/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with mpv. If not, see . */ #include #include "config.h" #include "ao.h" #include "internal.h" #include "audio/format.h" #include "osdep/timer.h" #include "options/m_option.h" #include "misc/ring.h" #include "common/msg.h" #include "audio/out/ao_coreaudio_properties.h" #include "audio/out/ao_coreaudio_utils.h" struct priv { AudioDeviceID device; AudioUnit audio_unit; uint64_t hw_latency_us; }; bool ca_layout_to_mp_chmap(struct ao *ao, AudioChannelLayout *layout, struct mp_chmap *chmap); static int64_t ca_frames_to_us(struct ao *ao, uint32_t frames) { return frames / (float) ao->samplerate * 1e6; } static int64_t ca_get_hardware_latency(struct ao *ao) { struct priv *p = ao->priv; double audiounit_latency_sec = 0.0; uint32_t size = sizeof(audiounit_latency_sec); OSStatus err = AudioUnitGetProperty( p->audio_unit, kAudioUnitProperty_Latency, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &audiounit_latency_sec, &size); CHECK_CA_ERROR("cannot get audio unit latency"); uint32_t frames = 0; err = CA_GET_O(p->device, kAudioDevicePropertyLatency, &frames); CHECK_CA_ERROR("cannot get device latency"); uint64_t audiounit_latency_us = audiounit_latency_sec * 1e6; uint64_t device_latency_us = ca_frames_to_us(ao, frames); MP_VERBOSE(ao, "audiounit latency [us]: %lld\n", audiounit_latency_us); MP_VERBOSE(ao, "device latency [us]: %lld\n", device_latency_us); return audiounit_latency_us + device_latency_us; coreaudio_error: return 0; } static int64_t ca_get_latency(const AudioTimeStamp *ts) { uint64_t out = AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos(ts->mHostTime); uint64_t now = AudioConvertHostTimeToNanos(AudioGetCurrentHostTime()); if (now > out) return 0; return (out - now) * 1e-3; } static OSStatus render_cb_lpcm(void *ctx, AudioUnitRenderActionFlags *aflags, const AudioTimeStamp *ts, UInt32 bus, UInt32 frames, AudioBufferList *buffer_list) { struct ao *ao = ctx; struct priv *p = ao->priv; AudioBuffer buf = buffer_list->mBuffers[0]; int64_t end = mp_time_us(); end += p->hw_latency_us + ca_get_latency(ts) + ca_frames_to_us(ao, frames); ao_read_data(ao, &buf.mData, frames, end); return noErr; } static int get_volume(struct ao *ao, struct ao_control_vol *vol) { struct priv *p = ao->priv; float auvol; OSStatus err = AudioUnitGetParameter(p->audio_unit, kHALOutputParam_Volume, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &auvol); CHECK_CA_ERROR("could not get HAL output volume"); vol->left = vol->right = auvol * 100.0; return CONTROL_TRUE; coreaudio_error: return CONTROL_ERROR; } static int set_volume(struct ao *ao, struct ao_control_vol *vol) { struct priv *p = ao->priv; float auvol = (vol->left + vol->right) / 200.0; OSStatus err = AudioUnitSetParameter(p->audio_unit, kHALOutputParam_Volume, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, auvol, 0); CHECK_CA_ERROR("could not set HAL output volume"); return CONTROL_TRUE; coreaudio_error: return CONTROL_ERROR; } static int control(struct ao *ao, enum aocontrol cmd, void *arg) { switch (cmd) { case AOCONTROL_GET_VOLUME: return get_volume(ao, arg); case AOCONTROL_SET_VOLUME: return set_volume(ao, arg); case AOCONTROL_HAS_SOFT_VOLUME: return CONTROL_TRUE; case AOCONTROL_HAS_PER_APP_VOLUME: return CONTROL_TRUE; } return CONTROL_UNKNOWN; } static bool init_chmap(struct ao *ao); static bool init_audiounit(struct ao *ao, AudioStreamBasicDescription asbd); static int init(struct ao *ao) { if (AF_FORMAT_IS_IEC61937(ao->format)) { MP_WARN(ao, "detected IEC61937, redirecting to coreaudio_exclusive\n"); ao->redirect = "coreaudio_exclusive"; return CONTROL_ERROR; } struct priv *p = ao->priv; OSStatus err = ca_select_device(ao, ao->device, &p->device); CHECK_CA_ERROR("failed to select device"); if (!init_chmap(ao)) goto coreaudio_error; ao->format = af_fmt_from_planar(ao->format); AudioStreamBasicDescription asbd; ca_fill_asbd(ao, &asbd); if (!init_audiounit(ao, asbd)) goto coreaudio_error; return CONTROL_OK; coreaudio_error: return CONTROL_ERROR; } static bool init_chmap(struct ao *ao) { struct priv *p = ao->priv; OSStatus err; AudioChannelLayout *layouts; size_t n_layouts; err = CA_GET_ARY_O(p->device, kAudioDevicePropertyPreferredChannelLayout, &layouts, &n_layouts); CHECK_CA_ERROR("could not get audio device prefered layouts"); struct mp_chmap_sel chmap_sel = {.tmp = p}; for (int i = 0; i < n_layouts; i++) { struct mp_chmap chmap = {0}; if (ca_layout_to_mp_chmap(ao, &layouts[i], &chmap)) mp_chmap_sel_add_map(&chmap_sel, &chmap); } talloc_free(layouts); if (ao->channels.num < 3) { struct mp_chmap chmap; mp_chmap_from_channels(&chmap, ao->channels.num); mp_chmap_sel_add_map(&chmap_sel, &chmap); } if (!ao_chmap_sel_adjust(ao, &chmap_sel, &ao->channels)) { MP_ERR(ao, "could not select a suitable channel map among the " "hardware supported ones. Make sure to configure your " "output device correctly in 'Audio MIDI Setup.app'\n"); goto coreaudio_error; } return true; coreaudio_error: return false; } static bool init_audiounit(struct ao *ao, AudioStreamBasicDescription asbd) { OSStatus err; uint32_t size; struct priv *p = ao->priv; AudioComponentDescription desc = (AudioComponentDescription) { .componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output, .componentSubType = (ao->device) ? kAudioUnitSubType_HALOutput : kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput, .componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple, .componentFlags = 0, .componentFlagsMask = 0, }; AudioComponent comp = AudioComponentFindNext(NULL, &desc); if (comp == NULL) { MP_ERR(ao, "unable to find audio component\n"); goto coreaudio_error; } err = AudioComponentInstanceNew(comp, &(p->audio_unit)); CHECK_CA_ERROR("unable to open audio component"); err = AudioUnitInitialize(p->audio_unit); CHECK_CA_ERROR_L(coreaudio_error_component, "unable to initialize audio unit"); size = sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription); err = AudioUnitSetProperty(p->audio_unit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &asbd, size); CHECK_CA_ERROR_L(coreaudio_error_audiounit, "unable to set the input format on the audio unit"); err = AudioUnitSetProperty(p->audio_unit, kAudioOutputUnitProperty_CurrentDevice, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0, &p->device, sizeof(p->device)); CHECK_CA_ERROR_L(coreaudio_error_audiounit, "can't link audio unit to selected device"); p->hw_latency_us = ca_get_hardware_latency(ao); AURenderCallbackStruct render_cb = (AURenderCallbackStruct) { .inputProc = render_cb_lpcm, .inputProcRefCon = ao, }; err = AudioUnitSetProperty(p->audio_unit, kAudioUnitProperty_SetRenderCallback, kAudioUnitScope_Input, 0, &render_cb, sizeof(AURenderCallbackStruct)); CHECK_CA_ERROR_L(coreaudio_error_audiounit, "unable to set render callback on audio unit"); return true; coreaudio_error_audiounit: AudioUnitUninitialize(p->audio_unit); coreaudio_error_component: AudioComponentInstanceDispose(p->audio_unit); coreaudio_error: return false; } static void stop(struct ao *ao) { struct priv *p = ao->priv; OSStatus err = AudioOutputUnitStop(p->audio_unit); CHECK_CA_WARN("can't stop audio unit"); } static void start(struct ao *ao) { struct priv *p = ao->priv; OSStatus err = AudioOutputUnitStart(p->audio_unit); CHECK_CA_WARN("can't start audio unit"); } static void uninit(struct ao *ao) { struct priv *p = ao->priv; AudioOutputUnitStop(p->audio_unit); AudioUnitUninitialize(p->audio_unit); AudioComponentInstanceDispose(p->audio_unit); } // Channel Mapping functions static const int speaker_map[][2] = { { kAudioChannelLabel_Left, MP_SPEAKER_ID_FL }, { kAudioChannelLabel_Right, MP_SPEAKER_ID_FR }, { kAudioChannelLabel_Center, MP_SPEAKER_ID_FC }, { kAudioChannelLabel_LFEScreen, MP_SPEAKER_ID_LFE }, { kAudioChannelLabel_LeftSurround, MP_SPEAKER_ID_BL }, { kAudioChannelLabel_RightSurround, MP_SPEAKER_ID_BR }, { kAudioChannelLabel_LeftCenter, MP_SPEAKER_ID_FLC }, { kAudioChannelLabel_RightCenter, MP_SPEAKER_ID_FRC }, { kAudioChannelLabel_CenterSurround, MP_SPEAKER_ID_BC }, { kAudioChannelLabel_LeftSurroundDirect, MP_SPEAKER_ID_SL }, { kAudioChannelLabel_RightSurroundDirect, MP_SPEAKER_ID_SR }, { kAudioChannelLabel_TopCenterSurround, MP_SPEAKER_ID_TC }, { kAudioChannelLabel_VerticalHeightLeft, MP_SPEAKER_ID_TFL }, { kAudioChannelLabel_VerticalHeightCenter, MP_SPEAKER_ID_TFC }, { kAudioChannelLabel_VerticalHeightRight, MP_SPEAKER_ID_TFR }, { kAudioChannelLabel_TopBackLeft, MP_SPEAKER_ID_TBL }, { kAudioChannelLabel_TopBackCenter, MP_SPEAKER_ID_TBC }, { kAudioChannelLabel_TopBackRight, MP_SPEAKER_ID_TBR }, // unofficial extensions { kAudioChannelLabel_RearSurroundLeft, MP_SPEAKER_ID_SDL }, { kAudioChannelLabel_RearSurroundRight, MP_SPEAKER_ID_SDR }, { kAudioChannelLabel_LeftWide, MP_SPEAKER_ID_WL }, { kAudioChannelLabel_RightWide, MP_SPEAKER_ID_WR }, { kAudioChannelLabel_LFE2, MP_SPEAKER_ID_LFE2 }, { kAudioChannelLabel_HeadphonesLeft, MP_SPEAKER_ID_DL }, { kAudioChannelLabel_HeadphonesRight, MP_SPEAKER_ID_DR }, { kAudioChannelLabel_Unknown, -1 }, }; static int ca_label_to_mp_speaker_id(AudioChannelLabel label) { for (int i = 0; speaker_map[i][1] >= 0; i++) if (speaker_map[i][0] == label) return speaker_map[i][1]; return -1; } static void ca_log_layout(struct ao *ao, AudioChannelLayout *layout) { if (!mp_msg_test(ao->log, MSGL_V)) return; AudioChannelDescription *descs = layout->mChannelDescriptions; MP_VERBOSE(ao, "layout: tag: <%u>, bitmap: <%u>, " "descriptions <%u>\n", (unsigned) layout->mChannelLayoutTag, (unsigned) layout->mChannelBitmap, (unsigned) layout->mNumberChannelDescriptions); for (int i = 0; i < layout->mNumberChannelDescriptions; i++) { AudioChannelDescription d = descs[i]; MP_VERBOSE(ao, " - description %d: label <%u, %u>, " " flags: <%u>, coords: <%f, %f, %f>\n", i, (unsigned) d.mChannelLabel, (unsigned) ca_label_to_mp_speaker_id(d.mChannelLabel), (unsigned) d.mChannelFlags, d.mCoordinates[0], d.mCoordinates[1], d.mCoordinates[2]); if (i >= 32) { MP_VERBOSE(ao, " detected more than 32 channel descriptions, " "skipping output"); break; } } } bool ca_layout_to_mp_chmap(struct ao *ao, AudioChannelLayout *layout, struct mp_chmap *chmap) { AudioChannelLayoutTag tag = layout->mChannelLayoutTag; uint32_t layout_size = sizeof(layout); OSStatus err; if (tag == kAudioChannelLayoutTag_UseChannelBitmap) { err = AudioFormatGetProperty(kAudioFormatProperty_ChannelLayoutForBitmap, sizeof(uint32_t), &layout->mChannelBitmap, &layout_size, layout); CHECK_CA_ERROR("failed to convert channel bitmap to descriptions"); } else if (tag != kAudioChannelLayoutTag_UseChannelDescriptions) { err = AudioFormatGetProperty(kAudioFormatProperty_ChannelLayoutForTag, sizeof(AudioChannelLayoutTag), &layout->mChannelLayoutTag, &layout_size, layout); CHECK_CA_ERROR("failed to convert channel tag to descriptions"); } ca_log_layout(ao, layout); // If the channel layout uses channel descriptions, from my // experiments there are there three possibile cases: // * The description has a label kAudioChannelLabel_Unknown: // Can't do anything about this (looks like non surround // layouts are like this). // * The description uses positional information: this in // theory could be used but one would have to map spatial // positions to labels which is not really feasible. // * The description has a well known label which can be mapped // to the waveextensible definition: this is the kind of // descriptions we process here. if (layout->mNumberChannelDescriptions > MP_NUM_CHANNELS) { MP_VERBOSE(ao, "layout has too many descriptions (%u, max: %d)\n", (unsigned) layout->mNumberChannelDescriptions, MP_NUM_CHANNELS); return false; } for (int n = 0; n < layout->mNumberChannelDescriptions; n++) { AudioChannelLabel label = layout->mChannelDescriptions[n].mChannelLabel; uint8_t speaker = ca_label_to_mp_speaker_id(label); if (label == kAudioChannelLabel_Unknown) continue; if (speaker < 0) { MP_VERBOSE(ao, "channel label=%u unusable to build channel " "bitmap, skipping layout\n", (unsigned) label); goto coreaudio_error; } else { chmap->speaker[n] = speaker; chmap->num = n + 1; } } return chmap->num > 0; coreaudio_error: ca_log_layout(ao, layout); return false; } #define OPT_BASE_STRUCT struct priv const struct ao_driver audio_out_coreaudio = { .description = "CoreAudio AudioUnit", .name = "coreaudio", .uninit = uninit, .init = init, .control = control, .pause = stop, .resume = start, .list_devs = ca_get_device_list, .priv_size = sizeof(struct priv), };