/* * This file is part of mpv. * * mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with mpv. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common/common.h" #include "common/msg.h" #include "opengl/common.h" #include "options/m_config.h" #include "osdep/timer.h" #include "vo.h" #include "win_state.h" #include "video/mp_image.h" #include "sub/osd.h" #include "opengl/ra_gl.h" #include "gpu/video.h" struct mp_egl_rpi { struct mp_log *log; struct GL *gl; struct ra *ra; EGLDisplay egl_display; EGLConfig egl_config; EGLContext egl_context; EGLSurface egl_surface; // yep, the API keeps a pointer to it EGL_DISPMANX_WINDOW_T egl_window; }; struct priv { DISPMANX_DISPLAY_HANDLE_T display; DISPMANX_ELEMENT_HANDLE_T window; DISPMANX_ELEMENT_HANDLE_T osd_overlay; DISPMANX_UPDATE_HANDLE_T update; uint32_t w, h; uint32_t x, y; double display_fps; double osd_pts; struct mp_osd_res osd_res; struct m_config_cache *opts_cache; struct mp_egl_rpi egl; struct gl_video *gl_video; struct mpgl_osd *osd; MMAL_COMPONENT_T *renderer; bool renderer_enabled; bool display_synced, skip_osd; struct mp_image *next_image; // for RAM input MMAL_POOL_T *swpool; mp_mutex display_mutex; mp_cond display_cond; int64_t vsync_counter; bool reload_display; int background_layer; int video_layer; int osd_layer; int display_nr; int layer; bool background; bool enable_osd; }; // Magic alignments (in pixels) expected by the MMAL internals. #define ALIGN_W 32 #define ALIGN_H 16 static void recreate_renderer(struct vo *vo); static void *get_proc_address(const GLubyte *name) { void *p = eglGetProcAddress(name); // EGL 1.4 (supported by the RPI firmware) does not necessarily return // function pointers for core functions. if (!p) { void *h = dlopen("/opt/vc/lib/libbrcmGLESv2.so", RTLD_LAZY); if (h) { p = dlsym(h, name); dlclose(h); } } return p; } static EGLConfig select_fb_config_egl(struct mp_egl_rpi *p) { EGLint attributes[] = { EGL_SURFACE_TYPE, EGL_WINDOW_BIT, EGL_RED_SIZE, 8, EGL_GREEN_SIZE, 8, EGL_BLUE_SIZE, 8, EGL_DEPTH_SIZE, 0, EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE, EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT, EGL_NONE }; EGLint config_count; EGLConfig config; eglChooseConfig(p->egl_display, attributes, &config, 1, &config_count); if (!config_count) { MP_FATAL(p, "Could find EGL configuration!\n"); return NULL; } return config; } static void mp_egl_rpi_destroy(struct mp_egl_rpi *p) { if (p->egl_display) { eglMakeCurrent(p->egl_display, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT); } if (p->egl_surface) eglDestroySurface(p->egl_display, p->egl_surface); if (p->egl_context) eglDestroyContext(p->egl_display, p->egl_context); p->egl_context = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; eglReleaseThread(); p->egl_display = EGL_NO_DISPLAY; talloc_free(p->gl); p->gl = NULL; } static int mp_egl_rpi_init(struct mp_egl_rpi *p, DISPMANX_ELEMENT_HANDLE_T window, int w, int h) { p->egl_display = eglGetDisplay(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY); if (!eglInitialize(p->egl_display, NULL, NULL)) { MP_FATAL(p, "EGL failed to initialize.\n"); goto fail; } eglBindAPI(EGL_OPENGL_ES_API); EGLConfig config = select_fb_config_egl(p); if (!config) goto fail; p->egl_window = (EGL_DISPMANX_WINDOW_T){ .element = window, .width = w, .height = h, }; p->egl_surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(p->egl_display, config, &p->egl_window, NULL); if (p->egl_surface == EGL_NO_SURFACE) { MP_FATAL(p, "Could not create EGL surface!