mirror of https://github.com/signalapp/libsignal.git synced 2024-09-20 03:52:17 +02:00
2024-02-29 18:22:59 -08:00

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// Copyright 2020-2021 Signal Messenger, LLC.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
@testable import LibSignalClient
import XCTest
class BadStore: InMemorySignalProtocolStore {
enum Error: Swift.Error {
case badness
override func loadPreKey(id: UInt32, context: StoreContext) throws -> PreKeyRecord {
throw Error.badness
// Wrapped here so that the test files don't need to use @testable import.
func sealedSenderMultiRecipientMessageForSingleRecipient(_ message: [UInt8]) throws -> [UInt8] {
return try LibSignalClient.sealedSenderMultiRecipientMessageForSingleRecipient(message)
/// Always throws a ``XCTSkip`` error.
/// Add this to the top of a test case to make sure it compiles but never runs.
func throwSkipForCompileOnlyTest() throws {
throw XCTSkip("compilation-only test")
func randomBytes(_ count: Int) -> [UInt8] {
var key = Array(repeating: UInt8(0), count: count)
key.withUnsafeMutableBytes {
try! fillRandom($0)
return key
extension Sequence where Element == UInt8 {
internal var hexString: String {
func hex(b: UInt8) -> String {
let prefix = b & 0xF0 == 0 ? "0" : ""
return prefix + String(b, radix: 16)
return self.map(hex).joined(separator: "")
extension Array where Element == UInt8 {
internal init?(fromHexString hex: String) {
guard hex.count % 2 == 0 else {
return nil
var from = hex.startIndex
while from < hex.endIndex {
let to = hex.index(from, offsetBy: 2)
guard let byte = UInt8(hex[from..<to], radix: 16) else {
return nil
from = to
final class HexTests: XCTestCase {
func testToHex() throws {
XCTAssertEqual("", [].hexString)
XCTAssertEqual("010aff", [0x01, 0x0A, 0xFF].hexString)
func testFromHex() throws {
XCTAssertEqual([0x01, 0x0A, 0xFF], [UInt8](fromHexString: "010aff"))
XCTAssertEqual([0x01, 0x0A, 0xFF], [UInt8](fromHexString: "010AfF"))
XCTAssertNil([UInt8](fromHexString: "nonhex"))
XCTAssertNil([UInt8](fromHexString: "abc"))
func testRandomBytes() throws {
for _ in 0..<100 {
// only generate even lengths
let count = Int.random(in: 0..<100) / 2 * 2
let bytes = randomBytes(count)
XCTAssertEqual(bytes, [UInt8](fromHexString: bytes.hexString), "Failed value: \(bytes)")