mirror of https://github.com/ankidroid/Anki-Android.git synced 2024-09-20 20:03:05 +02:00

164 lines
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language: bash
# ignored on non-linux platforms, but bionic is required for nested virtualization
dist: bionic
- install
- unit_test # custom stage defined in jobs::include section
- test
- finalize_coverage # custom stage defined in jobs::include section
- cache
- ABI=x86_64
- ANDROID_HOME=${HOME}/android-sdk
- ANDROID_TOOLS_URL="https://dl.google.com/android/repository/sdk-tools-linux-4333796.zip"
- EMU_FLAVOR=default # use google_apis flavor if no default flavor emulator
- GRAVIS_REPO="https://github.com/DanySK/Gravis-CI.git"
- GRAVIS="$HOME/gravis"
- JDK="1.8"
# PATH order is incredibly important. e.g. the 'emulator' script exists in more than one place!
- PATH=${ANDROID_HOME}:${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator:${TOOLS}:${TOOLS}/bin:${ANDROID_HOME}/platform-tools:${PATH}
- UNIT_TEST=FALSE # by default we don't run the unit tests, they are run only in specific builds
- LINT=FALSE # by default we don't lint, they are run only in specific builds
- FINALIZE_COVERAGE=FALSE # by default we don't finalize coverage, it is done in one specific build
- TERM=dumb
- API=21 LOCALE="pl_PL"
- API=22 LOCALE="ja_JP"
- API=23 LOCALE="ru_RU"
- API=24 LOCALE="zh_CN"
- API=25 LOCALE="es_ES"
#- API=26 # Fails with unrecognized tests? orchestrator change or something?
#- API=27 LOCALE="fr_FR" # API27 has become very flaky recently, disabling 2020/08/20
- API=28 # API28 does not handle locale changes for some reason, so it is our default locale test
- API=29 LOCALE="pt_BR"
- API=30 EMU_FLAVOR=google_apis LOCALE="de_DE" # This will be API30 when released, until now it is R, with intermittent failure
- API=24 JDK="1.11" # make sure we work in future dev environments
- API=24 JDK="1.14" # make sure we work in future dev environments
fast_finish: true # Report success without waiting for jobs that allowed to fail.
# The "test" stage is implicit and gets the main matrix. This adds extra stages/jobs
- stage: unit_test
name: "Unit Tests - Windows"
install: skip
os: windows
- stage: unit_test
name: "Unit Tests - macOS"
install: skip
os: osx
- stage: unit_test
name: "Unit Tests - Linux"
install: skip
os: linux
- stage: unit_test
name: "Lint - Release"
env: LINT=Release API=NONE
install: skip
os: linux
- stage: unit_test
name: "Lint - Debug (expected to fail - all errors since last baseline)"
env: LINT=Debug API=NONE
install: skip
os: linux
- stage: finalize_coverage
name: "Finalize Codacy Coverage Uploads"
install: skip
script: echo finalize codacy coverage uploads
- env: API=30 EMU_FLAVOR=google_apis LOCALE="de_DE" # unreleased Android API30 is failing in local builds, let's expose that on Travis
- env: API=24 JDK="1.11" # non-default JDKs should not hold up success reporting
- env: API=24 JDK="1.14" # non-default JDKs should not hold up success reporting
- env: LINT=Debug API=NONE # we want to see the full lint report vs baseline but not fail on it
- env: FINALIZE_COVERAGE=TRUE API=NONE # finalizing coverage should not hold up success reporting
# This section may run on all platforms, and may run for unit tests or for coverage finalization
# It should not make assumptions about os platform or desired tool installation
# Set up JDK 8 for Android SDK - Java is universally needed: codacy, unit tests, emulators
- travis_retry git clone --depth 1 $GRAVIS_REPO $GRAVIS
- export TARGET_JDK="${JDK}"
- JDK="adopt@1.8"
- source $GRAVIS/install-jdk
# Set up Android SDK - this is needed everywhere but coverage finalization, so toggle on that
- if [ "$FINALIZE_COVERAGE" = "FALSE" ]; then travis_retry wget -q "${ANDROID_TOOLS_URL}" -O android-sdk-tools.zip; fi
