action">Kontroli</string>
<string name="check_db">Kontroli datumbazon</string>
<string name="check_media">Kontroli aŭdvidaĵojn</string>
<string name="empty_cards">Malplenaj kartoj</string>
@ -132,24 +132,24 @@
<string name="delete_deck">Forigado de kartaro&#8230;</string>
<string name="info_rate">Taksi AnkiDroid</string>
<string name="import_title">Enporti</string>
<string name="import_preparing_file">Preparing file for import&#8230;</string>
<string name="import_preparing_file">Preparado de dosiero por enporti&#8230;</string>
<string name="import_message_add" comment="Adding a new deck to the collection (import)">Aldoni</string>
<string name="import_message_replace_confirm">Tio ĉi forigos vian ekzistan kolekton kaj anstataŭigos ĝin per datumoj de dosiero %s</string>
<string name="import_dialog_message_add">Add “%s” to collection? This may take a long time</string>
<string name="import_dialog_message_add">Ĉu aldoni “%s” al kolekto? Tio ĉi povas okupi multan tempon.</string>
<string name="import_log_no_apkg">Tio ĉi ne estas valida dosiero Anki-pakaĵo</string>
<string name="import_title_error" comment="Title of error dialog">Eraro</string>
<string name="import_error_handle_exception">Failed to import file\n\n%s</string>
<string name="import_error_handle_exception">Malsukcesis enporti la dosieron\n\n%s</string>
<string name="import_error_not_apkg_extension">Dosiernomo \"%s\" ne finiĝas per .apkg aŭ .colpkg</string>
<string name="import_error_load_imported_database">Anstataŭigoj de Anki-datumbazo (.anki2) ankoraŭ ne estas subtenataj. Legu la manlibron por instrukciojn pri anstataŭigo.</string>
<string name="import_error_content_provider">Ne povas aŭtomate enporti elektitan dosieron al AnkiDroid. Bonvolu legi la manlibron de uzanto por sciiĝi pri kiel permane enporti anki-dosierojn:\n%s</string>
<string name="import_error_copy_to_cache">Failed to cache file (possibly out of storage space)</string>
<string name="import_error_copy_to_cache">Malsukcesis kaŝmemori dosieron (probable mankas spaco)</string>
<string name="import_interrupted">Enportado interrompita</string>
<string name="export_preparation_in_progress">Preparing export&#8230;</string>
<string name="export_ready_title">Export ready</string>
<string name="export_preparation_in_progress">Proparado de elportado&#8230;</string>
<string name="export_ready_title">Elporto estas preta</string>
<string name="export_send_no_handlers">Neniu aplikaĵo por pritrakti apkg. Konservado&#8230;</string>
<string name="export_save_apkg_successful">Sukcese savis Anki-pakaĵon</string>
<string name="export_save_apkg_unsuccessful">Savi la Anki-pakaĵon malsukcesis</string>
<string name="export_share_title">Send Anki package using</string>
<string name="export_share_title">Sendi Anki-pakaĵon per</string>
<string name="export_email_subject">AnkiDroid elportis fulmokartojn: %s</string>
<string name="export_email_text"><![CDATA[ Saluton!
