/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013-2014 by Hugh Bailey Copyright (C) 2014 by Zachary Lund This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include "obs-app.hpp" #include "window-basic-settings.hpp" #include "window-namedialog.hpp" #include "window-basic-main.hpp" #include "qt-wrappers.hpp" #include "ui_OBSBasic.h" using namespace std; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(OBSScene); Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(OBSSceneItem); OBSBasic::OBSBasic(QWidget *parent) : OBSMainWindow (parent), outputTest (NULL), sceneChanging (false), ui (new Ui::OBSBasic) { ui->setupUi(this); } void OBSBasic::OBSInit() { /* make sure it's fully displayed before doing any initialization */ show(); App()->processEvents(); if (!obs_startup()) throw "Failed to initialize libobs"; if (!ResetVideo()) throw "Failed to initialize video"; if (!ResetAudio()) throw "Failed to initialize audio"; signal_handler_connect(obs_signalhandler(), "source-add", OBSBasic::SourceAdded, this); signal_handler_connect(obs_signalhandler(), "source-remove", OBSBasic::SourceRemoved, this); signal_handler_connect(obs_signalhandler(), "channel-change", OBSBasic::ChannelChanged, this); /* TODO: this is a test */ obs_load_module("test-input"); obs_load_module("obs-ffmpeg"); #ifdef __APPLE__ obs_load_module("mac-capture"); #endif /* HACK: fixes a qt bug with native widgets with native repaint */ ui->previewContainer->repaint(); } OBSBasic::~OBSBasic() { /* free the lists before shutting down to remove the scene/item * references */ ui->sources->clear(); ui->scenes->clear(); obs_shutdown(); } OBSScene OBSBasic::GetCurrentScene() { QListWidgetItem *item = ui->scenes->currentItem(); return item ? item->data(Qt::UserRole).value() : nullptr; } OBSSceneItem OBSBasic::GetCurrentSceneItem() { QListWidgetItem *item = ui->sources->currentItem(); return item ? item->data(Qt::UserRole).value() : nullptr; } void OBSBasic::UpdateSources(OBSScene scene) { ui->sources->clear(); obs_scene_enum_items(scene, [] (obs_scene_t scene, obs_sceneitem_t item, void *p) { OBSBasic *window = static_cast(p); window->AddSceneItem(item); UNUSED_PARAMETER(scene); return true; }, this); } /* Qt callbacks for invokeMethod */ void OBSBasic::AddScene(OBSSource source) { const char *name = obs_source_getname(source); obs_scene_t scene = obs_scene_fromsource(source); QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(QT_UTF8(name)); item->setData(Qt::UserRole, QVariant::fromValue(OBSScene(scene))); ui->scenes->addItem(item); signal_handler_t handler = obs_source_signalhandler(source); signal_handler_connect(handler, "item-add", OBSBasic::SceneItemAdded, this); signal_handler_connect(handler, "item-remove", OBSBasic::SceneItemRemoved, this); } void OBSBasic::RemoveScene(OBSSource source) { const char *name = obs_source_getname(source); QListWidgetItem *sel = ui->scenes->currentItem(); QList items = ui->scenes->findItems(QT_UTF8(name), Qt::MatchExactly); if (sel != nullptr) { if (items.contains(sel)) ui->sources->clear(); delete sel; } } void OBSBasic::AddSceneItem(OBSSceneItem item) { obs_scene_t scene = obs_sceneitem_getscene(item); obs_source_t source = obs_sceneitem_getsource(item); const char *name = obs_source_getname(source); if (GetCurrentScene() == scene) { QListWidgetItem *listItem = new QListWidgetItem(QT_UTF8(name)); listItem->setData(Qt::UserRole, QVariant::fromValue(OBSSceneItem(item))); ui->sources->insertItem(0, listItem); } sourceSceneRefs[source] = sourceSceneRefs[source] + 1; } void OBSBasic::RemoveSceneItem(OBSSceneItem item) { obs_scene_t scene = obs_sceneitem_getscene(item); if (GetCurrentScene() == scene) { for (int i = 0; i < ui->sources->count(); i++) { QListWidgetItem *listItem = ui->sources->item(i); QVariant userData = listItem->data(Qt::UserRole); if (userData.value() == item) { delete listItem; break; } } } obs_source_t source = obs_sceneitem_getsource(item); int scenes = sourceSceneRefs[source] - 1; if (scenes == 0) { obs_source_remove(source); sourceSceneRefs.erase(source); } } void OBSBasic::UpdateSceneSelection(OBSSource source) { if (source) { obs_source_type type; obs_source_gettype(source, &type, NULL); if (type != OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_SCENE) return; obs_scene_t scene = obs_scene_fromsource(source); const char *name = obs_source_getname(source); QList items = ui->scenes->findItems(QT_UTF8(name), Qt::MatchExactly); if (items.count()) { sceneChanging = true; ui->scenes->setCurrentItem(items.first()); sceneChanging = false; UpdateSources(scene); } } } /* OBS Callbacks */ void