- if [ "$FINALIZE_COVERAGE" = "FALSE" ]; then unzip -q android-sdk-tools.zip -d ${ANDROID_HOME}; fi
- if [ "$FINALIZE_COVERAGE" = "FALSE" ]; then rm android-sdk-tools.zip; fi
- if [ "$FINALIZE_COVERAGE" = "FALSE" ]; then mkdir ~/.android; fi # avoid harmless sdkmanager warning
- if [ "$FINALIZE_COVERAGE" = "FALSE" ]; then echo 'count=0' > ~/.android/repositories.cfg; fi # avoid harmless sdkmanager warning
- if [ "$FINALIZE_COVERAGE" = "FALSE" ]; then yes | travis_retry sdkmanager --licenses >/dev/null; fi # accept all sdkmanager warnings
- if [ "$FINALIZE_COVERAGE" = "FALSE" ]; then echo y | travis_retry sdkmanager --no_https "platform-tools" >/dev/null; fi
- if [ "$FINALIZE_COVERAGE" = "FALSE" ]; then echo y | travis_retry sdkmanager --no_https "tools" >/dev/null; fi # A second time per Travis docs, gets latest versions
- if [ "$FINALIZE_COVERAGE" = "FALSE" ]; then echo y | travis_retry sdkmanager --no_https "build-tools;29.0.2" >/dev/null; fi # Implicit gradle dependency - gradle drives changes
- if [ "$FINALIZE_COVERAGE" = "FALSE" ]; then echo y | travis_retry sdkmanager --no_https "platforms;android-29" >/dev/null; fi # We need the API of the current compileSdkVersion from gradle.properties
# In our setup, install only runs on matrix entries we want full emulator tests on
# That only happens currently on linux, so this section can assume linux + emulator is desired
# Download required emulator tools
- echo y | travis_retry sdkmanager --no_https "platforms;android-$API" >/dev/null # We need the API of the emulator we will run
- echo y | travis_retry sdkmanager --no_https "emulator" >/dev/null
- echo y | travis_retry sdkmanager --no_https "system-images;android-$API;$EMU_FLAVOR;$ABI" >/dev/null # install our emulator
# Set up KVM on linux for hardware acceleration. Manually here so it only happens for emulator tests, takes ~30s
- travis_retry sudo -E apt-get -yq --no-install-suggests --no-install-recommends install bridge-utils libpulse0 libvirt-bin qemu-kvm virtinst ubuntu-vm-builder
- sudo adduser $USER libvirt
- sudo adduser $USER kvm
# Create an Android emulator
- echo no | avdmanager create avd --force -n test -k "system-images;android-$API;$EMU_FLAVOR;$ABI" -c 10M
- |
EMU_PARAMS="-verbose -no-snapshot -no-window -camera-back none -camera-front none -selinux permissive -qemu -m 2048"
# This double "sudo" monstrosity is used to have Travis execute the
# emulator with its new group permissions and help preserve the rule
# of least privilege.
sudo -E sudo -u $USER -E bash -c "${ANDROID_HOME}/emulator/${EMU_COMMAND} -avd test ${AUDIO} ${EMU_PARAMS} &"
# Wait for emulator to be ready
- ./tools/android-wait-for-emulator.sh
- adb shell input keyevent 82 &
# Switch locale
- if [ "$LOCALE" != "NONE" ]; then adb shell am broadcast -a com.android.intent.action.SET_LOCALE --es com.android.intent.extra.LOCALE "$LOCALE" com.android.customlocale2; fi
# Switch back to our target JDK version to build and run tests
- JDK="adopt@${TARGET_JDK}"
- source $GRAVIS/install-jdk
- if [ "$API" = "NONE" ]; then travis_retry ./gradlew :AnkiDroid:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac compileLint; fi # warm gradle w/travis_retry to handle network blips
- if [ "$UNIT_TEST" = "TRUE" ]; then travis_retry ./gradlew robolectricSdkDownload; fi # pre-download robolectric jars w/travis_retry to handle network blips
- if [ "$UNIT_TEST" = "TRUE" ]; then ./gradlew jacocoUnitTestReport; fi
- if [ "$LINT" != "FALSE" ]; then ./gradlew lint$LINT; fi
- if [ "$API" != "NONE" ]; then ./gradlew jacocoAndroidTestReport; fi
- if [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" ]; then travis_retry bash tools/upload-codacy-report.sh; fi
# - rm -f $HOME/.gradle/caches/modules-2/modules-2.lock
# - $GRAVIS/clean-gradle-cache
# directories:
# - $HOME/.gradle/caches/
# - $HOME/.gradle/wrapper/
- github@mikehardy.net