/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_VULKAN #include #endif #include #include #include "mpv_talloc.h" #include "common/common.h" #include "fmt-conversion.h" #include "mp_image_pool.h" #include "mp_image.h" #include "osdep/threads.h" static mp_static_mutex pool_mutex = MP_STATIC_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; #define pool_lock() mp_mutex_lock(&pool_mutex) #define pool_unlock() mp_mutex_unlock(&pool_mutex) // Thread-safety: the pool itself is not thread-safe, but pool-allocated images // can be referenced and unreferenced from other threads. (As long as the image // destructors are thread-safe.) struct mp_image_pool { struct mp_image **images; int num_images; int fmt, w, h; mp_image_allocator allocator; void *allocator_ctx; bool use_lru; unsigned int lru_counter; }; // Used to gracefully handle the case when the pool is freed while image // references allocated from the image pool are still held by someone. struct image_flags { // If both of these are false, the image must be freed. bool referenced; // outside mp_image reference exists bool pool_alive; // the mp_image_pool references this unsigned int order; // for LRU allocation (basically a timestamp) }; static void image_pool_destructor(void *ptr) { struct mp_image_pool *pool = ptr; mp_image_pool_clear(pool); } // If tparent!=NULL, set it as talloc parent for the pool. struct mp_image_pool *mp_image_pool_new(void *tparent) { struct mp_image_pool *pool = talloc_ptrtype(tparent, pool); talloc_set_destructor(pool, image_pool_destructor); *pool = (struct mp_image_pool) {0}; return pool; } void mp_image_pool_clear(struct mp_image_pool *pool) { for (int n = 0; n < pool->num_images; n++) { struct mp_image *img = pool->images[n]; struct image_flags *it = img->priv; bool referenced; pool_lock(); assert(it->pool_alive); it->pool_alive = false; referenced = it->referenced; pool_unlock(); if (!referenced) talloc_free(img); } pool->num_images = 0; } // This is the only function that is allowed to run in a different thread. // (Consider passing an image to another thread, which frees it.) static void unref_image(void *opaque, uint8_t *data) { struct mp_image *img = opaque; struct image_flags *it = img->priv; bool alive; pool_lock(); assert(it->referenced); it->referenced = false; alive = it->pool_alive; pool_unlock(); if (!alive) talloc_free(img); } // Return a new image of given format/size. Unlike mp_image_pool_get(), this // returns NULL if there is no free image of this format/size. struct mp_image *mp_image_pool_get_no_alloc(struct mp_image_pool *pool, int fmt, int w, int h) { struct mp_image *new = NULL; pool_lock(); for (int n = 0; n < pool->num_images; n++) { struct mp_image *img = pool->images[n]; struct image_flags *img_it = img->priv; assert(img_it->pool_alive); if (!img_it->referenced) { if (img->imgfmt == fmt && img->w == w && img->h == h) { if (pool->use_lru) { struct image_flags *new_it = new ? new->priv : NULL; if (!new_it || new_it->order > img_it->order) new = img; } else { new = img; break; } } } } pool_unlock(); if (!new) return NULL; // Reference the new image. Since mp_image_pool is not declared thread-safe, // and unreffing images from other threads does not allocate new images, // no synchronization is required here. for (int p = 0; p < MP_MAX_PLANES; p++) assert(!!new->bufs[p] == !p); // only 1 AVBufferRef struct mp_image *ref = mp_image_new_dummy_ref(new); // This assumes the buffer is at this point exclusively owned by us: we // can't track whether the buffer is unique otherwise. // (av_buffer_is_writable() checks the refcount of the new buffer only.) int flags = av_buffer_is_writable(new->bufs[0]) ? 