/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013 by Ruwen Hahn This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include "util/dstr.h" #include "obs.h" #include "obs-internal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #import bool is_in_bundle() { NSRunningApplication *app = [NSRunningApplication currentApplication]; return [app bundleIdentifier] != nil; } const char *get_module_extension(void) { return ""; } void add_default_module_paths(void) { NSURL *pluginURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] builtInPlugInsURL]; NSString *pluginModulePath = [[pluginURL path] stringByAppendingString:@"/%module%.plugin/Contents/MacOS/"]; NSString *pluginDataPath = [[pluginURL path] stringByAppendingString:@"/%module%.plugin/Contents/Resources/"]; obs_add_module_path(pluginModulePath.UTF8String, pluginDataPath.UTF8String); } char *find_libobs_data_file(const char *file) { NSBundle *frameworkBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@"com.obsproject.libobs"]; NSString *libobsDataPath = [[[frameworkBundle bundleURL] path] stringByAppendingFormat:@"/%@/%s", @"Resources", file]; size_t path_length = strlen(libobsDataPath.UTF8String); char *path = bmalloc(path_length + 1); snprintf(path, (path_length + 1), "%s", libobsDataPath.UTF8String); return path; } static void log_processor_name(void) { char *name = NULL; size_t size; int ret; ret = sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.brand_string", NULL, &size, NULL, 0); if (ret != 0) return; name = bmalloc(size); ret = sysctlbyname("machdep.cpu.brand_string", name, &size, NULL, 0); if (ret == 0) blog(LOG_INFO, "CPU Name: %s", name); bfree(name); } static void log_processor_speed(void) { size_t size; long long freq; int ret; size = sizeof(freq); ret = sysctlbyname("hw.cpufrequency", &freq, &size, NULL, 0); if (ret == 0) blog(LOG_INFO, "CPU Speed: %lldMHz", freq / 1000000); } static void log_model_name(void) { char *name = NULL; size_t size; int ret; ret = sysctlbyname("hw.model", NULL, &size, NULL, 0); if (ret != 0) return; name = bmalloc(size); ret = sysctlbyname("hw.model", name, &size, NULL, 0); if (ret == 0) blog(LOG_INFO, "Model Identifier: %s", name); bfree(name); } static void log_processor_cores(void) { blog(LOG_INFO, "Physical Cores: %d, Logical Cores: %d", os_get_physical_cores(), os_get_logical_cores()); } static void log_emulation_status(void) { blog(LOG_INFO, "Rosetta translation used: %s", os_get_emulation_status() ? "true" : "false"); } static void log_available_memory(void) { size_t size; long long memory_available; int ret; size = sizeof(memory_available); ret = sysctlbyname("hw.memsize", &memory_available, &size, NULL, 0); if (ret == 0) blog(LOG_INFO, "Physical Memory: %lldMB Total", memory_available / 1024 / 1024); } static void log_os(void) { NSProcessInfo *pi = [NSProcessInfo processInfo]; blog(LOG_INFO, "OS Name: macOS"); blog(LOG_INFO, "OS Version: %s", [[pi operatingSystemVersionString] UTF8String]); } static void log_kernel_version(void) { char kernel_version[1024]; size_t size = sizeof(kernel_version); int ret; ret = sysctlbyname("kern.osrelease", kernel_version, &size, NULL, 0); if (ret == 0) blog(LOG_INFO, "Kernel Version: %s", kernel_version); } void