mirror of https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-Android.git synced 2024-09-19 19:42:17 +02:00

Updated strings from Crowdin

This commit is contained in:
AnkiDroid Translations 2023-06-18 06:23:19 +00:00 committed by lukstbit
parent 1711e56c2b
commit ff2646fa3a
17 changed files with 156 additions and 159 deletions

View File

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
<string name="undo">Desfés</string>
<string name="undo_action_review">revisió final</string>
<string name="undo_action_change_deck_multi">canvia de paquet</string>
<string name="undo_action_whiteboard_last_stroke" comment="One of the display patterns of \'Undo\' item on the action menu in Reviewer. It is shown as the title of the item when the whiteboard (handwriting) feature is enabled and visible and has any strokes (handwritten lines)">Undo stroke</string>
<string name="undo_action_whiteboard_last_stroke" comment="One of the display patterns of \'Undo\' item on the action menu in Reviewer. It is shown as the title of the item when the whiteboard (handwriting) feature is enabled and visible and has any strokes (handwritten lines)">Desfés el traç</string>
<string name="move_all_to_deck">Mou tot al paquet</string>
<string name="unbury">Desenterra</string>
<string name="rename_deck">Canvia el nom del paquet</string>
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
grant AnkiDroid the \'Storage\' permission. This needs to be a fairly generic message as implementations
of the permissions/app info screen will differ between devices. -->
<string name="startup_no_storage_permission">Dóna-li a AnkiDroid el permís \'Storage\' per a continuar si us plau</string>
<string name="startup_all_files_access_permission">Please grant AnkiDroid the All files access permission to continue</string>
<string name="startup_all_files_access_permission">Cal que doneu el permís \'emmagatzematge\' per a continuar.</string>
The time_quantities are units of time. They are used without
plurals or dots.
@ -241,39 +241,36 @@
<string name="copy_note_type_name" comment="The new name of a copied note type">%s còpies</string>
<!-- Generic errors -->
<string name="error__etc__cannot_write_to_or_create_file">Cannot write to or create file %s</string>
<string name="error__etc__multiple_errors_most_recent" comment="Generic message for an error that has multiple causes, e.g., “Multiple errors, most recent: CPU hit by a cosmic ray particle”.">"Multiple errors, most recent: %s"</string>
<string name="error__etc__multiple_consecutive_errors_without_progress_most_recent" comment="Generic message for an error that has multiple causes that happened in sequence, e.g., “Multiple consecutive errors without progress, most recent: CPU hit by a cosmic ray particle”.">Multiple consecutive errors without progress, most recent: %s</string>
<string name="error__etc__cannot_write_to_or_create_file">No es pot escriure el fitxer %s</string>
<string name="error__etc__multiple_errors_most_recent" comment="Generic message for an error that has multiple causes, e.g., “Multiple errors, most recent: CPU hit by a cosmic ray particle”.">"Hi ha diversos errors, el més recent és: %s"</string>
<string name="error__etc__multiple_consecutive_errors_without_progress_most_recent" comment="Generic message for an error that has multiple causes that happened in sequence, e.g., “Multiple consecutive errors without progress, most recent: CPU hit by a cosmic ray particle”.">Múltiples errors consecutius sense progrés, el més recent: %s</string>
<!-- Scoped storage migration -->
<string name="migration__migrating_data">Migrating data</string>
<string name="migration__calculating_transfer_size">Calculating transfer size&#8230;</string>
<string name="migration__transferred_x_of_y" comment="The placeholders will be replaced with short localized byte amounts, e.g. Transferred 10 kB of 5.2 MB">Transferred %1$s of %2$s</string>
<string name="migration_successful_message" comment="A title for a dialog, or a short message shown in a notification, when storage migration succeeds">Migration successful</string>
<string name="migration__succeeded__message" comment="A more detailed message shown when storage migration succeeds"> Your data has been migrated successfully.
AnkiDroid is fully functional again, and you can sync.
\nNote that your collection is now located in a folder that is removed when uninstalling the app.
Please make sure that your data is safe by regularly syncing or exporting backups.
<string name="migration__failed__title" comment="A title for a dialog, or a short message shown in a notification, when storage migration fails">Migration failed</string>
<string name="migration__failed__message" comment="A more detailed message shown when storage migration fails"><![CDATA[ Storage migration is paused after failing with the error: %1$s.
Please try re-running the migration.
To resolve the problem, you may need to free up some disk space, or-reconnect the missing media.
<a href="%2$s">Learn more and get help</a>
<string name="migration__resume_after_failed_dialog__message"><![CDATA[ Storage migration is paused after failing with the error: %1$s.
<a href="%2$s">Learn more and get help</a>
<string name="migration__resume_after_failed_dialog__button_positive">Resume migration</string>
<string name="directory_inaccessible_after_uninstall" comment="Dialog title if AnkiDroid can\'t access the collection once the app is installed">Inaccessible collection</string>
<string name="directory_inaccessible_after_uninstall_summary" comment="the parameter is the path to the AnkiDroid folder. Typically /storage/emulated/0/AnkiDroid">We are unable to access your collection after AnkiDroid is uninstalled due to a change in Play Store Policy\n\nYour data is safe and can be restored. It is located at\n%s\n\nSelect an option below to restore:</string>
<string name="restore_data_from_ankiweb">Restore from AnkiWeb (recommended)</string>
<string name="install_non_play_store_ankidroid_recommended">Restore folder access (recommended)</string>
<string name="install_non_play_store_ankidroid">Restore folder access (advanced)</string>
<string name="restore_data_from_backup">Restore from .colpkg backup (advanced)</string>
<string name="create_new_collection">Create a new collection</string>
<string name="new_unsafe_collection">The new collection will be deleted from your phone if you uninstall AnkiDroid</string>
<string name="migration__migrating_data">Migració de dades</string>
<string name="migration__calculating_transfer_size">Calculant la mida de la transferència...</string>
<string name="migration__transferred_x_of_y" comment="The placeholders will be replaced with short localized byte amounts, e.g. Transferred 10 kB of 5.2 MB">S\'ha transferit %1$s de %2$s</string>
<string name="migration_successful_message" comment="A title for a dialog, or a short message shown in a notification, when storage migration succeeds">La migració ha tingut èxit.</string>
<string name="migration__succeeded__message" comment="A more detailed message shown when storage migration succeeds"> Les vostres dades s\'han migrat correctament.
AnkiDroid torna a ser completament funcional i es pot sincronitzar.
\nTingueu en compte que la vostra col·lecció ara es troba en una carpeta que s\'elimina en desinstal·lar l\'aplicació.
Assegureu-vos que les vostres dades estiguin segures sincronitzant o exportant còpies de seguretat regularment.</string>
<string name="migration__failed__title" comment="A title for a dialog, or a short message shown in a notification, when storage migration fails">Ha fallat la migració</string>
<string name="migration__failed__message" comment="A more detailed message shown when storage migration fails"><![CDATA[ La migració de l\'emmagatzematge s\'ha aturat després d\'haver trobat l\'error: %1$s.
Si us plau, proveu de tornar a executar la migració.
Per resoldre el problema, és possible que hàgiu d\'alliberar una mica d\'espai al disc o tornar a connectar els mitjans que falten.
<a href="%2$s">Obteniu més informació i obteniu ajuda</a>]]></string>
<string name="migration__resume_after_failed_dialog__message"><![CDATA[ La migració de l\'emmagatzematge s\'ha aturat després d\'haver trobat l\'error: %1$s.
<a href="%2$s">Obteniu més informació i obteniu ajuda</a>]]></string>
<string name="migration__resume_after_failed_dialog__button_positive">Continua la migració</string>
<string name="directory_inaccessible_after_uninstall" comment="Dialog title if AnkiDroid can\'t access the collection once the app is installed">No es pot accedir a la col·lecció</string>
<string name="directory_inaccessible_after_uninstall_summary" comment="the parameter is the path to the AnkiDroid folder. Typically /storage/emulated/0/AnkiDroid">No ha estat accedir a la vostre col·lecció després de desinstal·lar AnkiDroid a causa d\'un canvi a la política de Play Store\n\nLes vostres dades estan segures i es poden restaurar. Es troben a\n%s\n\nSeleccioneu una opció per restaurar:</string>
<string name="restore_data_from_ankiweb">Restaura des d\'AnkiWeb (recomanat)</string>
<string name="install_non_play_store_ankidroid_recommended">Restaura l\'accés a la carpeta (recomanat)</string>
<string name="install_non_play_store_ankidroid">Restaura l\'accés a la carpeta (avançat)</string>
<string name="restore_data_from_backup">Restaura des de la còpia de seguretat .colpkg (avançat)</string>
<string name="create_new_collection">Nova col·lecció</string>
<string name="new_unsafe_collection">La nova col·lecció s\'eliminarà del vostre telèfon si desinstal·leu AnkiDroid</string>

