/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with mpv. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "mpv_talloc.h" #include "osdep/io.h" #include "osdep/terminal.h" #include "osdep/timer.h" #include "common/msg.h" #include "common/global.h" #include "options/path.h" #include "options/m_config.h" #include "options/parse_configfile.h" #include "common/playlist.h" #include "options/options.h" #include "options/m_property.h" #include "common/common.h" #include "common/encode.h" #include "common/recorder.h" #include "input/input.h" #include "audio/audio.h" #include "audio/audio_buffer.h" #include "audio/decode/dec_audio.h" #include "audio/out/ao.h" #include "demux/demux.h" #include "stream/stream.h" #include "sub/dec_sub.h" #include "external_files.h" #include "video/decode/dec_video.h" #include "video/out/vo.h" #include "core.h" #include "command.h" #include "libmpv/client.h" // Called by foreign threads when playback should be stopped and such. void mp_abort_playback_async(struct MPContext *mpctx) { mp_cancel_trigger(mpctx->playback_abort); pthread_mutex_lock(&mpctx->lock); if (mpctx->demuxer_cancel) mp_cancel_trigger(mpctx->demuxer_cancel); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mpctx->lock); } static void uninit_demuxer(struct MPContext *mpctx) { for (int r = 0; r < NUM_PTRACKS; r++) { for (int t = 0; t < STREAM_TYPE_COUNT; t++) mpctx->current_track[r][t] = NULL; } talloc_free(mpctx->chapters); mpctx->chapters = NULL; mpctx->num_chapters = 0; // close demuxers for external tracks for (int n = mpctx->num_tracks - 1; n >= 0; n--) { mpctx->tracks[n]->selected = false; mp_remove_track(mpctx, mpctx->tracks[n]); } for (int i = 0; i < mpctx->num_tracks; i++) { sub_destroy(mpctx->tracks[i]->d_sub); talloc_free(mpctx->tracks[i]); } mpctx->num_tracks = 0; free_demuxer_and_stream(mpctx->demuxer); mpctx->demuxer = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock(&mpctx->lock); talloc_free(mpctx->demuxer_cancel); mpctx->demuxer_cancel = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mpctx->lock); } #define APPEND(s, ...) mp_snprintf_cat(s, sizeof(s), __VA_ARGS__) static void print_stream(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct track *t) { struct sh_stream *s = t->stream; const char *tname = "?"; const char *selopt = "?"; const char *langopt = "?"; switch (t->type) { case STREAM_VIDEO: tname = "Video"; selopt = "vid"; langopt = NULL; break; case STREAM_AUDIO: tname = "Audio"; selopt = "aid"; langopt = "alang"; break; case STREAM_SUB: tname = "Subs"; selopt = "sid"; langopt = "slang"; break; } char b[2048] = {0}; APPEND(b, " %3s %-5s", t->selected ? "(+)" : "", tname); APPEND(b, " --%s=%d", selopt, t->user_tid); if (t->lang && langopt) APPEND(b, " --%s=%s", langopt, t->lang); if (t->default_track) APPEND(b, " (*)"); if (t->forced_track) APPEND(b, " (f)"); if (t->attached_picture) APPEND(b, " [P]"); if (t->title) APPEND(b, " '%s'", t->title); const char *codec = s ? s->codec->codec : NULL; APPEND(b, " (%s", codec ? codec : ""); if (t->type == STREAM_VIDEO) { if (s && s->codec->disp_w) APPEND(b, " %dx%d", s->codec->disp_w, s->codec->disp_h); if (s && s->codec->fps) APPEND(b, " %.3f Hz", s->codec->fps); } else if (t->type == STREAM_AUDIO) { if (s && s->codec->channels.num) APPEND(b, " %d ch", s->codec->channels.num); if (s && s->codec->samplerate) APPEND(b, " %d Hz", s->codec->samplerate); } APPEND(b, ")"); if (t->is_external) APPEND(b, " (external)"); MP_INFO(mpctx, "%s\n", b); } void print_track_list(struct MPContext *mpctx, const char *msg) { if (msg) MP_INFO(mpctx, "%s\n", msg); for (int t = 0; t < STREAM_TYPE_COUNT; t++) { for (int n = 0; n < mpctx->num_tracks; n++) if (mpctx->tracks[n]->type == t) print_stream(mpctx, mpctx->tracks[n]); } } void update_demuxer_properties(struct MPContext *mpctx) { struct demuxer *demuxer = mpctx->demuxer; if (!demuxer) return; demux_update(demuxer); int events = demuxer->events; if ((events & DEMUX_EVENT_INIT) && demuxer->num_editions > 1) { for (int n = 0; n < demuxer->num_editions; n++) { struct demux_edition *edition = &demuxer->editions[n]; char b[128] = {0}; APPEND(b, " %3s --edition=%d", n == demuxer->edition ? "(+)" : "", n); char *name = mp_tags_get_str(edition->metadata, "title"); if (name) APPEND(b, " '%s'", name); if (edition->default_edition) APPEND(b, " (*)"); MP_INFO(mpctx, "%s\n", b); } } struct demuxer *tracks = mpctx->demuxer; if (tracks->events & DEMUX_EVENT_STREAMS) { add_demuxer_tracks(mpctx, tracks); print_track_list(mpctx, NULL); tracks->events &= ~DEMUX_EVENT_STREAMS; } if (events & DEMUX_EVENT_METADATA) { struct mp_tags *info = mp_tags_filtered(mpctx, demuxer->metadata, mpctx->opts->display_tags); // prev is used to attempt to print changed tags only (to some degree) struct mp_tags *prev = mpctx->filtered_tags; int n_prev = 0; bool had_output = false; for (int n = 0; n < info->num_keys; n++) { if (prev && n_prev < prev->num_keys) { if (strcmp(prev->keys[n_prev], info->keys[n]) == 0) { n_prev++; if (strcmp(prev->values[n_prev - 1], info->values[n]) == 0) continue; } } struct mp_log *log = mp_log_new(NULL, mpctx->log, "!display-tags"); if (!had_output) mp_info(log, "File