/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2023 by Lain Bailey Philippe Groarke This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "auth-base.hpp" #include "ffmpeg-utils.hpp" class OBSBasic; class QAbstractButton; class QRadioButton; class QComboBox; class QCheckBox; class QLabel; class OBSPropertiesView; class OBSHotkeyWidget; #include "ui_OBSBasicSettings.h" #define VOLUME_METER_DECAY_FAST 23.53 #define VOLUME_METER_DECAY_MEDIUM 11.76 #define VOLUME_METER_DECAY_SLOW 8.57 class SilentUpdateCheckBox : public QCheckBox { Q_OBJECT public slots: void setCheckedSilently(bool checked) { bool blocked = blockSignals(true); setChecked(checked); blockSignals(blocked); } }; class SilentUpdateSpinBox : public QSpinBox { Q_OBJECT public slots: void setValueSilently(int val) { bool blocked = blockSignals(true); setValue(val); blockSignals(blocked); } }; class OBSBasicSettings : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QIcon generalIcon READ GetGeneralIcon WRITE SetGeneralIcon DESIGNABLE true) Q_PROPERTY(QIcon streamIcon READ GetStreamIcon WRITE SetStreamIcon DESIGNABLE true) Q_PROPERTY(QIcon outputIcon READ GetOutputIcon WRITE SetOutputIcon DESIGNABLE true) Q_PROPERTY(QIcon audioIcon READ GetAudioIcon WRITE SetAudioIcon DESIGNABLE true) Q_PROPERTY(QIcon videoIcon READ GetVideoIcon WRITE SetVideoIcon DESIGNABLE true) Q_PROPERTY(QIcon hotkeysIcon READ GetHotkeysIcon WRITE SetHotkeysIcon DESIGNABLE true) Q_PROPERTY(QIcon accessibilityIcon READ GetAccessibilityIcon WRITE SetAccessibilityIcon DESIGNABLE true) Q_PROPERTY(QIcon advancedIcon READ GetAdvancedIcon WRITE SetAdvancedIcon DESIGNABLE true) private: OBSBasic *main; std::unique_ptr ui; std::shared_ptr auth; bool generalChanged = false; bool stream1Changed = false; bool outputsChanged = false; bool audioChanged = false; bool videoChanged = false; bool hotkeysChanged = false; bool a11yChanged = false; bool advancedChanged = false; int pageIndex = 0; bool loading = true; bool forceAuthReload = false; bool forceUpdateCheck = false; std::string savedTheme; int sampleRateIndex = 0; int channelIndex = 0; bool llBufferingEnabled = false; bool hotkeysLoaded = false; int lastSimpleRecQualityIdx = 0; int lastServiceIdx = -1; int lastIgnoreRecommended = -1; int lastChannelSetupIdx = 0; static constexpr uint32_t ENCODER_HIDE_FLAGS = (OBS_ENCODER_CAP_DEPRECATED | OBS_ENCODER_CAP_INTERNAL); std::vector formats; OBSPropertiesView *streamProperties = nullptr; OBSPropertiesView *streamEncoderProps = nullptr; OBSPropertiesView *recordEncoderProps = nullptr; QPointer advOutRecWarning; QPointer simpleOutRecWarning; QString curPreset; QString curQSVPreset; QString curNVENCPreset; QString curAMDPreset; QString curAMDAV1Preset; QString curAdvStreamEncoder; QString curAdvRecordEncoder; using AudioSource_t = std::tuple, QPointer, QPointer, QPointer>; std::vector audioSources; std::vector audioSourceSignals; OBSSignal sourceCreated; OBSSignal channelChanged; std::vector>> hotkeys; OBSSignal hotkeyRegistered; OBSSignal hotkeyUnregistered; uint32_t outputCX = 0; uint32_t outputCY = 0; QPointer simpleVodTrack; QPointer vodTrackCheckbox; QPointer vodTrackContainer; QPointer vodTrack[MAX_AUDIO_MIXES]; QIcon hotkeyConflictIcon; void SaveCombo(QComboBox *widget, const char *section, const char *value); void SaveComboData(QComboBox *widget, const char *section, const char *value); void SaveCheckBox(QAbstractButton *widget, const char *section, const char *value, bool invert = false); void SaveEdit(QLineEdit *widget, const char *section, const char *value); void SaveSpinBox(QSpinBox *widget, const char *section, const char *value); void SaveFormat(QComboBox *combo); void SaveEncoder(QComboBox *combo, const char *section, const char *value); bool ResFPSValid(obs_service_resolution *res_list, size_t res_count, int max_fps); void ClosestResFPS(obs_service_resolution *res_list, size_t res_count, int max_fps, int &new_cx, int &new_cy, int &new_fps); inline bool Changed() const { return