/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013 by Hugh Bailey This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include #include "../util/base.h" #include "../util/bmem.h" #include "../util/platform.h" #include "graphics-internal.h" #include "vec2.h" #include "vec3.h" #include "quat.h" #include "axisang.h" #include "effect-parser.h" #include "effect.h" #if 0 #ifdef _MSC_VER static __declspec(thread) graphics_t thread_graphics = NULL; #else /* assume GCC or that other compiler we dare not mention */ static __thread graphics_t thread_graphics = NULL; #endif #else static graphics_t thread_graphics = NULL; #endif #define IMMEDIATE_VERTEX_COUNT 512 bool load_graphics_imports(struct gs_exports *exports, void *module, const char *module_name); static bool graphics_init(struct graphics_subsystem *graphics) { struct matrix3 top_mat; struct vb_data *vbd; matrix3_identity(&top_mat); da_push_back(graphics->matrix_stack, &top_mat); vbd = vbdata_create(); vbd->num = IMMEDIATE_VERTEX_COUNT; vbd->points = bmalloc(sizeof(struct vec3) * IMMEDIATE_VERTEX_COUNT); vbd->normals = bmalloc(sizeof(struct vec3) * IMMEDIATE_VERTEX_COUNT); vbd->colors = bmalloc(sizeof(uint32_t) * IMMEDIATE_VERTEX_COUNT); vbd->num_tex = 1; vbd->tvarray = bmalloc(sizeof(struct tvertarray)); vbd->tvarray[0].width = 2; vbd->tvarray[0].array = bmalloc(sizeof(struct vec2) * IMMEDIATE_VERTEX_COUNT); graphics->immediate_vertbuffer = graphics->exports. device_create_vertexbuffer(graphics->device, vbd, GS_DYNAMIC); if (!graphics->immediate_vertbuffer) return false; vbd = vbdata_create(); vbd->num = 4; vbd->points = bmalloc(sizeof(struct vec3) * 4); vbd->num_tex = 1; vbd->tvarray = bmalloc(sizeof(struct tvertarray)); vbd->tvarray[0].width = 2; vbd->tvarray[0].array = bmalloc(sizeof(struct vec2) * 4); memset(vbd->points, 0, sizeof(struct vec3) * 4); memset(vbd->tvarray[0].array, 0, sizeof(struct vec2) * 4); graphics->sprite_buffer = graphics->exports. device_create_vertexbuffer(graphics->device, vbd, GS_DYNAMIC); if (!graphics->sprite_buffer) return false; return true; } int gs_create(graphics_t *pgraphics, const char *module, struct gs_init_data *data) { int errcode = GS_ERROR_FAIL; graphics_t graphics = bmalloc(sizeof(struct graphics_subsystem)); memset(graphics, 0, sizeof(struct graphics_subsystem)); graphics->module = os_dlopen(module); if (!graphics->module) { errcode = GS_ERROR_MODULENOTFOUND; goto error; } if (!load_graphics_imports(&graphics->exports, graphics->module, module)) goto error; graphics->device = graphics->exports.device_create(data); if (!graphics->device) goto error; if (!graphics_init(graphics)) goto error; *pgraphics = graphics; return GS_SUCCESS; error: gs_destroy(graphics); return errcode; } void gs_destroy(graphics_t graphics) { if (!graphics) return; if (graphics->module) { graphics->exports.vertexbuffer_destroy(graphics->sprite_buffer); graphics->exports.vertexbuffer_destroy( graphics->immediate_vertbuffer); graphics->exports.device_destroy(graphics->device); } da_free(graphics->matrix_stack); da_free(graphics->viewport_stack); os_dlclose(graphics->module); bfree(graphics); if (thread_graphics == graphics) thread_graphics = NULL; } void gs_setcontext(graphics_t graphics) { thread_graphics = graphics; } graphics_t gs_getcontext(void) { return thread_graphics; } static inline struct matrix3 *top_matrix(graphics_t graphics) { return graphics->matrix_stack.array + graphics->cur_matrix; } void gs_matrix_push(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; struct matrix3 mat, *top_mat = top_matrix(graphics); memcpy(&mat, top_mat, sizeof(struct matrix3)); da_push_back(graphics->matrix_stack, &mat); graphics->cur_matrix++; } void gs_matrix_pop(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; if (graphics->cur_matrix == 0) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "Tried to pop last matrix on stack"); return; } da_erase(graphics->matrix_stack, graphics->cur_matrix); graphics->cur_matrix--; } void gs_matrix_identity(void) { struct matrix3 *top_mat = top_matrix(thread_graphics); matrix3_identity(top_mat); } void gs_matrix_transpose(void) { struct matrix3 *top_mat = top_matrix(thread_graphics); matrix3_transpose(top_mat, top_mat); } void gs_matrix_set(const struct matrix3 *matrix) { struct matrix3 *top_mat = top_matrix(thread_graphics); matrix3_copy(top_mat, matrix); } void gs_matrix_get(struct matrix3 *dst) { struct matrix3 *top_mat = top_matrix(thread_graphics); matrix3_copy(dst, top_mat); } void gs_matrix_mul(const struct matrix3 *matrix) { struct matrix3 *top_mat = top_matrix(thread_graphics); matrix3_mul(top_mat, top_mat, matrix); } void gs_matrix_rotquat(const struct quat *rot) { struct matrix3 *top_mat = top_matrix(thread_graphics); matrix3_rotate(top_mat, top_mat, rot); } void gs_matrix_rotaa(const struct axisang *rot) { struct matrix3 *top_mat = top_matrix(thread_graphics); matrix3_rotate_aa(top_mat, top_mat, rot); } void gs_matrix_translate(const struct vec3 *pos) { struct matrix3 *top_mat = top_matrix(thread_graphics); matrix3_translate(top_mat, top_mat, pos); } void gs_matrix_scale(const struct vec3 *scale) { struct matrix3 *top_mat = top_matrix(thread_graphics); matrix3_scale(top_mat, top_mat, scale); } void gs_matrix_rotaa4f(float x, float y, float z, float angle) { struct matrix3 *top_mat = top_matrix(thread_graphics); struct axisang aa; axisang_set(&aa, x, y, z, angle); matrix3_rotate_aa(top_mat, top_mat, &aa); } void gs_matrix_translate3f(float x, float y, float z) { struct matrix3 *top_mat = top_matrix(thread_graphics); struct vec3 p; vec3_set(&p, x, y, z); matrix3_translate(top_mat, top_mat, &p); } void gs_matrix_scale3f(float x, float y, float z) { struct matrix3 *top_mat = top_matrix(thread_graphics); struct vec3 p; vec3_set(&p, x, y, z); matrix3_scale(top_mat, top_mat, &p); } static inline void reset_immediate_arrays(graphics_t graphics) { size_t i; da_init(graphics->verts); da_init(graphics->norms); da_init(graphics->colors); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) da_init(graphics->texverts[i]); } void gs_renderstart(bool b_new) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->using_immediate = !b_new; reset_immediate_arrays(graphics); if (b_new) { graphics->vbd = vbdata_create(); } else { graphics->vbd = vertexbuffer_getdata( graphics->immediate_vertbuffer); memset(graphics->vbd->colors, 0xFF, sizeof(uint32_t) * IMMEDIATE_VERTEX_COUNT); graphics->verts.array = graphics->vbd->points; graphics->norms.array = graphics->vbd->normals; graphics->colors.array = graphics->vbd->colors; graphics->texverts[0].array = graphics->vbd->tvarray[0].array; graphics->verts.capacity = IMMEDIATE_VERTEX_COUNT; graphics->norms.capacity = IMMEDIATE_VERTEX_COUNT; graphics->colors.capacity = IMMEDIATE_VERTEX_COUNT; graphics->texverts[0].capacity = IMMEDIATE_VERTEX_COUNT; } } static inline size_t min_size(const size_t a, const size_t b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; } void gs_renderstop(enum gs_draw_mode mode) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; size_t i, num = graphics->verts.num; if (!num) { if (!graphics->using_immediate) { da_free(graphics->verts); da_free(graphics->norms); da_free(graphics->colors); for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) da_free(graphics->texverts[i]); vbdata_destroy(graphics->vbd); } return; } if (graphics->norms.num && (graphics->norms.num != graphics->verts.num)) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "gs_renderstop: normal count does " "not match vertex count"); num = min_size(num, graphics->norms.num); } if (graphics->colors.num && (graphics->colors.num != graphics->verts.num)) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "gs_renderstop: color count does " "not match vertex count"); num = min_size(num, graphics->colors.num); } if (graphics->texverts[0].num && (graphics->texverts[0].num != graphics->verts.num)) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "gs_renderstop: texture vertex count does " "not match vertex count"); num = min_size(num, graphics->texverts[0].num); } if (graphics->using_immediate) { vertexbuffer_flush(graphics->immediate_vertbuffer, false); gs_load_vertexbuffer(graphics->immediate_vertbuffer); gs_load_indexbuffer(NULL); gs_draw(mode, 0, (uint32_t)num); reset_immediate_arrays(graphics); } else { vertbuffer_t vb = gs_rendersave(); gs_load_vertexbuffer(vb); gs_load_indexbuffer(NULL); gs_draw(mode, 0, 0); vertexbuffer_destroy(vb); } graphics->vbd = NULL; } vertbuffer_t gs_rendersave(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; size_t num_tex, i; if (graphics->using_immediate) return NULL; if (!graphics->vbd->num) { vbdata_destroy(graphics->vbd); return NULL; } for (num_tex = 0; num_tex < 16; num_tex++) { if (!graphics->texverts[num_tex].num) break; } graphics->vbd->points = graphics->verts.array; graphics->vbd->normals = graphics->norms.array; graphics->vbd->colors = graphics->colors.array; graphics->vbd->num = graphics->verts.num; graphics->vbd->num_tex = num_tex; graphics->vbd->tvarray = bmalloc(sizeof(struct tvertarray) * num_tex); for (i = 0; i < num_tex; i++) { graphics->vbd->tvarray[i].width = 2; graphics->vbd->tvarray[i].array = graphics->texverts[i].array; } reset_immediate_arrays(graphics); return gs_create_vertexbuffer(graphics->vbd, 0); } void gs_vertex2f(float x, float y) { struct vec3 v3; vec3_set(&v3, x, y, 0.0f); gs_vertex3v(&v3); } void gs_vertex3f(float x, float y, float z) { struct vec3 v3; vec3_set(&v3, x, y, z); gs_vertex3v(&v3); } void gs_normal3f(float x, float y, float z) { struct vec3 v3; vec3_set(&v3, x, y, z); gs_normal3v(&v3); } static inline bool validvertsize(graphics_t graphics, size_t num, const char *name) { if (graphics->using_immediate && graphics->colors.num == IMMEDIATE_VERTEX_COUNT) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: tried to use over %u " "for immediate rendering", name, IMMEDIATE_VERTEX_COUNT); return false; } return true; } void gs_color(uint32_t color) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; if (!validvertsize(graphics, graphics->colors.num, "gs_color")) return; da_push_back(graphics->colors, &color); } void gs_texcoord(float x, float y, int unit) { struct vec2 v2; vec2_set(&v2, x, y); gs_texcoord2v(&v2, unit); } void gs_vertex2v(const struct vec2 *v) { struct vec3 v3; vec3_set(&v3, v->x, v->y, 0.0f); gs_vertex3v(&v3); } void gs_vertex3v(const struct vec3 *v) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; if (!validvertsize(graphics, graphics->verts.num, "gs_vertex")) return; da_push_back(graphics->verts, v); } void gs_normal3v(const struct vec3 *v) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; if (!validvertsize(graphics, graphics->norms.num, "gs_normal")) return; da_push_back(graphics->norms, v); } void gs_color4v(const struct vec4 *v) { /* TODO */ } void gs_texcoord2v(const struct vec2 *v, int unit) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; if (!validvertsize(graphics, graphics->texverts[unit].num, "gs_texcoord")) return; da_push_back(graphics->texverts[unit], v); } input_t gs_getinput(void) { /* TODO */ return NULL; } effect_t gs_geteffect(void) { return thread_graphics->cur_effect; } effect_t gs_create_effect_from_file(const char *file, char **error_string) { char *file_string; effect_t effect = NULL; file_string = os_quick_read_utf8_file(file); if (!file_string) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Could not load effect file '%s'", file); return NULL; } effect = gs_create_effect(file_string, file, error_string); bfree(file_string); return effect; } effect_t gs_create_effect(const char *effect_string, const char *filename, char **error_string) { struct gs_effect *effect = bmalloc(sizeof(struct gs_effect)); struct effect_parser parser; bool success; memset(effect, 0, sizeof(struct gs_effect)); effect->graphics = thread_graphics; ep_init(&parser); success = ep_parse(&parser, effect, effect_string, filename); if (!success) { *error_string = error_data_buildstring( &parser.cfp.error_list); effect_destroy(effect); effect = NULL; } ep_free(&parser); return effect; } shader_t gs_create_vertexshader_from_file(const char *file, char **error_string) { char *file_string; shader_t shader = NULL; file_string = os_quick_read_utf8_file(file); if (!file_string) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Could not load vertex shader file '%s'", file); return NULL; } shader = gs_create_vertexshader(file_string, file, error_string); bfree(file_string); return shader; } shader_t gs_create_pixelshader_from_file(const char *file, char **error_string) { char *file_string; shader_t shader = NULL; file_string = os_quick_read_utf8_file(file); if (!file_string) { blog(LOG_WARNING, "Could not load pixel shader file '%s'", file); return NULL; } shader = gs_create_pixelshader(file_string, file, error_string); bfree(file_string); return shader; } texture_t gs_create_texture_from_file(const char *file, uint32_t flags) { /* TODO */ return NULL; } texture_t gs_create_cubetexture_from_file(const char *flie, uint32_t flags) { /* TODO */ return NULL; } texture_t gs_create_volumetexture_from_file(const char *flie, uint32_t flags) { /* TODO */ return NULL; } void gs_draw_sprite(texture_t tex) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; float fcx, fcy; struct vb_data *data; struct vec2 *tvarray; assert(tex); if (gs_gettexturetype(tex) != GS_TEXTURE_2D) { blog(LOG_ERROR, "A sprite must be a 2D texture"); return; } fcx = (float)texture_getwidth(tex); fcy = (float)texture_getheight(tex); data = vertexbuffer_getdata(graphics->sprite_buffer); tvarray = data->tvarray[0].array; vec3_zero(data->points); vec3_set(data->points+1, fcx, 0.0f, 0.0f); vec3_set(data->points+2, 0.0f, fcy, 0.0f); vec3_set(data->points+3, fcx, fcy, 0.0f); vec2_zero(tvarray); vec2_set(tvarray+1, 1.0f, 0.0f); vec2_set(tvarray+2, 0.0f, 1.0f); vec2_set(tvarray+3, 1.0f, 1.0f); vertexbuffer_flush(graphics->sprite_buffer, false); gs_load_vertexbuffer(graphics->sprite_buffer); gs_draw(GS_TRISTRIP, 0, 0); } void gs_draw_cube_backdrop(texture_t cubetex, const struct quat *rot, float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float znear) { /* TODO */ } void gs_resetviewport(void) { uint32_t cx, cy; gs_getsize(&cx, &cy); gs_setviewport(0, 0, cx, cy); } void gs_set2dmode(void) { uint32_t cx, cy; gs_getsize(&cx, &cy); gs_ortho(0.0f, (float)cx, 0.0f, (float)cy, -1.0, -1024.0f); } void gs_set3dmode(double fovy, double znear, double zvar) { /* TODO */ } void gs_viewport_push(void) { struct gs_rect *rect = da_push_back_new( thread_graphics->viewport_stack); gs_getviewport(rect); } void gs_viewport_pop(void) { struct gs_rect *rect; if (!thread_graphics->viewport_stack.num) return; rect = da_end(thread_graphics->viewport_stack); gs_setviewport(rect->x, rect->y, rect->cx, rect->cy); da_pop_back(thread_graphics->viewport_stack); } void texture_setimage(texture_t tex, const void *data, uint32_t byte_width) { /* TODO */ } void cubetexture_setimage(texture_t cubetex, uint32_t side, const void *data, uint32_t byte_width) { /* TODO */ } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ swapchain_t gs_create_swapchain(struct gs_init_data *data) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_create_swapchain(graphics->device, data); } void gs_resize(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_resize(graphics->device, x, y); } void gs_getsize(uint32_t *x, uint32_t *y) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_getsize(graphics->device, x, y); } uint32_t gs_getwidth(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_getwidth(graphics->device); } uint32_t gs_getheight(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_getheight(graphics->device); } texture_t gs_create_texture(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, enum gs_color_format color_format, void *data, uint32_t flags) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_create_texture(graphics->device, width, height, color_format, data, flags); } texture_t gs_create_cubetexture(uint32_t size, enum gs_color_format color_format, void *data[6], uint32_t flags) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_create_cubetexture(graphics->device, size, color_format, data, flags); } texture_t gs_create_volumetexture(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t depth, enum gs_color_format color_format, void *data, uint32_t flags) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_create_volumetexture(graphics->device, width, height, depth, color_format, data, flags); } zstencil_t gs_create_zstencil(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, enum gs_zstencil_format format) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_create_zstencil(graphics->device, width, height, format); } stagesurf_t gs_create_stagesurface(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, enum gs_color_format color_format) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_create_stagesurface(graphics->device, width, height, color_format); } samplerstate_t gs_create_samplerstate(struct gs_sampler_info *info) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_create_samplerstate(graphics->device, info); } shader_t gs_create_vertexshader(const char *shader, const char *file, char **error_string) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_create_vertexshader(graphics->device, shader, file, error_string); } shader_t gs_create_pixelshader(const char *shader, const char *file, char **error_string) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_create_pixelshader(graphics->device, shader, file, error_string); } vertbuffer_t gs_create_vertexbuffer(struct vb_data *data, uint32_t flags) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_create_vertexbuffer(graphics->device, data, flags); } indexbuffer_t gs_create_indexbuffer(enum gs_index_type type, void *indices, size_t num, uint32_t flags) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_create_indexbuffer(graphics->device, type, indices, num, flags); } enum gs_texture_type gs_gettexturetype(texture_t