tags:\n"); mp_info(log, " %s: %s\n", info->keys[n], info->values[n]); had_output = true; talloc_free(log); } talloc_free(mpctx->filtered_tags); mpctx->filtered_tags = info; mp_notify(mpctx, MPV_EVENT_METADATA_UPDATE, NULL); } demuxer->events = 0; } // Enables or disables the stream for the given track, according to // track->selected. void reselect_demux_stream(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct track *track) { if (!track->stream) return; double pts = get_current_time(mpctx); if (pts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) pts += get_track_seek_offset(mpctx, track); demuxer_select_track(track->demuxer, track->stream, pts, track->selected); } // Called from the demuxer thread if a new packet is available. static void wakeup_demux(void *pctx) { struct MPContext *mpctx = pctx; mp_wakeup_core(mpctx); } static void enable_demux_thread(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct demuxer *demux) { if (mpctx->opts->demuxer_thread && !demux->fully_read) { demux_set_wakeup_cb(demux, wakeup_demux, mpctx); demux_start_thread(demux); } } static int find_new_tid(struct MPContext *mpctx, enum stream_type t) { int new_id = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mpctx->num_tracks; i++) { struct track *track = mpctx->tracks[i]; if (track->type == t) new_id = MPMAX(new_id, track->user_tid); } return new_id + 1; } static struct track *add_stream_track(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct demuxer *demuxer, struct sh_stream *stream) { for (int i = 0; i < mpctx->num_tracks; i++) { struct track *track = mpctx->tracks[i]; if (track->stream == stream) return track; } struct track *track = talloc_ptrtype(NULL, track); *track = (struct track) { .type = stream->type, .user_tid = find_new_tid(mpctx, stream->type), .demuxer_id = stream->demuxer_id, .ff_index = stream->ff_index, .title = stream->title, .default_track = stream->default_track, .forced_track = stream->forced_track, .attached_picture = stream->attached_picture != NULL, .lang = stream->lang, .demuxer = demuxer, .stream = stream, }; MP_TARRAY_APPEND(mpctx, mpctx->tracks, mpctx->num_tracks, track); demuxer_select_track(track->demuxer, stream, MP_NOPTS_VALUE, false); mp_notify(mpctx, MPV_EVENT_TRACKS_CHANGED, NULL); return track; } void add_demuxer_tracks(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct demuxer *demuxer) { for (int n = 0; n < demux_get_num_stream(demuxer); n++) add_stream_track(mpctx, demuxer, demux_get_stream(demuxer, n)); } // Result numerically higher => better match. 0 == no match. static int match_lang(char **langs, char *lang) { for (int idx = 0; langs && langs[idx]; idx++) { if (lang && strcmp(langs[idx], lang) == 0) return INT_MAX - idx; } return 0; } /* Get the track wanted by the user. * tid is the track ID requested by the user (-2: deselect, -1: default) * lang is a string list, NULL is same as empty list * Sort tracks based on the following criteria, and pick the first: * 0a) track matches ff-index (always wins) * 0b) track matches tid (almost always wins) * 1) track is external (no_default cancels this) * 1b) track was passed explicitly (is not an auto-loaded subtitle) * 2) earlier match in lang list * 3a) track is marked forced * 3b) track is marked default * 4) attached picture, HLS bitrate * 5) lower track number * If select_fallback is not set, 5) is only used to determine whether a * matching track is preferred over another track. Otherwise, always pick a * track (if nothing else matches, return the track with lowest ID). */ // Return whether t1 is preferred over t2 static bool compare_track(struct track *t1, struct track *t2, char **langs, struct MPOpts *opts) { if (!opts->autoload_files && t1->is_external != t2->is_external) return !t1->is_external; bool ext1 = t1->is_external && !t1->no_default; bool ext2 = t2->is_external && !t2->no_default; if (ext1 != ext2) return ext1; if (t1->auto_loaded != t2->auto_loaded) return !t1->auto_loaded; int l1 = match_lang(langs, t1->lang), l2 = match_lang(langs, t2->lang); if (l1 != l2) return l1 > l2; if (t1->forced_track != t2->forced_track) return t1->forced_track; if (t1->default_track != t2->default_track) return t1->default_track; if (t1->attached_picture != t2->attached_picture) return !t1->attached_picture; if (t1->stream && t2->stream && opts->hls_bitrate >= 0 && t1->stream->hls_bitrate != t2->stream->hls_bitrate) { bool t1_ok = t1->stream->hls_bitrate <= opts->hls_bitrate; bool t2_ok = t2->stream->hls_bitrate <= opts->hls_bitrate; if (t1_ok != t2_ok) return t1_ok; if (t1_ok && t2_ok) return t1->stream->hls_bitrate > t2->stream->hls_bitrate; return t1->stream->hls_bitrate < t2->stream->hls_bitrate; } return t1->user_tid <= t2->user_tid; } struct track *select_default_track(struct MPContext *mpctx, int order, enum stream_type type) { struct MPOpts *opts = mpctx->opts; int tid = opts->stream_id[order][type]; int ffid = order == 0 ? opts->stream_id_ff[type] : -1; char **langs = order == 0 ? opts->stream_lang[type] : NULL; if (ffid != -1) tid = -1; // prefer selecting ffid if (tid == -2 || ffid == -2) return NULL; bool select_fallback = type == STREAM_VIDEO || type == STREAM_AUDIO; struct track *pick = NULL; for (int n = 0; n < mpctx->num_tracks; n++) { struct track *track = mpctx->tracks[n]; if (track->type != type) continue; if (track->user_tid == tid) return track; if (track->ff_index == ffid) return track; if (!pick || compare_track(track, pick, langs, mpctx->opts)) pick = track; } if (pick && !select_fallback && !