generalChanged || outputsChanged || stream1Changed || audioChanged || videoChanged || advancedChanged || hotkeysChanged || a11yChanged; } inline void EnableApplyButton(bool en) { ui->buttonBox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Apply)->setEnabled(en); } inline void ClearChanged() { generalChanged = false; stream1Changed = false; outputsChanged = false; audioChanged = false; videoChanged = false; hotkeysChanged = false; a11yChanged = false; advancedChanged = false; EnableApplyButton(false); } template void HookWidget(Widget *widget, void (WidgetParent::*signal)(SignalArgs...), void (OBSBasicSettings::*slot)(SlotArgs...)) { QObject::connect(widget, signal, this, slot); widget->setProperty("changed", QVariant(false)); } bool QueryChanges(); bool QueryAllowedToClose(); void ResetEncoders(bool streamOnly = false); void LoadColorRanges(); void LoadColorSpaces(); void LoadColorFormats(); void LoadFormats(); void ReloadCodecs(const FFmpegFormat &format); void UpdateColorFormatSpaceWarning(); void LoadGeneralSettings(); void LoadStream1Settings(); void LoadOutputSettings(); void LoadAudioSettings(); void LoadVideoSettings(); void LoadHotkeySettings(obs_hotkey_id ignoreKey = OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID); void LoadA11ySettings(bool presetChange = false); void LoadAdvancedSettings(); void LoadSettings(bool changedOnly); OBSPropertiesView *CreateEncoderPropertyView(const char *encoder, const char *path, bool changed = false); /* general */ void LoadLanguageList(); void LoadThemeList(); void LoadBranchesList(); /* stream */ void InitStreamPage(); inline bool IsCustomService() const; inline bool IsWHIP() const; void LoadServices(bool showAll); void OnOAuthStreamKeyConnected(); void OnAuthConnected(); QString lastService; QString protocol; QString lastCustomServer; int prevLangIndex; bool prevBrowserAccel; void ServiceChanged(); QString FindProtocol(); void UpdateServerList(); void UpdateKeyLink(); void UpdateVodTrackSetting(); void UpdateServiceRecommendations(); void UpdateMoreInfoLink(); void UpdateAdvNetworkGroup(); private slots: void RecreateOutputResolutionWidget(); bool UpdateResFPSLimits(); void DisplayEnforceWarning(bool checked); void on_show_clicked(); void on_authPwShow_clicked(); void on_connectAccount_clicked(); void on_disconnectAccount_clicked(); void on_useStreamKey_clicked(); void on_useAuth_toggled(); void on_hotkeyFilterReset_clicked(); void on_hotkeyFilterSearch_textChanged(const QString text); void on_hotkeyFilterInput_KeyChanged(obs_key_combination_t combo); private: /* output */ void LoadSimpleOutputSettings(); void LoadAdvOutputStreamingSettings(); void LoadAdvOutputStreamingEncoderProperties(); void LoadAdvOutputRecordingSettings(); void LoadAdvOutputRecordingEncoderProperties(); void LoadAdvOutputFFmpegSettings(); void LoadAdvOutputAudioSettings(); void SetAdvOutputFFmpegEnablement(FFmpegCodecType encoderType, bool enabled, bool enableEncode = false); /* audio */ void LoadListValues(QComboBox *widget, obs_property_t *prop, int index); void LoadAudioDevices(); void LoadAudioSources(); /* video */ void LoadRendererList(); void ResetDownscales(uint32_t cx, uint32_t cy, bool ignoreAllSignals = false); void LoadDownscaleFilters(); void LoadResolutionLists(); void LoadFPSData(); /* a11y */ void UpdateA11yColors(); void SetDefaultColors(); void ResetDefaultColors(); QColor GetColor(uint32_t colorVal, QString label); uint32_t preset = 0; uint32_t selectRed = 0x0000FF; uint32_t selectGreen = 0x00FF00; uint32_t selectBlue = 0xFF7F00; uint32_t mixerGreen = 0x267f26; uint32_t mixerYellow = 0x267f7f; uint32_t mixerRed = 0x26267f; uint32_t mixerGreenActive = 0x4cff4c; uint32_t mixerYellowActive = 0x4cffff; uint32_t mixerRedActive = 0x4c4cff; void SaveGeneralSettings(); void SaveStream1Settings(); void SaveOutputSettings(); void SaveAudioSettings(); void SaveVideoSettings(); void SaveHotkeySettings(); void SaveA11ySettings(); void SaveAdvancedSettings(); void SaveSettings(); void