View File

@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
<string name="updated_version">Actualitzeu a la versió %s</string>
<!-- Reviewer.kt -->
<string name="save_whiteboard">Desar pissarra</string>
<string name="enable_stylus">Enable stylus mode</string>
<string name="disable_stylus">Disable stylus mode</string>
<string name="enable_stylus">Activa el mode de llapis</string>
<string name="disable_stylus">Desactiva el mode de llapis</string>
<string name="enable_whiteboard">Activar pissarra</string>
<string name="disable_whiteboard">Desactiva la pissarra</string>
<string name="show_whiteboard">Mostra la pissarra</string>
@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
<string name="reviewer_invalid_api_version_visit_documentation">Veure</string>
<string name="anki_js_error_code">(Codi d\'error: %d)</string>
<!-- About AnkiDroid screen -->
<string name="about_ankidroid_successfully_copied_debug_info">Copied to clipboard</string>
<string name="about_ankidroid_successfully_copied_debug_info">S\'ha copiat al porta-retalls</string>
<string name="about_ankidroid_error_copy_debug_info">Error copiant al porta-retalls informació de depuració</string>
<!-- Card Viewer -->
<string name="card_viewer_could_not_find_image">Error de contingut de la carta: Error al carregar \'%s\'</string>
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
<!-- Deck Picker -->
<string name="deck_picker_failed_deck_load">Error al carregar paquet \'%s\'</string>
<string name="search_decks">Cerca de paquets</string>
<string name="show_migration_progress" comment="Title for a button in deck picker\'s toolbar that shows ongoing migration progress. Usually shown as a tooltip. The button opens a dialog with a more detailed progress information.">Show migration progress</string>
<string name="show_migration_progress" comment="Title for a button in deck picker\'s toolbar that shows ongoing migration progress. Usually shown as a tooltip. The button opens a dialog with a more detailed progress information.">Mostra el progrés de la migració</string>
<string name="ankidroid_init_failed_webview_title">Error fatal</string>
<string name="ankidroid_init_failed_webview">AnkiDroid confia en el sistema WebView que no està disponible. Això pot passar si el sistema instal·la actualitzacions. Torneu-ho a provar d\'aquí a uns quants minuts.\n\n%s</string>
<!-- A Menu item to change the Font Size (currently in the Note Editor) -->
@ -368,9 +368,9 @@
<string name="home">Inici</string>
<!-- Reviewer actions
Each of these strings ends with a period, following the notation of Anki Desktop -->
<string name="card_buried">Card buried.</string>
<string name="card_buried">S\'ha enterrat la targeta.</string>
<plurals name="note_suspended">
<item quantity="one">%d card suspended.</item>
<item quantity="one">%d fitxa suspesa</item>
<item quantity="other">%d cards suspended.</item>
<!-- Note Editor Toggle Sticky -->
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
<string name="deck_created">S\'ha generat un paquet</string>
<string name="deck_renamed">S\'ha canviat el nom del paquet</string>
<!-- Deck Deletion -->
<string name="deck_shortcut_doesnt_exist">Deck deleted. Please remove the shortcut</string>
<string name="deck_shortcut_doesnt_exist">S\'ha suprimit el paquet. Si us plau, elimineu la drecera</string>
<!-- Browser Options Dialog -->
<string name="show_cards" comment="Label for toggle cards button in BrowserOptionsDialog">Targetes</string>
<string name="show_notes" comment="Label for toggle notes button in BrowserOptionsDialog">Notes</string>
@ -415,10 +415,10 @@
<string name="toggle_browser_mode_help">Alterna entre mostrar targetes i notes al navegador</string>
<string name="truncate_content_help">Trunca l\'alçada de cada fila del navegador per mostrar només les 3 primeres línies de contingut</string>
<string name="browser_options_dialog_heading">Opcions del navegador</string>
<string name="functionality_disabled_during_storage_migration" comment="Displayed when trying to access functionality which cannot be run while storage is being moved to a new location"> This functionality is unavailable during a storage migration
<string name="functionality_disabled_during_storage_migration" comment="Displayed when trying to access functionality which cannot be run while storage is being moved to a new location"> Aquesta funcionalitat no està disponible durant una migració d\'emmagatzematge
<string name="storage_migration_sync_notification" comment="Appears on a notification after the user has opted into a storage migration and provided consent to sync and AnkiDroid was minimised when the sync completed">Tap to start storage migration</string>
<string name="media_sync_required_title">Media Sync Required</string>
<string name="media_sync_unavailable_message">Media sync is disabled in the settings. Please sync and backup any media which hasn\'t been synced before continuing</string>
<string name="remember_sync_metered_checkbox_msg">Don\'t ask again (this warning can be re-enabled from Sync Settings)</string>
<string name="storage_migration_sync_notification" comment="Appears on a notification after the user has opted into a storage migration and provided consent to sync and AnkiDroid was minimised when the sync completed">Toqueu per iniciar la migració d\'emmagatzematge</string>
<string name="media_sync_required_title">Cal sincronitzar els mitjans</string>
<string name="media_sync_unavailable_message">La sincronització multimèdia està desactivada als paràmetres. Si us plau, abans de continuar, sincronitzeu i feu una còpia de seguretat de qualsevol mitjà que no s\'hagi sincronitzat</string>
<string name="remember_sync_metered_checkbox_msg">No ho tornis a preguntar (aquest avís es pot tornar a activar des dels paràmetres de la sincronització)</string>