(pick->is_external && !pick->no_default) && !match_lang(langs, pick->lang) && !pick->default_track && !pick->forced_track) pick = NULL; if (pick && pick->attached_picture && !mpctx->opts->audio_display) pick = NULL; if (pick && !opts->autoload_files && pick->is_external) pick = NULL; return pick; } static char *track_layout_hash(struct MPContext *mpctx) { char *h = talloc_strdup(NULL, ""); for (int type = 0; type < STREAM_TYPE_COUNT; type++) { for (int n = 0; n < mpctx->num_tracks; n++) { struct track *track = mpctx->tracks[n]; if (track->type != type) continue; h = talloc_asprintf_append_buffer(h, "%d-%d-%d-%d-%s\n", type, track->user_tid, track->default_track, track->is_external, track->lang ? track->lang : ""); } } return h; } // Normally, video/audio/sub track selection is persistent across files. This // code resets track selection if the new file has a different track layout. static void check_previous_track_selection(struct MPContext *mpctx) { struct MPOpts *opts = mpctx->opts; if (!mpctx->track_layout_hash) return; char *h = track_layout_hash(mpctx); if (strcmp(h, mpctx->track_layout_hash) != 0) { // Reset selection, but only if they're not "auto" or "off". The // defaults are -1 (default selection), or -2 (off) for secondary tracks. for (int t = 0; t < STREAM_TYPE_COUNT; t++) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PTRACKS; i++) { if (opts->stream_id[i][t] >= 0) opts->stream_id[i][t] = i == 0 ? -1 : -2; } } talloc_free(mpctx->track_layout_hash); mpctx->track_layout_hash = NULL; } talloc_free(h); } void mp_switch_track_n(struct MPContext *mpctx, int order, enum stream_type type, struct track *track, int flags) { assert(!track || track->type == type); assert(order >= 0 && order < NUM_PTRACKS); // Mark the current track selection as explicitly user-requested. (This is // different from auto-selection or disabling a track due to errors.) if (flags & FLAG_MARK_SELECTION) mpctx->opts->stream_id[order][type] = track ? track->user_tid : -2; // No decoder should be initialized yet. if (!mpctx->demuxer) return; struct track *current = mpctx->current_track[order][type]; if (track == current) return; if (current && current->sink) { MP_ERR(mpctx, "Can't disable input to complex filter.\n"); return; } if ((type == STREAM_VIDEO && mpctx->vo_chain && !mpctx->vo_chain->track) || (type == STREAM_AUDIO && mpctx->ao_chain && !mpctx->ao_chain->track)) { MP_ERR(mpctx, "Can't switch away from complex filter output.\n"); return; } if (track && track->selected) { // Track has been selected in a different order parameter. MP_ERR(mpctx, "Track %d is already selected.\n", track->user_tid); return; } if (order == 0) { if (type == STREAM_VIDEO) { uninit_video_chain(mpctx); if (!track) handle_force_window(mpctx, true); } else if (type == STREAM_AUDIO) { clear_audio_output_buffers(mpctx); uninit_audio_chain(mpctx); uninit_audio_out(mpctx); } } if (type == STREAM_SUB) uninit_sub(mpctx, current); if (current) { if (current->remux_sink) close_recorder_and_error(mpctx); current->selected = false; reselect_demux_stream(mpctx, current); } mpctx->current_track[order][type] = track; if (track) { track->selected = true; reselect_demux_stream(mpctx, track); } if (type == STREAM_VIDEO && order == 0) { reinit_video_chain(mpctx); } else if (type == STREAM_AUDIO && order == 0) { reinit_audio_chain(mpctx); } else if (type == STREAM_SUB && order >= 0 && order <= 2) { reinit_sub(mpctx, track); } mp_notify(mpctx, MPV_EVENT_TRACK_SWITCHED, NULL); mp_wakeup_core(mpctx); talloc_free(mpctx->track_layout_hash); mpctx->track_layout_hash = talloc_steal(mpctx, track_layout_hash(mpctx)); } void mp_switch_track(struct MPContext *mpctx, enum stream_type type, struct track *track, int flags) { mp_switch_track_n(mpctx, 0, type, track, flags); } void mp_deselect_track(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct track *track) { if (track && track->selected) { for (int t = 0; t < NUM_PTRACKS; t++) mp_switch_track_n(mpctx, t, track->type, NULL, 0); } } struct track *mp_track_by_tid(struct MPContext *mpctx, enum stream_type type, int tid) { if (tid == -1) return mpctx->current_track[0][type]; for (int n = 0; n < mpctx->num_tracks; n++) { struct track *track = mpctx->tracks[n]; if (track->type == type && track->user_tid == tid) return track; } return NULL; } bool mp_remove_track(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct track *track) { if (!track->is_external) return false; mp_deselect_track(mpctx, track); if (track->selected) return false; struct demuxer *d = track->demuxer; sub_destroy(track->d_sub); int index = 0; while (index < mpctx->num_tracks && mpctx->tracks[index] != track) index++; MP_TARRAY_REMOVE_AT(mpctx->tracks, mpctx->num_tracks, index); talloc_free(track); // Close the demuxer, unless there is still a track using it. These are // all