#include "window-basic-main.hpp" #include "volume-control.hpp" #include "qt-wrappers.hpp" #include "obs-app.hpp" #include "mute-checkbox.hpp" #include "slider-ignorewheel.hpp" #include "slider-absoluteset-style.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; #define CLAMP(x, min, max) ((x) < (min) ? (min) : ((x) > (max) ? (max) : (x))) #define FADER_PRECISION 4096.0 // Size of the audio indicator in pixels #define INDICATOR_THICKNESS 3 QWeakPointer VolumeMeter::updateTimer; void VolControl::OBSVolumeChanged(void *data, float db) { Q_UNUSED(db); VolControl *volControl = static_cast(data); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(volControl, "VolumeChanged"); } void VolControl::OBSVolumeLevel(void *data, const float magnitude[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS], const float peak[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS], const float inputPeak[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS]) { VolControl *volControl = static_cast(data); volControl->volMeter->setLevels(magnitude, peak, inputPeak); } void VolControl::OBSVolumeMuted(void *data, calldata_t *calldata) { VolControl *volControl = static_cast(data); bool muted = calldata_bool(calldata, "muted"); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(volControl, "VolumeMuted", Q_ARG(bool, muted)); } void VolControl::VolumeChanged() { slider->blockSignals(true); slider->setValue( (int)(obs_fader_get_deflection(obs_fader) * FADER_PRECISION)); slider->blockSignals(false); updateText(); } void VolControl::VolumeMuted(bool muted) { if (mute->isChecked() != muted) mute->setChecked(muted); volMeter->muted = muted; } void VolControl::SetMuted(bool checked) { bool prev = obs_source_muted(source); obs_source_set_muted(source, checked); auto undo_redo = [](const std::string &name, bool val) { OBSSourceAutoRelease source = obs_get_source_by_name(name.c_str()); obs_source_set_muted(source, val); }; QString text = QTStr(checked ? "Undo.Volume.Mute" : "Undo.Volume.Unmute"); const char *name = obs_source_get_name(source); OBSBasic::Get()->undo_s.add_action( text.arg(name), std::bind(undo_redo, std::placeholders::_1, prev), std::bind(undo_redo, std::placeholders::_1, checked), name, name); } void VolControl::SliderChanged(int vol) { float prev = obs_source_get_volume(source); obs_fader_set_deflection(obs_fader, float(vol) / FADER_PRECISION); updateText(); auto undo_redo = [](const std::string &name, float val) { OBSSourceAutoRelease source = obs_get_source_by_name(name.c_str()); obs_source_set_volume(source, val); }; float val = obs_source_get_volume(source); const char *name = obs_source_get_name(source); OBSBasic::Get()->undo_s.add_action( QTStr("Undo.Volume.Change").arg(name), std::bind(undo_redo, std::placeholders::_1, prev), std::bind(undo_redo, std::placeholders::_1, val), name, name, true); } void VolControl::updateText() { QString text; float db = obs_fader_get_db(obs_fader); if (db < -96.0f) text = "-inf dB"; else text = QString::number(db, 'f', 1).append(" dB"); volLabel->setText(text); bool muted = obs_source_muted(source); const char *accTextLookup = muted ? "VolControl.SliderMuted" : "VolControl.SliderUnmuted"; QString sourceName = obs_source_get_name(source); QString accText = QTStr(accTextLookup).arg(sourceName); slider->setAccessibleName(accText); } QString VolControl::GetName() const { return nameLabel->text(); } void VolControl::SetName(const QString &newName) { nameLabel->setText(newName); } void VolControl::EmitConfigClicked() { emit ConfigClicked(); } void VolControl::SetMeterDecayRate(qreal q) { volMeter->setPeakDecayRate(q); } void VolControl::setPeakMeterType(enum obs_peak_meter_type peakMeterType) { volMeter->setPeakMeterType(peakMeterType); } VolControl::VolControl(OBSSource source_, bool showConfig, bool vertical) : source(std::move(source_)), levelTotal(0.0f), levelCount(0.0f), obs_fader(obs_fader_create(OBS_FADER_LOG)), obs_volmeter(obs_volmeter_create(OBS_FADER_LOG)), vertical(vertical), contextMenu(nullptr) { nameLabel = new QLabel(); volLabel = new QLabel(); mute = new MuteCheckBox(); QString sourceName = obs_source_get_name(source); setObjectName(sourceName); if (showConfig) { config = new QPushButton(this); config->setProperty("themeID", "menuIconSmall"); config->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Maximum); config->setMaximumSize(22, 22); config->setAutoDefault(false); config->setAccessibleName( QTStr("VolControl.Properties").arg(sourceName)); connect(config, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &VolControl::EmitConfigClicked); } QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout; mainLayout->setContentsMargins(4, 4, 4, 4); mainLayout->setSpacing(2); if (vertical) { QHBoxLayout *nameLayout = new QHBoxLayout; QHBoxLayout *controlLayout = new QHBoxLayout; QHBoxLayout *volLayout = new QHBoxLayout; QHBoxLayout *meterLayout = new QHBoxLayout; volMeter = new VolumeMeter(nullptr, obs_volmeter, true); slider = new VolumeSlider(obs_fader, Qt::Vertical); nameLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); meterLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); controlLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); volLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignCenter); nameLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); nameLayout->setSpacing(0); nameLayout->addWidget(nameLabel); controlLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); controlLayout->setSpacing(0); if (showConfig) controlLayout->addWidget(config); controlLayout->addItem(new QSpacerItem(3, 0)); // Add Headphone (audio monitoring) widget here controlLayout->addWidget(mute); meterLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); meterLayout->setSpacing(0); meterLayout->addWidget(volMeter); meterLayout->addWidget(slider); volLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); volLayout->setSpacing(0); volLayout->addWidget(volLabel); mainLayout->addItem(nameLayout); mainLayout->addItem(volLayout); mainLayout->addItem(meterLayout); mainLayout->addItem(controlLayout); volMeter->setFocusProxy(slider); // Default size can cause clipping of long names in vertical layout. QFont font = nameLabel->font(); QFontInfo info(font); font.setPointSizeF(0.8 * info.pointSizeF()); nameLabel->setFont(font); setMaximumWidth(110); } else { QHBoxLayout *volLayout = new QHBoxLayout; QHBoxLayout *textLayout = new QHBoxLayout; QHBoxLayout *botLayout = new QHBoxLayout; volMeter = new VolumeMeter(nullptr, obs_volmeter, false); slider = new VolumeSlider(obs_fader, Qt::Horizontal); textLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); textLayout->addWidget(nameLabel); textLayout->addWidget(volLabel); textLayout->setAlignment(nameLabel, Qt::AlignLeft); textLayout->setAlignment(volLabel, Qt::AlignRight); volLayout->addWidget(slider); volLayout->addWidget(mute); volLayout->setSpacing(5); botLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); botLayout->setSpacing(0); botLayout->addLayout(volLayout); if (showConfig) botLayout->addWidget(config); mainLayout->addItem(textLayout); mainLayout->addWidget(volMeter); mainLayout->addItem(botLayout); volMeter->setFocusProxy(slider); } setLayout(mainLayout); nameLabel->setText(sourceName); slider->setMinimum(0); slider->setMaximum(int(FADER_PRECISION)); bool muted = obs_source_muted(source); mute->setChecked(muted); volMeter->muted = muted; mute->setAccessibleName(QTStr("VolControl.Mute").arg(sourceName)); obs_fader_add_callback(obs_fader, OBSVolumeChanged, this); obs_volmeter_add_callback(obs_volmeter, OBSVolumeLevel, this); signal_handler_connect(obs_source_get_signal_handler(source), "mute", OBSVolumeMuted, this); QWidget::connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(SliderChanged(int))); QWidget::connect(mute, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(SetMuted(bool))); obs_fader_attach_source(obs_fader, source); obs_volmeter_attach_source(obs_volmeter, source); QString styleName = slider->style()->objectName(); QStyle *style; style = QStyleFactory::create(styleName); if (!style) { style = new SliderAbsoluteSetStyle(); } else { style = new SliderAbsoluteSetStyle(style); } style->setParent(slider); slider->setStyle(style); /* Call volume changed once to init the slider position and label */ VolumeChanged(); } void VolControl::EnableSlider(bool enable) { slider->setEnabled(enable); } VolControl::~VolControl() { obs_fader_remove_callback(obs_fader, OBSVolumeChanged, this); obs_volmeter_remove_callback(obs_volmeter, OBSVolumeLevel, this); signal_handler_disconnect(obs_source_get_signal_handler(source), "mute", OBSVolumeMuted, this); obs_fader_destroy(obs_fader); obs_volmeter_destroy(obs_volmeter); if (contextMenu) contextMenu->close(); } static inline QColor color_from_int(long long val) { QColor color(val & 0xff, (val >> 8) & 0xff, (val >> 16) & 0xff, (val >> 24) & 0xff); color.setAlpha(255); return color; } QColor VolumeMeter::getBackgroundNominalColor() const { return p_backgroundNominalColor; } QColor VolumeMeter::getBackgroundNominalColorDisabled() const { return backgroundNominalColorDisabled; } void VolumeMeter::setBackgroundNominalColor(QColor c) { p_backgroundNominalColor = std::move(c); if (config_get_bool(GetGlobalConfig(), "Accessibility", "OverrideColors")) { backgroundNominalColor = color_from_int(config_get_int( GetGlobalConfig(), "Accessibility", "MixerGreen")); } else { backgroundNominalColor = p_backgroundNominalColor; } } void