texture) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_gettexturetype(graphics->device, texture); } void gs_load_vertexbuffer(vertbuffer_t vertbuffer) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_load_vertexbuffer(graphics->device, vertbuffer); } void gs_load_indexbuffer(indexbuffer_t indexbuffer) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_load_indexbuffer(graphics->device, indexbuffer); } void gs_load_texture(texture_t tex, int unit) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_load_texture(graphics->device, tex, unit); } void gs_load_samplerstate(samplerstate_t samplerstate, int unit) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_load_samplerstate(graphics->device, samplerstate, unit); } void gs_load_vertexshader(shader_t vertshader) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_load_vertexshader(graphics->device, vertshader); } void gs_load_pixelshader(shader_t pixelshader) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_load_pixelshader(graphics->device, pixelshader); } void gs_load_defaultsamplerstate(bool b_3d, int unit) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_load_defaultsamplerstate(graphics->device, b_3d, unit); } shader_t gs_getvertexshader(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_getvertexshader(graphics->device); } shader_t gs_getpixelshader(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_getpixelshader(graphics->device); } texture_t gs_getrendertarget(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_getrendertarget(graphics->device); } zstencil_t gs_getzstenciltarget(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_getzstenciltarget(graphics->device); } void gs_setrendertarget(texture_t tex, zstencil_t zstencil) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_setrendertarget(graphics->device, tex, zstencil); } void gs_setcuberendertarget(texture_t cubetex, int side, zstencil_t zstencil) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_setcuberendertarget(graphics->device, cubetex, side, zstencil); } void gs_copy_texture(texture_t dst, texture_t src) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_copy_texture(graphics->device, dst, src); } void gs_stage_texture(stagesurf_t dst, texture_t src) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_stage_texture(graphics->device, dst, src); } void gs_beginscene(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_beginscene(graphics->device); } void gs_draw(enum gs_draw_mode draw_mode, uint32_t start_vert, uint32_t num_verts) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_draw(graphics->device, draw_mode, start_vert, num_verts); } void gs_endscene(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_endscene(graphics->device); } void gs_load_swapchain(swapchain_t swapchain) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_load_swapchain(graphics->device, swapchain); } void gs_clear(uint32_t clear_flags, struct vec4 *color, float depth, uint8_t stencil) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_clear(graphics->device, clear_flags, color, depth, stencil); } void gs_present(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_present(graphics->device); } void gs_setcullmode(enum gs_cull_mode mode) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_setcullmode(graphics->device, mode); } enum gs_cull_mode gs_getcullmode(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_getcullmode(graphics->device); } void gs_enable_blending(bool enable) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_enable_blending(graphics->device, enable); } void gs_enable_depthtest(bool enable) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_enable_depthtest(graphics->device, enable); } void gs_enable_stenciltest(bool enable) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_enable_stenciltest(graphics->device, enable); } void gs_enable_stencilwrite(bool enable) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_enable_stencilwrite(graphics->device, enable); } void gs_enable_color(bool red, bool blue, bool green, bool alpha) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_enable_color(graphics->device, red, blue, green, alpha); } void gs_blendfunction(enum gs_blend_type src, enum gs_blend_type dest) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_blendfunction(graphics->device, src, dest); } void gs_depthfunction(enum gs_depth_test test) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_depthfunction(graphics->device, test); } void gs_stencilfunction(enum gs_stencil_side