\n"); goto fail; } EGLint context_attributes[] = { EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, 2, EGL_NONE }; p->egl_context = eglCreateContext(p->egl_display, config, EGL_NO_CONTEXT, context_attributes); if (p->egl_context == EGL_NO_CONTEXT) { MP_FATAL(p, "Could not create EGL context!\n"); goto fail; } eglMakeCurrent(p->egl_display, p->egl_surface, p->egl_surface, p->egl_context); p->gl = talloc_zero(NULL, struct GL); const char *exts = eglQueryString(p->egl_display, EGL_EXTENSIONS); mpgl_load_functions(p->gl, get_proc_address, exts, p->log); if (!p->gl->version && !p->gl->es) goto fail; p->ra = ra_create_gl(p->gl, p->log); if (!p->ra) goto fail; return 0; fail: mp_egl_rpi_destroy(p); return -1; } // Make mpi point to buffer, assuming MMAL_ENCODING_I420. // buffer can be NULL. // Return the required buffer space. static size_t layout_buffer(struct mp_image *mpi, MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *buffer, struct mp_image_params *params) { assert(params->imgfmt == IMGFMT_420P); mp_image_set_params(mpi, params); int w = MP_ALIGN_UP(params->w, ALIGN_W); int h = MP_ALIGN_UP(params->h, ALIGN_H); uint8_t *cur = buffer ? buffer->data : NULL; size_t size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int div = i ? 2 : 1; mpi->planes[i] = cur; mpi->stride[i] = w / div; size_t plane_size = h / div * mpi->stride[i]; if (cur) cur += plane_size; size += plane_size; } return size; } static void update_osd(struct vo *vo) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; if (!p->enable_osd) return; if (!gl_video_check_osd_change(p->gl_video, &p->osd_res, p->osd_pts)) { p->skip_osd = true; return; } MP_STATS(vo, "start rpi_osd"); struct vo_frame frame = {0}; struct ra_fbo target = { .tex = ra_create_wrapped_fb(p->egl.ra, 0, p->osd_res.w, p->osd_res.h), .flip = true, }; gl_video_set_osd_pts(p->gl_video, p->osd_pts); gl_video_render_frame(p->gl_video, &frame, &target, RENDER_FRAME_DEF); ra_tex_free(p->egl.ra, &target.tex); MP_STATS(vo, "stop rpi_osd"); } static void resize(struct vo *vo) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; MMAL_PORT_T *input = p->renderer->input[0]; struct mp_rect src, dst; vo_get_src_dst_rects(vo, &src, &dst, &p->osd_res); int rotate[] = {MMAL_DISPLAY_ROT0, MMAL_DISPLAY_ROT90, MMAL_DISPLAY_ROT180, MMAL_DISPLAY_ROT270}; int src_w = src.x1 - src.x0, src_h = src.y1 - src.y0, dst_w = dst.x1 - dst.x0, dst_h = dst.y1 - dst.y0; int p_x, p_y; av_reduce(&p_x, &p_y, dst_w * src_h, src_w * dst_h, 16000); MMAL_DISPLAYREGION_T dr = { .hdr = { .id = MMAL_PARAMETER_DISPLAYREGION, .size = sizeof(MMAL_DISPLAYREGION_T), }, .src_rect = { .x = src.x0, .y = src.y0, .width = src_w, .height = src_h }, .dest_rect = { .x = dst.x0 + p->x, .y = dst.y0 + p->y, .width = dst_w, .height = dst_h }, .layer = p->video_layer, .display_num = p->display_nr, .pixel_x = p_x, .pixel_y = p_y, .transform = rotate[vo->params ? vo->params->rotate / 90 : 0], .fullscreen = vo->opts->fullscreen, .set = MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_SRC_RECT | MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_DEST_RECT | MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_LAYER | MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_NUM | MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_PIXEL | MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_TRANSFORM | MMAL_DISPLAY_SET_FULLSCREEN, }; if (vo->params && (vo->params->rotate % 180) == 