VolumeMeter::setBackgroundNominalColorDisabled(QColor c) { backgroundNominalColorDisabled = std::move(c); } QColor VolumeMeter::getBackgroundWarningColor() const { return p_backgroundWarningColor; } QColor VolumeMeter::getBackgroundWarningColorDisabled() const { return backgroundWarningColorDisabled; } void VolumeMeter::setBackgroundWarningColor(QColor c) { p_backgroundWarningColor = std::move(c); if (config_get_bool(GetGlobalConfig(), "Accessibility", "OverrideColors")) { backgroundWarningColor = color_from_int(config_get_int( GetGlobalConfig(), "Accessibility", "MixerYellow")); } else { backgroundWarningColor = p_backgroundWarningColor; } } void VolumeMeter::setBackgroundWarningColorDisabled(QColor c) { backgroundWarningColorDisabled = std::move(c); } QColor VolumeMeter::getBackgroundErrorColor() const { return p_backgroundErrorColor; } QColor VolumeMeter::getBackgroundErrorColorDisabled() const { return backgroundErrorColorDisabled; } void VolumeMeter::setBackgroundErrorColor(QColor c) { p_backgroundErrorColor = std::move(c); if (config_get_bool(GetGlobalConfig(), "Accessibility", "OverrideColors")) { backgroundErrorColor = color_from_int(config_get_int( GetGlobalConfig(), "Accessibility", "MixerRed")); } else { backgroundErrorColor = p_backgroundErrorColor; } } void VolumeMeter::setBackgroundErrorColorDisabled(QColor c) { backgroundErrorColorDisabled = std::move(c); } QColor VolumeMeter::getForegroundNominalColor() const { return p_foregroundNominalColor; } QColor VolumeMeter::getForegroundNominalColorDisabled() const { return foregroundNominalColorDisabled; } void VolumeMeter::setForegroundNominalColor(QColor c) { p_foregroundNominalColor = std::move(c); if (config_get_bool(GetGlobalConfig(), "Accessibility", "OverrideColors")) { foregroundNominalColor = color_from_int( config_get_int(GetGlobalConfig(), "Accessibility", "MixerGreenActive")); } else { foregroundNominalColor = p_foregroundNominalColor; } } void VolumeMeter::setForegroundNominalColorDisabled(QColor c) { foregroundNominalColorDisabled = std::move(c); } QColor VolumeMeter::getForegroundWarningColor() const { return p_foregroundWarningColor; } QColor VolumeMeter::getForegroundWarningColorDisabled() const { return foregroundWarningColorDisabled; } void VolumeMeter::setForegroundWarningColor(QColor c) { p_foregroundWarningColor = std::move(c); if (config_get_bool(GetGlobalConfig(), "Accessibility", "OverrideColors")) { foregroundWarningColor = color_from_int( config_get_int(GetGlobalConfig(), "Accessibility", "MixerYellowActive")); } else { foregroundWarningColor = p_foregroundWarningColor; } } void VolumeMeter::setForegroundWarningColorDisabled(QColor c) { foregroundWarningColorDisabled = std::move(c); } QColor VolumeMeter::getForegroundErrorColor() const { return p_foregroundErrorColor; } QColor VolumeMeter::getForegroundErrorColorDisabled() const { return foregroundErrorColorDisabled; } void VolumeMeter::setForegroundErrorColor(QColor c) { p_foregroundErrorColor = std::move(c); if (config_get_bool(GetGlobalConfig(), "Accessibility", "OverrideColors")) { foregroundErrorColor = color_from_int(config_get_int( GetGlobalConfig(), "Accessibility", "MixerRedActive")); } else { foregroundErrorColor = p_foregroundErrorColor; } } void VolumeMeter::setForegroundErrorColorDisabled(QColor c) { foregroundErrorColorDisabled = std::move(c); } QColor VolumeMeter::getClipColor() const { return clipColor; } void VolumeMeter::setClipColor(QColor c) { clipColor = std::move(c); } QColor VolumeMeter::getMagnitudeColor() const { return magnitudeColor; } void VolumeMeter::setMagnitudeColor(QColor c) { magnitudeColor = std::move(c); } QColor VolumeMeter::getMajorTickColor() const { return majorTickColor; } void VolumeMeter::setMajorTickColor(QColor c) { majorTickColor = std::move(c); } QColor VolumeMeter::getMinorTickColor() const { return minorTickColor; } void VolumeMeter::setMinorTickColor(QColor c) { minorTickColor = std::move(c); } int VolumeMeter::getMeterThickness() const { return meterThickness; } void VolumeMeter::setMeterThickness(int v) { meterThickness = v; recalculateLayout = true; } qreal VolumeMeter::getMeterFontScaling() const { return meterFontScaling; } void VolumeMeter::setMeterFontScaling(qreal v) { meterFontScaling = v; recalculateLayout = true; } void VolControl::refreshColors() { volMeter->setBackgroundNominalColor( volMeter->getBackgroundNominalColor()); volMeter->setBackgroundWarningColor( volMeter->getBackgroundWarningColor()); volMeter->setBackgroundErrorColor(volMeter->getBackgroundErrorColor()); volMeter->setForegroundNominalColor( volMeter->getForegroundNominalColor()); volMeter->setForegroundWarningColor( volMeter->getForegroundWarningColor()); volMeter->setForegroundErrorColor(volMeter->getForegroundErrorColor()); } qreal