#include "obs-frontend-api/obs-frontend-api.h" #include "window-basic-stats.hpp" #include "window-basic-main.hpp" #include "platform.hpp" #include "obs-app.hpp" #include "qt-wrappers.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TIMER_INTERVAL 2000 #define REC_TIME_LEFT_INTERVAL 30000 void OBSBasicStats::OBSFrontendEvent(enum obs_frontend_event event, void *ptr) { OBSBasicStats *stats = reinterpret_cast(ptr); switch (event) { case OBS_FRONTEND_EVENT_RECORDING_STARTED: stats->StartRecTimeLeft(); break; case OBS_FRONTEND_EVENT_RECORDING_STOPPED: stats->ResetRecTimeLeft(); break; case OBS_FRONTEND_EVENT_EXIT: // This is only reached when the non-closable (dock) stats // window is being cleaned up. The closable stats window is // already gone by this point as it's deleted on close. obs_frontend_remove_event_callback(OBSFrontendEvent, stats); break; default: break; } } static QString MakeTimeLeftText(int hours, int minutes) { return QString::asprintf("%d %s, %d %s", hours, Str("Hours"), minutes, Str("Minutes")); } static QString MakeMissedFramesText(uint32_t total_lagged, uint32_t total_rendered, long double num) { return QString("%1 / %2 (%3%)") .arg(QString::number(total_lagged), QString::number(total_rendered), QString::number(num, 'f', 1)); } OBSBasicStats::OBSBasicStats(QWidget *parent, bool closable) : QFrame(parent), cpu_info(os_cpu_usage_info_start()), timer(this), recTimeLeft(this) { QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); QGridLayout *topLayout = new QGridLayout(); outputLayout = new QGridLayout(); bitrates.reserve(REC_TIME_LEFT_INTERVAL / TIMER_INTERVAL); int row = 0; auto newStatBare = [&](QString name, QWidget *label, int col) { QLabel *typeLabel = new QLabel(name, this); topLayout->addWidget(typeLabel, row, col); topLayout->addWidget(label, row++, col + 1); }; auto newStat = [&](const char *strLoc, QWidget *label, int col) { std::string str = "Basic.Stats."; str += strLoc; newStatBare(QTStr(str.c_str()), label, col); }; /* --------------------------------------------- */ cpuUsage = new QLabel(this); hddSpace = new QLabel(this); recordTimeLeft = new QLabel(this); memUsage = new QLabel(this); QString str = MakeTimeLeftText(99999, 59); int textWidth = recordTimeLeft->fontMetrics().boundingRect(str).width(); recordTimeLeft->setMinimumWidth(textWidth); newStat("CPUUsage", cpuUsage, 0); newStat("HDDSpaceAvailable", hddSpace, 0); newStat("DiskFullIn", recordTimeLeft, 0); newStat("MemoryUsage", memUsage, 0); fps = new QLabel(this); renderTime = new QLabel(this); skippedFrames = new QLabel(this); missedFrames = new QLabel(this); str = MakeMissedFramesText(999999, 999999, 99.99); textWidth = missedFrames->fontMetrics().boundingRect(str).width(); missedFrames->setMinimumWidth(textWidth); row = 0; newStatBare("FPS", fps, 2); newStat("AverageTimeToRender", renderTime, 2); newStat("MissedFrames", missedFrames, 2); newStat("SkippedFrames", skippedFrames, 2); /* --------------------------------------------- */ QPushButton *closeButton = nullptr; if (closable) closeButton = new QPushButton(QTStr("Close")); QPushButton *resetButton = new QPushButton(QTStr("Reset")); QHBoxLayout *buttonLayout = new QHBoxLayout; buttonLayout->addStretch(); buttonLayout->addWidget(resetButton); if (closable) buttonLayout->addWidget(closeButton); /* --------------------------------------------- */ int col = 0; auto addOutputCol = [&](const char *loc) { QLabel *label = new QLabel(QTStr(loc), this); label->setStyleSheet("font-weight: bold"); outputLayout->addWidget(label, 0, col++); }; addOutputCol("Basic.Settings.Output"); addOutputCol("Basic.Stats.Status"); addOutputCol("Basic.Stats.DroppedFrames"); addOutputCol("Basic.Stats.MegabytesSent"); addOutputCol("Basic.Stats.Bitrate"); /* --------------------------------------------- */ AddOutputLabels(QTStr("Basic.Stats.Output.Stream")); AddOutputLabels(QTStr("Basic.Stats.Output.Recording")); /* --------------------------------------------- */ QVBoxLayout *outputContainerLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); outputContainerLayout->addLayout(outputLayout); outputContainerLayout->addStretch(); QWidget *widget = new QWidget(this); widget->setLayout(outputContainerLayout); QScrollArea *scrollArea = new QScrollArea(this); scrollArea->setWidget(widget); scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true); /* --------------------------------------------- */ mainLayout->addLayout(topLayout); mainLayout->addWidget(scrollArea); mainLayout->addLayout(buttonLayout); setLayout(mainLayout); /* --------------------------------------------- */ if (closable) connect(closeButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [this]() { close(); }); connect(resetButton, &QPushButton::clicked, [this]() { Reset(); }); delete shortcutFilter; shortcutFilter = CreateShortcutFilter(); installEventFilter(shortcutFilter); resize(800, 280); setWindowTitle(QTStr("Basic.Stats")); #ifdef __APPLE__ setWindowIcon( QIcon::fromTheme("obs", QIcon(":/res/images/obs_256x256.png"))); #else setWindowIcon(QIcon::fromTheme("obs", QIcon(":/res/images/obs.png"))); #endif setWindowModality(Qt::NonModal); setAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true); QObject::connect(&timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &OBSBasicStats::Update); timer.setInterval(TIMER_INTERVAL); if (isVisible()) timer.start(); Update(); QObject::connect(&recTimeLeft, &QTimer::timeout, this, &OBSBasicStats::RecordingTimeLeft); recTimeLeft.setInterval(REC_TIME_LEFT_INTERVAL); OBSBasic *main = reinterpret_cast(App()->GetMainWindow()); const char *geometry = config_get_string(main->Config(), "Stats", "geometry"); if (geometry != NULL) { QByteArray byteArray = QByteArray::fromBase64(QByteArray(geometry)); restoreGeometry(byteArray); QRect windowGeometry = normalGeometry(); if (!WindowPositionValid(windowGeometry)) { QRect rect = QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()->geometry(); setGeometry(QStyle::alignedRect(Qt::LeftToRight, Qt::AlignCenter, size(), rect)); } } obs_frontend_add_event_callback(OBSFrontendEvent, this); if (obs_frontend_recording_active()) StartRecTimeLeft(); } void OBSBasicStats::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { OBSBasic *main = reinterpret_cast(App()->GetMainWindow()); if (isVisible()) { config_set_string(main->Config(), "Stats", "geometry", saveGeometry().toBase64().constData()); config_save_safe(main->Config(), "tmp", nullptr); } // This code is only reached when the non-dockable stats window is // manually closed or OBS is exiting. obs_frontend_remove_event_callback(OBSFrontendEvent, this); QWidget::closeEvent(event); } OBSBasicStats::~OBSBasicStats() { delete shortcutFilter; os_cpu_usage_info_destroy(cpu_info); } void OBSBasicStats::AddOutputLabels(QString name) { OutputLabels ol; ol.name = new QLabel(name, this); ol.status = new QLabel(this); ol.droppedFrames = new QLabel(this); ol.megabytesSent = new QLabel(this); ol.bitrate = new QLabel(this); int col = 0; int row = outputLabels.size() + 1; outputLayout->addWidget(ol.name, row, col++); outputLayout->addWidget(ol.status, row, col++); outputLayout->addWidget(ol.droppedFrames, row, col++); outputLayout->addWidget(ol.megabytesSent, row, col++); outputLayout->addWidget(ol.bitrate, row, col++); outputLabels.push_back(ol); } static uint32_t first_encoded = 0xFFFFFFFF; static uint32_t first_skipped = 0xFFFFFFFF; static uint32_t first_rendered = 0xFFFFFFFF; static uint32_t first_lagged = 0xFFFFFFFF; void OBSBasicStats::InitializeValues() { video_t *video = obs_get_video(); first_encoded = video_output_get_total_frames(video); first_skipped = video_output_get_skipped_frames(video); first_rendered = obs_get_total_frames(); first_lagged = obs_get_lagged_frames(); } void OBSBasicStats::Update() { OBSBasic *main = reinterpret_cast(App()->GetMainWindow()); /* TODO: Un-hardcode */ struct obs_video_info ovi = {}; obs_get_video_info(&ovi); OBSOutputAutoRelease strOutput = obs_frontend_get_streaming_output(); OBSOutputAutoRelease recOutput = obs_frontend_get_recording_output(); if (!strOutput && !recOutput) return; /* ------------------------------------------- */ /* general usage */ double curFPS = obs_get_active_fps(); double obsFPS = (double)ovi.fps_num / (double)ovi.fps_den; QString str = QString::number(curFPS, 'f', 2); fps->setText(str); if (curFPS < (obsFPS * 0.8)) setThemeID(fps, "error"); else if (curFPS < (obsFPS * 0.95)) setThemeID(fps, "warning"); else setThemeID(fps, ""); /* ------------------ */ double usage = os_cpu_usage_info_query(cpu_info); str = QString::number(usage, 'g', 2) + QStringLiteral("%"); cpuUsage->setText(str); /* ------------------ */ const char *path = main->GetCurrentOutputPath(); #define MBYTE (1024ULL * 1024ULL) #define GBYTE (1024ULL * 1024ULL * 1024ULL) #define TBYTE (1024ULL * 1024ULL * 1024ULL * 1024ULL) num_bytes = os_get_free_disk_space(path); QString abrv = QStringLiteral(" MB"); long double num; num = (long double)num_bytes / (1024.0l * 1024.0l); if (num_bytes > TBYTE) { num /= 1024.0l * 1024.0l; abrv = QStringLiteral(" TB"); } else if (num_bytes > GBYTE) { num /= 1024.0l; abrv = QStringLiteral(" GB"); } str = QString::number(num, 'f', 1) + abrv; hddSpace->setText(str); if (num_bytes < GBYTE) setThemeID(hddSpace, "error"); else if (num_bytes < (5 * GBYTE)) setThemeID(hddSpace, "warning"); else setThemeID(hddSpace, ""); /* ------------------ */ num = (long double)os_get_proc_resident_size() / (1024.0l * 1024.0l); str = QString::number(num, 'f', 1) + QStringLiteral(" MB"); memUsage->setText(str); /* ------------------ */ num = (long double)obs_get_average_frame_time_ns() / 1000000.0l; str = QString::number(num, 'f', 1) + QStringLiteral(" ms"); renderTime->setText(str); long double fpsFrameTime = (long double)ovi.fps_den * 1000.0l / (long double)ovi.fps_num; if (num > fpsFrameTime) setThemeID(renderTime, "error"); else if (num > fpsFrameTime * 0.75l) setThemeID(renderTime, "warning"); else setThemeID(renderTime, ""); /* ------------------ */ video_t *video = obs_get_video(); uint32_t total_encoded = video_output_get_total_frames(video); uint32_t total_skipped = video_output_get_skipped_frames(video); if (total_encoded < first_encoded || total_skipped < first_skipped) { first_encoded = total_encoded; first_skipped = total_skipped; } total_encoded -= first_encoded; total_skipped -= first_skipped; num = total_encoded ? (long double)total_skipped / (long double)total_encoded : 0.0l; num *= 100.0l; str = QString("%1 / %2 (%3%)") .arg(QString::number(total_skipped), QString::number(total_encoded), QString::number(num, 'f', 1)); skippedFrames->setText(str); if (num > 5.0l) setThemeID(skippedFrames, "error"); else if (num > 1.0l) setThemeID(skippedFrames, "warning"); else setThemeID(skippedFrames, ""); /* ------------------ */ uint32_t total_rendered = obs_get_total_frames(); uint32_t total_lagged = obs_get_lagged_frames(); if (total_rendered < first_rendered || total_lagged < first_lagged) { first_rendered = total_rendered; first_lagged = total_lagged; } total_rendered -= first_rendered; total_lagged -= first_lagged; num = total_rendered ? (long double)total_lagged / (long double)total_rendered : 0.0l; num *= 100.0l; str = MakeMissedFramesText(total_lagged, total_rendered, num); missedFrames->setText(str); if (num > 5.0l) setThemeID(missedFrames, "error"); else if (num > 1.0l) setThemeID(missedFrames, "warning"); else setThemeID(missedFrames, ""); /* ------------------------------------------- */ /* recording/streaming stats */ outputLabels[0].Update(strOutput, false); outputLabels[1].Update(recOutput, true); if (obs_output_active(recOutput)) { long double kbps = outputLabels[1].kbps; bitrates.push_back(kbps); } } void OBSBasicStats::StartRecTimeLeft() { if (recTimeLeft.isActive()) ResetRecTimeLeft(); recordTimeLeft->setText(QTStr("Calculating")); recTimeLeft.start(); } void OBSBasicStats::ResetRecTimeLeft() { if (recTimeLeft.isActive()) { bitrates.clear(); recTimeLeft.stop(); recordTimeLeft->setText(QTStr("")); } } void OBSBasicStats::RecordingTimeLeft() { if (bitrates.empty()) return; long double averageBitrate = accumulate(bitrates.begin(), bitrates.end(), 0.0) / (long double)bitrates.size(); if (averageBitrate == 0) return; long double bytesPerSec = (averageBitrate / 8.0l) * 1000.0l; long double secondsUntilFull = (long double)num_bytes / bytesPerSec; bitrates.clear(); int totalMinutes = (int)secondsUntilFull / 60; int minutes = totalMinutes % 60; int hours = totalMinutes / 60; QString text = MakeTimeLeftText(hours, minutes); recordTimeLeft->setText(text); recordTimeLeft->setMinimumWidth(recordTimeLeft->width()); } void OBSBasicStats::Reset() { timer.start(); first_encoded = 0xFFFFFFFF; first_skipped = 0xFFFFFFFF; first_rendered = 0xFFFFFFFF; first_lagged = 0xFFFFFFFF; OBSOutputAutoRelease strOutput = obs_frontend_get_streaming_output(); OBSOutputAutoRelease recOutput = obs_frontend_get_recording_output(); outputLabels[0].Reset(strOutput); outputLabels[1].Reset(recOutput); Update(); } void OBSBasicStats::OutputLabels::Update(obs_output_t *output, bool rec) { uint64_t totalBytes = output ? obs_output_get_total_bytes(output) : 0; uint64_t curTime = os_gettime_ns(); uint64_t bytesSent = totalBytes; if (bytesSent < lastBytesSent) bytesSent = 0; if (bytesSent == 0) lastBytesSent = 0; uint64_t bitsBetween = (bytesSent - lastBytesSent) * 8; long double timePassed = (long double)(curTime - lastBytesSentTime) / 1000000000.0l; kbps = (long double)bitsBetween / timePassed / 1000.0l; if (timePassed < 0.01l) kbps = 0.0l; QString str = QTStr("Basic.Stats.Status.Inactive"); QString themeID; bool active = output ? obs_output_active(output) : false; if (rec) { if (active) str = QTStr("Basic.Stats.Status.Recording"); } else { if (active) { bool reconnecting = output ? obs_output_reconnecting(output) : false; if (reconnecting) { str = QTStr("Basic.Stats.Status.Reconnecting"); themeID = "error"; } else { str = QTStr("Basic.Stats.Status.Live"); themeID = "good"; } } } status->setText(str); setThemeID(status, themeID); long double num = (long double)totalBytes / (1024.0l * 1024.0l); megabytesSent->setText( QString("%1 MB").arg(QString::number(num, 'f', 1))); bitrate->setText(QString("%1 kb/s").arg(QString::number(kbps, 'f', 0))); if (!rec) { int total = output ? obs_output_get_total_frames(output) : 0; int dropped = output ? obs_output_get_frames_dropped(output) : 0; if (total < first_total || dropped < first_dropped) { first_total = 0; first_dropped = 0; } total -= first_total; dropped -= first_dropped; num = total ? (long double)dropped / (long double)total * 100.0l : 0.0l; str = QString("%1 / %2 (%3%)") .arg(QString::number(dropped), QString::number(total), QString::number(num, 'f', 1)); droppedFrames->setText(str); if (num > 5.0l) setThemeID(droppedFrames, "error"); else if (num > 1.0l) setThemeID(droppedFrames, "warning"); else setThemeID(droppedFrames, ""); } lastBytesSent = bytesSent; lastBytesSentTime = curTime; } void OBSBasicStats::OutputLabels::Reset(obs_output_t *output) { if (!output) return; first_total = obs_output_get_total_frames(output); first_dropped = obs_output_get_frames_dropped(output); } void OBSBasicStats::showEvent(QShowEvent *) { timer.start(TIMER_INTERVAL); } void OBSBasicStats::hideEvent(QHideEvent *) { timer.stop(); }