external tracks. bool in_use = false; for (int n = mpctx->num_tracks - 1; n >= 0 && !in_use; n--) in_use |= mpctx->tracks[n]->demuxer == d; if (!in_use) free_demuxer_and_stream(d); mp_notify(mpctx, MPV_EVENT_TRACKS_CHANGED, NULL); return true; } // Add the given file as additional track. Only tracks of type "filter" are // included; pass STREAM_TYPE_COUNT to disable filtering. struct track *mp_add_external_file(struct MPContext *mpctx, char *filename, enum stream_type filter) { struct MPOpts *opts = mpctx->opts; if (!filename) return NULL; char *disp_filename = filename; if (strncmp(disp_filename, "memory://", 9) == 0) disp_filename = "memory://"; // avoid noise struct demuxer_params params = {0}; switch (filter) { case STREAM_SUB: params.force_format = opts->sub_demuxer_name; break; case STREAM_AUDIO: params.force_format = opts->audio_demuxer_name; break; } struct demuxer *demuxer = demux_open_url(filename, ¶ms, mpctx->playback_abort, mpctx->global); if (!demuxer) goto err_out; enable_demux_thread(mpctx, demuxer); if (filter != STREAM_SUB && opts->rebase_start_time) demux_set_ts_offset(demuxer, -demuxer->start_time); struct track *first = NULL; for (int n = 0; n < demux_get_num_stream(demuxer); n++) { struct sh_stream *sh = demux_get_stream(demuxer, n); if (filter == STREAM_TYPE_COUNT || sh->type == filter) { struct track *t = add_stream_track(mpctx, demuxer, sh); t->is_external = true; t->title = talloc_strdup(t, mp_basename(disp_filename)); t->external_filename = talloc_strdup(t, filename); first = t; // --external-file special semantics t->no_default = filter == STREAM_TYPE_COUNT; } } if (!first) { free_demuxer_and_stream(demuxer); MP_WARN(mpctx, "No streams added from file %s.\n", disp_filename); goto err_out; } return first; err_out: MP_ERR(mpctx, "Can not open external file %s.\n", disp_filename); return false; } static void open_external_files(struct MPContext *mpctx, char **files, enum stream_type filter) { for (int n = 0; files && files[n]; n++) mp_add_external_file(mpctx, files[n], filter); } void autoload_external_files(struct MPContext *mpctx) { if (mpctx->opts->sub_auto < 0 && mpctx->opts->audiofile_auto < 0) return; if (!mpctx->opts->autoload_files) return; void *tmp = talloc_new(NULL); char *base_filename = mpctx->filename; char *stream_filename = NULL; if (mpctx->demuxer) { if (demux_stream_control(mpctx->demuxer, STREAM_CTRL_GET_BASE_FILENAME, &stream_filename) > 0) base_filename = talloc_steal(tmp, stream_filename); } struct subfn *list = find_external_files(mpctx->global, base_filename); talloc_steal(tmp, list); int sc[STREAM_TYPE_COUNT] = {0}; for (int n = 0; n < mpctx->num_tracks; n++) { if (!mpctx->tracks[n]->attached_picture) sc[mpctx->tracks[n]->type]++; } for (int i = 0; list && list[i].fname; i++) { char *filename = list[i].fname; char *lang = list[i].lang; for (int n = 0; n < mpctx->num_tracks; n++) { struct track *t = mpctx->tracks[n]; if (t->demuxer && strcmp(t->demuxer->filename, filename) == 0) goto skip; } if (list[i].type == STREAM_SUB && !sc[STREAM_VIDEO] && !sc[STREAM_AUDIO]) goto skip; if (list[i].type == STREAM_AUDIO && !sc[STREAM_VIDEO]) goto skip; struct track *track = mp_add_external_file(mpctx, filename, list[i].type); if (track) { track->auto_loaded = true; if (!track->lang) track->lang = talloc_strdup(track, lang); } skip:; } talloc_free(tmp); } // Do stuff to a newly loaded playlist. This includes any processing that may // be required after loading a playlist. void prepare_playlist(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct playlist *pl) { struct MPOpts *opts = mpctx->opts; pl->current = NULL; if (opts->playlist_pos >= 0) pl->current = playlist_entry_from_index(pl, opts->playlist_pos); if (opts->shuffle) playlist_shuffle(pl); if (opts->merge_files) merge_playlist_files(pl); if (!pl->current) pl->current = mp_check_playlist_resume(mpctx, pl); if (!pl->current) pl->current = pl->first; } // Replace the current playlist entry with playlist contents. Moves the entries // from the given playlist pl, so the entries don't actually need to be copied. static void transfer_playlist(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct playlist *pl) { if (pl->first) { prepare_playlist(mpctx, pl); struct playlist_entry *new = pl->current; if (mpctx->playlist->current) playlist_add_redirect(pl, mpctx->playlist->current->filename); playlist_transfer_entries(mpctx->playlist, pl); // current entry is replaced if (mpctx->playlist->current) playlist_remove(mpctx->playlist, mpctx->playlist->current); if (new) mpctx->playlist->current = new; } else { MP_WARN(mpctx, "Empty playlist!