mirror of https://github.com/Wurst-Imperium/Wurst7.git synced 2024-09-19 17:02:13 +02:00

Partially mitigate AntiHunger's fall damage issue

- NoFall and AntiHunger will now disable each other, so there can be no
confusion about which hack is causing the extra fall damage.
- Added a warning to AntiHunger's description.
- AntiHunger will no longer stay enabled after a restart.

Without knowing the specific cause of AntiHunger's fall damage bug, this
is all I can do about it for now. Taking the blame away from NoFall
should at least result in slightly more useful bug reports. A proper fix
is not possible until someone who has the issue figures out the exact
steps to trigger the bug.
This commit is contained in:
Alexander01998 2024-08-05 17:15:19 +02:00
parent 1c279cf115
commit 6c31e06a50
12 changed files with 14 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ import net.minecraft.network.packet.c2s.play.PlayerMoveC2SPacket;
import net.wurstclient.Category;
import net.wurstclient.SearchTags;
import net.wurstclient.events.PacketOutputListener;
import net.wurstclient.hack.DontSaveState;
import net.wurstclient.hack.Hack;
@SearchTags({"anti hunger"})
public final class AntiHungerHack extends Hack implements PacketOutputListener
@ -26,6 +28,7 @@ public final class AntiHungerHack extends Hack implements PacketOutputListener
protected void onEnable()
EVENTS.add(PacketOutputListener.class, this);

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@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ public final class NoFallHack extends Hack implements UpdateListener
protected void onEnable()
EVENTS.add(UpdateListener.class, this);

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"description.wurst.hack.antiafk": "Prochází se náhodně, aby vás skryl před AFK detektory.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiblind": "Zabraňuje blindness a efekty tmy.\nNekompatibilní s OptiFinem.",
"description.wurst.hack.anticactus": "Chrání vás před poškozením kaktusem.",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "Zpomalí váš hlad, když chodíte.",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "Zpomalí váš hlad, když chodíte.\n\n§c§lUPOZORNĚNÍ:§r Byly hlášeny případy, kdy tento hack způsobil zvýšené poškození pádem za specifických, neznámých podmínek.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiknockback": "Zabraní strkání hráči a moby.",
"description.wurst.hack.antispam": "Blokuje spam chatu přidáním čítače k opakovaným zprávám.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiwaterpush": "Zabraňuje posouvání vodou.",

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"description.wurst.hack.antiafk": "Läuft zufällig durch die Gegend, um dich vor Anti-AFK Plugins zu verstecken.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiblind": "Verhindert Blindheits- und Dunkelheitseffekte.\nNicht kompatibel mit OptiFine.",
"description.wurst.hack.anticactus": "Schützt dich vor Kakteen.",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "Verlangsamt deinen Hunger während du läufst.",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "Verlangsamt deinen Hunger während du läufst.\n\n§c§lWARNUNG:§r Nutzer haben berichtet, dass dieser Hack unter bestimmten, unbekannten Bedingungen extra Fallschaden verursachen kann.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiknockback": "Verhindert dass du von Mobs und Spielern weggeschubst wirst.",
"description.wurst.hack.antispam": "Blockiert Chat-Spam, indem es wiederholte Nachrichten durch einen Zähler ersetzt.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiwaterpush": "Verhindert dass du von fließendem Wasser weggeschubst wirst.",

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
"description.wurst.hack.antiblind": "Prevents blindness and darkness effects.\nIncompatible with OptiFine.",
"description.wurst.hack.anticactus": "Protects you from cactus damage.",
"description.wurst.hack.antientitypush": "Prevents you from getting pushed by players and mobs.",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "Slows down your hunger when you are walking.",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "Slows down your hunger when you are walking.\n\n§c§lWARNING:§r There have been reports of this hack causing you to take extra fall damage under specific, unknown conditions.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiknockback": "Prevents you from taking knockback from players and mobs.",
"description.wurst.hack.antispam": "Blocks chat spam by adding a counter to repeated messages.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiwaterpush": "Prevents you from getting pushed by water.",

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"description.wurst.hack.antiafk": "Cammina randomicamente per nasconderti dai detector di player AFK.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiblind": "Previene la cecità ed effetti oscurità.\nIncompatibile con OptiFine.",
"description.wurst.hack.anticactus": "Ti protegge dai danni causati dai cactus.",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "Rallenta la tua fame quando cammini.",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "Rallenta la tua fame quando cammini.\n\n§c§lATTENZIONE:§r Ci sono state segnalazioni di questo hack che causa danni da caduta extra in condizioni specifiche e sconosciute.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiknockback": "Annulla il knockback (non permette alle entità di spingerti).",
"description.wurst.hack.antispam": "Blocca gli spammer in chat mettendo un contatore per i messaggi.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiwaterpush": "Non permette all'acqua di spingerti.",