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
<string name="export_choice_share">Konigi</string>
<string name="export_choice_save_to">Konservi en</string>
<string name="export_saving_exported_collection">Saving exported file&#8230;</string>
<string name="export_saving_exported_collection">Konservado de elportita dosiero&#8230;</string>
<string name="study_options" comment="Name for a preference category in Filtered deck (aka Cram deck, aka Custom study) options">Agordoj</string>
<string name="menu__deck_options">Agordoj pri kartaro</string>
<string name="menu__study_options" comment="Menu item that opens options for a Filtered deck (aka Cram deck, aka Custom study)">Agordoj pri lernado</string>
@ -183,13 +183,13 @@
<!-- Import and export v2 feedback -->
<string name="activity_start_failed">Mankas instalita aplikaĵo por plenumi tiun ĉi agon.</string>
<string name="multimedia_editor_image_compression_failed"><![CDATA[Bildoj el la fotilo povas esti grandaj. Konsideru densigi bildojn kaj malpliigi iliajn dimensiojn]]></string>
<string name="no_browser_msg">No browser found for opening the link: %s</string>
<string name="no_browser_msg">Neniu retfoliumilo por malfermi la ligilon: %s</string>
<string name="web_page_error">Eraro dum enlegi paĝon: %s</string>
<!-- The name of the deck which corrupt cards will be moved to -->
<!-- Deckpicker Background -->
<string name="background_image_title">Fono</string>
<string name="choose_an_image">Elekti bildon</string>
<string name="remove_background_image">Remove background?</string>
<string name="remove_background_image">Ĉu forigi fonon?</string>
<!-- Card Template Browser Appearance -->
<string name="restore_default">Restarigi implicitajn</string>
<string name="reviewer_tts_cloze_spoken_replacement">Malplena</string>
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
<string name="card_viewer_could_not_find_image">Eraro pri enhavo de karto, fiaskis enlegi “%s”</string>
<!-- Deck Picker -->
<string name="search_decks">Serĉi en kartaroj</string>
<string name="show_migration_progress" comment="Title for a button in deck picker\'s toolbar that shows ongoing migration progress. Usually shown as a tooltip. The button opens a dialog with a more detailed progress information.">Show migration progress</string>
<string name="show_migration_progress" comment="Title for a button in deck picker\'s toolbar that shows ongoing migration progress. Usually shown as a tooltip. The button opens a dialog with a more detailed progress information.">Montri progreson de migrado</string>
<string name="ankidroid_init_failed_webview_title">Neriparebla eraro</string>
<string name="ankidroid_init_failed_webview">AnkiDroid necesas la komponanton System WebView, kiu estas nedisponebla. Tio ĉi povas okazi, kiam la operaciumo instalas ĝisdatigojn. Reprovu post kelkaj minutoj.\n\n%s</string>
<!-- A Menu item to change the Font Size (currently in the Note Editor) -->
@ -233,20 +233,20 @@
<string name="edit_toolbar_item">Redakti elementon de ilarstrio</string>
<string name="toolbar_item_explain_edit_or_remove">Enigu HTML-kodon, kiu estos aldonita antaŭ kaj post la elektita teksto\n\nFrapetadu elementon de ilarstrio por redakti aŭ forigi ĝin</string>
<string name="remove_toolbar_item">Ĉu forigi elementon de ilarstrio?</string>
<string name="note_editor_image_too_large">The image is too large, please insert the image manually</string>
<string name="note_editor_video_too_large">The video file is too large, please insert the video manually</string>
<string name="note_editor_audio_too_large">The audio file is too large, please insert the audio manually</string>
<string name="note_editor_image_too_large">La bildo estas tro granda, enmetu la bildon permane</string>
<string name="note_editor_video_too_large">La filmeto estas tro granda enmetu la filmeton permane</string>
<string name="note_editor_audio_too_large">La sonaĵo estas tro granda, enmetu la sonaĵon permane</string>
<string name="ankidroid_cannot_open_after_backup_try_again" comment="After an Android backup is restored, AnkiDroid opens and shows this message. Opening AnkiDroid again will work correctly"> Restarigado de Android-sekurkopio. Reprovu</string>
<string name="create_shortcut_error_vivo" comment="iManager is an app on Vivo phones">Uzu iManager por permesi al AnkiDroid krei simbolajn ligilojn</string>