\n"); } } static int process_open_hooks(struct MPContext *mpctx) { mp_hook_run(mpctx, NULL, "on_load"); while (!mp_hook_test_completion(mpctx, "on_load")) { mp_idle(mpctx); if (mpctx->stop_play) { // Can't exit immediately, the script would interfere with the // next file being loaded. if (mpctx->stop_play == PT_QUIT) return -1; } } return 0; } static int process_preloaded_hooks(struct MPContext *mpctx) { mp_hook_run(mpctx, NULL, "on_preloaded"); while (!mp_hook_test_completion(mpctx, "on_preloaded")) { mp_idle(mpctx); if (mpctx->stop_play) return -1; } return 0; } static void process_unload_hooks(struct MPContext *mpctx) { mp_hook_run(mpctx, NULL, "on_unload"); while (!mp_hook_test_completion(mpctx, "on_unload")) mp_idle(mpctx); } static void load_chapters(struct MPContext *mpctx) { struct demuxer *src = mpctx->demuxer; bool free_src = false; char *chapter_file = mpctx->opts->chapter_file; if (chapter_file && chapter_file[0]) { struct demuxer *demux = demux_open_url(chapter_file, NULL, mpctx->playback_abort, mpctx->global); if (demux) { src = demux; free_src = true; } talloc_free(mpctx->chapters); mpctx->chapters = NULL; } if (src && !mpctx->chapters) { talloc_free(mpctx->chapters); mpctx->num_chapters = src->num_chapters; mpctx->chapters = demux_copy_chapter_data(src->chapters, src->num_chapters); if (mpctx->opts->rebase_start_time) { for (int n = 0; n < mpctx->num_chapters; n++) mpctx->chapters[n].pts -= src->start_time; } } if (free_src) free_demuxer_and_stream(src); } static void load_per_file_options(m_config_t *conf, struct playlist_param *params, int params_count) { for (int n = 0; n < params_count; n++) { m_config_set_option_ext(conf, params[n].name, params[n].value, M_SETOPT_RUNTIME | M_SETOPT_BACKUP); } } static void *open_demux_thread(void *ctx) { struct MPContext *mpctx = ctx; struct demuxer_params p = { .force_format = mpctx->open_format, .stream_flags = mpctx->open_url_flags, .initial_readahead = true, }; mpctx->open_res_demuxer = demux_open_url(mpctx->open_url, &p, mpctx->open_cancel, mpctx->global); if (mpctx->open_res_demuxer) { MP_VERBOSE(mpctx, "Opening done: %s\n", mpctx->open_url); } else { MP_VERBOSE(mpctx, "Opening failed or was aborted: %s\n", mpctx->open_url); if (p.demuxer_failed) { mpctx->open_res_error = MPV_ERROR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT; } else { mpctx->open_res_error = MPV_ERROR_LOADING_FAILED; } } atomic_store(&mpctx->open_done, true); mp_wakeup_core(mpctx); return NULL; } static void cancel_open(struct MPContext *mpctx) { if (mpctx->open_cancel) mp_cancel_trigger(mpctx->open_cancel); if (mpctx->open_active) pthread_join(mpctx->open_thread, NULL); mpctx->open_active = false; TA_FREEP(&mpctx->open_cancel); TA_FREEP(&mpctx->open_url); TA_FREEP(&mpctx->open_format); if (mpctx->open_res_demuxer) free_demuxer_and_stream(mpctx->open_res_demuxer); mpctx->open_res_demuxer = NULL; atomic_store(&mpctx->open_done, false); } // Setup all the field to open this url, and make sure a thread is running. static void start_open(struct MPContext *mpctx, char *url, int url_flags) { cancel_open(mpctx); assert(!mpctx->open_active); assert(!mpctx->open_cancel); assert(!mpctx->open_res_demuxer); assert(!atomic_load(&mpctx->open_done)); mpctx->open_cancel = mp_cancel_new(NULL); mpctx->open_url = talloc_strdup(NULL, url); mpctx->open_format = talloc_strdup(NULL, mpctx->opts->demuxer_name); mpctx->open_url_flags = url_flags; if (mpctx->opts->load_unsafe_playlists) mpctx->open_url_flags = 0; if (pthread_create(&mpctx->open_thread, NULL, open_demux_thread, mpctx)) { cancel_open(mpctx); return; } mpctx->open_active = true; } static void open_demux_reentrant(struct MPContext *mpctx) { char *url = mpctx->stream_open_filename; if (mpctx->open_active) { bool done = atomic_load(&mpctx->open_done); bool failed = done && !mpctx->open_res_demuxer; bool correct_url = strcmp(mpctx->open_url, url) == 0; if (correct_url && !failed) { MP_VERBOSE(mpctx, "Using prefetched/prefetching URL.\n"); } else if (correct_url && failed) { MP_VERBOSE(mpctx, "Prefetched URL failed, retrying.\n"); cancel_open(mpctx); } else { if (done) { MP_VERBOSE(mpctx, "Dropping finished prefetch of wrong URL.\n"); } else { MP_VERBOSE(mpctx, "Aborting onging prefetch of wrong URL.\n"); } cancel_open(mpctx); } } if (!mpctx->open_active) start_open(mpctx, url, mpctx->playing->stream_flags); // User abort should cancel the opener now. pthread_mutex_lock(&mpctx->lock); mpctx->demuxer_cancel = mpctx->open_cancel; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mpctx->lock); while (!atomic_load(&mpctx->open_done)) { mp_idle(mpctx); if (mpctx->stop_play) mp_abort_playback_async(mpctx); } if (mpctx->open_res_demuxer) { assert(mpctx->demuxer_cancel == mpctx->open_cancel); mpctx->demuxer = mpctx->open_res_demuxer; mpctx->open_res_demuxer = NULL; mpctx->open_cancel = NULL; } else { mpctx->error_playing = mpctx->open_res_error; pthread_mutex_lock(&mpctx->lock); mpctx->demuxer_cancel = NULL; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mpctx->lock); } cancel_open(mpctx); // cleanup } void prefetch_next(struct MPContext *mpctx) { if (!mpctx->opts->prefetch_open) return; struct playlist_entry *new_entry = mp_next_file(mpctx, +1, false, false); if (new_entry && !mpctx->open_active && new_entry->filename) { MP_VERBOSE(mpctx, "Prefetching: %s\n", new_entry->filename); start_open(mpctx, new_entry->filename, new_entry->stream_flags); } } static bool init_complex_filters(struct MPContext *mpctx) { assert(!mpctx->lavfi); char *graph = mpctx->opts->lavfi_complex; if (!graph || !graph[0]) return true; mpctx->lavfi = lavfi_create(mpctx->log, graph); if (!mpctx->lavfi) return false; if (lavfi_has_failed(mpctx->lavfi)) return false; for (int n = 