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
<string name="answering_error_title">Error de la base de dades</string>
<string name="answering_error_message">No s\'ha pogut escriure a la col·lecció. La base de dades podria estar malmesa o potser no hi ha prou espai buit al disc. \n\nSi això passa més sovint, proveu de comprovar la base de dades, reparar la col·lecció o restaurar-la des d\'una còpia de seguretat. Toqueu \"opcions\" per fer-ho.\n\nTambé podria ser un error d\'AnkiDroid; Informeu de lerror perquè puguem comprovar-ho.</string>
<string name="answering_error_report">Informa dels errors</string>
<string name="storage_full_message">There is not enough free storage space to open AnkiDroid. Free up some space to continue. </string>
<string name="storage_full_message">No hi ha prou espai d\'emmagatzematge lliure per obrir AnkiDroid. Allibereu una mica d\'espai per continuar. </string>
<string name="repair_deck_dialog">Realment voleu intentar reparar la base de dades? \n\nAbans de començar, es desarà una còpia a la carpeta \'%s\'.</string>
<string name="intent_aedict_empty">La categoria \'per omissió\' és buida</string>
<string name="intent_aedict_category">Per afegir fitxes d\'AnkiDroid treieu totes les categories del bloc de notes o afegiu-ne una anomenada \'per omissió\'</string>
@ -259,13 +259,13 @@
<!-- Deck selection dialog -->
<string name="cannot_create_subdeck_for_all_decks">No podeu generar un subgrup per tots els paquets</string>
<!-- scoped storage -->
<string name="backup_your_collection">Backup your collection</string>
<string name="backup_collection_message">You haven\'t backed up your collection in a while. You should do this now to prevent data loss</string>
<string name="button_backup">Backup</string>
<string name="button_disable_reminder">Disable reminder</string>
<string name="button_backup_later" comment="dismiss the \'Backup\' dialog for around 2 weeks">Later</string>
<string name="button_do_not_show_again" comment="permanently dismisses a dialog">Don\'t show again</string>
<string name="dismiss_backup_warning_title">Data loss warning</string>
<string name="backup_your_collection">Còpia de seguretat de la vostra col·lecció</string>
<string name="backup_collection_message">Fa temps que no feu una còpia de seguretat de la col·lecció. Hauríeu de fer-ho ara per evitar la pèrdua de dades</string>
<string name="button_backup">Còpia de seguretat</string>
<string name="button_disable_reminder">Desactiva el recordatori</string>
<string name="button_backup_later" comment="dismiss the \'Backup\' dialog for around 2 weeks">Més endavant</string>
<string name="button_do_not_show_again" comment="permanently dismisses a dialog">No ho mostris més</string>
<string name="dismiss_backup_warning_title">Avís de pèrdua de dades</string>
<string name="dismiss_backup_warning_new_user"> Due to Android privacy changes, your data and automated backups will be deleted from your phone if the app is uninstalled
<string name="dismiss_backup_warning_upgrade"> Due to Android privacy changes, your data and automated backups will be inaccessible if the app is uninstalled

