Compilation instructions! Temporary quick compilation instructions! Will give better instructions later when things are in a more complete state. Windows: - Use VS2013, as obs-studio uses C99 and C++11 - Download latest FFmpeg repositories and Qt5 release - Create a windows environment variable FFmpegPath. Set it to your FFmpeg repo path - Create a windows environment variable QTDIR. Set it to your Qt5 install path - Compile FFmpeg and Qt5(Until they release a binary VS2013 version). They should both be compiled with VS2013. For compiling FFmpeg, see - Create two directories in FFmpeg directory, lib32 and lib64. Place the lib files generated by FFmpeg into these directories for the respective architecture - If compiling FFmpeg with shared libraries (DLLs), place the DLLs into build/bin/32bit and/or build/bin/64bit respectively - Compile project with VS2013, and it should be good to go. - NOTE: Direct3D 11 library may require D3Dcompiler_47.dll to be present in both the obs-studio/build/bin/32bit and obs-studio/build/bin/64bit directories Mac OSX - Use macports or homebrew and get FFmpeg, glew and cmake. - In a terminal, go to the obs-studio directory create a cmbuild subdir and change to it, then to build, type: cmake .. && make - It builds in a modular structure similar to windows, where everything necessary to run the program is compiled to cmbuild/rundir - You can also use ccmake to create an app bundle, which makes it so you don't have to use the terminal to execute it from the correct directory Linux - If using debian-based distributions, you may have to get the latest FFmpeg repo -- default debian packages seem to be a bit lacking, so you might have to either get precompiled packages from (or similar sources, use your own judgement) or get the latest FFmpeg repo, compile, and do a make install - Instructions pending -- linux code still under construction, and not yet fully functioning. Will add more information later