0; n < mpctx->num_tracks; n++) { struct track *track = mpctx->tracks[n]; char label[32]; char prefix; switch (track->type) { case STREAM_VIDEO: prefix = 'v'; break; case STREAM_AUDIO: prefix = 'a'; break; default: continue; } snprintf(label, sizeof(label), "%cid%d", prefix, track->user_tid); struct lavfi_pad *pad = lavfi_find_pad(mpctx->lavfi, label); if (!pad) continue; if (lavfi_pad_type(pad) != track->type) continue; if (lavfi_pad_direction(pad) != LAVFI_IN) continue; if (lavfi_get_connected(pad)) continue; track->sink = pad; lavfi_set_connected(pad, true); track->selected = true; } struct lavfi_pad *pad = lavfi_find_pad(mpctx->lavfi, "vo"); if (pad && lavfi_pad_type(pad) == STREAM_VIDEO && lavfi_pad_direction(pad) == LAVFI_OUT) { lavfi_set_connected(pad, true); reinit_video_chain_src(mpctx, pad); } pad = lavfi_find_pad(mpctx->lavfi, "ao"); if (pad && lavfi_pad_type(pad) == STREAM_AUDIO && lavfi_pad_direction(pad) == LAVFI_OUT) { lavfi_set_connected(pad, true); reinit_audio_chain_src(mpctx, pad); } return true; } static bool init_complex_filter_decoders(struct MPContext *mpctx) { if (!mpctx->lavfi) return true; for (int n = 0; n < mpctx->num_tracks; n++) { struct track *track = mpctx->tracks[n]; if (track->sink && track->type == STREAM_VIDEO) { if (!init_video_decoder(mpctx, track)) return false; } if (track->sink && track->type == STREAM_AUDIO) { if (!init_audio_decoder(mpctx, track)) return false; } } return true; } static void uninit_complex_filters(struct MPContext *mpctx) { if (!mpctx->lavfi) return; for (int n = 0; n < mpctx->num_tracks; n++) { struct track *track = mpctx->tracks[n]; if (track->d_video && !track->vo_c) { video_uninit(track->d_video); track->d_video = NULL; } if (track->d_audio && !track->ao_c) { audio_uninit(track->d_audio); track->d_audio = NULL; } } if (mpctx->vo_chain && mpctx->vo_chain->filter_src) uninit_video_chain(mpctx); if (mpctx->ao_chain && mpctx->ao_chain->filter_src) uninit_audio_chain(mpctx); lavfi_destroy(mpctx->lavfi); mpctx->lavfi = NULL; } // Start playing the current playlist entry. // Handle initialization and deinitialization. static void play_current_file(struct MPContext *mpctx) { struct MPOpts *opts = mpctx->opts; double playback_start = -1e100; mp_notify(mpctx, MPV_EVENT_START_FILE, NULL); mp_cancel_reset(mpctx->playback_abort); mpctx->error_playing = MPV_ERROR_LOADING_FAILED; mpctx->stop_play = 0; mpctx->filename = NULL; mpctx->shown_aframes = 0; mpctx->shown_vframes = 0; mpctx->last_vo_pts = MP_NOPTS_VALUE; mpctx->last_chapter_seek = -2; mpctx->last_chapter_pts = MP_NOPTS_VALUE; mpctx->last_chapter = -2; mpctx->paused = false; mpctx->paused_for_cache = false; mpctx->cache_buffer = -1; mpctx->playing_msg_shown = false; mpctx->max_frames = -1; mpctx->video_speed = mpctx->audio_speed = opts->playback_speed; mpctx->speed_factor_a = mpctx->speed_factor_v = 1.0; mpctx->display_sync_error = 0.0; mpctx->display_sync_active = false; mpctx->seek = (struct seek_params){ 0 }; reset_playback_state(mpctx); mpctx->playing = mpctx->playlist->current; if (!mpctx->playing || !mpctx->playing->filename) goto terminate_playback; mpctx->playing->reserved += 1; mpctx->filename = talloc_strdup(NULL, mpctx->playing->filename); mpctx->stream_open_filename = mpctx->filename; mpctx->add_osd_seek_info &= OSD_SEEK_INFO_CURRENT_FILE; if (opts->reset_options) { for (int n = 0; opts->reset_options[n]; n++) { const char *opt = opts->reset_options[n]; if (opt[0]) { if (strcmp(opt, "all") == 0) { m_config_backup_all_opts(mpctx->mconfig); } else { m_config_backup_opt(mpctx->mconfig, opt); } } } } mp_load_auto_profiles(mpctx); mp_load_playback_resume(mpctx, mpctx->filename); load_per_file_options(mpctx->mconfig, mpctx->playing->params, mpctx->playing->num_params); mpctx->max_frames = opts->play_frames; handle_force_window(mpctx, false); MP_INFO(mpctx, "Playing: %s\n", mpctx->filename); reopen_file: assert(mpctx->demuxer == NULL); if (process_open_hooks(mpctx) < 0) goto terminate_playback; if (opts->stream_dump && opts->stream_dump[0]) { if (stream_dump(mpctx, mpctx->stream_open_filename) >= 0) mpctx->error_playing = 1; goto terminate_playback; } open_demux_reentrant(mpctx); if (!mpctx->demuxer || mpctx->stop_play) goto terminate_playback; if (mpctx->demuxer->playlist) { struct playlist *pl = mpctx->demuxer->playlist; int entry_stream_flags = 0; if (!pl->disable_safety) { entry_stream_flags = STREAM_SAFE_ONLY; if (mpctx->demuxer->is_network) entry_stream_flags |= STREAM_NETWORK_ONLY; } for (struct playlist_entry *e = pl->first; e; e = e->next) e->stream_flags |= entry_stream_flags; transfer_playlist(mpctx, pl); mp_notify_property(mpctx, "playlist"); mpctx->error_playing = 2; goto terminate_playback; } if (mpctx->opts->rebase_start_time) demux_set_ts_offset(mpctx->demuxer, -mpctx->demuxer->start_time); enable_demux_thread(mpctx, mpctx->demuxer); load_chapters(mpctx); add_demuxer_tracks(mpctx, mpctx->demuxer); open_external_files(mpctx, opts->audio_files, STREAM_AUDIO); open_external_files(mpctx, opts->sub_name, STREAM_SUB); open_external_files(mpctx, opts->external_files, STREAM_TYPE_COUNT); autoload_external_files(mpctx); check_previous_track_selection(mpctx); if (process_preloaded_hooks(mpctx)) goto terminate_playback; if (!init_complex_filters(mpctx)) goto terminate_playback; assert(NUM_PTRACKS == 2); // opts->stream_id is hardcoded to 2 for (int t = 0; t < STREAM_TYPE_COUNT; t++) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PTRACKS; i++) { struct track *sel = NULL; bool taken = (t == STREAM_VIDEO && mpctx->vo_chain) || (t == STREAM_AUDIO && mpctx->ao_chain); if (!taken) sel = select_default_track(mpctx, i, t); mpctx->current_track[i][t] = sel; } } for (int t = 0; t < STREAM_TYPE_COUNT; t++) { for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PTRACKS; i++) { struct track *track = mpctx->current_track[i][t]; if (track) { if (track->selected) { MP_ERR(mpctx, "Track %d can't be selected twice.