View File

@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
<string name="gestures_corner_touch_summary">Permet gestos tàctils a les cantonades de la pantalla</string>
<string name="gestures_full_screen_nav_drawer" maxLength="41">Carpeta de navegació a pantalla completa</string>
<string name="gestures_fullscreen_nav_drawer_summary">Obriu la carpeta de navegació quan llisqueu a la dreta des de qualsevol lloc de la pantalla</string>
<string name="gestures_none" maxLength="41">None</string>
<string name="gestures_none" maxLength="41">Cap</string>
<string name="gestures_swipe_up" maxLength="41">Passeu el dit cap amunt</string>
<string name="gestures_swipe_down" maxLength="41">Passeu el dit cap a sota</string>
<string name="gestures_swipe_left" maxLength="41">Passseu el dit cap a l\'esquerra</string>
@ -129,9 +129,9 @@
<string name="sync_account_summ_logged_out">No heu iniciat sessió</string>
<string name="automatic_sync_choice" maxLength="41">Sincronització automàtica</string>
<string name="automatic_sync_choice_summ">Sincronitza automàticament en l\'app al Inici/sortir si el sync anterior va ser fa més de 10 minuts.</string>
<string name="sync_media_always" comment="Option to always fetch media when syncing">Always</string>
<string name="sync_media_always" comment="Option to always fetch media when syncing">Sempre</string>
<string name="sync_media_only_unmetered">Only on unmetered connections</string>
<string name="sync_media_never">Never</string>
<string name="sync_media_never">Mai</string>
<string name="sync_status_badge" maxLength="41">Mostra l\'estat de sincronització</string>
<string name="sync_status_badge_summ">Canvia la icona de sincronització quan es puguin pujar canvis</string>
<string name="metered_sync_title" maxLength="41">Permet la sincronització a les connexions mesurades</string>
@ -200,8 +200,8 @@
<string name="custom_buttons_setting_if_room">Mostrar si hi ha espai</string>
<string name="custom_buttons_setting_menu_only">Només el menú</string>
<string name="reset_custom_buttons" maxLength="41">Restableix als valors per defecte</string>
<string name="reset_settings_to_default">Reset settings to default</string>
<string name="reset">Reset</string>
<string name="reset_settings_to_default">Restableix la configuració per omissió</string>
<string name="reset">Reinicia</string>
<string name="thirdparty_apps_title" maxLength="41">Aplicacions de terceres parts</string>
<string name="thirdparty_apps_summary">Consulteu una llista d\'aplicacions que fan ús de l\'API AnkiDroid, com ara diccionaris i utilitats.</string>
<string name="html_javascript_debugging" maxLength="41">Depuració HTML / Javascript</string>
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@
<!-- #######################################################################################
#################################### Backup options ###################################
####################################################################################### -->
<string name="pref__backup_options__title" maxLength="41">Backup options</string>
<string name="pref__backup_options__title" maxLength="41">Opcions de còpia de seguretat</string>
<string name="pref__backups_help__summary"><![CDATA[ AnkiDroid periodically backs up your collection.
After backups are more than two days old,
AnkiDroid will start removing some of them to free up disk space.
@ -373,53 +373,53 @@
You can restore from a backup and export your collection in the deck list menu.
<string name="pref__minutes_between_automatic_backups__title" maxLength="41">Minutes between automatic backups</string>
<string name="pref__daily_backups_to_keep__title" maxLength="41">Daily backups to keep</string>
<string name="pref__weekly_backups_to_keep__title" maxLength="41">Weekly backups to keep</string>
<string name="pref__monthly_backups_to_keep__title" maxLength="41">Monthly backups to keep</string>
<string name="pref__minutes_between_automatic_backups__title" maxLength="41">Minuts entre còpies de seguretat automàtiques</string>
<string name="pref__daily_backups_to_keep__title" maxLength="41">Còpies de seguretat diàries per conservar</string>
<string name="pref__weekly_backups_to_keep__title" maxLength="41">Còpies de seguretat setmanals per conservar</string>
<string name="pref__monthly_backups_to_keep__title" maxLength="41">Còpies de seguretat mensuals per conservar</string>
<!-- #######################################################################################
################################# Manage space activity ###############################
####################################################################################### -->
<string name="pref__manage_space__screen_title">Manage space</string>
<string name="pref__manage_space__screen_title">Gestiona l\'espai</string>
<!-- TextWidgetPreference widget text -->
<string name="pref__widget_text__error" comment="Text in a small box on the end of a preference, indicating a generic error. Must be VERY short. Can be one or two lines.">Error</string>
<string name="pref__widget_text__calculating" comment="Text in a small box on the end of a preference, indicating that the value, such as folder size on disk, is being calculated. Must be VERY short. Can be one or two lines.">Calcu-\nlating&#8230;</string>
<string name="pref__widget_text__error" comment="Text in a small box on the end of a preference, indicating a generic error. Must be VERY short. Can be one or two lines.">S\'ha produït un error</string>
<string name="pref__widget_text__calculating" comment="Text in a small box on the end of a preference, indicating that the value, such as folder size on disk, is being calculated. Must be VERY short. Can be one or two lines.">Calcu-\nlant&#8230;</string>
<plurals name="pref__widget_text__n_files_n_bytes" comment="Text in a small box on the end of a preference, showing some statistics about a folder on disk if a form of “12 files\n26 MB”. Must be VERY short. Can be one or two lines.">
<item quantity="one">%1$d file\n%2$s</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d files\n%2$s</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d fitxers\n%2$s</item>
<!-- Delete unused media -->
<string name="pref__delete_unused_media_files__title" maxLength="41" comment="Preference title">Delete unused media files</string>
<string name="pref__delete_unused_media_files__summary">Delete images and other media that are not prefixed with _ and are not referenced by any notes</string>
<string name="dialog__media_check_required__message">A media check is required to find unused media files</string>
<string name="dialog__delete_unused_media_files__title" comment="Title for a dialog where you can select unused media files to delete">Delete unused media files</string>
<string name="pref__delete_unused_media_files__title" maxLength="41" comment="Preference title">Suprimeix els mitjans no utilitzats</string>
<string name="pref__delete_unused_media_files__summary">Suprimeix imatges i altres mitjans que no tinguin el prefix _ i que no hi facin referència cap nota</string>
<string name="dialog__media_check_required__message">Cal comprovar els suports per trobar fitxers multimèdia no utilitzats</string>
<string name="dialog__delete_unused_media_files__title" comment="Title for a dialog where you can select unused media files to delete">Suprimeix els mitjans no utilitzats</string>
<!-- Delete backups -->
<string name="pref__delete_backups__title" maxLength="41" comment="Preference title">Delete backups</string>
<string name="dialog__delete_backups__title" comment="Title for a dialog where you can choose backups to delete">Delete backups</string>
<string name="progress__deleting_backups">Deleting backups&#8230;</string>
<string name="pref__delete_backups__title" maxLength="41" comment="Preference title">Suprimeix les còpies de seguretat</string>
<string name="dialog__delete_backups__title" comment="Title for a dialog where you can choose backups to delete">Suprimeix les còpies de seguretat</string>
<string name="progress__deleting_backups">S\'estan suprimint les còpies de seguretat</string>
<!-- Delete collection -->
<string name="pref__delete_collection__title" maxLength="41" comment="Preference title">Delete collection</string>
<string name="pref__delete_collection__summary">Delete collection, media, and backups. App settings are not deleted</string>
<string name="dialog__delete_collection__title" comment="Confirmation dialog title">Delete collection</string>
<string name="pref__delete_collection__title" maxLength="41" comment="Preference title">Suprimeix la col·lecció</string>
<string name="pref__delete_collection__summary">Suprimeix la col·lecció, els suports i la còpia de seguretat. La configuració de l\'aplicació no s\'elimina</string>
<string name="dialog__delete_collection__title" comment="Confirmation dialog title">Suprimeix la col·lecció</string>
<string name="dialog__delete_collection__message" comment="“Close the window” here refers to the activity that the user is currently seeing. When the collection is deleted, we exit the process, which closes the activity without animation. On some devices the entire settings app may be closed. User might not realize that this activity comes directly from AnkiDroid, so it might be wise to avoid words such as “AnkiDroid or “app”.">Are you sure you want to delete your collection, media, and backups?\n\nNote: this action will close the window.</string>
<string name="progress__deleting_collection">Deleting collection&#8230;</string>
<string name="progress__deleting_collection">S\'està suprimint la col·lecció&#8230;</string>
<!-- Delete everything -->
<string name="pref__delete_everything__title" maxLength="41" comment="Preference title">Delete everything</string>
<string name="pref__delete_everything__summary">Delete collection, media, backups, and settings</string>
<string name="dialog__delete_everything__title" comment="Confirmation dialog title">Delete everything</string>
<string name="dialog__delete_everything__message" comment="“Close the window” here refers to the activity that the user is currently seeing. Deleting app data forcibly closes AnkiDroid, which closes the activity without animation. On some devices the entire settings app may be closed. User might not realize that this activity comes directly from AnkiDroid, so it might be wise to avoid words such as “AnkiDroid or “app”.">Are you sure you want to delete all data? This includes your collection, media, backups and preferences.\n\nNote: this action will close the window.</string>
<string name="pref__delete_everything__title" maxLength="41" comment="Preference title">Esborra-ho tot</string>
<string name="pref__delete_everything__summary">Suprimeix la còpia, col·lecció, els mitjans, i els paràmetres</string>
<string name="dialog__delete_everything__title" comment="Confirmation dialog title">Esborra-ho tot</string>
<string name="dialog__delete_everything__message" comment="“Close the window” here refers to the activity that the user is currently seeing. Deleting app data forcibly closes AnkiDroid, which closes the activity without animation. On some devices the entire settings app may be closed. User might not realize that this activity comes directly from AnkiDroid, so it might be wise to avoid words such as “AnkiDroid or “app”.">Esteu segur que voleu suprimir totes les dades? Això inclou la vostra col·lecció, els mitjans, les còpies de seguretat i les preferències.\n\nNota: aquesta acció tancarà la finestra.</string>
<!-- Delete app data -->
<string name="pref__delete_app_data__title" maxLength="41" comment="Preference title">Delete app data</string>
<string name="pref__delete_app_data__summary">Delete settings and other app data</string>
<string name="dialog__delete_app_data__title" comment="Confirmation dialog title">Delete app data</string>
<string name="dialog__delete_app_data__message" comment="“Close the window” here refers to the activity that the user is currently seeing. Deleting app data forcibly closes AnkiDroid, which closes the activity without animation. On some devices the entire settings app may be closed. User might not realize that this activity comes directly from AnkiDroid, so it might be wise to avoid words such as “AnkiDroid or “app”.">Are you sure you want to delete app data? This includes settings and other app data.\n\nNote: this action will close the window.</string>
<string name="pref__delete_app_data__title" maxLength="41" comment="Preference title">Elimina les dades de l\'aplicació</string>
<string name="pref__delete_app_data__summary">Suprimeix les dades de l\'aplicació</string>
<string name="dialog__delete_app_data__title" comment="Confirmation dialog title">Elimina les dades de l\'aplicació</string>
<string name="dialog__delete_app_data__message" comment="“Close the window” here refers to the activity that the user is currently seeing. Deleting app data forcibly closes AnkiDroid, which closes the activity without animation. On some devices the entire settings app may be closed. User might not realize that this activity comes directly from AnkiDroid, so it might be wise to avoid words such as “AnkiDroid or “app”.">Esteu segur que voleu suprimir les dades de l\'aplicació? Això inclou les preferències i altres dades de l\'aplicació.\n\nNota: aquesta acció tancarà la finestra.</string>
<!-- #######################################################################################
##### Generic preference summaries & snackbars that are shown on preference click #####
####################################################################################### -->
<string name="pref__etc__summary__fetching" comment="Generic preference summary to be shown when the value is being fetched">&#8230;</string>
<string name="pref__etc__summary__no_collection" comment="Generic preference summary to be shown when a preference is not usable because the collection does not exist">No collection</string>
<string name="pref__etc__summary__error" comment="Generic preference summary to be shown when there was an error fetching the value. For example, this is shown when the permission to access collection is lacking">Error</string>
<string name="pref__etc__snackbar__fetching" comment="Generic snackbar message to be shown when user taps on a preference, the value of which is being fetched">Fetching&#8230;</string>
<string name="pref__etc__snackbar__calculating" comment="Generic snackbar message to be shown when user taps on a preference, the value of which, such as folder size on disk, is being calculated">Calculating&#8230;</string>
<string name="pref__etc__snackbar__no_collection" comment="Generic snackbar message to be shown when user taps on a preference that is not usable because the collection does not exist">Collection does not exist</string>
<string name="pref__etc__summary__no_collection" comment="Generic preference summary to be shown when a preference is not usable because the collection does not exist">Cap col·lecció</string>
<string name="pref__etc__summary__error" comment="Generic preference summary to be shown when there was an error fetching the value. For example, this is shown when the permission to access collection is lacking">S\'ha produït un error</string>
<string name="pref__etc__snackbar__fetching" comment="Generic snackbar message to be shown when user taps on a preference, the value of which is being fetched">S\'està obtenint dades...</string>
<string name="pref__etc__snackbar__calculating" comment="Generic snackbar message to be shown when user taps on a preference, the value of which, such as folder size on disk, is being calculated">S\'està calculant&#8230;</string>
<string name="pref__etc__snackbar__no_collection" comment="Generic snackbar message to be shown when user taps on a preference that is not usable because the collection does not exist">La col·lecció no existeix</string>

