# - Find botan # Find the botan cryptographic library # # This module defines the following variables: # BOTAN_FOUND - True if library and include directory are found # If set to TRUE, the following are also defined: # BOTAN_INCLUDE_DIRS - The directory where to find the header file # BOTAN_LIBRARIES - Where to find the library files # # This file is in the public domain (https://github.com/vistle/vistle/blob/master/cmake/Modules/FindBOTAN.cmake) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) set(BOTAN_VERSIONS botan-3 botan-2) set(BOTAN_NAMES botan-3 botan-2 botan) set(BOTAN_NAMES_DEBUG botand-3 botand-2 botand botan botan-3) find_path( BOTAN_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES botan/build.h PATH_SUFFIXES ${BOTAN_VERSIONS} DOC "The Botan include directory") if(BOTAN_INCLUDE_DIR) file(READ "${BOTAN_INCLUDE_DIR}/botan/build.h" build) string(REGEX MATCH "BOTAN_VERSION_MAJOR ([0-9]*)" _ ${build}) set(BOTAN_VERSION_MAJOR ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) string(REGEX MATCH "BOTAN_VERSION_MINOR ([0-9]*)" _ ${build}) set(BOTAN_VERSION_MINOR ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) string(REGEX MATCH "BOTAN_VERSION_PATCH ([0-9]*)" _ ${build}) set(BOTAN_VERSION_PATCH ${CMAKE_MATCH_1}) set(BOTAN_VERSION "${BOTAN_VERSION_MAJOR}.${BOTAN_VERSION_MINOR}.${BOTAN_VERSION_PATCH}") endif() find_library( BOTAN_LIBRARY NAMES ${BOTAN_NAMES} PATH_SUFFIXES release/lib lib DOC "The Botan (release) library") if(MSVC) find_library( BOTAN_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES ${BOTAN_NAMES_DEBUG} PATH_SUFFIXES debug/lib lib DOC "The Botan debug library") find_package_handle_standard_args( Botan REQUIRED_VARS BOTAN_LIBRARY BOTAN_LIBRARY_DEBUG BOTAN_INCLUDE_DIR VERSION_VAR BOTAN_VERSION) else() find_package_handle_standard_args( Botan REQUIRED_VARS BOTAN_LIBRARY BOTAN_INCLUDE_DIR VERSION_VAR BOTAN_VERSION) endif() if(BOTAN_FOUND) set(BOTAN_INCLUDE_DIRS ${BOTAN_INCLUDE_DIR}) if(MSVC) set(BOTAN_LIBRARIES optimized ${BOTAN_LIBRARY} debug ${BOTAN_LIBRARY_DEBUG}) else() set(BOTAN_LIBRARIES ${BOTAN_LIBRARY}) endif() endif() mark_as_advanced(BOTAN_INCLUDE_DIR BOTAN_LIBRARY BOTAN_LIBRARY_DEBUG)