side, enum gs_depth_test test) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_stencilfunction(graphics->device, side, test); } void gs_stencilop(enum gs_stencil_side side, enum gs_stencil_op fail, enum gs_stencil_op zfail, enum gs_stencil_op zpass) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_stencilop(graphics->device, side, fail, zfail, zpass); } void gs_enable_fullscreen(bool enable) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_enable_fullscreen(graphics->device, enable); } int gs_fullscreen_enabled(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.device_fullscreen_enabled(graphics->device); } void gs_setdisplaymode(const struct gs_display_mode *mode) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_setdisplaymode(graphics->device, mode); } void gs_getdisplaymode(struct gs_display_mode *mode) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_getdisplaymode(graphics->device, mode); } void gs_setcolorramp(float gamma, float brightness, float contrast) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_setcolorramp(graphics->device, gamma, brightness, contrast); } void gs_setviewport(int x, int y, int width, int height) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_setviewport(graphics->device, x, y, width, height); } void gs_getviewport(struct gs_rect *rect) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_getviewport(graphics->device, rect); } void gs_setscissorrect(struct gs_rect *rect) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_setscissorrect(graphics->device, rect); } void gs_ortho(float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float znear, float zfar) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_ortho(graphics->device, left, right, top, bottom, znear, zfar); } void gs_frustum(float left, float right, float top, float bottom, float znear, float zfar) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_frustum(graphics->device, left, right, top, bottom, znear, zfar); } void gs_perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float znear, float zfar) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_perspective(graphics->device, fovy, aspect, znear, zfar); } void gs_projection_push(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_projection_push(graphics->device); } void gs_projection_pop(void) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.device_projection_pop(graphics->device); } void swapchain_destroy(swapchain_t swapchain) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.swapchain_destroy(swapchain); } void shader_destroy(shader_t shader) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.shader_destroy(shader); } int shader_numparams(shader_t shader) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.shader_numparams(shader); } sparam_t shader_getparambyidx(shader_t shader, int param) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.shader_getparambyidx(shader, param); } sparam_t shader_getparambyname(shader_t shader, const char *name) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.shader_getparambyname(shader, name); } void shader_getparaminfo(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, struct shader_param_info *info) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.shader_getparaminfo(shader, param, info); } sparam_t shader_getviewprojmatrix(shader_t shader) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.shader_getviewprojmatrix(shader); } sparam_t shader_getworldmatrix(shader_t shader) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.shader_getworldmatrix(shader); } void shader_setbool(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, bool val) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.shader_setbool(shader, param, val); } void shader_setfloat(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, float val) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.shader_setfloat(shader, param, val); } void shader_setint(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, int val) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.shader_setint(shader, param, val); } void shader_setmatrix3(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, const struct matrix3 *val) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.shader_setmatrix3(shader, param, val); } void shader_setmatrix4(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, const struct matrix4 *val) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.shader_setmatrix4(shader, param, val); } void