OBSBasic::SceneItemAdded(void *data, calldata_t params) { OBSBasic *window = static_cast(data); obs_sceneitem_t item = (obs_sceneitem_t)calldata_ptr(params, "item"); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(window, "AddSceneItem", Q_ARG(OBSSceneItem, OBSSceneItem(item))); } void OBSBasic::SceneItemRemoved(void *data, calldata_t params) { OBSBasic *window = static_cast(data); obs_sceneitem_t item = (obs_sceneitem_t)calldata_ptr(params, "item"); QMetaObject::invokeMethod(window, "RemoveSceneItem", Q_ARG(OBSSceneItem, OBSSceneItem(item))); } void OBSBasic::SourceAdded(void *data, calldata_t params) { obs_source_t source = (obs_source_t)calldata_ptr(params, "source"); obs_source_type type; obs_source_gettype(source, &type, NULL); if (type == OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_SCENE) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(static_cast(data), "AddScene", Q_ARG(OBSSource, OBSSource(source))); } void OBSBasic::SourceRemoved(void *data, calldata_t params) { obs_source_t source = (obs_source_t)calldata_ptr(params, "source"); obs_source_type type; obs_source_gettype(source, &type, NULL); if (type == OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_SCENE) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(static_cast(data), "RemoveScene", Q_ARG(OBSSource, OBSSource(source))); } void OBSBasic::ChannelChanged(void *data, calldata_t params) { obs_source_t source = (obs_source_t)calldata_ptr(params, "source"); uint32_t channel = calldata_uint32(params, "channel"); if (channel == 0) QMetaObject::invokeMethod(static_cast(data), "UpdateSceneSelection", Q_ARG(OBSSource, OBSSource(source))); } void OBSBasic::RenderMain(void *data, uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy) { obs_render_main_view(); UNUSED_PARAMETER(data); UNUSED_PARAMETER(cx); UNUSED_PARAMETER(cy); } /* Main class functions */ bool OBSBasic::ResetVideo() { struct obs_video_info ovi; App()->GetConfigFPS(ovi.fps_num, ovi.fps_den); ovi.graphics_module = App()->GetRenderModule(); ovi.base_width = (uint32_t)config_get_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "BaseCX"); ovi.base_height = (uint32_t)config_get_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "BaseCY"); ovi.output_width = (uint32_t)config_get_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "OutputCX"); ovi.output_height = (uint32_t)config_get_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Video", "OutputCY"); ovi.output_format = VIDEO_FORMAT_I420; ovi.adapter = 0; ovi.gpu_conversion = true; QTToGSWindow(ui->preview, ovi.window); //required to make opengl display stuff on osx(?) ResizePreview(ovi.base_width, ovi.base_height); QSize size = ui->preview->size(); ovi.window_width = size.width(); ovi.window_height = size.height(); if (!obs_reset_video(&ovi)) return false; obs_add_draw_callback(OBSBasic::RenderMain, this); return true; } bool OBSBasic::ResetAudio() { struct audio_output_info ai; ai.name = "Main Audio Track"; ai.format = AUDIO_FORMAT_FLOAT; ai.samples_per_sec = config_get_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Audio", "SampleRate"); const char *channelSetupStr = config_get_string(GetGlobalConfig(), "Audio", "ChannelSetup"); if (strcmp(channelSetupStr, "Mono") == 0) ai.speakers = SPEAKERS_MONO; else ai.speakers = SPEAKERS_STEREO; ai.buffer_ms = config_get_uint(GetGlobalConfig(), "Audio", "BufferingTime"); return obs_reset_audio(&ai); } void OBSBasic::ResizePreview(uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy) { double targetAspect, baseAspect; QSize targetSize; int x, y; /* resize preview panel to fix to the top section of the window */ targetSize = ui->previewContainer->size(); targetAspect = double(targetSize.width()) / double(targetSize.height()); baseAspect = double(cx) / double(cy); if (targetAspect > baseAspect) { cx = targetSize.height() * baseAspect; cy = targetSize.height(); } else { cx = targetSize.width(); cy = targetSize.width() / baseAspect; } x = targetSize.width() /2 - cx/2; y = targetSize.height()/2 - cy/2; ui->preview->setGeometry(x, y, cx, cy); if (isVisible()) obs_resize(cx, cy); } void OBSBasic::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) { /* TODO */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(event); } void OBSBasic::changeEvent(QEvent *event) { /* TODO */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(event); } void OBSBasic::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { struct obs_video_info ovi; if (obs_get_video_info(&ovi)) ResizePreview(ovi.base_width, ovi.base_height); UNUSED_PARAMETER(event); } void OBSBasic::on_action_New_triggered() { /* TODO */ } void OBSBasic::on_action_Open_triggered() { /* TODO */ } void OBSBasic::on_action_Save_triggered() { /* TODO */ } void OBSBasic::on_scenes_currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem *current, QListWidgetItem *prev) { obs_source_t source = NULL; if (sceneChanging) return; if (current) { obs_scene_t scene; scene = current->data(Qt::UserRole).value(); source = obs_scene_getsource(scene); UpdateSources(scene); } /* TODO: allow transitions */ obs_set_output_source(0, source); UNUSED_PARAMETER(prev); } void OBSBasic::on_scenes_customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos) { /* TODO */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(pos); } void OBSBasic::on_actionAddScene_triggered() { string name; bool accepted = NameDialog::AskForName(this, QTStr("MainWindow.AddSceneDlg.Title"), QTStr("MainWindow.AddSceneDlg.Text"), name); if (accepted) { obs_source_t source = obs_get_source_by_name(name.c_str()); if (source) { QMessageBox::information(this, QTStr("MainWindow.NameExists.Title"), QTStr("MainWindow.NameExists.Text")); obs_source_release(source); on_actionAddScene_triggered(); return; } obs_scene_t scene = obs_scene_create(name.c_str()); source = obs_scene_getsource(scene); obs_add_source(source); obs_scene_release(scene); obs_set_output_source(0, source); } } void OBSBasic::on_actionRemoveScene_triggered() { QListWidgetItem *item = ui->scenes->currentItem(); if (!item) return; QVariant userData = item->data(Qt::UserRole); obs_scene_t scene = userData.value(); obs_source_t source = obs_scene_getsource(scene); obs_source_remove(source); } void OBSBasic::on_actionSceneProperties_triggered() { /* TODO */ } void OBSBasic::on_actionSceneUp_triggered() { /* TODO */ } void OBSBasic::on_actionSceneDown_triggered() { /* TODO */ } void OBSBasic::on_sources_currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem *current, QListWidgetItem *prev) { /* TODO */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(current); UNUSED_PARAMETER(prev); } void OBSBasic::on_sources_customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pos) { /* TODO */ UNUSED_PARAMETER(pos); } void OBSBasic::AddSource(obs_scene_t scene, const char *id) { string name; bool success = false; while (!success) { bool accepted = NameDialog::AskForName(this, Str("MainWindow.AddSourceDlg.Title"), Str("MainWindow.AddSourceDlg.Text"), name); if (!accepted) break; obs_source_t source = obs_get_source_by_name(name.c_str()); if (!source) { success = true; } else { QMessageBox::information(this, QTStr("MainWindow.NameExists.Title"), QTStr("MainWindow.NameExists.Text")); obs_source_release(source); } } if (success) { obs_source_t source = obs_source_create(OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT, id, name.c_str(), NULL); sourceSceneRefs[source] = 0; obs_add_source(source); obs_scene_add(scene, source); obs_source_release(source); } } void OBSBasic::AddSourcePopupMenu(const QPoint &pos) { OBSScene scene = GetCurrentScene(); const char *type; bool foundValues = false; size_t idx = 0; if (!scene) return; QMenu popup; while (obs_enum_input_types(idx++, &type)) { const char *name = obs_source_getdisplayname( OBS_SOURCE_TYPE_INPUT, type, App()->GetLocale()); QAction *popupItem = new QAction(QT_UTF8(name), this); popupItem->setData(QT_UTF8(type)); popup.addAction(popupItem); foundValues = true; } if (foundValues) { QAction *ret = popup.exec(pos); if (ret) AddSource(scene, ret->data().toString().toUtf8()); } } void OBSBasic::on_actionAddSource_triggered() { AddSourcePopupMenu(QCursor::pos()); } void OBSBasic::on_actionRemoveSource_triggered() { OBSSceneItem item = GetCurrentSceneItem(); if (item) obs_sceneitem_remove(item); } void OBSBasic::on_actionSourceProperties_triggered() { } void OBSBasic::on_actionSourceUp_triggered() { } void OBSBasic::on_actionSourceDown_triggered() { } void OBSBasic::on_recordButton_clicked() { if (outputTest) { obs_output_destroy(outputTest); outputTest = NULL; ui->recordButton->setText("Start Recording"); } else { QString path = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Please enter a file name", QString(), "MP4 Files (*.mp4)"); if (path.isNull() || path.isEmpty()) return; obs_data_t data = obs_data_create(); obs_data_setstring(data, "filename", QT_TO_UTF8(path)); outputTest = obs_output_create("ffmpeg_output", "test", data); obs_data_release(data); if (!obs_output_start(outputTest)) { obs_output_destroy(outputTest); outputTest = NULL; return; } ui->recordButton->setText("Stop Recording"); } } void OBSBasic::on_settingsButton_clicked() { OBSBasicSettings settings(this); settings.exec(); }