\n", track->user_tid); mpctx->current_track[i][t] = NULL; } else { track->selected = true; } } } } for (int n = 0; n < mpctx->num_tracks; n++) reselect_demux_stream(mpctx, mpctx->tracks[n]); update_demuxer_properties(mpctx); #if HAVE_ENCODING if (mpctx->encode_lavc_ctx && mpctx->current_track[0][STREAM_VIDEO]) encode_lavc_expect_stream(mpctx->encode_lavc_ctx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO); if (mpctx->encode_lavc_ctx && mpctx->current_track[0][STREAM_AUDIO]) encode_lavc_expect_stream(mpctx->encode_lavc_ctx, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO); if (mpctx->encode_lavc_ctx) { encode_lavc_set_metadata(mpctx->encode_lavc_ctx, mpctx->demuxer->metadata); } #endif update_playback_speed(mpctx); if (!init_complex_filter_decoders(mpctx)) goto terminate_playback; reinit_video_chain(mpctx); reinit_audio_chain(mpctx); reinit_sub_all(mpctx); if (!mpctx->vo_chain && !mpctx->ao_chain) { MP_FATAL(mpctx, "No video or audio streams selected.\n"); mpctx->error_playing = MPV_ERROR_NOTHING_TO_PLAY; goto terminate_playback; } if (mpctx->vo_chain && mpctx->vo_chain->is_coverart) { MP_INFO(mpctx, "Displaying attached picture. Use --no-audio-display to prevent this.\n"); } if (!mpctx->vo_chain) handle_force_window(mpctx, true); MP_VERBOSE(mpctx, "Starting playback...\n"); mpctx->playback_initialized = true; mp_notify(mpctx, MPV_EVENT_FILE_LOADED, NULL); update_screensaver_state(mpctx); if (mpctx->max_frames == 0) { if (!mpctx->stop_play) mpctx->stop_play = PT_NEXT_ENTRY; mpctx->error_playing = 0; goto terminate_playback; } double startpos = rel_time_to_abs(mpctx, opts->play_start); if (startpos == MP_NOPTS_VALUE && opts->chapterrange[0] > 0) { double start = chapter_start_time(mpctx, opts->chapterrange[0] - 1); if (start != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) startpos = start; } if (startpos != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) { if (!opts->rebase_start_time) { startpos += mpctx->demuxer->start_time; } queue_seek(mpctx, MPSEEK_ABSOLUTE, startpos, MPSEEK_DEFAULT, 0); execute_queued_seek(mpctx); } if (mpctx->opts->pause) pause_player(mpctx); open_recorder(mpctx, true); playback_start = mp_time_sec(); mpctx->error_playing = 0; while (!mpctx->stop_play) run_playloop(mpctx); MP_VERBOSE(mpctx, "EOF code: %d \n", mpctx->stop_play); terminate_playback: process_unload_hooks(mpctx); if (mpctx->stop_play == KEEP_PLAYING) mpctx->stop_play = AT_END_OF_FILE; if (mpctx->stop_play != AT_END_OF_FILE) clear_audio_output_buffers(mpctx); if (mpctx->step_frames) opts->pause = 1; mp_abort_playback_async(mpctx); close_recorder(mpctx); // time to uninit all, except global stuff: uninit_complex_filters(mpctx); uninit_audio_chain(mpctx); uninit_video_chain(mpctx); uninit_sub_all(mpctx); uninit_demuxer(mpctx); if (!opts->gapless_audio && !mpctx->encode_lavc_ctx) uninit_audio_out(mpctx); mpctx->playback_initialized = false; update_screensaver_state(mpctx); if (mpctx->stop_play == PT_RELOAD_FILE) { mpctx->stop_play = KEEP_PLAYING; mp_cancel_reset(mpctx->playback_abort); goto reopen_file; } m_config_restore_backups(mpctx->mconfig); talloc_free(mpctx->filtered_tags); mpctx->filtered_tags = NULL; mp_notify(mpctx, MPV_EVENT_TRACKS_CHANGED, NULL); bool nothing_played = !mpctx->shown_aframes && !mpctx->shown_vframes && mpctx->error_playing <= 0; struct mpv_event_end_file end_event = {0}; switch (mpctx->stop_play) { case PT_ERROR: case AT_END_OF_FILE: { if (mpctx->error_playing == 0 && nothing_played) mpctx->error_playing = MPV_ERROR_NOTHING_TO_PLAY; if (mpctx->error_playing < 0) { end_event.error = mpctx->error_playing; end_event.reason = MPV_END_FILE_REASON_ERROR; } else if (mpctx->error_playing == 2) { end_event.reason = MPV_END_FILE_REASON_REDIRECT; } else { end_event.reason = MPV_END_FILE_REASON_EOF; } if (mpctx->playing) { // Played/paused for longer than 1 second -> ok mpctx->playing->playback_short = playback_start < 0 || mp_time_sec() - playback_start < 1.0; mpctx->playing->init_failed = nothing_played; } break; } // Note that error_playing is meaningless in these cases. case PT_NEXT_ENTRY: case PT_CURRENT_ENTRY: case PT_STOP: end_event.reason = MPV_END_FILE_REASON_STOP; break; case PT_QUIT: end_event.reason = MPV_END_FILE_REASON_QUIT; break; }; mp_notify(mpctx, MPV_EVENT_END_FILE, &end_event); MP_VERBOSE(mpctx, "finished playback, %s (reason %d)\n", mpv_error_string(end_event.error), end_event.reason); if (end_event.error == MPV_ERROR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT) MP_ERR(mpctx, "Failed to recognize file format.