mirror of https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv.git synced 2024-09-19 19:42:24 +02:00
wm4 f9ba1a3ddf demux: remove weird tripple-buffering for the sh_stream list
The demuxer infrastructure was originally single-threaded. To make it
suitable for multithreading (specifically, demuxing and decoding on
separate threads), some sort of tripple-buffering was introduced. There
are separate "struct demuxer" allocations. The demuxer thread sets the
state on d_thread. If anything changes, the state is copied to d_buffer
(the copy is protected by a lock), and the decoder thread is notified.
Then the decoder thread copies the state from d_buffer to d_user (again
while holding a lock). This avoids the need for locking in the
demuxer/decoder code itself (only demux.c needs an internal, "invisible"

Remove the streams/num_streams fields from this tripple-buffering
schema. Move them to the internal struct, and protect them with the
internal lock. Use accessors for read access outside of demux.c.

Other than replacing all field accesses with accessors, this separates
allocating and adding sh_streams. This is needed to avoid race
conditions. Before this change, this was awkwardly handled by first
initializing the sh_stream, and then sending a stream change event. Now
the stream is allocated, then initialized, and then declared as
immutable and added (at which point it becomes visible to the decoder
thread immediately).

This change is useful for PR #2626. And eventually, we should probably
get entirely of the tripple buffering, and this makes a nice first step.
2015-12-23 21:52:16 +01:00