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"description.wurst.hack.antiblind": "盲目や暗闇の効果を防ぎます。\nOptiFineとの互換性はありません。",
"description.wurst.hack.anticactus": "サボテンのダメージを無効化する。",
"description.wurst.hack.antientitypush": "プレイヤーやモブに押されるのを防ぎます。",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "歩行中に空腹度ゲージの減少を抑える。",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "歩行中に空腹度ゲージの減少を抑える。\n\n§c§l注意:§r 特定の不明な条件下で、このハックが追加の落下ダメージを引き起こす報告があります。",
"description.wurst.hack.antiknockback": "プレイヤーやモブからのノックバックを無効化する。",
"description.wurst.hack.antispam": "同じ内容のメッセージにカウントを表示し、チャットスパムを防ぐ。",
"description.wurst.hack.antiwaterpush": "水に流されるのを防ぐ。",

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
"description.wurst.hack.antiblind": "실명 및 어둠 효과를 방지합니다.\nOptiFine과 호환되지 않습니다.",
"description.wurst.hack.anticactus": "선인장 대미지를 받지 않습니다.",
"description.wurst.hack.antientitypush": "다른 플레이어나 몹에게 밀려나는 것을 방지합니다.",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "걷는 동안 배고픔 속도를 늦춥니다.",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "걷는 동안 배고픔 속도를 늦춥니다.\n\n§c§l경고:§r 특정한 알려지지 않은 조건에서 이 핵이 추가적인 낙하 대미지를 받게 할 수 있다는 보고가 있습니다.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiknockback": "플레이어나 몹으로부터 넉백을 받지 않도록 합니다.",
"description.wurst.hack.antispam": "반복된 메시지에 카운터를 추가하여 채팅 스팸을 차단합니다.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiwaterpush": "물에 밀리는 것을 방지합니다.",

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"description.wurst.hack.antiafk": "Spaceruje losowo dookoła, aby ukryć cię przed wykrywaczami AFK.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiblind": "Zapobiega efektom oślepienia i ciemności.\nNiekompatybilny z OptiFine.",
"description.wurst.hack.anticactus": "Ochrania cię przed obrażeniami od kaktusa.",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "Spowalnia głód podczas chodzenia.",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "Spowalnia głód podczas chodzenia.\n\n§c§lOSTRZEŻENIE:§r Istnieją doniesienia, że ten hack może powodować dodatkowe obrażenia od upadku w określonych, nieznanych warunkach.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiknockback": "Zapobiega popychaniu cię przez innych graczy i moby.",
"description.wurst.hack.antispam": "Blokuje spam na czacie, dodając licznik do powtarzających się wiadomości.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiwaterpush": "Zapobiega popychaniu cię przez wodę.",

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"description.wurst.hack.antiafk": "Ходит в случайном направлении чтобы сервер не знал что Вы АФК.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiblind": "Предотвращает эффекты слепоты и темноты.\nНесовместим с OptiFine.",
"description.wurst.hack.anticactus": "Защищает Вас от урона от столкновения с кактусами.",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "Замедляет уменьшение голода, когда вы ходите.",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "Замедляет уменьшение голода, когда вы ходите.\n\n§c§lВНИМАНИЕ:§r Были сообщения о том, что этот чит может вызывать дополнительный урон от падения при определенных, неизвестных условиях.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiknockback": "Предотвращает откидывание при получении урона.",
"description.wurst.hack.antispam": "Блокирует спам в чате добавляя счетчик повторений у сообщения.",
"description.wurst.hack.antiwaterpush": "Убирает снос течением воды.",

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"description.wurst.hack.antiblind": "防止失明和黑暗效果。\n与 OptiFine 不兼容。",
"description.wurst.hack.anticactus": "保护你免受仙人掌伤害。",
"description.wurst.hack.antientitypush": "保护你不会被玩家和其他生物推挤。",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "在你走路时减缓你的饥饿状态。",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "在你走路时减缓你的饥饿状态。\n\n§c§l警告§r 有报告称在某些特定的、未知的情况下,此功能可能会导致你受到额外的摔落伤害。",
"description.wurst.hack.antiknockback": "保护你不被其他生物或玩家推动和用剑击退。",
"description.wurst.hack.antispam": "将重复的刷屏改为计数器显示。",
"description.wurst.hack.antiwaterpush": "防止你被水流推动。",

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
"description.wurst.hack.antiafk": "隨機走動,用於避免伺服器掛機檢測。",
"description.wurst.hack.antiblind": "防止失明和黑暗效果。\n與 OptiFine不相容。",
"description.wurst.hack.anticactus": "保護你免受仙人掌傷害。",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "走路時減緩你的飢餓度。",
"description.wurst.hack.antihunger": "走路時減緩你的飢餓度。\n\n§c§l警告§r 有報告指出,在某些特定但未知的情況下,此功能可能會導致你受到額外的掉落傷害。",
"description.wurst.hack.antiknockback": "保護你不會被其他生物或玩家推動和用劍擊退。",
"description.wurst.hack.antispam": "預防存在的重複刷屏,改為用計數器顯示。",
"description.wurst.hack.antiwaterpush": "防止你被水流推動。",