\n"); MP_INFO(mpctx, "\n"); if (mpctx->playing) playlist_entry_unref(mpctx->playing); mpctx->playing = NULL; talloc_free(mpctx->filename); mpctx->filename = NULL; mpctx->stream_open_filename = NULL; if (end_event.error < 0 && nothing_played) { mpctx->files_broken++; } else if (end_event.error < 0) { mpctx->files_errored++; } else { mpctx->files_played++; } } // Determine the next file to play. Note that if this function returns non-NULL, // it can have side-effects and mutate mpctx. // direction: -1 (previous) or +1 (next) // force: if true, don't skip playlist entries marked as failed // mutate: if true, change loop counters struct playlist_entry *mp_next_file(struct MPContext *mpctx, int direction, bool force, bool mutate) { struct playlist_entry *next = playlist_get_next(mpctx->playlist, direction); if (next && direction < 0 && !force) { // Don't jump to files that would immediately go to next file anyway while (next && next->playback_short) next = next->prev; // Always allow jumping to first file if (!next && mpctx->opts->loop_times == 1) next = mpctx->playlist->first; } if (!next && mpctx->opts->loop_times != 1) { if (direction > 0) { if (mpctx->opts->shuffle) playlist_shuffle(mpctx->playlist); next = mpctx->playlist->first; if (next && mpctx->opts->loop_times > 1) mpctx->opts->loop_times--; } else { next = mpctx->playlist->last; // Don't jump to files that would immediately go to next file anyway while (next && next->playback_short) next = next->prev; } bool ignore_failures = mpctx->opts->loop_times == -2; if (!force && next && next->init_failed && !ignore_failures) { // Don't endless loop if no file in playlist is playable bool all_failed = true; struct playlist_entry *cur; for (cur = mpctx->playlist->first; cur; cur = cur->next) { all_failed &= cur->init_failed; if (!all_failed) break; } if (all_failed) next = NULL; } } return next; } // Play all entries on the playlist, starting from the current entry. // Return if all done. void mp_play_files(struct MPContext *mpctx) { prepare_playlist(mpctx, mpctx->playlist); for (;;) { idle_loop(mpctx); if (mpctx->stop_play == PT_QUIT) break; play_current_file(mpctx); if (mpctx->stop_play == PT_QUIT) break; struct playlist_entry *new_entry = mpctx->playlist->current; if (mpctx->stop_play == PT_NEXT_ENTRY || mpctx->stop_play == PT_ERROR || mpctx->stop_play == AT_END_OF_FILE || !mpctx->stop_play) { new_entry = mp_next_file(mpctx, +1, false, true); } mpctx->playlist->current = new_entry; mpctx->playlist->current_was_replaced = false; mpctx->stop_play = 0; if (!mpctx->playlist->current && mpctx->opts->player_idle_mode < 2) break; } cancel_open(mpctx); } // Abort current playback and set the given entry to play next. // e must be on the mpctx->playlist. void mp_set_playlist_entry(struct MPContext *mpctx, struct playlist_entry *e) { assert(!e || playlist_entry_to_index(mpctx->playlist, e) >= 0); mpctx->playlist->current = e; mpctx->playlist->current_was_replaced = false; if (!mpctx->stop_play) mpctx->stop_play = PT_CURRENT_ENTRY; mp_wakeup_core(mpctx); } static void set_track_recorder_sink(struct track *track, struct mp_recorder_sink *sink) { if (track->d_sub) sub_set_recorder_sink(track->d_sub, sink); if (track->d_video) track->d_video->recorder_sink = sink; if (track->d_audio) track->d_audio->recorder_sink = sink; track->remux_sink = sink; } void close_recorder(struct MPContext *mpctx) { if (!mpctx->recorder) return; for (int n = 0; n < mpctx->num_tracks; n++) set_track_recorder_sink(mpctx->tracks[n], NULL); mp_recorder_destroy(mpctx->recorder); mpctx->recorder = NULL; } // Like close_recorder(), but also unset the option. Intended for use on errors. void close_recorder_and_error(struct MPContext *mpctx) { close_recorder(mpctx); talloc_free(mpctx->opts->record_file); mpctx->opts->record_file = NULL; mp_notify_property(mpctx, "record-file"); MP_ERR(mpctx, "Disabling stream recording.\n"); } void open_recorder(struct MPContext *mpctx, bool on_init) { if (!mpctx->playback_initialized) return; close_recorder(mpctx); char *target = mpctx->opts->record_file; if (!target || !target[0]) return; struct sh_stream **streams = NULL; int num_streams = 0; for (int n = 0; n < mpctx->num_tracks; n++) { struct track *track = mpctx->tracks[n]; if (track->stream && track->selected && (track->d_sub || track->d_video || track->d_audio)) { MP_TARRAY_APPEND(NULL, streams, num_streams, track->stream); } } mpctx->recorder = mp_recorder_create(mpctx->global, mpctx->opts->record_file, streams, num_streams); if (!mpctx->recorder) { talloc_free(streams); close_recorder_and_error(mpctx); return; } if (!on_init) mp_recorder_mark_discontinuity(mpctx->recorder); int n_stream = 0; for (int n = 0; n < mpctx->num_tracks; n++) { struct track *track = mpctx->tracks[n]; if (n_stream >= num_streams) break; // (We expect track->stream not to be reused on other tracks.) if (track->stream == streams[n_stream]) { set_track_recorder_sink(track, mp_recorder_get_sink(mpctx->recorder, n_stream)); n_stream++; } } talloc_free(streams); }