SearchHotkeys(const QString &text, obs_key_combination_t filterCombo); void UpdateSimpleOutStreamDelayEstimate(); void UpdateAdvOutStreamDelayEstimate(); void FillSimpleRecordingValues(); void FillAudioMonitoringDevices(); void RecalcOutputResPixels(const char *resText); bool AskIfCanCloseSettings(); QIcon generalIcon; QIcon streamIcon; QIcon outputIcon; QIcon audioIcon; QIcon videoIcon; QIcon hotkeysIcon; QIcon accessibilityIcon; QIcon advancedIcon; QIcon GetGeneralIcon() const; QIcon GetStreamIcon() const; QIcon GetOutputIcon() const; QIcon GetAudioIcon() const; QIcon GetVideoIcon() const; QIcon GetHotkeysIcon() const; QIcon GetAccessibilityIcon() const; QIcon GetAdvancedIcon() const; int CurrentFLVTrack(); int SimpleOutGetSelectedAudioTracks(); int AdvOutGetSelectedAudioTracks(); OBSService GetStream1Service(); bool ServiceAndVCodecCompatible(); bool ServiceAndACodecCompatible(); bool ServiceSupportsCodecCheck(); private slots: void on_theme_activated(int idx); void on_listWidget_itemSelectionChanged(); void on_buttonBox_clicked(QAbstractButton *button); void on_service_currentIndexChanged(int idx); void on_customServer_textChanged(const QString &text); void on_simpleOutputBrowse_clicked(); void on_advOutRecPathBrowse_clicked(); void on_advOutFFPathBrowse_clicked(); void on_advOutEncoder_currentIndexChanged(); void on_advOutRecEncoder_currentIndexChanged(int idx); void on_advOutFFIgnoreCompat_stateChanged(int state); void on_advOutFFFormat_currentIndexChanged(int idx); void on_advOutFFAEncoder_currentIndexChanged(int idx); void on_advOutFFVEncoder_currentIndexChanged(int idx); void on_advOutFFType_currentIndexChanged(int idx); void on_colorFormat_currentIndexChanged(int idx); void on_colorSpace_currentIndexChanged(int idx); void on_filenameFormatting_textEdited(const QString &text); void on_outputResolution_editTextChanged(const QString &text); void on_baseResolution_editTextChanged(const QString &text); void on_disableOSXVSync_clicked(); void on_choose1_clicked(); void on_choose2_clicked(); void on_choose3_clicked(); void on_choose4_clicked(); void on_choose5_clicked(); void on_choose6_clicked(); void on_choose7_clicked(); void on_choose8_clicked(); void on_choose9_clicked(); void on_colorPreset_currentIndexChanged(int idx); void GeneralChanged(); void HideOBSWindowWarning(int state); void AudioChanged(); void AudioChangedRestart(); void ReloadAudioSources(); void SurroundWarning(int idx); void SpeakerLayoutChanged(int idx); void LowLatencyBufferingChanged(bool checked); void UpdateAudioWarnings(); void OutputsChanged(); void Stream1Changed(); void VideoChanged(); void VideoChangedResolution(); void HotkeysChanged(); bool ScanDuplicateHotkeys(QFormLayout *layout); void ReloadHotkeys(obs_hotkey_id ignoreKey = OBS_INVALID_HOTKEY_ID); void A11yChanged(); void AdvancedChanged(); void AdvancedChangedRestart(); void UpdateStreamDelayEstimate(); void UpdateAutomaticReplayBufferCheckboxes(); void AdvOutSplitFileChanged(); void AdvOutRecCheckWarnings(); void AdvOutRecCheckCodecs(); void SimpleRecordingQualityChanged(); void SimpleRecordingEncoderChanged(); void SimpleRecordingQualityLosslessWarning(int idx); void SimpleReplayBufferChanged(); void AdvReplayBufferChanged(); void SimpleStreamingEncoderChanged(); OBSService SpawnTempService(); void SetGeneralIcon(const QIcon &icon); void SetStreamIcon(const QIcon &icon); void SetOutputIcon(const QIcon &icon); void SetAudioIcon(const QIcon &icon); void SetVideoIcon(const QIcon &icon); void SetHotkeysIcon(const QIcon &icon); void SetAccessibilityIcon(const QIcon &icon); void SetAdvancedIcon(const QIcon &icon); void UseStreamKeyAdvClicked(); void SimpleStreamAudioEncoderChanged(); void AdvAudioEncodersChanged(); protected: virtual void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) override; void reject() override; public: OBSBasicSettings(QWidget *parent); ~OBSBasicSettings(); inline const QIcon &GetHotkeyConflictIcon() const { return hotkeyConflictIcon; } };