90) { MPSWAP(int, dr.src_rect.x, dr.src_rect.y); MPSWAP(int, dr.src_rect.width, dr.src_rect.height); } if (mmal_port_parameter_set(input, &dr.hdr)) MP_WARN(vo, "could not set video rectangle\n"); if (p->gl_video) gl_video_resize(p->gl_video, &src, &dst, &p->osd_res); } static void destroy_overlays(struct vo *vo) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; if (p->window) vc_dispmanx_element_remove(p->update, p->window); p->window = 0; gl_video_uninit(p->gl_video); p->gl_video = NULL; ra_free(&p->egl.ra); mp_egl_rpi_destroy(&p->egl); if (p->osd_overlay) vc_dispmanx_element_remove(p->update, p->osd_overlay); p->osd_overlay = 0; } static int update_display_size(struct vo *vo) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; uint32_t n_w = 0, n_h = 0; if (graphics_get_display_size(0, &n_w, &n_h) < 0) { MP_FATAL(vo, "Could not get display size.\n"); return -1; } if (p->w == n_w && p->h == n_h) return 0; p->w = n_w; p->h = n_h; MP_VERBOSE(vo, "Display size: %dx%d\n", p->w, p->h); return 0; } static int create_overlays(struct vo *vo) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; destroy_overlays(vo); if (!p->display) return -1; if (vo->opts->fullscreen && p->background) { // Use the whole screen. VC_RECT_T dst = {.width = p->w, .height = p->h}; VC_RECT_T src = {.width = 1 << 16, .height = 1 << 16}; VC_DISPMANX_ALPHA_T alpha = { .flags = DISPMANX_FLAGS_ALPHA_FIXED_ALL_PIXELS, .opacity = 0xFF, }; p->window = vc_dispmanx_element_add(p->update, p->display, p->background_layer, &dst, 0, &src, DISPMANX_PROTECTION_NONE, &alpha, 0, 0); if (!p->window) { MP_FATAL(vo, "Could not add DISPMANX element.\n"); return -1; } } if (p->enable_osd) { VC_RECT_T dst = {.x = p->x, .y = p->y, .width = p->osd_res.w, .height = p->osd_res.h}; VC_RECT_T src = {.width = p->osd_res.w << 16, .height = p->osd_res.h << 16}; VC_DISPMANX_ALPHA_T alpha = { .flags = DISPMANX_FLAGS_ALPHA_FROM_SOURCE, .opacity = 0xFF, }; p->osd_overlay = vc_dispmanx_element_add(p->update, p->display, p->osd_layer, &dst, 0, &src, DISPMANX_PROTECTION_NONE, &alpha, 0, 0); if (!p->osd_overlay) { MP_FATAL(vo, "Could not add DISPMANX element.\n"); return -1; } if (mp_egl_rpi_init(&p->egl, p->osd_overlay, p->osd_res.w, p->osd_res.h) < 0) { MP_FATAL(vo, "EGL/GLES initialization for OSD renderer failed.\n"); return -1; } p->gl_video = gl_video_init(p->egl.ra, vo->log, vo->global); gl_video_set_clear_color(p->gl_video, (struct m_color){.a = 0}); gl_video_set_osd_source(p->gl_video, vo->osd); } p->display_fps = 0; TV_GET_STATE_RESP_T tvstate; TV_DISPLAY_STATE_T tvstate_disp; if (!vc_tv_get_state(&tvstate) && !vc_tv_get_display_state(&tvstate_disp)) { if (tvstate_disp.state & (VC_HDMI_HDMI | VC_HDMI_DVI)) { p->display_fps = tvstate_disp.display.hdmi.frame_rate; HDMI_PROPERTY_PARAM_T param = { .property = HDMI_PROPERTY_PIXEL_CLOCK_TYPE, }; if (!vc_tv_hdmi_get_property(¶m) && param.param1 == HDMI_PIXEL_CLOCK_TYPE_NTSC) p->display_fps = p->display_fps / 1.001; } else { p->display_fps = tvstate_disp.display.sdtv.frame_rate; } } resize(vo); vo_event(vo, VO_EVENT_WIN_STATE); vc_dispmanx_update_submit_sync(p->update); p->update = vc_dispmanx_update_start(10); return 0; } static int set_geometry(struct vo *vo) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; if (vo->opts->fullscreen) { vo->dwidth = p->w; vo->dheight = p->h; p->x = p->y = 0; } else { struct vo_win_geometry geo; struct mp_rect screenrc = {0, 0, p->w, p->h}; vo_calc_window_geometry(vo, &screenrc, &geo); vo_apply_window_geometry(vo, &geo); p->x = geo.win.x0; p->y = geo.win.y0; } resize(vo); if (create_overlays(vo) < 0) return -1; return 0; } static void wait_next_vsync(struct vo *vo) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; mp_mutex_lock(&p->display_mutex); int64_t end = mp_time_ns() + MP_TIME_MS_TO_NS(50); int64_t old = p->vsync_counter; while (old == p->vsync_counter && !p->reload_display) { if (mp_cond_timedwait_until(&p->display_cond, &p->display_mutex, end)) break; } mp_mutex_unlock(&p->display_mutex); } static void flip_page(struct vo *vo) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; if (!p->renderer_enabled) return; struct mp_image *mpi = p->next_image; p->next_image = NULL; // For OSD if (!p->skip_osd && p->egl.gl) eglSwapBuffers(p->egl.egl_display, p->egl.egl_surface); p->skip_osd = false; if (mpi) { MMAL_PORT_T *input = p->renderer->input[0]; MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *ref = (void *)mpi->planes[3]; // Assume this field is free for use by us. ref->user_data = mpi; if (mmal_port_send_buffer(input, ref)) { MP_ERR(vo, "could not queue picture!\n"); talloc_free(mpi); } } if (p->display_synced) wait_next_vsync(vo); } static void free_mmal_buffer(void *arg) { MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *buffer = arg; mmal_buffer_header_release(buffer); } static void draw_frame(struct vo *vo, struct vo_frame *frame) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; if (!p->renderer_enabled) return; mp_image_t *mpi = NULL; if (!frame->redraw && !frame->repeat) mpi = mp_image_new_ref(frame->current); talloc_free(p->next_image); p->next_image = NULL; if (mpi) p->osd_pts = mpi->pts; // Redraw only if the OSD has meaningfully changed, which we assume it // hasn't when a frame is merely repeated for display sync. p->skip_osd = !frame->redraw && frame->repeat; if (!p->skip_osd && p->egl.gl) update_osd(vo); p->display_synced = frame->display_synced; if (mpi && mpi->imgfmt != IMGFMT_MMAL) { MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *buffer = mmal_queue_wait(p->swpool->queue); if (!buffer) { talloc_free(mpi); MP_ERR(vo, "Can't allocate buffer.\n"); return; } mmal_buffer_header_reset(buffer); struct mp_image *new_ref = mp_image_new_custom_ref(NULL, buffer, free_mmal_buffer); if (!new_ref) { mmal_buffer_header_release(buffer); talloc_free(mpi); MP_ERR(vo, "Out of memory.\n"); return; } mp_image_setfmt(new_ref, IMGFMT_MMAL); new_ref->planes[3] = (void *)buffer; struct mp_image dmpi = {0}; buffer->length = layout_buffer(&dmpi, buffer, vo->params); mp_image_copy(&dmpi, mpi); talloc_free(mpi); mpi = new_ref; } p->next_image = mpi; } static int query_format(struct vo *vo, int format) { return format == IMGFMT_MMAL || format == IMGFMT_420P; } static MMAL_FOURCC_T map_csp(enum mp_csp csp) { switch (csp) { case MP_CSP_BT_601: return MMAL_COLOR_SPACE_ITUR_BT601; case MP_CSP_BT_709: return MMAL_COLOR_SPACE_ITUR_BT709; case MP_CSP_SMPTE_240M: return MMAL_COLOR_SPACE_SMPTE240M; default: return MMAL_COLOR_SPACE_UNKNOWN; } } static void control_port_cb(MMAL_PORT_T *port, MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *buffer) { mmal_buffer_header_release(buffer); } static void input_port_cb(MMAL_PORT_T *port, MMAL_BUFFER_HEADER_T *buffer) { struct mp_image *mpi = buffer->user_data; talloc_free(mpi); } static void disable_renderer(struct vo *vo) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; if (p->renderer_enabled) { mmal_port_disable(p->renderer->control); mmal_port_disable(p->renderer->input[0]); mmal_port_flush(p->renderer->control); mmal_port_flush(p->renderer->input[0]); mmal_component_disable(p->renderer); } mmal_pool_destroy(p->swpool); p->swpool = NULL; p->renderer_enabled = false; } static int reconfig(struct vo *vo, struct mp_image_params *params) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; MMAL_PORT_T *input = p->renderer->input[0]; bool opaque = params->imgfmt == IMGFMT_MMAL; if (!p->display) return -1; disable_renderer(vo); input->format->encoding = opaque ? MMAL_ENCODING_OPAQUE : MMAL_ENCODING_I420; input->format->es->video.width = MP_ALIGN_UP(params->w, ALIGN_W); input->format->es->video.height = MP_ALIGN_UP(params->h, ALIGN_H); input->format->es->video.crop = (MMAL_RECT_T){0, 0, params->w, params->h}; input->format->es->video.par = (MMAL_RATIONAL_T){params->p_w, params->p_h}; input->format->es->video.color_space = map_csp(params->color.space); if (mmal_port_format_commit(input)) return -1; input->buffer_num = MPMAX(input->buffer_num_min, input->buffer_num_recommended) + 3; input->buffer_size = MPMAX(input->buffer_size_min, input->buffer_size_recommended); if (!opaque) { size_t size = layout_buffer(&(struct mp_image){0}, NULL, params); if (input->buffer_size != size) { MP_FATAL(vo, "We disagree with MMAL about buffer sizes.\n"); return -1; } p->swpool = mmal_pool_create(input->buffer_num, input->buffer_size); if (!p->swpool) { MP_FATAL(vo, "Could not allocate buffer pool.\n"); return -1; } } if (set_geometry(vo) < 0) return -1; p->renderer_enabled = true; if (mmal_port_enable(p->renderer->control, control_port_cb)) return -1; if (mmal_port_enable(input, input_port_cb)) return -1; if (mmal_component_enable(p->renderer)) { MP_FATAL(vo, "Failed to enable video renderer.\n"); return -1; } resize(vo); return 0; } static struct mp_image *take_screenshot(struct vo *vo) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; if (!p->display) return NULL; struct mp_image *img = mp_image_alloc(IMGFMT_BGR0, p->w, p->h); if (!img) return NULL; DISPMANX_RESOURCE_HANDLE_T resource = vc_dispmanx_resource_create(VC_IMAGE_ARGB8888, img->w | ((img->w * 4) << 16), img->h, &(int32_t){0}); if (!resource) goto fail; if (vc_dispmanx_snapshot(p->display, resource, 0)) goto fail; VC_RECT_T rc = {.width = img->w, .height = img->h}; if (vc_dispmanx_resource_read_data(resource, &rc, img->planes[0], img->stride[0])) goto fail; vc_dispmanx_resource_delete(resource); return img; fail: vc_dispmanx_resource_delete(resource); talloc_free(img); return NULL; } static void set_fullscreen(struct vo *vo) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; if (p->renderer_enabled) set_geometry(vo); vo->want_redraw = true; } static int control(struct vo *vo, uint32_t request, void *data) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; switch (request) { case VOCTRL_VO_OPTS_CHANGED: { void *opt; while (m_config_cache_get_next_changed(p->opts_cache, &opt)) { struct mp_vo_opts *opts = p->opts_cache->opts; if (&opts->fullscreen == opt) set_fullscreen(vo); } return VO_TRUE; } case VOCTRL_SET_PANSCAN: if (p->renderer_enabled) resize(vo); vo->want_redraw = true; return VO_TRUE; case VOCTRL_REDRAW_FRAME: update_osd(vo); return VO_TRUE; case VOCTRL_SCREENSHOT_WIN: *(struct mp_image **)data = take_screenshot(vo); return VO_TRUE; case VOCTRL_CHECK_EVENTS: { mp_mutex_lock(&p->display_mutex); bool reload_required = p->reload_display; p->reload_display = false; mp_mutex_unlock(&p->display_mutex); if (reload_required) recreate_renderer(vo); return