# `build-aux` folder This folder contains: - Various formatting scripts: - `run-clang-format` which formats C/C++/ObjC/ObjC++ files - `run-gersemi` which formats CMake files - `run-swift-format` which formats Swift files - `format-manifest.py` which formats Flatpak manifest JSON files - The Flatpak manifest used to build OBS Studio - Files used for Steam packaging ## Formatting scripts ### `run-clang-format` This script allows to check the formatting and/or format of C/C++/ObjC/ObjC++ files and requires ZSH and a specific version of `clang-format`. If the script does not find the latter it will return the required version, we provide `clang-format` Homebrew formulas in our [homebrew-tools repo](https://github.com/obsproject/homebrew-tools/). Example of use: ```sh ./build-aux/run-clang-format ``` ### `run-gersemi` This script allows to check the formatting and/or format of the CMake files and requires ZSH and `gersemi` Python package. Example of use: ```sh ./build-aux/run-gersemi ``` ### `run-swift-format` This script allows to check the formatting and/or format of the Swift files and requires ZSH and `swift-format`. Example of use: ```sh ./build-aux/run-swift-format ``` ### `format-manifest.py` This script allows to check the formatting and/or format of the Flatpak manifest and its modules. Example of use: ```sh python3 ./build-aux/format-manifest.py com.obsproject.Studio.json ``` ## OBS Studio Flatpak Manifest The manifest is composed of multiple files: - The main manifest `com.obsproject.Studio.json` - The `modules` folder which contains OBS Studio dependencies modules ### Manifest modules Modules are ordered/dispatched in numbered categories following a short list of rules: - A module must not depend on another module from the same category, so a module can only depend on modules from lower numbered categories. - A module without dependencies must be placed in the highest numbered category in use, excluding categories meant for specific types of dependency. Actual categories: - `99-`: CEF - `90-`: Headers-only libraries that are dependencies of only OBS Studio - `50-`: Modules that are dependencies of only OBS Studio - `40-`: Modules that are dependencies of the `50-` category - `30-`: FFmpeg - `20-`: Modules that are dependencies of FFmpeg - `10-`: Modules that are dependencies of the `20-` category