#!/usr/bin/env bash # Original source https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/blob/master/scripts/format.sh set +x set -o errexit set -o pipefail set -o nounset # Runs the Clang Formatter in parallel on the code base. # Return codes: # - 1 there are files to be formatted # - 0 everything looks fine # Get CPU count OS=$(uname) NPROC=1 if [[ $OS = "Linux" || $OS = "Darwin" ]] ; then NPROC=$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) fi # Discover clang-format if type clang-format-12 2> /dev/null ; then CLANG_FORMAT=clang-format-12 elif type clang-format-10 2> /dev/null ; then CLANG_FORMAT=clang-format-10 elif type clang-format-8 2> /dev/null ; then CLANG_FORMAT=clang-format-8 else CLANG_FORMAT=clang-format fi find . -type d \( -path ./deps \ -o -path ./cmake \ -o -path ./plugins/decklink/win/decklink-sdk \ -o -path ./plugins/decklink/mac/decklink-sdk \ -o -path ./plugins/decklink/linux/decklink-sdk \ -o -path ./plugins/enc-amf \ -o -path ./plugins/mac-syphon/syphon-framework \ -o -path ./plugins/obs-outputs/ftl-sdk \ -o -path ./plugins/obs-vst \ -o -path ./build \) -prune -type f -o -name '*.h' -or -name '*.hpp' -or -name '*.m' -or -name '*.mm' -or -name '*.c' -or -name '*.cpp' \ | xargs -L100 -P${NPROC} ${CLANG_FORMAT} -i -style=file -fallback-style=none