VO_TRUE; } case VOCTRL_GET_DISPLAY_FPS: *(double *)data = p->display_fps; return VO_TRUE; case VOCTRL_GET_DISPLAY_RES: ((int *)data)[0] = p->w; ((int *)data)[1] = p->h; return VO_TRUE; } return VO_NOTIMPL; } static void tv_callback(void *callback_data, uint32_t reason, uint32_t param1, uint32_t param2) { struct vo *vo = callback_data; struct priv *p = vo->priv; mp_mutex_lock(&p->display_mutex); p->reload_display = true; mp_cond_signal(&p->display_cond); mp_mutex_unlock(&p->display_mutex); vo_wakeup(vo); } static void vsync_callback(DISPMANX_UPDATE_HANDLE_T u, void *arg) { struct vo *vo = arg; struct priv *p = vo->priv; mp_mutex_lock(&p->display_mutex); p->vsync_counter += 1; mp_cond_signal(&p->display_cond); mp_mutex_unlock(&p->display_mutex); } static void destroy_dispmanx(struct vo *vo) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; disable_renderer(vo); destroy_overlays(vo); if (p->update) vc_dispmanx_update_submit_sync(p->update); p->update = 0; if (p->display) { vc_dispmanx_vsync_callback(p->display, NULL, NULL); vc_dispmanx_display_close(p->display); } p->display = 0; } static int recreate_dispmanx(struct vo *vo) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; p->display = vc_dispmanx_display_open(p->display_nr); p->update = vc_dispmanx_update_start(0); if (!p->display || !p->update) { MP_FATAL(vo, "Could not get DISPMANX objects.\n"); if (p->display) vc_dispmanx_display_close(p->display); p->display = 0; p->update = 0; return -1; } update_display_size(vo); vc_dispmanx_vsync_callback(p->display, vsync_callback, vo); return 0; } static void recreate_renderer(struct vo *vo) { MP_WARN(vo, "Recreating renderer after display change.\n"); destroy_dispmanx(vo); recreate_dispmanx(vo); if (vo->params) { if (reconfig(vo, vo->params) < 0) MP_FATAL(vo, "Recreation failed.\n"); } } static void uninit(struct vo *vo) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; vc_tv_unregister_callback_full(tv_callback, vo); talloc_free(p->next_image); destroy_dispmanx(vo); if (p->renderer) mmal_component_release(p->renderer); mmal_vc_deinit(); mp_cond_destroy(&p->display_cond); mp_mutex_destroy(&p->display_mutex); } static int preinit(struct vo *vo) { struct priv *p = vo->priv; p->background_layer = p->layer; p->video_layer = p->layer + 1; p->osd_layer = p->layer + 2; p->egl.log = vo->log; bcm_host_init(); if (mmal_vc_init()) { MP_FATAL(vo, "Could not initialize MMAL.\n"); return -1; } mp_mutex_init(&p->display_mutex); mp_cond_init(&p->display_cond); p->opts_cache = m_config_cache_alloc(p, vo->global, &vo_sub_opts); if (recreate_dispmanx(vo) < 0) goto fail; if (update_display_size(vo) < 0) goto fail; if (mmal_component_create(MMAL_COMPONENT_DEFAULT_VIDEO_RENDERER, &p->renderer)) { MP_FATAL(vo, "Could not create MMAL renderer.\n"); goto fail; } vc_tv_register_callback(tv_callback, vo); return 0; fail: uninit(vo); return -1; } #define OPT_BASE_STRUCT struct priv static const struct m_option options[] = { {"display", OPT_INT(display_nr)}, {"layer", OPT_INT(layer), OPTDEF_INT(-10)}, {"background", OPT_BOOL(background)}, {"osd", OPT_BOOL(enable_osd), OPTDEF_INT(1)}, {0}, }; const struct vo_driver video_out_rpi = { .description = "Raspberry Pi (MMAL)", .name = "rpi", .caps = VO_CAP_ROTATE90, .preinit = preinit, .query_format = query_format, .reconfig = reconfig, .control = control, .draw_frame = draw_frame, .flip_page = flip_page, .uninit = uninit, .priv_size = sizeof(struct priv), .options = options, .options_prefix = "rpi", };