cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22...3.25) if(CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "(Darwin)" OR OBS_CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 3.0.0) include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/common/bootstrap.cmake" NO_POLICY_SCOPE) project(obs-studio VERSION ${OBS_VERSION_CANONICAL}) if(CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "Windows") include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/windows/architecture.cmake") if(NOT OBS_PARENT_ARCHITECTURE STREQUAL CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM) return() endif() endif() include(compilerconfig) include(defaults) include(helpers) option(ENABLE_UI "Enable building with UI (requires Qt)" ON) option(ENABLE_SCRIPTING "Enable scripting support" ON) option(ENABLE_HEVC "Enable HEVC encoders" ON) add_subdirectory(libobs) if(OS_WINDOWS) add_subdirectory(libobs-d3d11) add_subdirectory(libobs-winrt) endif() add_subdirectory(libobs-opengl) add_subdirectory(plugins) add_subdirectory(test/test-input) add_subdirectory(UI) message_configuration() return() endif() message( DEPRECATION "\n" "============ LEGACY BUILD SYSTEM IS DEPRECATED ============" "\n" "You are using the legacy build system to build OBS Studio. " "The legacy build system is unsupported and will be removed in the near future." "\n" "To migrate to the new build system, familiarize yourself with CMake presets " "( and create " "a user preset with your customized build settings, inheriting from one of the default presets." "\n" "============ LEGACY BUILD SYSTEM IS DEPRECATED ============" ) list(APPEND CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cmake/Modules") include(VersionConfig) # Prohibit in-source builds if("${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}") message( FATAL_ERROR "OBS: You cannot build in a source directory (or any directory with CMakeLists.txt file). " "Please make a build subdirectory. Feel free to remove CMakeCache.txt and CMakeFiles." ) endif() project(obs-studio VERSION ${OBS_VERSION_CANONICAL}) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) # Use target folders for MSVC/Xcode/etc. include(DeprecationHelpers) include(ObsHelpers) # Set default compiler flags include(CompilerConfig) # Allow selection of common build types via UI if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "RelWithDebInfo" CACHE STRING "OBS build type [Release, RelWithDebInfo, Debug, MinSizeRel]" FORCE ) set_property( CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS Release RelWithDebInfo Debug MinSizeRel ) endif() # Global project options option(ENABLE_HEVC "Enable HEVC encoders" ON) if(ENABLE_HEVC) add_compile_definitions(ENABLE_HEVC) endif() option(BUILD_FOR_DISTRIBUTION "Build for distribution (enables optimizations)" OFF) option(ENABLE_UI "Enable building with UI (requires Qt)" ON) option(ENABLE_SCRIPTING "Enable scripting support" ON) option(USE_LIBCXX "Use libc++ instead of libstdc++" ${APPLE}) option(BUILD_TESTS "Build test directory (includes test sources and possibly a platform test executable)" OFF) if(OS_WINDOWS) option( INSTALLER_RUN "Build a multiarch installer (needs to run independently after both archs have compiled) (Windows)" OFF ) elseif(OS_POSIX) option(LINUX_PORTABLE "Build portable version (Linux)" OFF) option(USE_XDG "Utilize XDG Base Directory Specification (Linux)" ON) option(ENABLE_PULSEAUDIO "Enable PulseAudio support" ON) if(OS_LINUX) option(ENABLE_WAYLAND "Enable building with support for Wayland (Linux)" ON) option(BUILD_FOR_PPA "Build for PPA distribution" OFF) endif() endif() setup_obs_project() mark_as_advanced(BUILD_TESTS USE_LIBCXX) if(INSTALLER_RUN) generate_multiarch_installer() return() endif() # OBS sources and plugins add_subdirectory(deps) add_subdirectory(libobs-opengl) if(OS_WINDOWS) add_subdirectory(libobs-d3d11) add_subdirectory(libobs-winrt) endif() add_subdirectory(libobs) add_subdirectory(plugins) # OBS main app add_subdirectory(UI) # Tests if(ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS) enable_testing() endif() if(BUILD_TESTS OR ENABLE_UNIT_TESTS) add_subdirectory(test) endif()