log_system_info(void) { log_processor_name(); log_processor_speed(); log_processor_cores(); log_available_memory(); log_model_name(); log_os(); log_emulation_status(); log_kernel_version(); } static bool dstr_from_cfstring(struct dstr *str, CFStringRef ref) { CFIndex length = CFStringGetLength(ref); CFIndex max_size = CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(length, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); dstr_reserve(str, max_size); if (!CFStringGetCString(ref, str->array, max_size, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) return false; str->len = strlen(str->array); return true; } struct obs_hotkeys_platform { volatile long refs; CFTypeRef monitor; CFTypeRef local_monitor; bool is_key_down[OBS_KEY_LAST_VALUE]; TISInputSourceRef tis; CFDataRef layout_data; UCKeyboardLayout *layout; }; static void hotkeys_retain(struct obs_hotkeys_platform *plat) { os_atomic_inc_long(&plat->refs); } static inline void free_hotkeys_platform(obs_hotkeys_platform_t *plat); static void hotkeys_release(struct obs_hotkeys_platform *plat) { if (os_atomic_dec_long(&plat->refs) == -1) free_hotkeys_platform(plat); } #define INVALID_KEY 0xff #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Winitializer-overrides" static const int virtual_keys[] = { [0 ... OBS_KEY_LAST_VALUE] = INVALID_KEY, [OBS_KEY_A] = kVK_ANSI_A, [OBS_KEY_B] = kVK_ANSI_B, [OBS_KEY_C] = kVK_ANSI_C, [OBS_KEY_D] = kVK_ANSI_D, [OBS_KEY_E] = kVK_ANSI_E, [OBS_KEY_F] = kVK_ANSI_F, [OBS_KEY_G] = kVK_ANSI_G, [OBS_KEY_H] = kVK_ANSI_H, [OBS_KEY_I] = kVK_ANSI_I, [OBS_KEY_J] = kVK_ANSI_J, [OBS_KEY_K] = kVK_ANSI_K, [OBS_KEY_L] = kVK_ANSI_L, [OBS_KEY_M] = kVK_ANSI_M, [OBS_KEY_N] = kVK_ANSI_N, [OBS_KEY_O] = kVK_ANSI_O, [OBS_KEY_P] = kVK_ANSI_P, [OBS_KEY_Q] = kVK_ANSI_Q, [OBS_KEY_R] = kVK_ANSI_R, [OBS_KEY_S] = kVK_ANSI_S, [OBS_KEY_T] = kVK_ANSI_T, [OBS_KEY_U] = kVK_ANSI_U, [OBS_KEY_V] = kVK_ANSI_V, [OBS_KEY_W] = kVK_ANSI_W, [OBS_KEY_X] = kVK_ANSI_X, [OBS_KEY_Y] = kVK_ANSI_Y, [OBS_KEY_Z] = kVK_ANSI_Z, [OBS_KEY_1] = kVK_ANSI_1, [OBS_KEY_2] = kVK_ANSI_2, [OBS_KEY_3] = kVK_ANSI_3, [OBS_KEY_4] = kVK_ANSI_4, [OBS_KEY_5] = kVK_ANSI_5, [OBS_KEY_6] = kVK_ANSI_6, [OBS_KEY_7] = kVK_ANSI_7, [OBS_KEY_8] = kVK_ANSI_8, [OBS_KEY_9] = kVK_ANSI_9, [OBS_KEY_0] = kVK_ANSI_0, [OBS_KEY_RETURN] = kVK_Return, [OBS_KEY_ESCAPE] = kVK_Escape, [OBS_KEY_BACKSPACE] = kVK_Delete, [OBS_KEY_TAB] = kVK_Tab, [OBS_KEY_SPACE] = kVK_Space, [OBS_KEY_MINUS] = kVK_ANSI_Minus, [OBS_KEY_EQUAL] = kVK_ANSI_Equal, [OBS_KEY_BRACKETLEFT] = kVK_ANSI_LeftBracket, [OBS_KEY_BRACKETRIGHT] = kVK_ANSI_RightBracket, [OBS_KEY_BACKSLASH] = kVK_ANSI_Backslash, [OBS_KEY_SEMICOLON] = kVK_ANSI_Semicolon, [OBS_KEY_QUOTE] = kVK_ANSI_Quote, [OBS_KEY_DEAD_GRAVE] = kVK_ANSI_Grave, [OBS_KEY_COMMA] = kVK_ANSI_Comma, [OBS_KEY_PERIOD] = kVK_ANSI_Period, [OBS_KEY_SLASH] = kVK_ANSI_Slash, [OBS_KEY_CAPSLOCK] = kVK_CapsLock, [OBS_KEY_SECTION] = kVK_ISO_Section, [OBS_KEY_F1] = kVK_F1, [OBS_KEY_F2] = kVK_F2, [OBS_KEY_F3] = kVK_F3, [OBS_KEY_F4] = kVK_F4, [OBS_KEY_F5] = kVK_F5, [OBS_KEY_F6] = kVK_F6, [OBS_KEY_F7] = kVK_F7, [OBS_KEY_F8] = kVK_F8, [OBS_KEY_F9] = kVK_F9, [OBS_KEY_F10] = kVK_F10, [OBS_KEY_F11] = kVK_F11, [OBS_KEY_F12] = kVK_F12, [OBS_KEY_HELP] = kVK_Help, [OBS_KEY_HOME] = kVK_Home, [OBS_KEY_PAGEUP] = kVK_PageUp, [OBS_KEY_DELETE] = kVK_ForwardDelete, [OBS_KEY_END] = kVK_End, [OBS_KEY_PAGEDOWN] = kVK_PageDown, [OBS_KEY_RIGHT] = kVK_RightArrow, [OBS_KEY_LEFT] = kVK_LeftArrow, [OBS_KEY_DOWN] = kVK_DownArrow, [OBS_KEY_UP] = kVK_UpArrow, [OBS_KEY_CLEAR] = kVK_ANSI_KeypadClear, [OBS_KEY_NUMSLASH] = kVK_ANSI_KeypadDivide, [OBS_KEY_NUMASTERISK] = kVK_ANSI_KeypadMultiply, [OBS_KEY_NUMMINUS] = kVK_ANSI_KeypadMinus, [OBS_KEY_NUMPLUS] = kVK_ANSI_KeypadPlus, [OBS_KEY_ENTER] = kVK_ANSI_KeypadEnter, [OBS_KEY_NUM1] = kVK_ANSI_Keypad1, [OBS_KEY_NUM2] = kVK_ANSI_Keypad2, [OBS_KEY_NUM3] = kVK_ANSI_Keypad3, [OBS_KEY_NUM4] = kVK_ANSI_Keypad4, [OBS_KEY_NUM5] = kVK_ANSI_Keypad5, [OBS_KEY_NUM6] = kVK_ANSI_Keypad6, [OBS_KEY_NUM7] = kVK_ANSI_Keypad7, [OBS_KEY_NUM8] = kVK_ANSI_Keypad8, [OBS_KEY_NUM9] = kVK_ANSI_Keypad9, [OBS_KEY_NUM0] = kVK_ANSI_Keypad0, [OBS_KEY_NUMPERIOD] = kVK_ANSI_KeypadDecimal, [OBS_KEY_NUMEQUAL] = kVK_ANSI_KeypadEquals, [OBS_KEY_F13] = kVK_F13, [OBS_KEY_F14] = kVK_F14, [OBS_KEY_F15] = kVK_F15, [OBS_KEY_F16] = kVK_F16, [OBS_KEY_F17] = kVK_F17, [OBS_KEY_F18] = kVK_F18, [OBS_KEY_F19] = kVK_F19, [OBS_KEY_F20] = kVK_F20, [OBS_KEY_CONTROL] = kVK_Control, [OBS_KEY_SHIFT] = kVK_Shift, [OBS_KEY_ALT] = kVK_Option, [OBS_KEY_META] = kVK_Command, [OBS_KEY_CONTROL] = kVK_RightControl, }; int obs_key_to_virtual_key(obs_key_t code) { return virtual_keys[code]; } obs_key_t obs_key_from_virtual_key(int code) { if (code == kVK_RightShift) return OBS_KEY_SHIFT; if (code == kVK_RightOption) return OBS_KEY_ALT; if (code == kVK_RightCommand) return OBS_KEY_META; if (code == kVK_RightControl) return OBS_KEY_META; for (size_t i = 0; i < OBS_KEY_LAST_VALUE; i++) { if (virtual_keys[i] == code) { return (obs_key_t) i; } } return OBS_KEY_NONE; } static bool localized_key_to_str(obs_key_t key, struct dstr *str) { #define MAP_KEY(k, s) \ case k: \ dstr_copy(str, obs_get_hotkey_translation(k, s)); \ return true #define MAP_BUTTON(i) \ case OBS_KEY_MOUSE##i: \ dstr_copy(str, obs_get_hotkey_translation(key, "Mouse " #i)); \ return true switch (key) { MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_SPACE, "Space"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUMEQUAL, "= (Keypad)"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUMASTERISK, "* (Keypad)"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUMPLUS, "+ (Keypad)"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUMMINUS, "- (Keypad)"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUMPERIOD, ". (Keypad)"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUMSLASH, "/ (Keypad)"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUM0, "0 (Keypad)"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUM1, "1 (Keypad)"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUM2, "2 (Keypad)"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUM3, "3 (Keypad)"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUM4, "4 (Keypad)"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUM5, "5 (Keypad)"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUM6, "6 (Keypad)"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUM7, "7 (Keypad)"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUM8, "8 (Keypad)"); MAP_KEY(OBS_KEY_NUM9, "9 (Keypad)"); MAP_BUTTON(1); MAP_BUTTON(2); MAP_BUTTON(3); MAP_BUTTON(4); MAP_BUTTON(5); MAP_BUTTON(6); MAP_BUTTON(7); MAP_BUTTON(8); MAP_BUTTON(9); MAP_BUTTON(10); MAP_BUTTON(11); MAP_BUTTON(12); MAP_BUTTON(13); MAP_BUTTON(14); MAP_BUTTON(15); MAP_BUTTON(16); MAP_BUTTON(17); MAP_BUTTON(18); MAP_BUTTON(19); MAP_BUTTON(20); MAP_BUTTON(21); MAP_BUTTON(22); MAP_BUTTON(23); MAP_BUTTON(24); MAP_BUTTON(25); MAP_BUTTON(26); MAP_BUTTON(27); MAP_BUTTON(28); MAP_BUTTON(29); default: break; } #undef MAP_BUTTON #undef MAP_KEY return false; } static bool code_to_str(int code, struct dstr *str) { #define MAP_GLYPH(c, g) \ case c: \ dstr_from_wcs(str, (wchar_t[]) {g, 0}); \ return true #define MAP_STR(c, s) \ case c: \ dstr_copy(str, s); \ return true switch (code) { MAP_GLYPH(kVK_Return, 0x21A9); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_Escape, 0x238B); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_Delete, 0x232B); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_Tab, 0x21e5); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_CapsLock, 0x21EA); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_ANSI_KeypadClear, 0x2327); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_ANSI_KeypadEnter, 0x2305); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_Help, 0x003F); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_Home, 0x2196); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_PageUp, 0x21de); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_ForwardDelete, 0x2326); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_End, 0x2198); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_PageDown, 0x21df); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_RightArrow, 0x2192); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_LeftArrow, 0x2190); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_DownArrow, 0x2193); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_UpArrow, 0x2191); MAP_STR(kVK_F1, "F1"); MAP_STR(kVK_F2, "F2"); MAP_STR(kVK_F3, "F3"); MAP_STR(kVK_F4, "F4"); MAP_STR(kVK_F5, "F5"); MAP_STR(kVK_F6, "F6"); MAP_STR(kVK_F7, "F7"); MAP_STR(kVK_F8, "F8"); MAP_STR(kVK_F9, "F9"); MAP_STR(kVK_F10, "F10"); MAP_STR(kVK_F11, "F11"); MAP_STR(kVK_F12, "F12"); MAP_STR(kVK_F13, "F13"); MAP_STR(kVK_F14, "F14"); MAP_STR(kVK_F15, "F15"); MAP_STR(kVK_F16, "F16"); MAP_STR(kVK_F17, "F17"); MAP_STR(kVK_F18, "F18"); MAP_STR(kVK_F19, "F19"); MAP_STR(kVK_F20, "F20"); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_Control, kControlUnicode); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_Shift, kShiftUnicode); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_Option, kOptionUnicode); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_Command, kCommandUnicode); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_RightControl, kControlUnicode); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_RightShift, kShiftUnicode); MAP_GLYPH(kVK_RightOption, kOptionUnicode); } #undef MAP_STR #undef MAP_GLYPH return false; } void obs_key_to_str(obs_key_t key, struct dstr *str) { const UniCharCount max_length = 16; UniChar buffer[16]; if (localized_key_to_str(key, str)) return; int code = obs_key_to_virtual_key(key); if (code_to_str(code, str)) return; if (code == INVALID_KEY) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "hotkey-cocoa: Got invalid key while " "translating key '%d' (%s)", key, obs_key_to_name(key)); goto err; } struct obs_hotkeys_platform *plat = NULL; if (obs) { pthread_mutex_lock(&obs->hotkeys.mutex); plat = obs->hotkeys.platform_context; hotkeys_retain(plat); pthread_mutex_unlock(&obs->hotkeys.mutex); } if (!plat) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "hotkey-cocoa: Could not get hotkey platform " "while translating key '%d' (%s)", key, obs_key_to_name(key)); goto err; } UInt32 dead_key_state = 0; UniCharCount len = 0; OSStatus err = UCKeyTranslate(plat->layout, code, kUCKeyActionDown, 0x104, //caps lock for upper case letters LMGetKbdType(), kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysBit, &dead_key_state, max_length, &len, buffer); if (err == noErr && len <= 0 && dead_key_state) { err = UCKeyTranslate(plat->layout, kVK_Space, kUCKeyActionDown, 0x104, LMGetKbdType(), kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysBit, &dead_key_state, max_length, &len, buffer); } hotkeys_release(plat); if (err != noErr) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "hotkey-cocoa: Error while translating key '%d'" " (0x%x, %s) to string: %d", key, code, obs_key_to_name(key), err); goto err; } if (len == 0) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "hotkey-cocoa: Got 0 length string while " "translating '%d' (0x%x, %s) to string", key, code, obs_key_to_name(key)); goto err; } CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(NULL, buffer, len, kCFAllocatorNull); if (!string) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "hotkey-cocoa: Could not create CFStringRef " "while translating '%d' (0x%x, %s) to string", key, code, obs_key_to_name(key)); goto err; } if (!dstr_from_cfstring(str, string)) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "hotkey-cocoa: Could not translate CFStringRef " "to CString while translating '%d' (0x%x, %s)", key, code, obs_key_to_name(key)); goto release; } CFRelease(string); return; release: CFRelease(string); err: dstr_copy(str, obs_key_to_name(key)); } #define OBS_COCOA_MODIFIER_SIZE 7 static void unichar_to_utf8(const UniChar *c, char *buff) { CFStringRef string = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(NULL, c, 2, kCFAllocatorNull); if (!string) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "hotkey-cocoa: Could not create CFStringRef " "while populating modifier strings"); return; } if (!CFStringGetCString(string, buff, OBS_COCOA_MODIFIER_SIZE, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)) blog(LOG_ERROR, "hotkey-cocoa: Error while populating " " modifier string with glyph %d (0x%x)", c[0], c[0]); CFRelease(string); } static char ctrl_str[OBS_COCOA_MODIFIER_SIZE]; static char opt_str[OBS_COCOA_MODIFIER_SIZE]; static char shift_str[OBS_COCOA_MODIFIER_SIZE]; static char cmd_str[OBS_COCOA_MODIFIER_SIZE]; static void init_utf_8_strings(void) { const UniChar ctrl_uni[] = {kControlUnicode, 0}; const UniChar opt_uni[] = {kOptionUnicode, 0}; const UniChar shift_uni[] = {kShiftUnicode, 0}; const UniChar cmd_uni[] = {kCommandUnicode, 0}; unichar_to_utf8(ctrl_uni, ctrl_str); unichar_to_utf8(opt_uni, opt_str); unichar_to_utf8(shift_uni, shift_str); unichar_to_utf8(cmd_uni, cmd_str); } static pthread_once_t strings_token = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; void obs_key_combination_to_str(obs_key_combination_t key, struct dstr *str) { struct dstr key_str = {0}; if (key.key != OBS_KEY_NONE) obs_key_to_str(key.key, &key_str); int res = pthread_once(&strings_token, init_utf_8_strings); if (res) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "hotkeys-cocoa: Error while translating " "modifiers %d (0x%x)", res, res); dstr_move(str, &key_str); return; } #define CHECK_MODIFIER(mod, str) ((key.modifiers & mod) ? str : "") dstr_printf(str, "%s%s%s%s%s", CHECK_MODIFIER(INTERACT_CONTROL_KEY, ctrl_str), CHECK_MODIFIER(INTERACT_ALT_KEY, opt_str), CHECK_MODIFIER(INTERACT_SHIFT_KEY, shift_str), CHECK_MODIFIER(INTERACT_COMMAND_KEY, cmd_str), key_str.len ? key_str.array : ""); #undef CHECK_MODIFIER dstr_free(&key_str); } static bool log_layout_name(TISInputSourceRef tis) { struct dstr layout_name = {0}; CFStringRef sid = (CFStringRef) TISGetInputSourceProperty(tis, kTISPropertyInputSourceID); if (!sid) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "hotkeys-cocoa: Failed getting InputSourceID"); return false; } if (!dstr_from_cfstring(&layout_name, sid)) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "hotkeys-cocoa: Could not convert InputSourceID" " to CString"); goto fail; } blog(LOG_INFO, "hotkeys-cocoa: Using layout '%s'", layout_name.array); dstr_free(&layout_name); return true; fail: dstr_free(&layout_name); return false; } static void handle_monitor_event(obs_hotkeys_platform_t *plat, NSEvent *event) { NSEventModifierFlags flags = event.modifierFlags; plat->is_key_down[OBS_KEY_CAPSLOCK] = !!(flags & NSEventModifierFlagCapsLock); plat->is_key_down[OBS_KEY_SHIFT] = !!(flags & NSEventModifierFlagShift); plat->is_key_down[OBS_KEY_ALT] = !!(flags & NSEventModifierFlagOption); plat->is_key_down[OBS_KEY_META] = !!(flags & NSEventModifierFlagCommand); plat->is_key_down[OBS_KEY_CONTROL] = !!(flags & NSEventModifierFlagControl); if (event.type == NSEventTypeKeyDown || event.type == NSEventTypeKeyUp) { plat->is_key_down[obs_key_from_virtual_key(event.keyCode)] = (event.type == NSEventTypeKeyDown); } } static bool init_hotkeys_platform(obs_hotkeys_platform_t **plat_) { if (!plat_) return false; *plat_ = bzalloc(sizeof(obs_hotkeys_platform_t)); obs_hotkeys_platform_t *plat = *plat_; if (!plat) { *plat_ = NULL; return false; } void (^handler)(NSEvent *) = ^(NSEvent *event) { handle_monitor_event(plat, event); }; plat->monitor = (__bridge CFTypeRef) [NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSEventMaskKeyDown | NSEventMaskKeyUp | NSEventMaskFlagsChanged handler:handler]; NSEvent *_Nullable (^local_handler)(NSEvent *event) = ^NSEvent *_Nullable(NSEvent *event) { handle_monitor_event(plat, event); return event; }; plat->local_monitor = (__bridge CFTypeRef) [NSEvent addLocalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSEventMaskKeyDown | NSEventMaskKeyUp | NSEventMaskFlagsChanged handler:local_handler]; plat->tis = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSource(); plat->layout_data = (CFDataRef) TISGetInputSourceProperty(plat->tis, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData); if (!plat->layout_data) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "hotkeys-cocoa: Failed getting LayoutData"); goto fail; } CFRetain(plat->layout_data); plat->layout = (UCKeyboardLayout *) CFDataGetBytePtr(plat->layout_data); return true; fail: hotkeys_release(plat); *plat_ = NULL; return false; } static inline void