mirror of https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-Android.git synced 2024-09-20 12:02:16 +02:00
2014-10-24 17:33:43 +09:00

170 lines
14 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2009 Andrew <andrewdubya@gmail>
~ Copyright (c) 2009 Edu Zamora <edu.zasu@gmail.com>
~ Copyright (c) 2009 Daniel Svaerd <daniel.svard@gmail.com>
~ Copyright (c) 2009 Nicolas Raoul <nicolas.raoul@gmail.com>
~ Copyright (c) 2010 Norbert Nagold <norbert.nagold@gmail.com>
~ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
~ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
~ Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
~ version.
~ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
~ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
~ PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
~ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
~ this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2009 Andrew <andrewdubya@gmail>
~ Copyright (c) 2009 Edu Zamora <edu.zasu@gmail.com>
~ Copyright (c) 2009 Daniel Svärd <daniel.svard@gmail.com>
~ Copyright (c) 2009 Nicolas Raoul <nicolas.raoul@gmail.com>
~ Copyright (c) 2010 Norbert Nagold <norbert.nagold@gmail.com>
~ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
~ the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
~ Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
~ version.
~ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
~ WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
~ PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
~ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
~ this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
<string name="youre_offline">You are offline</string>
<string name="currently_downloading">Currently downloading</string>
<string name="starting_download">Starting download&#8230;</string>
<string name="downloading">Downloading&#8230;</string>
<string name="paused">Paused</string>
<string name="downloaded">Downloaded</string>
<string name="sync_error">Sync Error</string>
<string name="vague_error">Error</string>
<string name="cancelling">Cancelling&#8230;</string>
<string name="connection_error_return_message">A network error has occurred. Retry, or cancel and return to the previous screen.</string>
<string name="retry">Volver tentar</string>
<string name="cancel">Cancelar</string>
<string name="download_overwrite">Overwrite</string>
<string name="download_cancel">Cancelar descarga</string>
<string name="shared_decks">Shared decks</string>
<string name="loading_shared_decks">Loading available shared decks&#8230;</string>
<string name="terms_and_conditions"><a href="https://ankiweb.net/account/terms">Terms and conditions</a></string>
<string name="cancel_download">Cancel download</string>
<string name="resume_download">Resume download</string>
<string name="pause_download">Pause download</string>
<string name="duplicate_download">This deck\'s already downloading</string>
<string name="menu_get_shared_decks">Get shared decks</string>
<string name="download_button_return">Return</string>
<string name="connection_error_message">A network error has occurred.</string>
<string name="sync_log_db_error">A database error has occurred.</string>
<string name="not_logged_in_title">Log in to AnkiWeb</string>
<string name="login_create_account_message">You must log in to an AnkiWeb account. You can create one in the next step.</string>
<string name="no_email_client">No email client available</string>
<string name="username">Email address</string>
<string name="username_repeat">Repeat email address</string>
<string name="password">Contrasinal</string>
<string name="password_repeat">Repeat password</string>
<string name="log_in">Log in</string>
<string name="sign_up_description">Don\'t have an AnkiWeb account? It\'s free!</string>
<string name="sign_up">Sign up</string>
<string name="sign_up_terms">By touching <i>Sign up</i>, you confirm that you have read and agree to our <a href="https://ankiweb.net/account/terms">terms of use</a>.</string>
<string name="logged_as">Logged in as</string>
<string name="log_out">Log out</string>
<string name="alert_logging_message">Logging in&#8230;</string>
<string name="invalid_username_password">Invalid email address or password</string>
<string name="login_generic_error">Failed to log in.</string>
<string name="reset_password">Reset password</string>
<string name="download_finished">Download finished</string>
<string name="personaldeckpicker_title">Open online deck</string>
<string name="shareddeckpicker_title">Select the deck you want to download</string>
<string name="downloaddeck_search">Search</string>
<string name="preferences_title">Preferencias</string>
<string name="deckpreferences_title">Options for XXX</string>
<string name="sync_conflict_message">You must either upload this collection or download it from Ankiweb, as they can\'t be merged. The collection on one side will be overwritten.</string>
<string name="sync_conflict_local">Cargar</string>
<string name="sync_conflict_remote">Descargar</string>
<string name="sync_conflict_remote_confirm">Overwrite your local collection?</string>
<string name="sync_conflict_local_confirm">Overwrite your collection on the server?</string>
<string name="sync_prepare_syncing">Preparing syncing&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_preparing_full_sync_message">Preparing full sync&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_uploading_message">Uploading&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_downloading_message">Downloading&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_reload_message">Reloading collection&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_title">Synchronization</string>
<string name="sync_downloading_media">Downloading media %1$d/%2$d&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_log_uploading_message">Full sync from local</string>
<string name="sync_log_downloading_message">Full sync from server</string>
<string name="sync_log_clocks_unsynchronized">Your clock\'s off by %1$d seconds%2$s. Make sure that the date, time, and timezone on your phone are set correctly, then sync again.</string>
<string name="sync_log_clocks_unsynchronized_tz">, the time zone\'s possibly wrong</string>
<string name="sync_log_clocks_unsynchronized_date">, the date\'s possibly wrong</string>
<string name="sync_log_old_version">The synchronization protocol has changed, please upgrade to the latest AnkiDroid. See %s</string>
<string name="sync_conflict_title">Syncing conflict</string>
<string name="sync_no_changes_message">No changes found.</string>
<string name="sync_database_acknowledge">Collection synchronized</string>
<string name="sync_log_error_fix">A syncing error occurred%s.\n\nIf this happens consistently, you can do a full sync, which will probably fix the problem. Be aware that it will overwrite either your local collection or the one on AnkiWeb.\nIf you really want to do full sync, please choose if you want to upload your local collection or to download from the server.</string>