View File

@ -245,17 +245,17 @@
<string name="error__etc__multiple_errors_most_recent" comment="Generic message for an error that has multiple causes, e.g., “Multiple errors, most recent: CPU hit by a cosmic ray particle”.">"Multiple errors, most recent: %s"</string>
<string name="error__etc__multiple_consecutive_errors_without_progress_most_recent" comment="Generic message for an error that has multiple causes that happened in sequence, e.g., “Multiple consecutive errors without progress, most recent: CPU hit by a cosmic ray particle”.">Multiple consecutive errors without progress, most recent: %s</string>
<!-- Scoped storage migration -->
<string name="migration__migrating_data">Migrating data</string>
<string name="migration__migrating_data">Siirretään tietoja</string>
<string name="migration__calculating_transfer_size">Calculating transfer size&#8230;</string>
<string name="migration__transferred_x_of_y" comment="The placeholders will be replaced with short localized byte amounts, e.g. Transferred 10 kB of 5.2 MB">Transferred %1$s of %2$s</string>
<string name="migration_successful_message" comment="A title for a dialog, or a short message shown in a notification, when storage migration succeeds">Migration successful</string>
<string name="migration_successful_message" comment="A title for a dialog, or a short message shown in a notification, when storage migration succeeds">Siirto onnistui</string>
<string name="migration__succeeded__message" comment="A more detailed message shown when storage migration succeeds"> Your data has been migrated successfully.
AnkiDroid is fully functional again, and you can sync.
\nNote that your collection is now located in a folder that is removed when uninstalling the app.
Please make sure that your data is safe by regularly syncing or exporting backups.
<string name="migration__failed__title" comment="A title for a dialog, or a short message shown in a notification, when storage migration fails">Migration failed</string>
<string name="migration__failed__title" comment="A title for a dialog, or a short message shown in a notification, when storage migration fails">Siirto epäonnistui</string>
<string name="migration__failed__message" comment="A more detailed message shown when storage migration fails"><![CDATA[ Storage migration is paused after failing with the error: %1$s.
Please try re-running the migration.
@ -267,13 +267,13 @@
<a href="%2$s">Learn more and get help</a>
<string name="migration__resume_after_failed_dialog__button_positive">Resume migration</string>
<string name="migration__resume_after_failed_dialog__button_positive">Jatka siirtämistä</string>
<string name="directory_inaccessible_after_uninstall" comment="Dialog title if AnkiDroid can\'t access the collection once the app is installed">Inaccessible collection</string>
<string name="directory_inaccessible_after_uninstall_summary" comment="the parameter is the path to the AnkiDroid folder. Typically /storage/emulated/0/AnkiDroid">We are unable to access your collection after AnkiDroid is uninstalled due to a change in Play Store Policy\n\nYour data is safe and can be restored. It is located at\n%s\n\nSelect an option below to restore:</string>
<string name="restore_data_from_ankiweb">Restore from AnkiWeb (recommended)</string>
<string name="install_non_play_store_ankidroid_recommended">Restore folder access (recommended)</string>
<string name="install_non_play_store_ankidroid">Restore folder access (advanced)</string>
<string name="restore_data_from_backup">Restore from .colpkg backup (advanced)</string>
<string name="create_new_collection">Create a new collection</string>
<string name="new_unsafe_collection">The new collection will be deleted from your phone if you uninstall AnkiDroid</string>
<string name="create_new_collection">Luo uusi kokoelma</string>
<string name="new_unsafe_collection">Uusi kokoelma poistetaan puhelimeltasi jos poistat AnkiDroidin</string>

