#!/bin/bash # Perform a release of AnkiDroid # Nicolas Raoul 2011/10/24 # Timothy Rae 2014/11/10 # Mike Hardy 2020/05/15 # Usage from AnkiDroid's root directory: # tools/release.sh # For an alpha or beta release # tools/release.sh public # For a public (non alpha/beta) release # Basic expectations # - tools needed: sed, gawk, github-release, git # - authority needed: ability to commit/tag/push directly to main branch in AnkiDroid, ability to create releases # - ankidroiddocs checked out in a sibling directory (that is, '../ankidroiddocs' should exist with 'upstream' remote set correctly) # Suffix configuration SUFFIX="" PUBLIC=$1 # Make sure we can find our binaries export PATH="~/bin:$PATH" # Check basic expectations echo "Checking basic utility installation status..." for UTILITY in sed gawk github-release asciidoctor; do if ! command -v "$UTILITY" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "$UTILITY" missing; exit 1; fi done if [ "$PUBLIC" = "public" ] && ! [ -f ../ankidroiddocs/changelog.asc ]; then echo "Could not find ../ankidroiddocs/changelog.asc?" exit 1 fi # Define the location of the manifest file SRC_DIR="./AnkiDroid" GRADLEFILE="$SRC_DIR/build.gradle" CHANGELOG="$SRC_DIR/src/main/assets/changelog.html" if ! VERSION=$(grep 'versionName=' $GRADLEFILE | sed -e 's/.*="//' | sed -e 's/".*//') then echo "Unable to get current version. Is sed installed?" exit 1 fi if [ "$PUBLIC" = "public" ]; then echo "About to perform a public release. Please first:" echo "- Edit the version in $GRADLEFILE manually but do not commit it." echo "- Author and merge a PR to ankidroiddocs/changelog.asc with details for the current version" echo "Press Enter to continue." read -r # Render the new changelog echo "Rendering changelog..." if ! asciidoctor ../ankidroiddocs/changelog.asc -o "$CHANGELOG" then echo "Failed to render changelog?" exit 1 fi if ! grep "Version $VERSION " "$CHANGELOG" then echo "Could not find entry for version $VERSION in rendered $CHANGELOG ?" exit 1 fi else echo "Performing testing release." fi if [ "$PUBLIC" != "public" ]; then # Increment version name # Ex: 2.1beta7 to 2.1beta8 PREVIOUS_VERSION=$VERSION if [ -n "$SUFFIX" ]; then PREVIOUS_VERSION="${PREVIOUS_VERSION//$SUFFIX/}" fi if ! GUESSED_VERSION=$(echo "$PREVIOUS_VERSION" | gawk -f tools/lib/increase-version.awk) then echo "Unable to guess next version. Is gawk installed?"; exit 1; fi VERSION=${1:-$GUESSED_VERSION$SUFFIX} # Increment version code # It is an integer in AndroidManifest that nobody actually sees. # Ex: 72 to 73 PREVIOUS_CODE=$(grep 'versionCode=' $GRADLEFILE | sed -e 's/.*=//') GUESSED_CODE=$((PREVIOUS_CODE + 1)) # Edit AndroidManifest.xml to bump version string echo "Bumping version from $PREVIOUS_VERSION$SUFFIX to $VERSION (and code from $PREVIOUS_CODE to $GUESSED_CODE)" sed -i -e s/"$PREVIOUS_VERSION"$SUFFIX/"$VERSION"/g $GRADLEFILE sed -i -e s/versionCode="$PREVIOUS_CODE"/versionCode="$GUESSED_CODE"/g $GRADLEFILE fi # If any changes go in during the release process, pushing fails, so push immediately. # Worst case this burns a version number despite a failure later, and we have a version/tag # that never launched. That's better than having to manually patch up build.gradle and push a tag # for a release that did launch, but the push failed echo "Committing changelog and version bump via git" git add $GRADLEFILE $CHANGELOG git commit -m "Bumped version to $VERSION" git tag v"$VERSION" # Read the key passwords if needed if [ "$KSTOREPWD" == "" ]; then read -rsp "Enter keystore password: " KSTOREPWD; echo read -rsp "Enter key password: " KEYPWD; echo export KSTOREPWD export KEYPWD fi # Build signed APK using Gradle and publish to Play. # Do this before building universal of the play flavor so the universal is not uploaded to Play Store # Configuration for pushing to Play specified in build.gradle 'play' task echo "Running 'publishPlayReleaseApk' gradle