<string name="create_shortcut_failed" comment="home screen == launcher">Via hejma ekrano ne permesas al AnkiDroid krei simbolajn ligilojn</string>
<string name="create_shortcut_error">Eraro dum krei simbolan ligilon: %s</string>
<string name="create_shortcut_error_vivo" comment="iManager is an app on Vivo phones">Uzu iManager por permesi al AnkiDroid krei fenestraĵojn</string>
<string name="create_shortcut_failed" comment="home screen == launcher">Via aplikaĵlanĉilo ne permesas al AnkiDroid krei fenestraĵojn</string>
<string name="create_shortcut_error">Eraro dum krei fenestraĵon: %s</string>
<string name="note_editor_capitalize" comment="This is for a switch with a checkbox - on: enabled">Majuskligi frazojn</string>
<string name="menu_scroll_toolbar" comment="Checkbox stating whether note editor toolbar is scrollable or stacked. Checked: Scroll">Rulumi en ilarstrio</string>
<!-- Symbols used as Button text in IncrementNumberRangePreference -->
<string name="plus_sign" comment="Label for increment button in IncrementerNumberRangePreference">+</string>
<string name="minus_sign" comment="Label for decrement button in IncrementerNumberRangePreference">-</string>
<!-- Used for credential empty warning message -->
<string name="invalid_email">Enter a valid email</string>
<string name="invalid_email">Enigu ĝustan retpoŝtan adreson</string>
<string name="password_empty">Pasvorto estas postulata</string>
<string name="back_pressed_once">Frapetu denove por eliri</string>
<string name="back_pressed_once_reviewer">Frapetu denove por reiri</string>
@ -263,14 +263,14 @@
<string name="deck_download_progress_message">Vi povas uzi aliajn aplikaĵojn kiam la dosiero(j) estas elŝutata(j)</string>
<string name="check_network">Kontrolu vian retkonekton</string>
<string name="search_using_deck_name">Serĉi laŭ nomo de kartaro</string>
<string name="external_storage_unavailable">Download aborted, the external storage is not available</string>
<string name="external_storage_unavailable">Elŝutado ĉesigita, la ekstera konservejo estas neailrebla</string>
<string name="home">Hejmo</string>
<!-- Reviewer actions
Each of these strings ends with a period, following the notation of Anki Desktop -->
<string name="card_buried">Karto enfosita.</string>
<plurals name="note_suspended">
<item quantity="one">%d card suspended.</item>
<item quantity="other">%d cards suspended.</item>
<item quantity="one">%d karto enfosita.</item>
<item quantity="other">%d kartoj enfositaj.</item>
<!-- Note Editor Toggle Sticky -->
<string name="note_editor_toggle_sticky">Alpingli la kampon %s</string>
@ -280,70 +280,65 @@
<string name="scoped_storage_postpone">Ne nun</string>
<string name="scoped_storage_migrate">Movi datumojn</string>
<string name="search_card_js_api_no_results">Serĉ-rezulto estas malplena</string>
<string name="migration_update_request_requires_media_sync" commnet="use HTML linebreaks in this string">AnkiDroid needs to migrate its storage to comply with Android 10 security policy.\n\nThis will improve media sync performance.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;During the migration you will be unable to sync and some settings will be disabled. A media sync will occur before the migration starts to keep your data safe.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;It is safe to use or close AnkiDroid during this process.</string>
<string name="start_migration_progress_message">Starting storage migration. You may resume using AnkiDroid shortly.</string>
<string name="migration_part_1_done_resume">You may resume using AnkiDroid.
\nStorage migration will continue in the background.</string>
<string name="migration_update_request_requires_media_sync" commnet="use HTML linebreaks in this string">AnkiDroid devas migri sian konservejon por kongrui kun la sekureca politiko de Android 10.\n\nTio ĉi plirapidigos samtempigadon de aŭdvidaĵoj.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Dum la migrado vi ne povos samtempigi dosierojn kaj kelkaj agordoj estos malaktivaj. Antaŭ la migrado la aplikaĵo samtempigos aŭdvidaĵojn por certigi sekurecon de viaj datumoj.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Dum tiu ĉi procedo estos sekure uzi aŭ fermi AnkiDroid.</string>
<string name="start_migration_progress_message">Ekigado de migri konservvejon. Baldaŭ vi povos pluigi uzi AnkiDroid.</string>
<string name="migration_part_1_done_resume">Vi povas pluigi uzi AnkiDroid.