VolumeMeter::getMinimumLevel() const { return minimumLevel; } void VolumeMeter::setMinimumLevel(qreal v) { minimumLevel = v; } qreal VolumeMeter::getWarningLevel() const { return warningLevel; } void VolumeMeter::setWarningLevel(qreal v) { warningLevel = v; } qreal VolumeMeter::getErrorLevel() const { return errorLevel; } void VolumeMeter::setErrorLevel(qreal v) { errorLevel = v; } qreal VolumeMeter::getClipLevel() const { return clipLevel; } void VolumeMeter::setClipLevel(qreal v) { clipLevel = v; } qreal VolumeMeter::getMinimumInputLevel() const { return minimumInputLevel; } void VolumeMeter::setMinimumInputLevel(qreal v) { minimumInputLevel = v; } qreal VolumeMeter::getPeakDecayRate() const { return peakDecayRate; } void VolumeMeter::setPeakDecayRate(qreal v) { peakDecayRate = v; } qreal VolumeMeter::getMagnitudeIntegrationTime() const { return magnitudeIntegrationTime; } void VolumeMeter::setMagnitudeIntegrationTime(qreal v) { magnitudeIntegrationTime = v; } qreal VolumeMeter::getPeakHoldDuration() const { return peakHoldDuration; } void VolumeMeter::setPeakHoldDuration(qreal v) { peakHoldDuration = v; } qreal VolumeMeter::getInputPeakHoldDuration() const { return inputPeakHoldDuration; } void VolumeMeter::setInputPeakHoldDuration(qreal v) { inputPeakHoldDuration = v; } void VolumeMeter::setPeakMeterType(enum obs_peak_meter_type peakMeterType) { obs_volmeter_set_peak_meter_type(obs_volmeter, peakMeterType); switch (peakMeterType) { case TRUE_PEAK_METER: // For true-peak meters EBU has defined the Permitted Maximum, // taking into account the accuracy of the meter and further // processing required by lossy audio compression. // // The alignment level was not specified, but I've adjusted // it compared to a sample-peak meter. Incidentally Youtube // uses this new Alignment Level as the maximum integrated // loudness of a video. // // * Permitted Maximum Level (PML) = -2.0 dBTP // * Alignment Level (AL) = -13 dBTP setErrorLevel(-2.0); setWarningLevel(-13.0); break; case SAMPLE_PEAK_METER: default: // For a sample Peak Meter EBU has the following level // definitions, taking into account inaccuracies of this meter: // // * Permitted Maximum Level (PML) = -9.0 dBFS // * Alignment Level (AL) = -20.0 dBFS setErrorLevel(-9.0); setWarningLevel(-20.0); break; } } void VolumeMeter::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { setFocus(Qt::MouseFocusReason); event->accept(); } void VolumeMeter::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) { QApplication::sendEvent(focusProxy(), event); } VolumeMeter::VolumeMeter(QWidget *parent, obs_volmeter_t *obs_volmeter, bool vertical) : QWidget(parent), obs_volmeter(obs_volmeter), vertical(vertical) { setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true); // Default meter settings, they only show if // there is no stylesheet, do not remove. backgroundNominalColor.setRgb(0x26, 0x7f, 0x26); // Dark green backgroundWarningColor.setRgb(0x7f, 0x7f, 0x26); // Dark yellow backgroundErrorColor.setRgb(0x7f, 0x26, 0x26); // Dark red foregroundNominalColor.setRgb(0x4c, 0xff, 0x4c); // Bright green foregroundWarningColor.setRgb(0xff, 0xff, 0x4c); // Bright yellow foregroundErrorColor.setRgb(0xff, 0x4c, 0x4c); // Bright red backgroundNominalColorDisabled.setRgb(90, 90, 90); backgroundWarningColorDisabled.setRgb(117, 117, 117); backgroundErrorColorDisabled.setRgb(65, 65, 65); foregroundNominalColorDisabled.setRgb(163, 163, 163); foregroundWarningColorDisabled.setRgb(217, 217, 217); foregroundErrorColorDisabled.setRgb(113, 113, 113); clipColor.setRgb(0xff, 0xff, 0xff); // Bright white magnitudeColor.setRgb(0x00, 0x00, 0x00); // Black majorTickColor.setRgb(0xff, 0xff, 0xff); // Black minorTickColor.setRgb(0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc); // Black minimumLevel = -60.0; // -60 dB warningLevel = -20.0; // -20 dB errorLevel = -9.0; // -9 dB clipLevel = -0.5; // -0.5 dB minimumInputLevel = -50.0; // -50 dB peakDecayRate = 11.76; // 20 dB / 1.7 sec magnitudeIntegrationTime = 0.3; // 99% in 300 ms peakHoldDuration = 20.0; // 20 seconds inputPeakHoldDuration = 1.0; // 1 second meterThickness = 3; // Bar thickness in pixels meterFontScaling = 0.7; // Font size for numbers is 70% of Widget's font size channels = (int)audio_output_get_channels(obs_get_audio()); doLayout(); updateTimerRef = updateTimer.toStrongRef(); if (!updateTimerRef) { updateTimerRef = QSharedPointer::create(); updateTimerRef->setTimerType(Qt::PreciseTimer); updateTimerRef->start(16); updateTimer = updateTimerRef; } updateTimerRef->AddVolControl(this); } VolumeMeter::~VolumeMeter() { updateTimerRef->RemoveVolControl(this); } void VolumeMeter::setLevels(const float