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* PHPMailer - Base test class.
* PHP version 5.5.
* @author Marcus Bointon <phpmailer@synchromedia.co.uk>
* @author Andy Prevost
* @copyright 2012 - 2020 Marcus Bointon
* @copyright 2004 - 2009 Andy Prevost
* @license https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html GNU Lesser General Public License
namespace PHPMailer\Test;
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionProperty;
use Yoast\PHPUnitPolyfills\TestCases\TestCase as PolyfillTestCase;
* PHPMailer - Base test class.
abstract class TestCase extends PolyfillTestCase
* Whether or not to initialize the PHPMailer object to throw exceptions.
* Overload this constant in a concrete test class and set the value to `true`
* to initialize PHPMailer with Exceptions turned on.
* @var bool|null
const USE_EXCEPTIONS = null;
* Property names and their values for the test instance of the PHPMailer class.
* These (public) properties will be set in the `set_up()` method.
* This property can be enhanced/overloaded in concrete test classes to change the presets
* or add additional properties.
* It is the responsibility of the individual test classes to ensure that
* property values of the correct type are passed.
* @var array Key is the property name, value the desired value for the PHPMailer instance.
protected $propertyChanges = [
'SMTPDebug' => SMTP::DEBUG_CONNECTION, // Full debug output.
'Debugoutput' => ['PHPMailer\Test\DebugLogTestListener', 'debugLog'],
* Holds the PHPMailer instance.
* @var PHPMailer
protected $Mail;
* Holds the change log.
* @var string[]
private $ChangeLog = [];
* Holds the note log.
* @var string[]
private $NoteLog = [];
* List of *public* properties which we don't want listed in the changelog
* as they will already be included in the mail/debug information
* created in `buildBody()` anyway.
* Note: no need to include protected or private properties as the tests don't
* have access to those anyway.
* @var array Key is the property name, value irrelevant.
private $changelogExclude = [
// These are always set in set_up().
'SMTPDebug' => true,
'Debugoutput' => true,
// These are part of the message body anyway.
'Subject' => true,
'Body' => true,
'AltBody' => true,
'Ical' => true,
// These will always change.
'MessageID' => true,
'MessageDate' => true,
// These are always explicitly added via buildBody() anyway.
'ContentType' => true,
'CharSet' => true,
'Host' => true,
* List of *static* properties in the PHPMailer class which _may_ be changed from within a test,
* with their default values.
* This list is used by the {@see `TestCase::resetStaticProperties()`} method, as well as
* in the {@see `TestCase::checkChanges()`} method.
* {@internal The default values have to be (manually) maintained here as the Reflection
* extension does not provide accurate information on the default values of static properties.}
* @var array Key is the property name, value the default as per the PHPMailer class.
private $PHPMailerStaticProps = [
'LE' => PHPMailer::CRLF,
'validator' => 'php',
* Run before each test class.
public static function set_up_before_class()
if (defined('PHPMAILER_INCLUDE_DIR') === false) {
* Set up default include path.
* Default to the dir above the test dir, i.e. the project home dir.
define('PHPMAILER_INCLUDE_DIR', dirname(__DIR__));
* Run before each test is started.
protected function set_up()
// Initialize the PHPMailer class.
if (is_bool(static::USE_EXCEPTIONS)) {
$this->Mail = new PHPMailer(static::USE_EXCEPTIONS);
} else {
$this->Mail = new PHPMailer();
// Set initial property values.
foreach ($this->propertyChanges as $key => $value) {
if ($key === 'to' || $key === 'cc' || $key === 'bcc' || $key === 'ReplyTo') {
if (is_array($value) && isset($value['address'], $value['name'])) {
$this->setAddress($value['address'], $value['name'], $key);
} elseif (is_string($value)) {
$this->setAddress($value, '', $key);
$this->Mail->{$key} = $value;
if ($this->Mail->Host != '') {
} else {
* Run after each test is completed.
protected function tear_down()
// Make sure that any changes to static variables are undone after each test.
// Clean test class native properties between tests.
$this->Mail = null;
$this->ChangeLog = [];
$this->NoteLog = [];
* Reset the static properties in the PHPMailer class to their default values.
protected function resetStaticProperties()
$reflClass = new ReflectionClass(PHPMailer::class);
$staticPropValues = $reflClass->getStaticProperties();
foreach ($this->PHPMailerStaticProps as $name => $default) {
if (isset($staticPropValues[$name]) && $staticPropValues[$name] === $default) {
self::updateStaticProperty(PHPMailer::class, $name, $default);
* Update the value of a - potentially inaccessible - static property in a class.
* @param string $className The target class.
* @param string $propertyName The name of the static property.