383 lines
12 KiB

* This file is part of mpv.
* mpv is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* mpv is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with mpv. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "common/common.h"
#include "common/msg.h"
#include "stream/stream.h"
#include "video/mp_image.h"
#include "demux.h"
#include "stheader.h"
#include "video/csputils.h"
struct priv {
struct demuxer *slave;
// streams[slave_stream_index] == our_stream
struct sh_stream **streams;
int num_streams;
// This contains each DVD sub stream, or NULL. Needed because DVD packets
// can come arbitrarily late in the MPEG stream, so the slave demuxer
// might add the streams only later.
struct sh_stream *dvd_subs[32];
// Used to rewrite the raw MPEG timestamps to playback time.
double base_time; // playback display start time of current segment
double base_dts; // packet DTS that maps to base_time
double last_dts; // DTS of previously demuxed packet
double seek_pts;
bool seek_reinit; // needs reinit after seek
// If the timestamp difference between subsequent packets is this big, assume
// a reset. It should be big enough to account for 1. low video framerates and
// large audio frames, and 2. bad interleaving.
static void reselect_streams(demuxer_t *demuxer)
struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
int num_slave = demux_get_num_stream(p->slave);
for (int n = 0; n < MPMIN(num_slave, p->num_streams); n++) {
if (p->streams[n]) {
demuxer_select_track(p->slave, demux_get_stream(p->slave, n),
static void get_disc_lang(struct stream *stream, struct sh_stream *sh)
struct stream_lang_req req = {.type = sh->type, .id = sh->demuxer_id};
if (stream->uncached_type == STREAMTYPE_DVD && sh->type == STREAM_SUB)
req.id = req.id & 0x1F; // mpeg ID to index
stream_control(stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_LANG, &req);
if (req.name[0])
sh->lang = talloc_strdup(sh, req.name);
static void add_dvd_streams(demuxer_t *demuxer)
struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
struct stream *stream = demuxer->stream;
if (stream->uncached_type != STREAMTYPE_DVD)
struct stream_dvd_info_req info;
if (stream_control(stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_DVD_INFO, &info) > 0) {
for (int n = 0; n < MPMIN(32, info.num_subs); n++) {
struct sh_stream *sh = demux_alloc_sh_stream(STREAM_SUB);
sh->demuxer_id = n + 0x20;
sh->codec = "dvd_subtitle";
get_disc_lang(stream, sh);
// p->streams _must_ match with p->slave->streams, so we can't add
// it yet - it has to be done when the real stream appears, which
// could be right on start, or any time later.
p->dvd_subs[n] = sh;
// emulate the extradata
struct mp_csp_params csp = MP_CSP_PARAMS_DEFAULTS;
struct mp_cmat cmatrix;
mp_get_csp_matrix(&csp, &cmatrix);
char *s = talloc_strdup(sh, "");
s = talloc_asprintf_append(s, "palette: ");
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
int color = info.palette[i];
int y[3] = {(color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff};
int c[3];
mp_map_fixp_color(&cmatrix, 8, y, 8, c);
color = (c[2] << 16) | (c[1] << 8) | c[0];
if (i != 0)
s = talloc_asprintf_append(s, ", ");
s = talloc_asprintf_append(s, "%06x", color);
s = talloc_asprintf_append(s, "\n");
sh->extradata = s;
sh->extradata_size = strlen(s);
demux_add_sh_stream(demuxer, sh);
static void add_streams(demuxer_t *demuxer)
struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
for (int n = p->num_streams; n < demux_get_num_stream(p->slave); n++) {
struct sh_stream *src = demux_get_stream(p->slave, n);
if (src->sub) {
struct sh_stream *sub = NULL;
if (src->demuxer_id >= 0x20 && src->demuxer_id <= 0x3F)
sub = p->dvd_subs[src->demuxer_id - 0x20];
if (sub) {
assert(p->num_streams == n); // directly mapped
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->streams, p->num_streams, sub);
struct sh_stream *sh = demux_alloc_sh_stream(src->type);
assert(p->num_streams == n); // directly mapped
MP_TARRAY_APPEND(p, p->streams, p->num_streams, sh);
// Copy all stream fields that might be relevant
sh->codec = talloc_strdup(sh, src->codec);
sh->codec_tag = src->codec_tag;
sh->lav_headers = src->lav_headers;
sh->demuxer_id = src->demuxer_id;
if (src->video) {
double ar;
if (stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_ASPECT_RATIO, &ar)
struct mp_image_params f = {.w = src->video->disp_w,
.h = src->video->disp_h};
mp_image_params_set_dsize(&f, 1728 * ar, 1728);
sh->video->par_w = f.p_w;
sh->video->par_h = f.p_h;
if (src->audio)
sh->audio = src->audio;
get_disc_lang(demuxer->stream, sh);
demux_add_sh_stream(demuxer, sh);
static void d_seek(demuxer_t *demuxer, double rel_seek_secs, int flags)
struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
if (demuxer->stream->uncached_type == STREAMTYPE_CDDA) {
demux_seek(p->slave, rel_seek_secs, flags);