\nMigrado de konservejo pluos fone.</string>
<!-- JS Addons -->
<string name="not_valid_js_addon_package">%s is not a valid JavaScript addon package</string>
<string name="not_valid_js_addon_package">%s ne estas ĝusta JavaScript-aldonaĵ-pakaĵo</string>
<string name="could_not_create_dir">Ne povis krei dosierujon %s</string>
<string name="malicious_archive_entry_outside">Erara arĥivo: ĝi enhavas elementon ekster la alcela dosierujo: %s</string>
<string name="malicious_archive_exceeds_limit">Erara arĥivo: ĝia grando superas %1$s aŭ ĝi enhavas pli ol %2$d dosieroj</string>
<string name="file_extract_exceeds_storage_space">Elpakigota(j) dosiero(j) superas la disponeblan spacon</string>
<!-- Hierarchical Tags -->
<string name="expand_tag">Expand tag \'%s\'</string>
<string name="expand_tag">Etendi etikedon “%s”</string>
<!-- Manage note types -->
<string name="field_editor_model_not_available">Failed to access collection. Please try again!</string>
<string name="field_editor_model_not_available">Malsukcesis aliri la kolekton. Reprovu!</string>
<string name="cd_manage_notetypes_add">Aldoni novan nototipon</string>
<!-- App Intro -->
<string name="intro_ankidroid_tagline_one">Studu malpli</string>
<string name="intro_ankidroid_tagline_two">Rememoru pli</string>
<string name="intro_short_ankidroid_explanation">Anki\'s card scheduler saves time by strengthening your weakest memories and preserving your strongest</string>
<string name="intro_ankidroid_tagline_one">Lernu malpli</string>
<string name="intro_ankidroid_tagline_two">Memoru pli</string>
<string name="intro_short_ankidroid_explanation">Kart-planilo Anki ŝparas vian tempon per plifortigi viajn plej malfortajn memorojn kaj prizorgi viajn plej fortajn</string>
<string name="intro_get_started" comment="Action to start AnkiDroid for the first time without syncing from AnkiWeb">Komenci</string>
<string name="intro_sync_from_ankiweb">Sync from AnkiWeb</string>
<string name="intro_sync_from_ankiweb">Samtempigi kun AnkiWeb</string>
<!-- IntentHandler -->
<string name="app_not_initialized_new">AnkiDroid is not initialized yet. Please open AnkiDroid and try again</string>
<string name="already_logged_in">Already logged in</string>
<string name="app_not_initialized_new">AnkiDroid ankoraŭ ne estas preta. Remalfermu AnkiDroid kaj reprovu</string>
<string name="already_logged_in">Jam ensalutinta</string>
<!-- Deck Creation -->
<string name="deck_created">Kartaro kreita</string>
<string name="deck_renamed">Kartaro renomigita</string>
<!-- Deck Deletion -->
<string name="deck_shortcut_doesnt_exist">Kartaron foriris. Bonvolu, foriri la simbola ligilo</string>
<string name="deck_shortcut_doesnt_exist">Kartaro estas forigita. Forigu tiun ĉi fenestraĵon</string>
<!-- Browser Options Dialog -->
<string name="show_cards" comment="Label for toggle cards button in BrowserOptionsDialog">Kartoj</string>
<string name="show_notes" comment="Label for toggle notes button in BrowserOptionsDialog">Notoj</string>
<string name="toggle_cards_notes">Baskuli Cartojn/Notojn</string>
<string name="toggle_browser_mode_help">Toggle Showing cards or notes in the browser</string>
<string name="truncate_content_help">Truncate the height of each row of the Browser to show only first 3 lines of content</string>
<string name="browser_options_dialog_heading">Browser Options</string>
<string name="functionality_disabled_during_storage_migration" comment="Displayed when trying to access functionality which cannot be run while storage is being moved to a new location"> This functionality is unavailable during a storage migration
<string name="storage_migration_sync_notification" comment="Appears on a notification after the user has opted into a storage migration and provided consent to sync and AnkiDroid was minimised when the sync completed">Tap to start storage migration</string>
<string name="media_sync_required_title">Media Sync Required</string>
<string name="media_sync_unavailable_message">Media sync is disabled in the settings. Please sync and backup any media which hasn\'t been synced before continuing</string>
<string name="audio_saved">Recording saved</string>
<string name="deleting_selected_notes">Deleting selected notes</string>