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
<item>Muistilappua muokattu</item>
<!-- Filter Sheet -->
<string name="apply_filter">Apply</string>
<string name="apply_filter">Käytä</string>
<string name="filter_by_flags">Flags</string>
<!-- Custom study options -->
<string name="custom_study_increase_new_limit">Muuta tämän päivän uusien korttien määrän ylärajaa</string>
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
<item quantity="other">Do you want to import the following files:\n%s\nThis may take a long time</item>
<string name="import_log_no_apkg">Tämä ei ole salittu Anki-tiedosto</string>
<string name="import_title_error" comment="Title of error dialog">Error</string>
<string name="import_title_error" comment="Title of error dialog">Virhe</string>
<string name="import_log_failed_unzip">Ei voitu purkaa apkg: %s</string>
<string name="import_log_failed_copy_to">Failed to copy apkg to %s</string>
<string name="import_log_failed_validate">apkg failed validation</string>
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
<string name="white_board_image_save_failed">Failed to save whiteboard image. %s</string>
<string name="white_board_image_saved">Whiteboard image saved to %s</string>
<string name="title_whiteboard_pen_color">Whiteboard pen color</string>
<string name="title_whiteboard_editor">Whiteboard editor</string>
<string name="title_whiteboard_editor">Valkotaulu editori</string>
<string name="user_is_a_robot">Detected automated test. If you are a human, contact AnkiDroid support</string>
<!-- JS api -->
<string name="api_version_developer_contact">This card uses unsupported AnkiDroid features. Contact developer %1$s, or view the wiki. %2$s</string>

View File

@ -107,8 +107,8 @@
<!-- Network failure -->
<string name="network_no_connection">Ei yhteyttä</string>
<!-- Crop function-->
<string name="crop_image">Do you want to crop this image?</string>
<string name="crop_button">Crop image</string>
<string name="crop_image">Haluatko rajata kuvan?</string>
<string name="crop_button">Rajaa kuva</string>
<string name="save_dialog_content">Current image size is %sMB. Default image size limit is 1MB. Do you want to crop it?</string>
<string name="select_image_failed">"Select image failed, Please retry"</string>
<string name="activity_result_unexpected">App returned an unexpected value. You may need to use a different app</string>

View File

@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
<string name="front_field_name">Front</string>
<string name="back_field_name">Back</string>
<string name="front_field_name">Etupuoli</string>
<string name="back_field_name">Kääntöpuoli</string>
<string name="text_field_name" comment="Field\'s name in Cloze Note type">Teksti</string>
<string name="extra_field_name_new">Back Extra</string>
<string name="field_to_ask_front_name">Add Reverse</string>

View File

@ -68,10 +68,10 @@
<item quantity="other">%d menit lagi</item>
<plurals name="reviewer_window_title_hours_new">
<item quantity="other">%1$d hours %2$d left</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d jam %2$d tersisa</item>
<plurals name="reviewer_window_title_days_new">
<item quantity="other">%1$d days %2$d left</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d hari %2$d tersisa</item>
<string name="no_cards_placeholder_title">Koleksi kosong</string>
<string name="no_cards_placeholder_description">Mulai tambahkan kartu\nmenggunakan ikon +.</string>
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
<string name="undo">Urungkan</string>
<string name="undo_action_review">ulasan terakhir</string>
<string name="undo_action_change_deck_multi">ganti dek</string>
<string name="undo_action_whiteboard_last_stroke" comment="One of the display patterns of \'Undo\' item on the action menu in Reviewer. It is shown as the title of the item when the whiteboard (handwriting) feature is enabled and visible and has any strokes (handwritten lines)">Undo stroke</string>
<string name="undo_action_whiteboard_last_stroke" comment="One of the display patterns of \'Undo\' item on the action menu in Reviewer. It is shown as the title of the item when the whiteboard (handwriting) feature is enabled and visible and has any strokes (handwritten lines)">Batalkan Coretan</string>
<string name="move_all_to_deck">Pindahkan semua ke dek</string>
<string name="unbury">Angkat</string>
<string name="rename_deck">Ubah nama dek</string>
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
grant AnkiDroid the \'Storage\' permission. This needs to be a fairly generic message as implementations
of the permissions/app info screen will differ between devices. -->
<string name="startup_no_storage_permission">Mohon beri AnkiDroid izin Penyimpanan untuk melanjutkan</string>
<string name="startup_all_files_access_permission">Please grant AnkiDroid the All files access permission to continue</string>
<string name="startup_all_files_access_permission">Mohon beri AnkiDroid izin Penyimpanan untuk melanjutkan</string>
The time_quantities are units of time. They are used without
plurals or dots.

View File

@ -185,17 +185,17 @@
<string name="title_activity_template_editor">カードタイプ</string>
<string name="card_template_editor_front">表面のテンプレート</string>
<string name="card_template_editor_back">裏面のテンプレート</string>
<string name="card_template_editor_styling">書式</string>
<string name="card_template_editor_styling">スタイル</string>
<string name="card_template_editor_menu_card_browser_appearance">カードブラウザ用の表示設定</string>
<string name="card_template_editor_deck_override">デッキ選択を上書き</string>
<string name="card_template_editor_insert_field">フィールドを挿入</string>
<string name="card_template_editor_select_field">挿入するフィールドを選択してください</string>
<string name="card_template_editor_cant_delete">カードタイプは少なくとも1種類必要です。</string>
<plurals name="card_template_editor_confirm_add">
<item quantity="other">%1$d 枚のカードを作成します。続行しますか?</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d枚のカードを作成します。続行しますか</item>
<plurals name="card_template_editor_confirm_delete">
<item quantity="other">カードタイプ \'%2$s\' とそのカード %1$d 枚を削除しますか?</item>
<item quantity="other">カードタイプ \'%2$s\' とそのカード %1$d枚を削除しますか</item>
<string name="invalid_template">カードを作成できませんでした</string>
<string name="card_template_editor_would_delete_note">このカードタイプを削除すると、1枚または複数枚のノートが削除されます。先に新しいカードタイプを追加し保存してください。</string>

View File

@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
<string name="CardEditorNoteDeck">デッキ:</string>
<string name="CardEditorModel">ノートタイプ:</string>
<string name="CardEditorTags">タグ: %1$s</string>
<string name="CardEditorCards">カード:%1$s</string>
<string name="CardEditorCards">カード: %1$s</string>
<string name="tag_name">タグ名</string>
<string name="add_new_filter_tags">タグフィルター / 新規タグ追加</string>
<string name="add_tag">タグを追加</string>
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
<string name="note_editor_no_first_field">最初のフィールドが空です</string>
<string name="note_editor_no_cloze_delations">このノートタイプには穴埋め箇所が含まれている必要があります</string>
<string name="note_editor_no_cards_created_all_fields">現在のノートタイプではカードを生成できませんでした。\n別のートタイプを選択するか、「カード」をタップしてフィールドを挿入してください。</string>
<string name="note_editor_insert_cloze_no_cloze_note_type">穴埋め箇所を示す文字列は、Cloze (穴埋め問題) 型のノートタイプでのみ機能します</string>
<string name="note_editor_insert_cloze_no_cloze_note_type">穴埋め箇所を示す文字列は、穴埋め型のノートタイプでのみ機能します</string>
<string name="saving_facts">ノートを保存しています</string>
<string name="saving_model">ノートタイプを保存しています</string>
<string name="save">保存</string>