<string name="sync_log_error_specific">Syncing error, type: %1$s, message: %2$s</string>
<string name="sync_corrupt_database">Your database is corrupt. Please fix it before trying again to sync.\n\nSee %s for information about repairing your database.</string>
<string name="sync_too_busy">Server busy. Try again later.</string>
<string name="sync_remote_db_error">The downloaded database was corrupt. Please try again.</string>
<string name="sync_overwrite_error">Your current collection couldn\'t be overwritten by the downloaded file</string>
<string name="sync_connection_error">Connection timed out. Either your internet connection is experiencing problems, or you have a very large file in your media folder.</string>
<string name="sync_error_409">Only one client can access AnkiWeb at a time. If a previous sync failed, please try again in a few minutes.</string>
<string name="sync_write_access_error">The downloaded file couldn\'t be saved to the SD card. Either the card is mounted read-only or there isn\'t enough space.</string>
<string name="sync_deletions_message">Syncing deletions&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_small_objects_message">Syncing small objects&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_finish_message">Finishing syncing&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_log_finish_error">Error while sending finish direction to server</string>
<string name="sync_writing_db">Writing changes into database&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_download_chunk">Downloading changes&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_upload_chunk">Uploading changes&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_up_down_size">Up: %1$d kB, down: %2$d kB</string>
<string name="sync_generic_error">An error has occurred. Try again later.</string>
<string name="sync_check_upload_file">Checking file before upload&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_check_download_file">Checking downloaded file&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_media_find">Finding changed media&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_media_remove">Handling deleted media&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_media_from_server">Receiving media from server&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_media_to_server">Sending media to server&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_media_sanity_check">Checking media counts&#8230;</string>
<string name="sync_media_no_changes">No changes to media files</string>
<string name="sync_media_success">Media synced</string>
<string name="sync_media_changes_count">%d media changes to upload</string>
<string name="sync_media_downloaded_count">%d media files downloaded</string>
<string name="sync_sanity_failed">After syncing, the collection was in an inconsistent state. To fix this problem, AnkiDroid will force a full sync. Choose which side you would like to keep.</string>
<string name="sync_media_sanity_failed">Media sync completed, but the media count doesn\'t agree with the server. The next media sync will be full to correct any error.</string>
<string name="sync_media_error">Error syncing media data</string>
<string name="sync_media_unsupported">Complex media file names are not supported on Android 2.2 and below. Media syncing has been disabled.</string>
<string name="register_error">An error occurred. Try again later.</string>
<string name="register_title">Register account</string>
<string name="register_mismatch">A repetición do nome do usuario ou da contrasinal non coincide ou está baleira. Por favor, volva a introducila.</string>
<string name="registering_message">Creating account&#8230;</string>
<string name="upgrade_decks_zipping">Zipping decks for upload&#8230;</string>
<string name="upgrade_decks_upload">Uploading zipped decks&#8230;\nYou can cancel by pressing back.</string>
<string name="upgrade_decks_waiting">Waiting&#8230; queue position: %s</string>
<string name="upgrade_decks_upgrade_started">Upgrade started&#8230;</string>
<string name="upgrade_decks_downloading">Downloading upgraded collection&#8230;\nYou can cancel by pressing back.</string>
<string name="upgrade_decks_media">Copying old media files to new media location&#8230;</string>
<string name="upgrade_decks_message">There is no Anki 2.0 collection available but one or more decks in the old Anki 1.2 format have been found:%sIn order to use your decks with the new version of AnkiDroid they need to be converted first into a single collection of the new Anki-2.0 format. There are three possibilities for this:</string>
<string name="upgrade_decks_message_pos1">By using Anki Desktop 2.0, your decks will be converted at the first start. You can sync over AnkiWeb or just copy the new collection afterwards to your mobile device. Copy your decks from your AnkiDroid directory (%s) to your Anki Desktop 1.2 directory on your computer (if you haven\'t synced them anyway) and start Anki Desktop 2.0.</string>
<string name="upgrade_decks_message_pos2">If you already sync your decks over ankiweb, you\'ll just need to log in once to %s and your decks will be converted there. After that you can simply sync the new collection to your mobile device.</string>
<string name="upgrade_decks_message_pos3">As a third possibility, you can have your decks converted via AnkiDroid itself and AnkiWeb. If you touch the upgrade button below, your decks will be bundled and uploaded to AnkiWeb. The converted collection will then be automatically downloaded and opened. You don\'t need any registration for that but be aware that it might be better to use a wifi connection in order to prevent too much traffic over your mobile connection. If the compressed decks amount to more than 50 mb, you cannot use this way. Please resort to the other options in this case. If your deck media files are hosted in custom folders or Dropbox custom folder, they might have to be copied manually to the new location.</string>
<string name="upgrade_decks_message_finish">If you just proceed a new collection will be created without taking your old decks into account.</string>
<string name="upgrade_required">Your decks on AnkiWeb are still in the old Anki 1.2 format. Visit %s and log in there. Your decks will then automatically be converted into the new format.</string>
<string name="upgrade_decks_button">Upgrade</string>
<string name="upgrade_decks_failed">These decks couldn\'t be upgraded: Open them in Anki Desktop and do a database check. Afterwards you can import them via Anki Desktop.</string>
<string name="upgrade_decks_media_failed">Copying the media files to the new media folder (%1$s) has failed for these decks:\n%2$sPlease move the media files manually.</string>
<string name="download_deck">Downloading deck&#8230; (%d kB)</string>
<string name="sync_sanity_local">Local</string>
<string name="sync_sanity_remote">Remote</string>
<string name="force_full_sync_title">Force full sync</string>
<string name="force_full_sync_summary">On next sync, force changes in one direction</string>