<string name="tts_voices_default_text" comment="The default text to speak when selecting Text to speech voices"> Tap a voice to listen
<string name="tts_voices_selected_voice_should_be_installed" comment="If a voice has been tapped, is installable but not installed, we want to inform the user that they should install it for the best experience There will also be an option to use it without downloading">Voice should be installed before use
<string name="tts_voices_use_selected_voice_without_install" comment="A user has been informed that a voice should be installed before use. This is text on a snackbar button which allows them to use the voice without installing it">Use anyway
<string name="tts_voices_playback_error_new" comment="an error occurred when playing a text to speech voice. The parameter is a technical error code such as \'ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED_YET\' or \'ERROR_NETWORK_TIMEOUT\'">Text to speech error (%s)</string>
<string name="toggle_cards_notes">Baskuli kartojn/notojn</string>
<string name="toggle_browser_mode_help">Baskuli montri kartojn aŭ notojn en foliumilo</string>
<string name="truncate_content_help">Senpintigi alton de ĉiu vico de la foliumilo por montri nur 3 unuajn liniojn de enhavo</string>
<string name="browser_options_dialog_heading">Agordoj pri foliumilo</string>
<string name="functionality_disabled_during_storage_migration" comment="Displayed when trying to access functionality which cannot be run while storage is being moved to a new location">Tiu ĉi eblo estas nedisponebla dum migrado de konservejo.</string>
<string name="storage_migration_sync_notification" comment="Appears on a notification after the user has opted into a storage migration and provided consent to sync and AnkiDroid was minimised when the sync completed">Frapetu por ekigi migri konservejon</string>
<string name="media_sync_required_title">Necesas migri aŭdvidaĵojn</string>
<string name="media_sync_unavailable_message">Samtempigo de aŭdvidaĵoj estas malaktiva en agordoj. Antaŭ pluigi, plenumu samtempigon kaj sekurkopiu ĉiujn nesamtempigitajn aŭdvidaĵojn</string>
<string name="audio_saved">Sonaĵo konservita</string>
<string name="deleting_selected_notes">Forigado de elektitaj notoj</string>
<string name="tts_voices_default_text" comment="The default text to speak when selecting Text to speech voices">Frapetu voĉon por aŭskulti</string>
<string name="tts_voices_selected_voice_should_be_installed" comment="If a voice has been tapped, is installable but not installed, we want to inform the user that they should install it for the best experience There will also be an option to use it without downloading">Voĉo devas esti instalita antaŭ uzi ĝin</string>
<string name="tts_voices_use_selected_voice_without_install" comment="A user has been informed that a voice should be installed before use. This is text on a snackbar button which allows them to use the voice without installing it">Uzi malgraŭ tio</string>
<string name="tts_voices_playback_error_new" comment="an error occurred when playing a text to speech voice. The parameter is a technical error code such as \'ERROR_NOT_INSTALLED_YET\' or \'ERROR_NETWORK_TIMEOUT\'">Eraro pri parolsintezilo (%s)</string>
<!-- Chips should probably be in a separate file, due to the additional length req -->
<string name="tts_voices_chip_filter_to_internet" comment=" Filters a list of text to speech voices, to enable/disable voices which require the internet to function. This is on a chip control, so keep the text short, ideally one word">Interreto</string>
<string name="tts_voices_chip_filter_to_installable_audio" comment=" Displays a list of Text to Speech voices which should be downloaded/installed before use This is on a chip control, so keep the text short, ideally one word">Elŝuti</string>
<string name="tts_voices_failed_opening_tts_system_settings" comment="error message if opening the system text to speech settings fails"> Failed to open text to speech settings
<string name="shared_decks_login_required">Please log in to download more decks</string>
<string name="tts_voices_chip_filter_to_internet" comment=" Filters a list of text to speech voices, to enable/disable voices which require the internet to function. This is on a chip control, so keep the text short, ideally one word">Enretaj</string>