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
<string name="pref_cat_sync" comment="title of the sync preferences category" maxLength="41">同期</string>
<string name="pref_cat_scheduling" maxLength="41">スケジュール</string>
<string name="pref_cat_whiteboard" maxLength="41">ホワイトボード機能</string>
<string name="pref_cat_appearance" maxLength="41">デザインと表示</string>
<string name="pref_cat_appearance" maxLength="41">外観</string>
<string name="pref_cat_themes" maxLength="41">テーマ</string>
<string name="pref_cat_fonts" maxLength="41">フォント</string>
<string name="pref_cat_gestures" maxLength="41">ジェスチャー</string>
@ -181,8 +181,8 @@
<string name="show_eta_summ">学習画面のデッキ名の下に、そのデッキの学習終了までの推定所要時間を表示します</string>
<string name="use_current" maxLength="41">新規カードの既定の追加先デッキ</string>
<string name="new_spread" maxLength="41">新規カードの位置</string>
<string name="learn_cutoff" maxLength="41">習得学習の前倒し可能時間</string>
<string name="time_limit" maxLength="41">タイムボックス(時間の目標・区切り)</string>
<string name="learn_cutoff" maxLength="41">習得学習の前倒し許容時間</string>
<string name="time_limit" maxLength="41">タイムボックス(学習時間の目標・区切り)</string>
<string name="new_timezone" maxLength="41">新しいタイムゾーン処理</string>
<string name="day_offset_with_description" maxLength="41">日付更新時刻</string>
<string name="day_offset_summary">%s時</string>

View File

@ -26,17 +26,17 @@
<string name="front_field_name">Front</string>
<string name="back_field_name">Back</string>
<string name="text_field_name" comment="Field\'s name in Cloze Note type">Text</string>
<string name="extra_field_name_new">Back Extra</string>
<string name="field_to_ask_front_name">Add Reverse</string>
<string name="front_field_name">表面</string>
<string name="back_field_name">裏面</string>
<string name="text_field_name" comment="Field\'s name in Cloze Note type">テキスト</string>
<string name="extra_field_name_new">裏面追記</string>
<string name="field_to_ask_front_name">反転カード追加(各裏面追記)</string>
<!--Card type-->
<string name="card_n_name">Card %d</string>
<string name="card_n_name">カード %d</string>
<!--Note type-->
<string name="basic_model_name">Basic</string>
<string name="cloze_model_name">Cloze</string>
<string name="basic_model_name">基本</string>
<string name="cloze_model_name">穴埋め</string>
<string name="basic_typing_model_name">Basic (解答キーボード入力)</string>
<string name="forward_reverse_model_name">Basic (裏表反転カード付き)</string>
<string name="forward_optional_reverse_model_name">Basic (裏表反転カード追加可能)</string>
<string name="forward_reverse_model_name">基本 (裏表反転カード付き)</string>
<string name="forward_optional_reverse_model_name">基本 (裏表反転カード追加可能)</string>

