#include #include #include #include #include #define blog(log_level, format, ...) \ blog(log_level, "[image_source: '%s'] " format, \ obs_source_get_name(context->source), ##__VA_ARGS__) #define debug(format, ...) blog(LOG_DEBUG, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define info(format, ...) blog(LOG_INFO, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) #define warn(format, ...) blog(LOG_WARNING, format, ##__VA_ARGS__) struct image_source { obs_source_t *source; char *file; bool persistent; bool linear_alpha; time_t file_timestamp; float update_time_elapsed; uint64_t last_time; bool active; bool restart_gif; gs_image_file4_t if4; }; static time_t get_modified_timestamp(const char *filename) { struct stat stats; if (os_stat(filename, &stats) != 0) return -1; return stats.st_mtime; } static const char *image_source_get_name(void *unused) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(unused); return obs_module_text("ImageInput"); } static void image_source_load(struct image_source *context) { char *file = context->file; obs_enter_graphics(); gs_image_file4_free(&context->if4); obs_leave_graphics(); if (file && *file) { debug("loading texture '%s'", file); context->file_timestamp = get_modified_timestamp(file); gs_image_file4_init(&context->if4, file, context->linear_alpha ? GS_IMAGE_ALPHA_PREMULTIPLY_SRGB : GS_IMAGE_ALPHA_PREMULTIPLY); context->update_time_elapsed = 0; obs_enter_graphics(); gs_image_file4_init_texture(&context->if4); obs_leave_graphics(); if (!context->if4.image3.image2.image.loaded) warn("failed to load texture '%s'", file); } } static void image_source_unload(struct image_source *context) { obs_enter_graphics(); gs_image_file4_free(&context->if4); obs_leave_graphics(); } static void image_source_update(void *data, obs_data_t *settings) { struct image_source *context = data; const char *file = obs_data_get_string(settings, "file"); const bool unload = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "unload"); const bool linear_alpha = obs_data_get_bool(settings, "linear_alpha"); if (context->file) bfree(context->file); context->file = bstrdup(file); context->persistent = !unload; context->linear_alpha = linear_alpha; /* Load the image if the source is persistent or showing */ if (context->persistent || obs_source_showing(context->source)) image_source_load(data); else image_source_unload(data); } static void image_source_defaults(obs_data_t *settings) { obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, "unload", false); obs_data_set_default_bool(settings, "linear_alpha", false); } static void image_source_show(void *data) { struct image_source *context = data; if (!context->persistent) image_source_load(context); } static void image_source_hide(void *data) { struct image_source *context = data; if (!context->persistent) image_source_unload(context); } static void restart_gif(void *data) { struct image_source *context = data; if (context->if4.image3.image2.image.is_animated_gif) { context->if4.image3.image2.image.cur_frame = 0; context->if4.image3.image2.image.cur_loop = 0; context->if4.image3.image2.image.cur_time = 0; obs_enter_graphics(); gs_image_file4_update_texture(&context->if4); obs_leave_graphics(); context->restart_gif = false; } } static void image_source_activate(void *data) { struct image_source *context = data; context->restart_gif = true; } static void *image_source_create(obs_data_t *settings, obs_source_t *source) { struct image_source *context = bzalloc(sizeof(struct image_source)); context->source = source; image_source_update(context, settings); return context; } static void image_source_destroy(void *data) { struct image_source *context = data; image_source_unload(context); if (context->file) bfree(context->file); bfree(context); } static uint32_t image_source_getwidth(void *data) { struct image_source *context = data; return context->if4.image3.image2.image.cx; } static uint32_t image_source_getheight(void *data) { struct image_source *context = data; return context->if4.image3.image2.image.cy; } static void image_source_render(void *data, gs_effect_t *effect) { struct image_source *context = data; struct gs_image_file *const image = &context->if4.image3.image2.image; gs_texture_t *const texture = image->texture; if (!texture) return; const bool previous = gs_framebuffer_srgb_enabled(); gs_enable_framebuffer_srgb(true); gs_blend_state_push(); gs_blend_function(GS_BLEND_ONE, GS_BLEND_INVSRCALPHA); gs_eparam_t *const param = gs_effect_get_param_by_name(effect, "image"); gs_effect_set_texture_srgb(param, texture); gs_draw_sprite(texture, 0, image->cx, image->cy); gs_blend_state_pop(); gs_enable_framebuffer_srgb(previous); } static void image_source_tick(void *data, float seconds) { struct image_source *context = data; uint64_t frame_time = obs_get_video_frame_time(); context->update_time_elapsed += seconds; if (obs_source_showing(context->source)) { if (context->update_time_elapsed >= 1.0f) { time_t t = get_modified_timestamp(context->file); context->update_time_elapsed = 0.0f; if (context->file_timestamp != t) { image_source_load(context); } } } if (obs_source_showing(context->source)) { if (!context->active) { if (context->if4.image3.image2.image.is_animated_gif) context->last_time = frame_time; context->active = true; } if (context->restart_gif) restart_gif(context); } else { if (context->active) { restart_gif(context); context->active = false; } return; } if (context->last_time && context->if4.image3.image2.image.is_animated_gif) { uint64_t elapsed = frame_time - context->last_time; bool updated = gs_image_file4_tick(&context->if4, elapsed); if (updated) { obs_enter_graphics(); gs_image_file4_update_texture(&context->if4); obs_leave_graphics(); } } context->last_time = frame_time; } static const char *image_filter = #ifdef _WIN32 "All formats (*.bmp *.tga *.png *.jpeg *.jpg *.jxr *.gif *.psd *.webp);;" #else "All formats (*.bmp *.tga *.png *.jpeg *.jpg *.gif *.psd *.webp);;" #endif "BMP Files (*.bmp);;" "Targa Files (*.tga);;" "PNG Files (*.png);;" "JPEG Files (*.jpeg *.jpg);;" #ifdef _WIN32 "JXR Files (*.jxr);;" #endif "GIF Files (*.gif);;" "PSD Files (*.psd);;" "WebP Files (*.webp);;" "All Files (*.*)"; static obs_properties_t *image_source_properties(void *data) { struct image_source *s = data; struct dstr path = {0}; obs_properties_t *props = obs_properties_create(); if (s && s->file && *s->file) { const char *slash; dstr_copy(&path, s->file); dstr_replace(&path, "\\", "/"); slash = strrchr(path.array, '/'); if (slash) dstr_resize(&path, slash - path.array + 1); } obs_properties_add_path(props, "file", obs_module_text("File"), OBS_PATH_FILE, image_filter, path.array); obs_properties_add_bool(props, "unload", obs_module_text("UnloadWhenNotShowing")); obs_properties_add_bool(props, "linear_alpha", obs_module_text("LinearAlpha")); dstr_free(&path); return props; } uint64_t image_source_get_memory_usage(void *data) { struct image_source *s = data; return s->if4.image3.image2.mem_usage; } static void missing_file_callback(void *src, const char *new_path, void *data) { struct image_source *s = src; obs_source_t *source = s->source; obs_data_t *settings = obs_source_get_settings(source); obs_data_set_string(settings, "file", new_path); obs_source_update(source, settings); obs_data_release(settings); UNUSED_PARAMETER(data); } static obs_missing_files_t *image_source_missingfiles(void *data) { struct image_source *s = data; obs_missing_files_t *files = obs_missing_files_create(); if (strcmp(s->file, "") != 0) { if (!os_file_exists(s->file)) { obs_missing_file_t *file = obs_missing_file_create( s->file, missing_file_callback, OBS_MISSING_FILE_SOURCE, s->source, NULL); obs_missing_files_add_file(files, file); } } return files; } static enum gs_color_space image_source_get_color_space(void *data, size_t count, const enum gs_color_space *preferred_spaces) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(count); UNUSED_PARAMETER(preferred_spaces); struct image_source *const s = data; gs_image_file4_t *const if4 = &s->if4; return if4->image3.image2.image.texture ? if4->space : GS_CS_SRGB; } static struct obs_source_info image_source_info = { .id = "image_source", .type = OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT, .output_flags = OBS_SOURCE_VIDEO | OBS_SOURCE_SRGB, .get_name = image_source_get_name, .create = image_source_create, .destroy = image_source_destroy, .update = image_source_update, .get_defaults = image_source_defaults, .show = image_source_show, .hide = image_source_hide, .get_width = image_source_getwidth, .get_height = image_source_getheight, .video_render = image_source_render, .video_tick = image_source_tick, .missing_files = image_source_missingfiles, .get_properties = image_source_properties, .icon_type = OBS_ICON_TYPE_IMAGE, .activate = image_source_activate, .video_get_color_space = image_source_get_color_space, }; OBS_DECLARE_MODULE() OBS_MODULE_USE_DEFAULT_LOCALE("image-source", "en-US") MODULE_EXPORT const char *obs_module_description(void) { return "Image/color/slideshow sources"; } extern struct obs_source_info slideshow_info; extern struct obs_source_info color_source_info_v1; extern struct obs_source_info color_source_info_v2; extern struct obs_source_info color_source_info_v3; bool obs_module_load(void) { obs_register_source(&image_source_info); obs_register_source(&color_source_info_v1); obs_register_source(&color_source_info_v2); obs_register_source(&color_source_info_v3); obs_register_source(&slideshow_info); return true; }