# For each file not matching a pattern listed below, let git automatically # detect whether it's a text file. If it is, use LF end of lines. # Last match resolves, so we place the catch-all at the top of the file. * text=auto eol=lf # Text file whose eol is not specified defaults to LF. We only need to # explicitly specify when we want CRLF. *.awk text *.bat text eol=crlf *.css text *.csv text *.gradle text *.html text *.java text *.js text *.json text *.kt text *.kts text *.md text *.py text *.sh text *.sql text *.toml text *.ts text *.txt text *.xml text *.yaml text *.yml text # Files we want to diff, but not change the line endings. *.anki2 -text *.crt -text *.svg -text # Binary and compiled files. We want to neither diff nor alter these files. *.apkg binary *.gz binary *.jar binary *.mp4 binary *.mwb binary *.png binary *.psd binary *.tgz binary *.ttf binary *.webm binary *.woff binary *.xcf binary *.zip binary # Tell GitHub that this file is not auto-generated, and should be displayed # in diffs. .idea/dictionaries/*.xml linguist-generated=false