View File

@ -116,17 +116,17 @@
<string name="cardeditor_title_edit_card">Edit note</string>
<string name="discard_unsaved_changes">Close and lose current input?</string>
<string name="note_editor_no_cards_created">No cards created. Please fill in more fields</string>
<string name="note_editor_no_first_field">The first field is empty</string>
<string name="note_editor_no_first_field">Эхний хэсэг хоосон байна</string>
<string name="note_editor_no_cloze_delations">This note type must contain cloze deletions</string>
<string name="note_editor_no_cards_created_all_fields">The current note type did not produce any cards.\nPlease choose another note type, or click Cards and add a field substitution</string>
<string name="note_editor_insert_cloze_no_cloze_note_type">Cloze deletions will only work on a Cloze note type</string>
<string name="saving_facts">Saving note</string>
<string name="saving_model">Saving note type</string>
<string name="save">Save</string>
<string name="close">Close</string>
<string name="select">Select</string>
<string name="reordering_cards">Reordering cards&#8230;</string>
<string name="field_remapping">%1$s (from “%2$s”)</string>
<string name="saving_facts">Тэмдэглэгээг хадгалж байна</string>
<string name="saving_model">Тэмдэглэгээний төрлийг хадгалж байна</string>
<string name="save">Хадгалах</string>
<string name="close">Буцах</string>
<string name="select">Сонгох</string>
<string name="reordering_cards">Картнуудыг дахин ангилж байна&#8230;</string>
<string name="field_remapping">%1$s(\"%2$s\"- с)</string>
<string name="confirm_map_cards_to_nothing">Any cards mapped to nothing will be deleted. If a note has no remaining cards, it will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue?</string>
<!-- Timebox -->
<string name="timebox_reached_title">Timebox reached</string>
@ -144,14 +144,14 @@
<string name="card_editor_reposition_card">Reposition</string>
<string name="card_editor_reset_card">Reset progress</string>
<string name="card_editor_reschedule_card" comment="Action to reschedule a card">Reschedule</string>
<string name="card_editor_preview_card" comment="Button offering to preview some card(s)">Preview</string>
<string name="preview_progress_bar_text" comment="What card we are on out of how many in card previewer progress bar">%1$d of %2$d</string>
<string name="error_insufficient_memory">Operation not possible due to insufficient memory on your device</string>
<string name="rename" comment="Confirm that the renaming action should be processed.">Rename</string>
<string name="card_editor_preview_card" comment="Button offering to preview some card(s)">Туршиж үзэх</string>
<string name="preview_progress_bar_text" comment="What card we are on out of how many in card previewer progress bar">%2$d-н %1$d нь уншсан байна</string>
<string name="error_insufficient_memory">Таны төхөөрөмж доторх багтаамж хүрээгүй учир, зэрэгцүүлэх ажиллагааг үргэлжлүүлэх боломжгүй боллоо</string>
<string name="rename" comment="Confirm that the renaming action should be processed.">Дахин нэрлэх</string>
<string name="default_conf_delete_error">The default options group cant be removed</string>
<plurals name="factadder_cards_added">
<item quantity="one">%d card added</item>
<item quantity="other">%d cards added</item>
<item quantity="one">%d картыг шинээр нэмлээ</item>
<item quantity="other">%d картыг шинээр нэмлээ</item>
<string name="check_db">Check database</string>
<string name="check_media">Check media</string>
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
<string name="delete_deck">Deleting deck&#8230;</string>
<string name="info_rate">Rate AnkiDroid</string>
<string name="import_title">Importing</string>
<string name="import_message_add" comment="Adding a new deck to the collection (import)">Add</string>
<string name="import_message_add" comment="Adding a new deck to the collection (import)">Нэмэх</string>
<string name="import_message_replace_confirm">This will delete your existing collection and replace it with the data of file %s</string>
<plurals name="import_files_message_add_confirm">
<item quantity="one">Add “%s” to collection? This may take a long time</item>
@ -185,8 +185,8 @@
<string name="import_error_multiple_colpkg">Multiple colpkg files were selected.</string>
<string name="import_error_colpkg_apkg">Both apkg &amp; colpkg files were selected at once.</string>
<string name="import_stats_error">Some errors occurred while importing the following files:\n%s</string>
<string name="import_replacing">Replacing collection&#8230;</string>
<string name="import_interrupted">Import interrupted: AnkiDroid was closed</string>
<string name="import_replacing">Цуглуулгыг орлуулж байна&#8230;</string>
<string name="import_interrupted">Шилжүүлэх үйл явц зогслоо: AnkiDroid хаагдсан байна</string>
<string name="export_include_schedule">Цагын хуваарийг нь оролцуулах</string>
<string name="export_include_media">Медиаг нь оролцуулах</string>
<string name="confirm_apkg_export">Цуглуулгыг Anki төрлөөр гаргах</string>
@ -216,8 +216,8 @@
<string name="export_select_save_app">Select where to save file</string>
<string name="export_select_share_app">Select application for sharing</string>
<string name="study_options" comment="Name for a preference category in Filtered deck (aka Cram deck, aka Custom study) options">Options</string>
<string name="menu__deck_options">Deck options</string>
<string name="study_options" comment="Name for a preference category in Filtered deck (aka Cram deck, aka Custom study) options">Тохиргоо</string>
<string name="menu__deck_options">Багцын тохиргоо</string>
<string name="menu__study_options" comment="Menu item that opens options for a Filtered deck (aka Cram deck, aka Custom study)">Study options</string>
<string name="select_tts">Set TTS language</string>
<string name="custom_study">Custom study</string>
@ -233,19 +233,19 @@
<!-- Time spans -->
<plurals name="time_span_seconds">
<item quantity="one">%s second</item>
<item quantity="other">%s seconds</item>
<item quantity="other">%s секунд</item>
<plurals name="time_span_minutes">
<item quantity="one">%s minute</item>
<item quantity="other">%s minutes</item>
<item quantity="one">%s минут</item>
<item quantity="other">%s минут</item>
<plurals name="time_span_hours">
<item quantity="one">%s hour</item>
<item quantity="other">%s hours</item>
<item quantity="one">%s цаг</item>
<item quantity="other">%s цаг</item>
<plurals name="time_span_days">
<item quantity="one">%s day</item>
<item quantity="other">%s days</item>
<item quantity="one">%s өдөр</item>
<item quantity="other">%s өдөр</item>
<plurals name="time_span_months">
<item quantity="one">%s month</item>
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@
<string name="plus_sign" comment="Label for increment button in IncrementerNumberRangePreference">+</string>
<string name="minus_sign" comment="Label for decrement button in IncrementerNumberRangePreference">-</string>
<!-- Used for credential empty warning message -->
<string name="email_id_empty">Заавал Э-Мэйл хаяг хийх шаардлагатай</string>
<string name="email_id_empty">Э-Мэйл хаягаа оруулна уу</string>
<string name="password_empty">Заавал нууц үг шаардлагатай</string>
<string name="back_pressed_once">Гарахын тулд дахиад буцах товчоо дарна уу</string>
<string name="back_pressed_once_reviewer">Press back again to return</string>

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
~ this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<string name="backup_deck_no_storage_left">Backup not saved. Not enough space left on your storage. Lower the backup depth or remove some other files.</string>
<string name="backup_deck_no_storage_left">ବ୍ୟାକଅପ୍ ସଞ୍ଚୟ ହୋଇନାହିଁ। ଆପଣଙ୍କ ଷ୍ଟୋରେଜ୍‌ରେ ପର୍ଯ୍ୟାପ୍ତ ସ୍ଥାନ ବାକି ନାହିଁ। ବ୍ୟାକଅପ୍ ଗଭୀରତାକୁ କମ୍ କରନ୍ତୁ କିମ୍ବା ଅନ୍ୟ କିଛିଟା ଫାଇଲ୍ ଅପସାରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ।</string>
<string name="storage_warning">ଆପଣଙ୍କ ଷ୍ଟୋରେଜ୍‌ରେ %d MBରୁ କମ୍ ସ୍ଥାନ ବାକି ଅଛି।\nଡାଟା କ୍ଷତି ଏଡ଼ାଇବା ପାଇଁ କିଛି ସ୍ଥାନ ଖାଲି କରନ୍ତୁ।</string>
<string name="backup_restore">ବ୍ୟାକଅପ୍ ରୁ ପୁନରୁଦ୍ଧାର</string>
<string name="backup_new_collection">ନୂତନ ସଂଗ୍ରହ</string>

View File

@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
<string name="undo">Bekor qilish</string>
<string name="undo_action_review">oxirgi takrorlash</string>
<string name="undo_action_change_deck_multi">change decks</string>
<string name="undo_action_whiteboard_last_stroke" comment="One of the display patterns of \'Undo\' item on the action menu in Reviewer. It is shown as the title of the item when the whiteboard (handwriting) feature is enabled and visible and has any strokes (handwritten lines)">Undo stroke</string>
<string name="undo_action_whiteboard_last_stroke" comment="One of the display patterns of \'Undo\' item on the action menu in Reviewer. It is shown as the title of the item when the whiteboard (handwriting) feature is enabled and visible and has any strokes (handwritten lines)">Qatlamni bekor qilish</string>
<string name="move_all_to_deck">Hammasini to\'plamga ko\'chirish</string>
<string name="unbury">Tiklash</string>
<string name="rename_deck">To\'plamni qayta nomlash</string>

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ AnkiDroid vam omogoča zelo učinkovito učenje pomnilnih kartic z njihovim prik
Preučite vse vrste stvari, kadarkoli in kjerkoli želite. Dobro izkoristite čas čakanja na avtobusu, supermarketih ali v kateremkoli drugem primeru čakanja.
Ustvarite svoje komplete pomnilnih kartic ali prejmite brezplačne, ki so bili zbrani za več jezikov in tem (na voljo jih je več kot 6000).
Ustvarite svoje komplete kartic za učenje ali si naložite brezplačne, v mnogih jezikih in o mnogih temah (na voljo jih je več kot 6000).
Dodajte snov preko namiznega programa Anki ali neposredno preko AnkiDroida. Program podpira celo samodejno dodajanje snovi iz slovarja!