0 : AV_BUFFER_FLAG_READONLY; ref->bufs[0] = av_buffer_create(new->bufs[0]->data, new->bufs[0]->size, unref_image, new, flags); if (!ref->bufs[0]) { talloc_free(ref); return NULL; } struct image_flags *it = new->priv; assert(!it->referenced && it->pool_alive); it->referenced = true; it->order = ++pool->lru_counter; return ref; } void mp_image_pool_add(struct mp_image_pool *pool, struct mp_image *new) { struct image_flags *it = talloc_ptrtype(new, it); *it = (struct image_flags) { .pool_alive = true }; new->priv = it; MP_TARRAY_APPEND(pool, pool->images, pool->num_images, new); } // Return a new image of given format/size. The only difference to // mp_image_alloc() is that there is a transparent mechanism to recycle image // data allocations through this pool. // If pool==NULL, mp_image_alloc() is called (for convenience). // The image can be free'd with talloc_free(). // Returns NULL on OOM. struct mp_image *mp_image_pool_get(struct mp_image_pool *pool, int fmt, int w, int h) { if (!pool) return mp_image_alloc(fmt, w, h); struct mp_image *new = mp_image_pool_get_no_alloc(pool, fmt, w, h); if (!new) { if (fmt != pool->fmt || w != pool->w || h != pool->h) mp_image_pool_clear(pool); pool->fmt = fmt; pool->w = w; pool->h = h; if (pool->allocator) { new = pool->allocator(pool->allocator_ctx, fmt, w, h); } else { new = mp_image_alloc(fmt, w, h); } if (!new) return NULL; mp_image_pool_add(pool, new); new = mp_image_pool_get_no_alloc(pool, fmt, w, h); } return new; } // Like mp_image_new_copy(), but allocate the image out of the pool. // If pool==NULL, a plain copy is made (for convenience). // Returns NULL on OOM. struct mp_image *mp_image_pool_new_copy(struct mp_image_pool *pool, struct mp_image *img) { struct mp_image *new = mp_image_pool_get(pool, img->imgfmt, img->w, img->h); if (new) { mp_image_copy(new, img); mp_image_copy_attributes(new, img); } return new; } // Like mp_image_make_writeable(), but if a copy has to be made, allocate it // out of the pool. // If pool==NULL, mp_image_make_writeable() is called (for convenience). // Returns false on failure (see mp_image_make_writeable()). bool mp_image_pool_make_writeable(struct mp_image_pool *pool, struct mp_image *img) { if (mp_image_is_writeable(img)) return true; struct mp_image *new = mp_image_pool_new_copy(pool, img); if (!new) return false; mp_image_steal_data(img, new); assert(mp_image_is_writeable(img)); return true; } // Call cb(cb_data, fmt, w, h) to allocate an image. Note that the resulting // image must use only 1 AVBufferRef. The returned image must also be owned // exclusively by the image pool, otherwise mp_image_is_writeable() will not // work due to FFmpeg restrictions. void mp_image_pool_set_allocator(struct mp_image_pool *pool, mp_image_allocator cb, void *cb_data) { pool->allocator = cb; pool->allocator_ctx = cb_data; } // Put into LRU mode. (Likely better for hwaccel surfaces, but worse for memory.) void mp_image_pool_set_lru(struct mp_image_pool *pool) { pool->use_lru = true; } // Return the sw image format mp_image_hw_download() would use. This can be // different from src->params.hw_subfmt in obscure cases. int mp_image_hw_download_get_sw_format(struct mp_image *src) { if (!src->hwctx) return 0; // Try to find the first format which we can apparently use. int imgfmt = 0; enum AVPixelFormat *fmts; if (av_hwframe_transfer_get_formats(src->hwctx, AV_HWFRAME_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_FROM, &fmts, 0) < 0) return 0; for (int n = 0; fmts[n] != AV_PIX_FMT_NONE; n++) { imgfmt = pixfmt2imgfmt(fmts[n]); if (imgfmt) break; } av_free(fmts); return imgfmt; } // Copies the contents of the HW surface src to system memory and returns it. // If swpool is not NULL, it's used to allocate the target image. // src must be a hw surface with a AVHWFramesContext attached. // The returned image is cropped as needed. // Returns NULL on failure. struct mp_image *mp_image_hw_download(struct mp_image *src, struct mp_image_pool *swpool) { int imgfmt = mp_image_hw_download_get_sw_format(src); if (!imgfmt) return NULL; assert(src->hwctx); AVHWFramesContext *fctx = (void *)src->hwctx->data; struct mp_image *dst = mp_image_pool_get(swpool, imgfmt, fctx->width, fctx->height); if (!dst) return NULL; // Target image must be writable, so unref