target" ./gradlew --stop if ! ./gradlew publishPlayReleaseApk then # APK contains problems, abort release exit 1 fi # If the Play Store accepted the builds, the version bump should be pushed / made concrete git push git push --tags # Build the full set of release APKs for all flavors, with universals UCFLAVORS='Full Amazon Play' for UCFLAVOR in $UCFLAVORS; do ./gradlew --stop echo Running assemble"$UCFLAVOR"Release target with universal APK flag if ! ./gradlew assemble"$UCFLAVOR"Release -Duniversal-apk=true then echo "unable to build release APKs for flavor $UCFLAVOR" exit 1 fi done # Copy full ABI APKs to cwd ABIS='arm64-v8a x86 x86_64 armeabi-v7a' for ABI in $ABIS; do cp AnkiDroid/build/outputs/apk/full/release/AnkiDroid-full-"$ABI"-release.apk AnkiDroid-"$VERSION"-"$ABI".apk done # Copy universal APKs for all flavors to cwd FLAVORS='full amazon play' for FLAVOR in $FLAVORS; do cp AnkiDroid/build/outputs/apk/"$FLAVOR"/release/AnkiDroid-"$FLAVOR"-universal-release.apk AnkiDroid-"$VERSION"-"$FLAVOR"-universal.apk done # Push to Github Releases. GITHUB_TOKEN=$(cat ~/src/my-github-personal-access-token) export GITHUB_TOKEN export GITHUB_USER="ankidroid" export GITHUB_REPO="Anki-Android" if [ "$PUBLIC" = "public" ]; then PRE_RELEASE="" else PRE_RELEASE="--pre-release" fi echo "Creating new Github release" github-release release --tag v"$VERSION" --name "AnkiDroid $VERSION" --description "**For regular users:**
\ Install the main APK below, trying the 'full-universal' build first for new installs. If it refuses to install and run correctly or you have previously installed from the Play Store, you must pick the APK that matches CPU instruction set for your device.
\ This will be arm64-v8a for most phones from the last few years but [here is a guide to help you choose](https://www.howtogeek.com/339665/how-to-find-your-android-devices-info-for-correct-apk-downloads/)
\ **For testers and multiple profiles users:**
\ The builds with 'full', 'play' or 'amazon' are useful for testing our builds for different app stores.
\ The builds with letter codes below (A, B, etc) are universal parallel builds. They will install side-by-side with the main APK for testing, or to connect to a different AnkiWeb account in combination with changing the storage directory in preferences" $PRE_RELEASE echo "Sleeping 30s to make sure the release exists, see issue 11746" sleep 30 for ABI in $ABIS; do echo "Adding full APK for $ABI to Github release" github-release upload --tag v"$VERSION" --name AnkiDroid-"$VERSION"-"$ABI".apk --file AnkiDroid-"$VERSION"-"$ABI".apk done # Copy flavor universal APKs to cwd for FLAVOR in $FLAVORS; do echo "Adding universal APK for $FLAVOR to Github release" github-release upload --tag v"$VERSION" --name AnkiDroid-"$VERSION"-"$FLAVOR"-universal.apk --file AnkiDroid-"$VERSION"-"$FLAVOR"-universal.apk done # Not publishing to amazon pending: https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-Android/issues/14161 #if [ "$PUBLIC" = "public" ]; then # ./gradlew --stop # echo "Running 'publishToAmazonAppStore' gradle target" # if ! ./gradlew publishToAmazonAppStore # then # echo "Unable to publish to amazon app store" # exit 1 # fi # echo "Remember to add release notes and submit on Amazon: https://developer.amazon.com/apps-and-games/console/app/list" #fi # Now that Git is clean and the main release is done, run the parallel release script and upload them echo "Running parallel package build" ./gradlew --stop ./tools/parallel-package-release.sh "$VERSION" if [ "$PUBLIC" = "public" ]; then BUILDNAMES='A B C D E' # For public builds we will post all parallels else BUILDNAMES='A B' # For alpha releases just post a couple parallel builds fi for BUILD in $BUILDNAMES; do echo "Adding parallel build $BUILD to Github release" github-release upload --tag v"$VERSION" --name AnkiDroid-"$VERSION".parallel."$BUILD".apk --file AnkiDroid-"$VERSION".parallel."$BUILD".apk done