double pts = p->seek_pts;
if (flags & SEEK_ABSOLUTE)
pts = 0.0f;
double base_pts = pts; // to what pts is relative
if (flags & SEEK_FACTOR) {
double tmp = 0;
stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_TIME_LENGTH, &tmp);
pts += tmp * rel_seek_secs;
} else {
pts += rel_seek_secs;
MP_VERBOSE(demuxer, "seek to: %f\n", pts);
double seek_arg[] = {pts, base_pts, flags};
stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_SEEK_TO_TIME, seek_arg);
demux_control(p->slave, DEMUXER_CTRL_RESYNC, NULL);
p->seek_pts = pts;
p->seek_reinit = true;
static void reset_pts(demuxer_t *demuxer)
struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
double base;
if (stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_CURRENT_TIME, &base) < 1)
base = 0;
MP_VERBOSE(demuxer, "reset to time: %f\n", base);
p->base_dts = p->last_dts = MP_NOPTS_VALUE;
p->base_time = base;
p->seek_reinit = false;
static int d_fill_buffer(demuxer_t *demuxer)
struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
struct demux_packet *pkt = demux_read_any_packet(p->slave);
if (!pkt)
return 0;
if (p->seek_reinit)
if (pkt->stream >= p->num_streams) { // out of memory?
return 0;
struct sh_stream *sh = p->streams[pkt->stream];
if (!demux_stream_is_selected(sh)) {
return 1;
if (demuxer->stream->uncached_type == STREAMTYPE_CDDA) {
demux_add_packet(sh, pkt);
return 1;
MP_TRACE(demuxer, "ipts: %d %f %f\n", sh->type, pkt->pts, pkt->dts);
if (sh->type == STREAM_SUB) {
if (p->base_dts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
MP_WARN(demuxer, "subtitle packet along PTS reset\n");
} else if (pkt->dts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) {
// Use the very first DTS to rebase the start time of the MPEG stream
// to the playback time.
if (p->base_dts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
p->base_dts = pkt->dts;
if (p->last_dts == MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
p->last_dts = pkt->dts;
if (fabs(p->last_dts - pkt->dts) >= DTS_RESET_THRESHOLD) {
MP_WARN(demuxer, "PTS discontinuity: %f->%f\n", p->last_dts, pkt->dts);
p->base_time += p->last_dts - p->base_dts;
p->base_dts = pkt->dts - pkt->duration;
p->last_dts = pkt->dts;
if (p->base_dts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE) {
double delta = -p->base_dts + p->base_time;
if (pkt->pts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
pkt->pts += delta;
if (pkt->dts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
pkt->dts += delta;
MP_TRACE(demuxer, "opts: %d %f %f\n", sh->type, pkt->pts, pkt->dts);
if (pkt->pts != MP_NOPTS_VALUE)
p->seek_pts = pkt->pts;
demux_add_packet(sh, pkt);
return 1;
static void add_stream_chapters(struct demuxer *demuxer)
int num = 0;
if (stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_NUM_CHAPTERS, &num) < 1)
for (int n = 0; n < num; n++) {
double p = n;
if (stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_CHAPTER_TIME, &p) < 1)
demuxer_add_chapter(demuxer, "", p, 0);
static int d_open(demuxer_t *demuxer, enum demux_check check)
struct priv *p = demuxer->priv = talloc_zero(demuxer, struct priv);
if (check != DEMUX_CHECK_FORCE)
return -1;
struct demuxer_params params = {.force_format = "+lavf"};
if (demuxer->stream->uncached_type == STREAMTYPE_CDDA)
params.force_format = "+rawaudio";
char *t = NULL;
stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_DISC_NAME, &t);
if (t) {
mp_tags_set_str(demuxer->metadata, "TITLE", t);
// Initialize the playback time. We need to read _some_ data to get the
// correct stream-layer time (at least with libdvdnav).
stream_peek(demuxer->stream, 1);
p->slave = demux_open(demuxer->stream, &params, demuxer->global);
if (!p->slave)
return -1;
// So that we don't miss initial packets of delayed subtitle streams.
demux_set_stream_autoselect(p->slave, true);
// With cache enabled, the stream can be seekable. This causes demux_lavf.c
// (actually libavformat/mpegts.c) to seek sometimes when reading a packet.
// It does this to seek back a bit in case the current file position points
// into the middle of a packet.
if (demuxer->stream->uncached_type != STREAMTYPE_CDDA) {
demuxer->stream->seekable = false;
// Can be seekable even if the stream isn't.
demuxer->seekable = true;
demuxer->rel_seeks = true;
return 0;
static void d_close(demuxer_t *demuxer)
struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
static int d_control(demuxer_t *demuxer, int cmd, void *arg)
struct priv *p = demuxer->priv;
switch (cmd) {
double len;
if (stream_control(demuxer->stream, STREAM_CTRL_GET_TIME_LENGTH, &len) < 1)
*(double *)arg = len;
break; // relay to slave demuxer
return demux_control(p->slave, cmd, arg);
const demuxer_desc_t demuxer_desc_disc = {
.name = "disc",
.desc = "CD/DVD/BD wrapper",
.fill_buffer = d_fill_buffer,
.open = d_open,
.close = d_close,
.seek = d_seek,
.control = d_control,