it. AVFrame *dstav = mp_image_to_av_frame_and_unref(dst); if (!dstav) return NULL; AVFrame *srcav = mp_image_to_av_frame(src); if (!srcav) { av_frame_unref(dstav); return NULL; } int res = av_hwframe_transfer_data(dstav, srcav, 0); av_frame_free(&srcav); dst = mp_image_from_av_frame(dstav); av_frame_free(&dstav); if (res >= 0 && dst) { mp_image_set_size(dst, src->w, src->h); mp_image_copy_attributes(dst, src); } else { mp_image_unrefp(&dst); } return dst; } bool mp_image_hw_upload(struct mp_image *hw_img, struct mp_image *src) { if (hw_img->w != src->w || hw_img->h != src->h) return false; if (!hw_img->hwctx) return false; bool ok = false; AVFrame *dstav = NULL; AVFrame *srcav = NULL; // This means the destination image will not be "writable", which would be // a pain if FFmpeg enforced this - fortunately it doesn't care. We can // transfer data to it even if there are multiple refs. dstav = mp_image_to_av_frame(hw_img); if (!dstav) goto done; srcav = mp_image_to_av_frame(src); if (!srcav) goto done; ok = av_hwframe_transfer_data(dstav, srcav, 0) >= 0; done: av_frame_free(&srcav); av_frame_free(&dstav); if (ok) mp_image_copy_attributes(hw_img, src); return ok; } bool mp_update_av_hw_frames_pool(struct AVBufferRef **hw_frames_ctx, struct AVBufferRef *hw_device_ctx, int imgfmt, int sw_imgfmt, int w, int h, bool disable_multiplane) { enum AVPixelFormat format = imgfmt2pixfmt(imgfmt); enum AVPixelFormat sw_format = imgfmt2pixfmt(sw_imgfmt); if (format == AV_PIX_FMT_NONE || sw_format == AV_PIX_FMT_NONE || !hw_device_ctx || w < 1 || h < 1) { av_buffer_unref(hw_frames_ctx); return false; } if (*hw_frames_ctx) { AVHWFramesContext *hw_frames = (void *)(*hw_frames_ctx)->data; if (hw_frames->device_ref->data != hw_device_ctx->data || hw_frames->format != format || hw_frames->sw_format != sw_format || hw_frames->width != w || hw_frames->height != h) av_buffer_unref(hw_frames_ctx); } if (!*hw_frames_ctx) { *hw_frames_ctx = av_hwframe_ctx_alloc(hw_device_ctx); if (!*hw_frames_ctx) return false; AVHWFramesContext *hw_frames = (void *)(*hw_frames_ctx)->data; hw_frames->format = format; hw_frames->sw_format = sw_format; hw_frames->width = w; hw_frames->height = h; #if HAVE_VULKAN if (format == AV_PIX_FMT_VULKAN && disable_multiplane) { const AVPixFmtDescriptor *desc = av_pix_fmt_desc_get(sw_format); if ((desc->flags & AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_PLANAR) && !(desc->flags & AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_RGB)) { AVVulkanFramesContext *vk_frames = hw_frames->hwctx; vk_frames->flags = AV_VK_FRAME_FLAG_DISABLE_MULTIPLANE; } } #endif if (av_hwframe_ctx_init(*hw_frames_ctx) < 0) { av_buffer_unref(hw_frames_ctx); return false; } } return true; } struct mp_image *mp_av_pool_image_hw_upload(struct AVBufferRef *hw_frames_ctx, struct mp_image *src) { AVFrame *av_frame = av_frame_alloc(); if (!av_frame) return NULL; if (av_hwframe_get_buffer(hw_frames_ctx, av_frame, 0) < 0) { av_frame_free(&av_frame); return NULL; } struct mp_image *dst = mp_image_from_av_frame(av_frame); av_frame_free(&av_frame); if (!dst) return NULL; if (dst->w < src->w || dst->h < src->h) { talloc_free(dst); return NULL; } mp_image_set_size(dst, src->w, src->h); if (!mp_image_hw_upload(dst, src)) { talloc_free(dst); return NULL; } mp_image_copy_attributes(dst, src); return dst; } struct mp_image *mp_av_pool_image_hw_map(struct AVBufferRef *hw_frames_ctx, struct mp_image *src) { AVFrame *dst_frame = av_frame_alloc(); if (!dst_frame) return NULL; dst_frame->format = ((AVHWFramesContext*)hw_frames_ctx->data)->format; dst_frame->hw_frames_ctx = av_buffer_ref(hw_frames_ctx); AVFrame *src_frame = mp_image_to_av_frame(src); if (av_hwframe_map(dst_frame, src_frame, 0) < 0) { av_frame_free(&src_frame); av_frame_free(&dst_frame); return NULL; } av_frame_free(&src_frame); struct mp_image *dst = mp_image_from_av_frame(dst_frame); av_frame_free(&dst_frame); if (!dst) return NULL; mp_image_copy_attributes(dst, src); return dst; }