* @param mixed $value The new value for the property.
public static function updateStaticProperty($className, $propertyName, $value)
$reflProp = new ReflectionProperty($className, $propertyName);
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80100) {
//setAccessible is only needed in PHP < 8.1
$isPublic = $reflProp->isPublic();
if ($isPublic !== true) {
$reflProp->setValue(null, $value);
if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 80100) {
if ($isPublic !== true) {
* Build the body of the message in the appropriate format.
protected function buildBody()
// Determine line endings for message.
if ('text/html' === $this->Mail->ContentType || $this->Mail->AltBody !== '') {
$eol = "<br>\r\n";
$bullet_start = '<li>';
$bullet_end = "</li>\r\n";
$list_start = "<ul>\r\n";
$list_end = "</ul>\r\n";
} else {
$eol = "\r\n";
$bullet_start = ' - ';
$bullet_end = "\r\n";
$list_start = '';
$list_end = '';
$ReportBody = '';
$ReportBody .= '---------------------' . $eol;
$ReportBody .= 'Unit Test Information' . $eol;
$ReportBody .= '---------------------' . $eol;
$ReportBody .= 'phpmailer version: ' . PHPMailer::VERSION . $eol;
$ReportBody .= 'Content Type: ' . $this->Mail->ContentType . $eol;
$ReportBody .= 'CharSet: ' . $this->Mail->CharSet . $eol;
if ($this->Mail->Host !== '') {
$ReportBody .= 'Host: ' . $this->Mail->Host . $eol;
// If attachments then create an attachment list.
$attachments = $this->Mail->getAttachments();
if (count($attachments) > 0) {
$ReportBody .= 'Attachments:' . $eol;
$ReportBody .= $list_start;
foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
$ReportBody .= $bullet_start . 'Name: ' . $attachment[1] . ', ';
$ReportBody .= 'Encoding: ' . $attachment[3] . ', ';
$ReportBody .= 'Type: ' . $attachment[4] . $bullet_end;
$ReportBody .= $list_end . $eol;
// If there are changes then list them.
if (count($this->ChangeLog) > 0) {
$ReportBody .= 'Changes' . $eol;
$ReportBody .= '-------' . $eol;
$ReportBody .= $list_start;
foreach ($this->ChangeLog as $iValue) {
$ReportBody .= $bullet_start . $iValue[0] . ' was changed to [' .
$iValue[1] . ']' . $bullet_end;
$ReportBody .= $list_end . $eol . $eol;
// If there are notes then list them.
if (count($this->NoteLog) > 0) {
$ReportBody .= 'Notes' . $eol;
$ReportBody .= '-----' . $eol;
$ReportBody .= $list_start;
foreach ($this->NoteLog as $iValue) {
$ReportBody .= $bullet_start . $iValue . $bullet_end;
$ReportBody .= $list_end;
// Re-attach the original body.
$this->Mail->Body .= $eol . $ReportBody;
* Check which default settings have been changed for the report.
protected function checkChanges()
// Get the default values of all public properties.
$defaults = get_class_vars(PHPMailer::class);
foreach ($defaults as $propertyName => $value) {
if (isset($this->changelogExclude[$propertyName])) {
if (isset($this->PHPMailerStaticProps[$propertyName])) {
// Nested static access is not supported in PHP < 7.0, so we need an interim variable.
$mail = $this->Mail;
if ($mail::${$propertyName} !== $this->PHPMailerStaticProps[$propertyName]) {
$this->addChange($propertyName, var_export($mail::${$propertyName}, true));
// Check against the TestCase specific defaults.
if (
&& $this->Mail->{$propertyName} !== $this->propertyChanges[$propertyName]
) {
$this->addChange($propertyName, var_export($this->Mail->{$propertyName}, true));
// Check against the PHPMailer class defaults.
if ($this->Mail->{$propertyName} !== $value) {
$this->addChange($propertyName, var_export($this->Mail->{$propertyName}, true));
* Add a changelog entry.
* @param string $sName
* @param string $sNewValue
protected function addChange($sName, $sNewValue)
$this->ChangeLog[] = [$sName, $sNewValue];
* Adds a simple note to the message.
* @param string $sValue
protected function addNote($sValue)
$this->NoteLog[] = $sValue;
* Adds all of the addresses.
* @param string $sAddress
* @param string $sName
* @param string $sType
* @return bool
protected function setAddress($sAddress, $sName = '', $sType = 'to')
switch ($sType) {
case 'to':
return $this->Mail->addAddress($sAddress, $sName);
case 'cc':
return $this->Mail->addCC($sAddress, $sName);
case 'bcc':
return $this->Mail->addBCC($sAddress, $sName);
case 'ReplyTo':
return $this->Mail->addReplyTo($sAddress, $sName);
return false;