magnitude[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS], const float peak[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS], const float inputPeak[MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS]) { uint64_t ts = os_gettime_ns(); QMutexLocker locker(&dataMutex); currentLastUpdateTime = ts; for (int channelNr = 0; channelNr < MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS; channelNr++) { currentMagnitude[channelNr] = magnitude[channelNr]; currentPeak[channelNr] = peak[channelNr]; currentInputPeak[channelNr] = inputPeak[channelNr]; } // In case there are more updates then redraws we must make sure // that the ballistics of peak and hold are recalculated. locker.unlock(); calculateBallistics(ts); } inline void VolumeMeter::resetLevels() { currentLastUpdateTime = 0; for (int channelNr = 0; channelNr < MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS; channelNr++) { currentMagnitude[channelNr] = -M_INFINITE; currentPeak[channelNr] = -M_INFINITE; currentInputPeak[channelNr] = -M_INFINITE; displayMagnitude[channelNr] = -M_INFINITE; displayPeak[channelNr] = -M_INFINITE; displayPeakHold[channelNr] = -M_INFINITE; displayPeakHoldLastUpdateTime[channelNr] = 0; displayInputPeakHold[channelNr] = -M_INFINITE; displayInputPeakHoldLastUpdateTime[channelNr] = 0; } } bool VolumeMeter::needLayoutChange() { int currentNrAudioChannels = obs_volmeter_get_nr_channels(obs_volmeter); if (!currentNrAudioChannels) { struct obs_audio_info oai; obs_get_audio_info(&oai); currentNrAudioChannels = (oai.speakers == SPEAKERS_MONO) ? 1 : 2; } if (displayNrAudioChannels != currentNrAudioChannels) { displayNrAudioChannels = currentNrAudioChannels; recalculateLayout = true; } return recalculateLayout; } // When this is called from the constructor, obs_volmeter_get_nr_channels has not // yet been called and Q_PROPERTY settings have not yet been read from the // stylesheet. inline void VolumeMeter::doLayout() { QMutexLocker locker(&dataMutex); recalculateLayout = false; tickFont = font(); QFontInfo info(tickFont); tickFont.setPointSizeF(info.pointSizeF() * meterFontScaling); QFontMetrics metrics(tickFont); if (vertical) { // Each meter channel is meterThickness pixels wide, plus one pixel // between channels, but not after the last. // Add 4 pixels for ticks, space to hold our longest label in this font, // and a few pixels before the fader. QRect scaleBounds = metrics.boundingRect("-88"); setMinimumSize(displayNrAudioChannels * (meterThickness + 1) - 1 + 4 + scaleBounds.width() + 2, 130); } else { // Each meter channel is meterThickness pixels high, plus one pixel // between channels, but not after the last. // Add 4 pixels for ticks, and space high enough to hold our label in // this font, presuming that digits don't have descenders. setMinimumSize(130, displayNrAudioChannels * (meterThickness + 1) - 1 + 4 + metrics.capHeight()); } resetLevels(); } inline bool VolumeMeter::detectIdle(uint64_t ts) { double timeSinceLastUpdate = (ts - currentLastUpdateTime) * 0.000000001; if (timeSinceLastUpdate > 0.5) { resetLevels(); return true; } else { return false; } } inline void VolumeMeter::calculateBallisticsForChannel(int channelNr, uint64_t ts, qreal timeSinceLastRedraw) { if (currentPeak[channelNr] >= displayPeak[channelNr] || isnan(displayPeak[channelNr])) { // Attack of peak is immediate. displayPeak[channelNr] = currentPeak[channelNr]; } else { // Decay of peak is 40 dB / 1.7 seconds for Fast Profile // 20 dB / 1.7 seconds for Medium Profile (Type I PPM) // 24 dB / 2.8 seconds for Slow Profile (Type II PPM) float decay = float(peakDecayRate * timeSinceLastRedraw); displayPeak[channelNr] = CLAMP(displayPeak[channelNr] - decay, currentPeak[channelNr], 0); } if (currentPeak[channelNr] >= displayPeakHold[channelNr] || !isfinite(displayPeakHold[channelNr])) { // Attack of peak-hold is immediate, but keep track // when it was last updated. displayPeakHold[channelNr] = currentPeak[channelNr]; displayPeakHoldLastUpdateTime[channelNr] = ts; } else { // The peak and hold falls back to peak // after 20 seconds. qreal timeSinceLastPeak = (uint64_t)(ts - displayPeakHoldLastUpdateTime[channelNr]) * 0.000000001; if (timeSinceLastPeak > peakHoldDuration) { displayPeakHold[channelNr] = currentPeak[channelNr]; displayPeakHoldLastUpdateTime[channelNr] = ts; } } if (currentInputPeak[channelNr] >= displayInputPeakHold[channelNr] || !isfinite(displayInputPeakHold[channelNr])) { // Attack of peak-hold is immediate, but keep track // when it was last updated. displayInputPeakHold[channelNr] = currentInputPeak[channelNr]; displayInputPeakHoldLastUpdateTime[channelNr] = ts; } else { // The peak and hold falls back to peak after 1 second. qreal timeSinceLastPeak = (uint64_t)(ts - displayInputPeakHoldLastUpdateTime[channelNr]) * 