free_hotkeys_platform(obs_hotkeys_platform_t *plat) { if (!plat) return; if (plat->monitor) { [NSEvent removeMonitor:(__bridge id _Nonnull)(plat->monitor)]; plat->monitor = NULL; } if (plat->local_monitor) { [NSEvent removeMonitor:(__bridge id _Nonnull)(plat->local_monitor)]; plat->local_monitor = NULL; } if (plat->tis) { CFRelease(plat->tis); plat->tis = NULL; } if (plat->layout_data) { CFRelease(plat->layout_data); plat->layout_data = NULL; } bfree(plat); } static void input_method_changed(CFNotificationCenterRef nc, void *observer, CFStringRef name, const void *object, CFDictionaryRef user_info) { UNUSED_PARAMETER(nc); UNUSED_PARAMETER(name); UNUSED_PARAMETER(object); UNUSED_PARAMETER(user_info); struct obs_core_hotkeys *hotkeys = observer; obs_hotkeys_platform_t *new_plat; if (init_hotkeys_platform(&new_plat)) { obs_hotkeys_platform_t *plat; pthread_mutex_lock(&hotkeys->mutex); plat = hotkeys->platform_context; if (new_plat && plat && new_plat->layout_data == plat->layout_data) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&hotkeys->mutex); hotkeys_release(new_plat); return; } hotkeys->platform_context = new_plat; if (new_plat) log_layout_name(new_plat->tis); pthread_mutex_unlock(&hotkeys->mutex); calldata_t params = {0}; signal_handler_signal(hotkeys->signals, "hotkey_layout_change", ¶ms); if (plat) hotkeys_release(plat); } } bool obs_hotkeys_platform_init(struct obs_core_hotkeys *hotkeys) { CFNotificationCenterAddObserver(CFNotificationCenterGetDistributedCenter(), hotkeys, input_method_changed, kTISNotifySelectedKeyboardInputSourceChanged, NULL, CFNotificationSuspensionBehaviorDeliverImmediately); input_method_changed(NULL, hotkeys, NULL, NULL, NULL); return hotkeys->platform_context != NULL; } void obs_hotkeys_platform_free(struct obs_core_hotkeys *hotkeys) { CFNotificationCenterRemoveEveryObserver(CFNotificationCenterGetDistributedCenter(), hotkeys); hotkeys_release(hotkeys->platform_context); } typedef unsigned long NSUInteger; static bool mouse_button_pressed(obs_key_t key, bool *pressed) { int button = 0; switch (key) { #define MAP_BUTTON(n) \ case OBS_KEY_MOUSE##n: \ button = n - 1; \ break MAP_BUTTON(1); MAP_BUTTON(2); MAP_BUTTON(3); MAP_BUTTON(4); MAP_BUTTON(5); MAP_BUTTON(6); MAP_BUTTON(7); MAP_BUTTON(8); MAP_BUTTON(9); MAP_BUTTON(10); MAP_BUTTON(11); MAP_BUTTON(12); MAP_BUTTON(13); MAP_BUTTON(14); MAP_BUTTON(15); MAP_BUTTON(16); MAP_BUTTON(17); MAP_BUTTON(18); MAP_BUTTON(19); MAP_BUTTON(20); MAP_BUTTON(21); MAP_BUTTON(22); MAP_BUTTON(23); MAP_BUTTON(24); MAP_BUTTON(25); MAP_BUTTON(26); MAP_BUTTON(27); MAP_BUTTON(28); MAP_BUTTON(29); break; #undef MAP_BUTTON default: return false; } NSUInteger buttons = [NSEvent pressedMouseButtons]; *pressed = (buttons & (1 << button)) != 0; return true; } bool obs_hotkeys_platform_is_pressed(obs_hotkeys_platform_t *plat, obs_key_t key) { bool mouse_pressed = false; if (mouse_button_pressed(key, &mouse_pressed)) return mouse_pressed; if (!plat) return false; if (key >= OBS_KEY_LAST_VALUE) return false; return plat->is_key_down[key]; } void *obs_graphics_thread_autorelease(void *param) { @autoreleasepool { return obs_graphics_thread(param); } } bool obs_graphics_thread_loop_autorelease(struct obs_graphics_context *context) { @autoreleasepool { return obs_graphics_thread_loop(context); } }