mirror of https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-Android.git synced 2024-09-20 12:02:16 +02:00
codingtosh ef2fa99030 Remove ShellCheck Warnings
Fix: #11100: nit 3

Remove warnings:

1. Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting.
   see: https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2086
   status: fixed

2. var is referenced but not assigned
   see: https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2154
   status: Suppressed

3. See if you can use ${variable//search/replace} instead.
   see: https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck/wiki/SC2001
   status: fixed 1 occurrence, suppressed the second
2022-04-27 12:26:00 -05:00

174 lines
5.5 KiB
Executable File

# * Start from a branch with no staged files
# * In Android studio, choose a java file
# * Select the Code > Convert Java File to Kotlin File functionality (or ctrl +
# alt + shift + k),
# * When asked "Some code in the rest of your project may require corrections
# after performing this conversion. Do you want to find such code and correct
# it too?", answer "Yes",
# * Build the project (If you edited a test file, you must build the test),
# * If the build fails, check whether you can correct the errors.
# * In a terminal, from git root repository, run ./tools/migrate.sh (Linux/macOS)
# * Do `git push`
# * Open your pull request in AnkiDroid's github.
function sedcompat() {
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
# unamestr is referenced but not assigned
if [[ $unamestr == 'Darwin' ]]; then
#specific case for Mac OSX
sed -E -i '' "$1" "$2"
sed -i "$1" "$2"
# Getting file paths
# Deleted files
# ------------
# The deleted file(s). Normally a single one.
DELETED=$(git status | grep "deleted:" | sed "s/[ \t]*deleted:[ \t]*//" | awk '$1=$1')
# Checking there is a single deleted file
# Repeating the DELETED line because otherwise wc don't see new lines
NB_DELETED=$(git status | grep "deleted:" | sed "s/[ \t]*deleted:[ \t]*//" | wc -l | awk '$1=$1')
if [[ $NB_DELETED -lt 0 ]]; then
echo "No file deleted"
exit 1
elif [[ $NB_DELETED -gt 1 ]]; then
echo "More than one file deleted"
exit 1
# The file path without extension
# Checking that the file is Java
if [[ $DELETED != "$FILEPATH.java" ]]; then
echo "Deleted file is not Java"
exit 1
# The added file is $FILEPATH.kt
# Added files
# ------------
# The added file(s). Normally a single one.
ADDED=$(git status | grep "new file" | sed "s/[ \t]*new file:[ \t]*//" | awk '$1=$1')
echo "ADDED='$ADDED'"
# Checking there is a single file added
NB_ADDED=$(git status | grep "new file" | sed "s/[ \t]*new file:[ \t]*//" | wc -l | awk '$1=$1')
if [[ $NB_ADDED -lt 1 ]]; then
echo "No file added (you may have to add the new file manually if it was not done)"
exit 1
elif [[ $NB_ADDED -gt 1 ]]; then
echo "More than one file added"
exit 1
# The added file is $FILEPATH.java
# Checking that the file added is the same as the one removed
if [[ $ADDED != "$FILEPATH.kt" ]]; then
echo "Added file is not the deleted file in kotlin"
exit 1
# Computing values for AnkiDroid/kotlinMigration.gradle and
# commit messages.
# ----------------------------------
# The file name, without its directory
FILENAME=$(basename -- "$FILEPATH")
# SOURCE is the value for "source" variable in AnkiDroid/kotlinMigration.gradle
if [[ $FILEPATH == *AnkiDroid/src/main* ]]; then
elif [[ $FILEPATH == *AnkiDroid/src/test* ]]; then
elif [[ $FILEPATH == *AnkiDroid/src/androidTest* ]]; then
echo "The added/deleted file is not in AnkiDroid/src/' main or test or AndroidTest"
exit 1
# The path, as we want it in "SOURCE" in AnkiDroid/kotlinMigration.gradle.
# That is, the path after AnkiDroid/src/(main|test|androidTest)/java
# shellcheck disable=SC2001
PATH_IN_SOURCE=$(echo "$FILEPATH" | sed "s:^AnkiDroid/src/.*/java::")
# The package name of the file modified
PACKAGE_NAME=$(echo "$PATH_IN_SOURCE" | sed "s:/:.:g" | sed "s:^.::")
# git work #
# Stashing all change to create first commit
git stash
echo "stash"
# Creating first commit
# Moving .java to .kotlin without actually converting the file
echo "mv .java .kt"
# In sed, instead of "/", we use ":" as separator. This is because "/" are in filepath while ":" are not
# Modifying className value in kotlinMigration.gradle
sed -i.bak "s:def className = .*:def className = \"$PATH_IN_SOURCE.kt\":" AnkiDroid/kotlinMigration.gradle
echo "change className"
# Modifying source value in kotlinMigration.gradle
sed -i.bak "s:def source = .*:def source = Source.$SOURCE:" AnkiDroid/kotlinMigration.gradle
echo "change source"
# Creating the first commit
git add AnkiDroid/kotlinMigration.gradle
echo "add kotlinMigration.gradle"
git commit -m "refactor: Rename $FILENAME.java to .kt
echo "first commit"
## Creating second commit
# Removing the java file with .kt name to be able to pop the actual kotlin file
git rm "$FILEPATH_KT"
echo "remove .kt"
# Getting back all files stashed above
git stash pop
echo "pop"
# We must add the new file explicitly, as it won't be seen by `git -a`
git add "$FILEPATH_KT"
echo "add kt"
# Setting back className in kotlinMigration.gradle to its original value
sed -i.bak "s:def className = .*:def className = \"\":" AnkiDroid/kotlinMigration.gradle
echo "reset className"
# Setting back source in kotlinMigration.gradle to its original value
sed -i.bak "s:def source = .*:def source = Source.MAIN:" AnkiDroid/kotlinMigration.gradle
echo "reset source"
# No need to add explicitly kotlinMigration.gradle in git commit, since we use `git -a`
# Adding all files because the commit must contains all modifications made in other file
# to use the conversion of FILENAME.
git commit -am "refactor: Convert $FILENAME to Kotlin
echo "second commit"
rm AnkiDroid/kotlinMigration.gradle.bak || true
echo "optional cleanup"