<string name="tts_voices_chip_filter_to_installable_audio" comment=" Displays a list of Text to Speech voices which should be downloaded/installed before use This is on a chip control, so keep the text short, ideally one word">Instaleblaj</string>
<string name="tts_voices_failed_opening_tts_system_settings" comment="error message if opening the system text to speech settings fails">Malsukcesis malfermi agordojn pri parolsintezo</string>
<string name="shared_decks_login_required">Ensalutu por elŝuti pliajn kartarojn</string>
<string name="deck_description_field_hint">Priskribo</string>
<string name="failed_to_copy">Failed to copy</string>
<string name="card_browser_unavailable_when_notes_mode">Unavailable in Notes mode</string>
<string name="failed_to_copy">Malsukcesis kopii</string>
<string name="card_browser_unavailable_when_notes_mode">Nedisponebla en reĝimo “notoj”</string>
<plurals name="unbury_cards_feedback">
<item quantity="one">%d card unburied</item>
<item quantity="other">%d cards unburied</item>
<item quantity="one">%d karto malkaŝita.</item>
<item quantity="other">%d kartoj malkaŝitaj.</item>
<string name="card_template_reposition_template" comment="move a card template to a new position">Reposition</string>
<string name="card_template_reposition_template" comment="move a card template to a new position">Repozicii</string>
<string name="start_recording">Registri</string>
<string name="stop_recording">Haltigi</string>
<string name="play_recording">Ludi</string>

View File

@ -233,9 +233,9 @@
<string name="edit_toolbar_item">Editar item</string>
<string name="toolbar_item_explain_edit_or_remove">Insira o código HTML que deve ser inserido antes e depois do texto selecionado\n\nMantenha o item pressionado para editá-lo ou removê-lo</string>
<string name="remove_toolbar_item">Remover Item da Barra de Funções?</string>
<string name="note_editor_image_too_large">The image is too large, please insert the image manually</string>
<string name="note_editor_video_too_large">The video file is too large, please insert the video manually</string>
<string name="note_editor_audio_too_large">The audio file is too large, please insert the audio manually</string>
<string name="note_editor_image_too_large">A imagem é muito grande, por favor insira a imagem manualmente</string>
<string name="note_editor_video_too_large">O arquivo de vídeo é muito grande, por favor insira o vídeo manualmente</string>
<string name="note_editor_audio_too_large">O arquivo de áudio é muito grande, por favor insira o áudio manualmente</string>
<string name="ankidroid_cannot_open_after_backup_try_again" comment="After an Android backup is restored, AnkiDroid opens and shows this message. Opening AnkiDroid again will work correctly"> Backup do Android em andamento. Por favor, tente novamente</string>
<string name="create_shortcut_error_vivo" comment="iManager is an app on Vivo phones">Por favor use o iManager para que AnkiDroid possa adicionar atalhos</string>
<string name="create_shortcut_failed" comment="home screen == launcher">Sua tela de início não permite que AnkiDroid adicione atalhos</string>

View File

@ -346,6 +346,6 @@
<string name="play_recording">播放</string>
<string name="next_recording">下一个录音</string>
<!-- AlertDialog in the deleteCardTemplate -->
<string name="orphan_note_title">Cannot Delete Card Type</string>
<string name="orphan_note_message">Deleting this card type will leave some notes without any cards.</string>
<string name="orphan_note_title">无法删除卡片类型</string>
<string name="orphan_note_message">删除此卡片类型将留使一些附注没有任何卡片。</string>

View File

@ -252,9 +252,9 @@
<string name="open">打开</string>
<string name="change_cloze_number">更改填充测验题数</string>
<string name="cloze_number">填充测验题数:</string>
<string name="change_editor_mode">Change editor mode</string>
<string name="open_note_editor">Open note editor</string>
<string name="change_cloze_mode">Change cloze mode</string>
<string name="change_editor_mode">更改编辑器模式</string>
<string name="open_note_editor">打开笔记编辑器</string>
<string name="change_cloze_mode">更改填充测验模式</string>
<!-- Outdated WebView dialog -->
<string name="webview_update_message">系统 WebView 已过时。有些功能将无法正常工作。请更新它。\n\n已安装版本 %1$d\n所需最低版本 %2$d</string>