AnkiDroid General settings 複習 Non-deck-specific reviewer settings Behavior Display 白板 Automatic display answer Fonts Change default font and size Gestures Use taps and swipes instead of buttons 動作 Advanced Optimization and experimental features 效能 Workarounds Plugins About AnkiDroid Version: Stroke width XXX Black strokes Uses less memory, unless in night mode Disable typing in answer Prevents keyboard from appearing on cards containing \'type in the answer\' fields Long press workaround 如果你無法藉由長按來選擇文字,請啟用此功能 Lookup dictionary XXX Reset languages 重設所有牌組的語言(用於發音和字典)。您也可以從牌組選擇畫面重設特定牌組的語言 確定要重設所有的語言? All states reset Reviewer font scaling XXX % Reviewer image scaling XXX % Answer button size XXX % Card browser font scaling XXX % 收藏路徑 XXX Fullscreen mode Hide the system status bar Enable gestures Assign gestures to actions such as answering and editing cards. 向上撥動 向下撥動 向左撥動 向右撥動 點兩下 輕觸頂部 輕觸底部 輕觸左邊 輕觸右邊 長按 電子書閱讀器 Also use kanji/katakana, emoji/kao-moji buttons for scrolling 加速捲動 Double the scroll gap with eReader Swipe sensitivity XXX Text to speech 如果沒有內含音效檔,則大聲讀出問題和答案 同步時讀取媒體檔案 同步時自動取得缺少的媒體檔案 AnkiWeb 帳號 未登入 %s 修復希伯來文母音 為正確呈現希伯來文母音的變通方法 此設定會繞過 Android 內部的 RTL 演算法,以正確顯示希伯來文字與母音。\n\n 你需要下載 Tohu.ttf 字體,手動將它複製到:\n%s/fonts/\n\n這個設定才會生效。因此你不需要修改你的卡片。 下載字體 預設的字型 XXX Default font applicability XXX 語言 XXX 系統語言 Notifications Notify when more than XXX cards due Vibrate Blink light 自動顯示答案 Show answer automatically without user input Time to show answer XXX s Time to show next question XXX s 選擇語言 Safe display mode Disable all animations and use safer method for drawing cards. E-ink and older devices using custom fonts may require this. Center align Center the content of cards vertically 備份 使用備份 Automatically create backups before opening a deck (once a day) Max number of backups XXX Disable backups? This will delete all backup files 立即新增 Add new cards from dictionaries without opening AnkiDroid. You find them later under \'saved data\' in card adder. Show button time Show next review time on answer buttons Show remaining Show remaining card count Deck for new cards New card position Learn ahead limit XXX min Timebox time limit XXX min Start of next day XXX hours past midnight Input workaround Workaround for focusing problems on HTML input boxes. Causes problems on several devices. Keep screen on Disable screen timeout Simple interface 加快卡片出現的時間,不過不支援 HTML 所有的功能 Tags to exclude 不要在這些標籤上使用簡單介面: XXX You should define for every deck a field to compare the written answer with. You can do this via Anki Desktop (deck properties -> edit model -> card layout).\n\nIf no compare field is set, your written answer will always be compared with the whole card answer 改善顯示阿拉伯文 Partial workaround for limited support of Arabic by Android platform. When activated it is not possible to modify cards. 支援國際象棋記譜法 從 Google 翻譯 僅保存原文和譯文 Draw chessboard from Forsyth–Edwards Notation. The notation must be enclosed in [fen][/fen] tags. 選擇標籤 有:%1$s 除了:%1$s 限制 學習限制 回合 依標籤 按標籤顯示新卡片: 依標籤顯示複習卡: 每天新卡片上限: 失敗卡上限 牌組名稱 牌組的描述 Options group %1$s\n%2$d deck uses this group %1$s\n%2$d decks use this group 新卡片 複習次數 忘記 一般 步(單位是分鐘) 順序 新卡片/每天 晉階成複習卡的間隔 XXX 天 Easy interval 開始難度 每天最大複習量 Bury related new cards Related new cards are buried until the next day Bury related reviews Related reviews are buried until the next day 簡單卡片的間隔倍率 間隔調節器 最長間隔為 設定新的間隔為 至少間隔 成為榨時卡片的門檻為 XXX 失敗 針對榨時卡的動作 最大的回答時間 XXX 秒 顯示答案計時器 自動播放音效 重播問題 當答案出現時,重播問題與答案的聲音檔 Group management Current group 重新命名 還原預設值 還原預設值 Restore current options group to default values? 新增設定 Create a copy of the current options group 刪除 刪除 Remove current options group? Set for all subdecks %s subdeck will use this group %s subdecks will use this group Set for all subdecks Set current options group for all of this deck\'s subdecks? Browser and editor font XXX 篩選器 選項 預設 搜尋 上限為 依條件選擇卡片 重新排程 依據我在本牌組的回答狀況來重新排程卡片 自訂步數 設定自訂步數