# # Copyright 2020-2022 Signal Messenger, LLC. # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only # Pod::Spec.new do |s| s.name = 'LibSignalClient' s.version = '0.57.0' s.summary = 'A Swift wrapper library for communicating with the Signal messaging service.' s.homepage = 'https://github.com/signalapp/libsignal' s.license = 'AGPL-3.0-only' s.author = 'Signal Messenger LLC' s.source = { :git => 'https://github.com/signalapp/libsignal.git', :tag => "v#{s.version}" } s.swift_version = '5' s.platform = :ios, '13.0' s.source_files = ['swift/Sources/**/*.swift', 'swift/Sources/**/*.m'] s.preserve_paths = [ 'swift/Sources/SignalFfi', 'bin/fetch_archive.py', 'acknowledgments/acknowledgments.plist', ] s.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/swift/Sources/SignalFfi', # Duplicate this here to make sure the search path is passed on to Swift dependencies. 'SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS' => '$(HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS)', 'LIBSIGNAL_FFI_BUILD_PATH' => 'target/$(CARGO_BUILD_TARGET)/release', # Store libsignal_ffi.a builds in a project-wide directory # because we keep simulator and device builds next to each other. 'LIBSIGNAL_FFI_TEMP_DIR' => '$(PROJECT_TEMP_DIR)/libsignal_ffi', 'LIBSIGNAL_FFI_LIB_TO_LINK' => '$(LIBSIGNAL_FFI_TEMP_DIR)/$(LIBSIGNAL_FFI_BUILD_PATH)/libsignal_ffi.a', # Make sure we link the static library, not a dynamic one. 'OTHER_LDFLAGS' => '$(LIBSIGNAL_FFI_LIB_TO_LINK)', 'LIBSIGNAL_FFI_PREBUILD_ARCHIVE' => "libsignal-client-ios-build-v#{s.version}.tar.gz", 'LIBSIGNAL_FFI_PREBUILD_CHECKSUM' => ENV.fetch('LIBSIGNAL_FFI_PREBUILD_CHECKSUM', ''), 'CARGO_BUILD_TARGET[sdk=iphonesimulator*][arch=arm64]' => 'aarch64-apple-ios-sim', 'CARGO_BUILD_TARGET[sdk=iphonesimulator*][arch=*]' => 'x86_64-apple-ios', 'CARGO_BUILD_TARGET[sdk=iphoneos*]' => 'aarch64-apple-ios', # Presently, there's no special SDK or arch for maccatalyst, # so we need to hackily use the "IS_MACCATALYST" build flag # to set the appropriate cargo target 'CARGO_BUILD_TARGET_MAC_CATALYST_ARM_' => 'aarch64-apple-darwin', 'CARGO_BUILD_TARGET_MAC_CATALYST_ARM_YES' => 'aarch64-apple-ios-macabi', 'CARGO_BUILD_TARGET[sdk=macosx*][arch=arm64]' => '$(CARGO_BUILD_TARGET_MAC_CATALYST_ARM_$(IS_MACCATALYST))', 'CARGO_BUILD_TARGET_MAC_CATALYST_X86_' => 'x86_64-apple-darwin', 'CARGO_BUILD_TARGET_MAC_CATALYST_X86_YES' => 'x86_64-apple-ios-macabi', 'CARGO_BUILD_TARGET[sdk=macosx*][arch=*]' => '$(CARGO_BUILD_TARGET_MAC_CATALYST_X86_$(IS_MACCATALYST))', 'ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => 'x86_64 arm64', 'ARCHS[sdk=iphoneos*]' => 'arm64', } s.script_phases = [ { name: 'Download libsignal-ffi if not in cache', execution_position: :before_compile, # It's not *ideal* to check the cache every build, but it's usually just a shasum. # It might be possible to rely on the relative mtimes of the podspec and the fetched archive, # but I wouldn't want to risk a mismatched archive giving us cryptic errors at link or run # time later. This Is Fine. always_out_of_date: '1', script: %q( set -euo pipefail if [ -e "${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/swift/build_ffi.sh" ]; then # Local development exit 0 fi "${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}"/bin/fetch_archive.py -u "https://build-artifacts.signal.org/libraries/${LIBSIGNAL_FFI_PREBUILD_ARCHIVE}" -c "${LIBSIGNAL_FFI_PREBUILD_CHECKSUM}" -o "${USER_LIBRARY_DIR}/Caches/org.signal.libsignal" ), }, { name: 'Extract libsignal-ffi prebuild', execution_position: :before_compile, input_files: ['$(USER_LIBRARY_DIR)/Caches/org.signal.libsignal/$(LIBSIGNAL_FFI_PREBUILD_ARCHIVE)'], output_files: ['$(LIBSIGNAL_FFI_LIB_TO_LINK)'], script: %q( set -euo pipefail rm -rf "${LIBSIGNAL_FFI_TEMP_DIR}" if [ -e "${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}/swift/build_ffi.sh" ]; then # Local development ln -fns "${PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT}" "${LIBSIGNAL_FFI_TEMP_DIR}" elif [ -e "${SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_0}" ]; then mkdir -p "${LIBSIGNAL_FFI_TEMP_DIR}" cd "${LIBSIGNAL_FFI_TEMP_DIR}" tar -m -x -f "${SCRIPT_INPUT_FILE_0}" else echo 'error: could not download libsignal_ffi.a; please provide LIBSIGNAL_FFI_PREBUILD_CHECKSUM' >&2 exit 1 fi ), } ] s.test_spec 'Tests' do |test_spec| test_spec.source_files = 'swift/Tests/*/*.swift' test_spec.preserve_paths = [ 'swift/Tests/*/Resources', ] test_spec.pod_target_xcconfig = { # Don't also link into the test target. 'LIBSIGNAL_FFI_LIB_TO_LINK' => '', } # Ideally we'd do this at run time, not configuration time, but CocoaPods doesn't make that easy. # This is good enough. test_spec.scheme = { environment_variables: ENV.select { |name, value| name.start_with?('LIBSIGNAL_TESTING_') } } end end