0.000000001; if (timeSinceLastPeak > inputPeakHoldDuration) { displayInputPeakHold[channelNr] = currentInputPeak[channelNr]; displayInputPeakHoldLastUpdateTime[channelNr] = ts; } } if (!isfinite(displayMagnitude[channelNr])) { // The statements in the else-leg do not work with // NaN and infinite displayMagnitude. displayMagnitude[channelNr] = currentMagnitude[channelNr]; } else { // A VU meter will integrate to the new value to 99% in 300 ms. // The calculation here is very simplified and is more accurate // with higher frame-rate. float attack = float((currentMagnitude[channelNr] - displayMagnitude[channelNr]) * (timeSinceLastRedraw / magnitudeIntegrationTime) * 0.99); displayMagnitude[channelNr] = CLAMP(displayMagnitude[channelNr] + attack, (float)minimumLevel, 0); } } inline void VolumeMeter::calculateBallistics(uint64_t ts, qreal timeSinceLastRedraw) { QMutexLocker locker(&dataMutex); for (int channelNr = 0; channelNr < MAX_AUDIO_CHANNELS; channelNr++) calculateBallisticsForChannel(channelNr, ts, timeSinceLastRedraw); } void VolumeMeter::paintInputMeter(QPainter &painter, int x, int y, int width, int height, float peakHold) { QMutexLocker locker(&dataMutex); QColor color; if (peakHold < minimumInputLevel) color = backgroundNominalColor; else if (peakHold < warningLevel) color = foregroundNominalColor; else if (peakHold < errorLevel) color = foregroundWarningColor; else if (peakHold <= clipLevel) color = foregroundErrorColor; else color = clipColor; painter.fillRect(x, y, width, height, color); } void VolumeMeter::paintHTicks(QPainter &painter, int x, int y, int width) { qreal scale = width / minimumLevel; painter.setFont(tickFont); QFontMetrics metrics(tickFont); painter.setPen(majorTickColor); // Draw major tick lines and numeric indicators. for (int i = 0; i >= minimumLevel; i -= 5) { int position = int(x + width - (i * scale) - 1); QString str = QString::number(i); // Center the number on the tick, but don't overflow QRect textBounds = metrics.boundingRect(str); int pos; if (i == 0) { pos = position - textBounds.width(); } else { pos = position - (textBounds.width() / 2); if (pos < 0) pos = 0; } painter.drawText(pos, y + 4 + metrics.capHeight(), str); painter.drawLine(position, y, position, y + 2); } // Draw minor tick lines. painter.setPen(minorTickColor); for (int i = 0; i >= minimumLevel; i--) { int position = int(x + width - (i * scale) - 1); if (i % 5 != 0) painter.drawLine(position, y, position, y + 1); } } void VolumeMeter::paintVTicks(QPainter &painter, int x, int y, int height) { qreal scale = height / minimumLevel; painter.setFont(tickFont); QFontMetrics metrics(tickFont); painter.setPen(majorTickColor); // Draw major tick lines and numeric indicators. for (int i = 0; i >= minimumLevel; i -= 5) { int position = y + int(i * scale); QString str = QString::number(i); // Center the number on the tick, but don't overflow if (i == 0) { painter.drawText(x + 6, position + metrics.capHeight(), str); } else { painter.drawText(x + 4, position + (metrics.capHeight() / 2), str); } painter.drawLine(x, position, x + 2, position); } // Draw minor tick lines. painter.setPen(minorTickColor); for (int i = 0; i >= minimumLevel; i--) { int position = y + int(i * scale); if (i % 5 != 0) painter.drawLine(x, position, x + 1, position); } } #define CLIP_FLASH_DURATION_MS 1000 void VolumeMeter::ClipEnding() { clipping = false; } void VolumeMeter::paintHMeter(QPainter &painter, int x, int y, int width, int height, float magnitude, float peak, float peakHold) { qreal scale = width / minimumLevel; QMutexLocker locker(&dataMutex); int minimumPosition = x + 0; int maximumPosition = x + width; int magnitudePosition = int(x + width - (magnitude * scale)); int peakPosition = int(x + width - (peak * scale)); int peakHoldPosition = int(x + width - (peakHold * scale)); int warningPosition = int(x + width - (warningLevel * scale)); int errorPosition = int(x + width - (errorLevel * scale)); int nominalLength = warningPosition - minimumPosition; int warningLength = errorPosition - warningPosition; int errorLength = maximumPosition - errorPosition; locker.unlock(); if (clipping) { peakPosition = maximumPosition; } if (peakPosition < minimumPosition) { painter.fillRect(minimumPosition, y, nominalLength, height, muted ? backgroundNominalColorDisabled : backgroundNominalColor); painter.fillRect(warningPosition, y, warningLength, height, muted ? backgroundWarningColorDisabled : backgroundWarningColor); painter.fillRect(errorPosition, y, errorLength, height, muted ? backgroundErrorColorDisabled : backgroundErrorColor); } else if (peakPosition < warningPosition) { painter.fillRect(minimumPosition, y, peakPosition - minimumPosition, height, muted ? foregroundNominalColorDisabled : foregroundNominalColor); painter.fillRect(peakPosition, y, warningPosition - peakPosition, height, muted ? backgroundNominalColorDisabled : backgroundNominalColor); painter.fillRect(warningPosition, y, warningLength, height, muted ? backgroundWarningColorDisabled : backgroundWarningColor); painter.fillRect(errorPosition, y, errorLength, height, muted ? backgroundErrorColorDisabled : backgroundErrorColor); } else if (peakPosition < errorPosition) { painter.fillRect(minimumPosition, y, nominalLength, height, muted ? foregroundNominalColorDisabled : foregroundNominalColor); painter.fillRect(warningPosition, y, peakPosition - warningPosition, height, muted ? foregroundWarningColorDisabled : foregroundWarningColor); painter.fillRect(peakPosition, y, errorPosition - peakPosition, height, muted ? backgroundWarningColorDisabled : backgroundWarningColor); painter.fillRect(errorPosition, y, errorLength, height, muted ? backgroundErrorColorDisabled : backgroundErrorColor); } else if (peakPosition < maximumPosition) { painter.fillRect(minimumPosition, y, nominalLength, height, muted ? foregroundNominalColorDisabled : foregroundNominalColor); painter.fillRect(warningPosition, y, warningLength, height, muted ? foregroundWarningColorDisabled : foregroundWarningColor); painter.fillRect(errorPosition, y, peakPosition - errorPosition, height, muted ? foregroundErrorColorDisabled : foregroundErrorColor); painter.fillRect(peakPosition, y, maximumPosition - peakPosition, height, muted ? backgroundErrorColorDisabled : backgroundErrorColor); } else if (int(magnitude) != 0) { if (!clipping) { QTimer::singleShot(CLIP_FLASH_DURATION_MS, this, SLOT(ClipEnding())); clipping = true; } int end = errorLength + warningLength + nominalLength; painter.fillRect(minimumPosition, y, end, height, QBrush(muted ? foregroundErrorColorDisabled : foregroundErrorColor)); } if (peakHoldPosition - 3 < minimumPosition) ; // Peak-hold below minimum, no drawing. else if (peakHoldPosition < warningPosition) painter.fillRect(peakHoldPosition - 3, y, 3, height, muted ? foregroundNominalColorDisabled : foregroundNominalColor); else if (peakHoldPosition < errorPosition) painter.fillRect(peakHoldPosition - 3, y, 3, height, muted ? foregroundWarningColorDisabled : foregroundWarningColor); else painter.fillRect(peakHoldPosition - 3, y, 3, height, muted ? foregroundErrorColorDisabled : foregroundErrorColor); if (magnitudePosition - 3 >= minimumPosition) painter.fillRect(magnitudePosition - 3, y, 3, height, magnitudeColor); } void VolumeMeter::paintVMeter(QPainter &painter, int x, int y, int width, int height, float magnitude, float peak, float peakHold) { qreal scale = height / minimumLevel; QMutexLocker locker(&dataMutex); int minimumPosition = y + 0; int maximumPosition = y + height; int magnitudePosition = int(y + height - (magnitude * scale)); int peakPosition = int(y + height - (peak * scale)); int peakHoldPosition = int(y + height - (peakHold * scale)); int warningPosition = int(y + height - (warningLevel * scale)); int errorPosition = int(y + height - (errorLevel * scale)); int nominalLength = warningPosition - minimumPosition; int warningLength = errorPosition - warningPosition; int errorLength = maximumPosition - errorPosition; locker.unlock(); if (clipping) { peakPosition = maximumPosition; } if (peakPosition < minimumPosition) { painter.fillRect(x, minimumPosition, width, nominalLength, muted ? backgroundNominalColorDisabled : backgroundNominalColor); painter.fillRect(x, warningPosition, width, warningLength, muted ? backgroundWarningColorDisabled : backgroundWarningColor); painter.fillRect(x, errorPosition, width, errorLength, muted ? backgroundErrorColorDisabled : backgroundErrorColor); } else if (peakPosition < warningPosition) { painter.fillRect(x, minimumPosition, width, peakPosition - minimumPosition, muted ? foregroundNominalColorDisabled : foregroundNominalColor); painter.fillRect(x, peakPosition, width, warningPosition - peakPosition, muted ? backgroundNominalColorDisabled : backgroundNominalColor); painter.fillRect(x, warningPosition, width, warningLength, muted ? backgroundWarningColorDisabled : backgroundWarningColor); painter.fillRect(x, errorPosition, width, errorLength, muted ? backgroundErrorColorDisabled : backgroundErrorColor); } else if (peakPosition < errorPosition) { painter.fillRect(x, minimumPosition, width, nominalLength, muted ? foregroundNominalColorDisabled : foregroundNominalColor); painter.fillRect(x, warningPosition, width, peakPosition - warningPosition, muted ? foregroundWarningColorDisabled : foregroundWarningColor); painter.fillRect(x, peakPosition, width, errorPosition - peakPosition, muted ? backgroundWarningColorDisabled : backgroundWarningColor); painter.fillRect(x, errorPosition, width, errorLength, muted ? backgroundErrorColorDisabled : backgroundErrorColor); } else if (peakPosition < maximumPosition) { painter.fillRect(x, minimumPosition, width, nominalLength, muted ? foregroundNominalColorDisabled : foregroundNominalColor); painter.fillRect(x, warningPosition, width, warningLength, muted ? foregroundWarningColorDisabled : foregroundWarningColor); painter.fillRect(x, errorPosition, width, peakPosition - errorPosition, muted ? foregroundErrorColorDisabled : foregroundErrorColor); painter.fillRect(x, peakPosition, width, maximumPosition - peakPosition, muted ? backgroundErrorColorDisabled : backgroundErrorColor); } else { if (!clipping) { QTimer::singleShot(CLIP_FLASH_DURATION_MS, this, SLOT(ClipEnding())); clipping = true; } int end = errorLength + warningLength + nominalLength; painter.fillRect(x, minimumPosition, width, end, QBrush(muted ? foregroundErrorColorDisabled : foregroundErrorColor)); } if (peakHoldPosition - 3 < minimumPosition) ; // Peak-hold below minimum, no drawing. else if (peakHoldPosition < warningPosition) painter.fillRect(x, peakHoldPosition - 3, width, 3, muted ? foregroundNominalColorDisabled : foregroundNominalColor); else if (peakHoldPosition < errorPosition) painter.fillRect(x, peakHoldPosition - 3, width, 3, muted ? foregroundWarningColorDisabled : foregroundWarningColor); else painter.fillRect(x, peakHoldPosition - 3, width, 3, muted ? foregroundErrorColorDisabled : foregroundErrorColor); if (magnitudePosition - 3 >= minimumPosition) painter.fillRect(x, magnitudePosition - 3, width, 3, magnitudeColor); } void VolumeMeter::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { uint64_t ts = os_gettime_ns(); qreal timeSinceLastRedraw = (ts - lastRedrawTime) * 0.000000001; calculateBallistics(ts, timeSinceLastRedraw); bool idle = detectIdle(ts); QRect widgetRect = rect(); int width = widgetRect.width(); int height = widgetRect.height(); QPainter painter(this); // timerEvent requests update of the bar(s) only, so we can avoid the // overhead of repainting the scale and labels. if (event->region().boundingRect() != getBarRect()) { if (needLayoutChange()) doLayout(); // Paint window background color (as widget is opaque) QColor background = palette().color(QPalette::ColorRole::Window); painter.fillRect(widgetRect, background); if (vertical) { paintVTicks(painter, displayNrAudioChannels * (meterThickness + 1) - 1, 0, height - (INDICATOR_THICKNESS + 3)); } else { paintHTicks(painter, INDICATOR_THICKNESS + 3, displayNrAudioChannels * (meterThickness + 1) - 1, width - (INDICATOR_THICKNESS + 3)); } } if (vertical) { // Invert the Y axis to ease the math painter.translate(0, height); painter.scale(1, -1); } for (int channelNr = 0; channelNr < displayNrAudioChannels; channelNr++) { int channelNrFixed = (displayNrAudioChannels == 1 && channels > 2) ? 2 : channelNr; if (vertical) paintVMeter(painter, channelNr * (meterThickness + 1), INDICATOR_THICKNESS + 2, meterThickness, height - (INDICATOR_THICKNESS + 2), displayMagnitude[channelNrFixed], displayPeak[channelNrFixed], displayPeakHold[channelNrFixed]); else paintHMeter(painter, INDICATOR_THICKNESS + 2, channelNr * (meterThickness + 1), width - (INDICATOR_THICKNESS + 2), meterThickness, displayMagnitude[channelNrFixed], displayPeak[channelNrFixed], displayPeakHold[channelNrFixed]); if (idle) continue; // By not drawing the input meter boxes the user can // see that the audio stream has been stopped, without // having too much visual impact. if (vertical) paintInputMeter(painter, channelNr * (meterThickness + 1), 0, meterThickness, INDICATOR_THICKNESS, displayInputPeakHold[channelNrFixed]); else paintInputMeter(painter, 0, channelNr * (meterThickness + 1), INDICATOR_THICKNESS, meterThickness, displayInputPeakHold[channelNrFixed]); } lastRedrawTime = ts; } QRect VolumeMeter::getBarRect() const { QRect rec = rect(); if (vertical) rec.setWidth(displayNrAudioChannels * (meterThickness + 1) - 1); else rec.setHeight(displayNrAudioChannels * (meterThickness + 1) - 1); return rec; } void VolumeMeter::changeEvent(QEvent *e) { if (e->type() == QEvent::StyleChange) recalculateLayout = true; QWidget::changeEvent(e); } void VolumeMeterTimer::AddVolControl(VolumeMeter *meter) { volumeMeters.push_back(meter); } void VolumeMeterTimer::RemoveVolControl(VolumeMeter *meter) { volumeMeters.removeOne(meter); } void VolumeMeterTimer::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *) { for (VolumeMeter *meter : volumeMeters) { if (meter->needLayoutChange()) { // Tell paintEvent to update layout and paint everything meter->update(); } else { // Tell paintEvent to paint only the bars meter->update(meter->getBarRect()); } } }