shader_setvec2(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, const struct vec2 *val) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.shader_setvec2(shader, param, val); } void shader_setvec3(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, const struct vec3 *val) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.shader_setvec3(shader, param, val); } void shader_setvec4(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, const struct vec4 *val) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.shader_setvec4(shader, param, val); } void shader_settexture(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, texture_t val) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.shader_settexture(shader, param, val); } void shader_setval(shader_t shader, sparam_t param, const void *val, size_t size) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.shader_setval(shader, param, val, size); } void shader_setdefault(shader_t shader, sparam_t param) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.shader_setdefault(shader, param); } void texture_destroy(texture_t tex) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.texture_destroy(tex); } uint32_t texture_getwidth(texture_t tex) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.texture_getwidth(tex); } uint32_t texture_getheight(texture_t tex) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.texture_getheight(tex); } enum gs_color_format texture_getcolorformat(texture_t tex) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.texture_getcolorformat(tex); } bool texture_map(texture_t tex, void **ptr, uint32_t *byte_width) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.texture_map(tex, ptr, byte_width); } void texture_unmap(texture_t tex) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.texture_unmap(tex); } void cubetexture_destroy(texture_t cubetex) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.cubetexture_destroy(cubetex); } uint32_t cubetexture_getsize(texture_t cubetex) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.cubetexture_getsize(cubetex); } enum gs_color_format cubetexture_getcolorformat(texture_t cubetex) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.cubetexture_getcolorformat(cubetex); } void volumetexture_destroy(texture_t voltex) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.volumetexture_destroy(voltex); } uint32_t volumetexture_getwidth(texture_t voltex) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.volumetexture_getwidth(voltex); } uint32_t volumetexture_getheight(texture_t voltex) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.volumetexture_getheight(voltex); } uint32_t volumetexture_getdepth(texture_t voltex) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.volumetexture_getdepth(voltex); } enum gs_color_format volumetexture_getcolorformat(texture_t voltex) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.volumetexture_getcolorformat(voltex); } void stagesurface_destroy(stagesurf_t stagesurf) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.stagesurface_destroy(stagesurf); } uint32_t stagesurface_getwidth(stagesurf_t stagesurf) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.stagesurface_getwidth(stagesurf); } uint32_t stagesurface_getheight(stagesurf_t stagesurf) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.stagesurface_getheight(stagesurf); } enum gs_color_format stagesurface_getcolorformat(stagesurf_t stagesurf) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.stagesurface_getcolorformat(stagesurf); } bool stagesurface_map(stagesurf_t stagesurf, const void **data, uint32_t *byte_width) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; return graphics->exports.stagesurface_map(stagesurf, data, byte_width); } void stagesurface_unmap(stagesurf_t stagesurf) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.stagesurface_unmap(stagesurf); } void zstencil_destroy(zstencil_t zstencil) { thread_graphics->exports.zstencil_destroy(zstencil); } void samplerstate_destroy(samplerstate_t samplerstate) { thread_graphics->exports.samplerstate_destroy(samplerstate); } void vertexbuffer_destroy(vertbuffer_t vertbuffer) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.vertexbuffer_destroy(vertbuffer); } void vertexbuffer_flush(vertbuffer_t vertbuffer, bool rebuild) { thread_graphics->exports.vertexbuffer_flush(vertbuffer, rebuild); } struct vb_data *vertexbuffer_getdata(vertbuffer_t vertbuffer) { return thread_graphics->exports.vertexbuffer_getdata(vertbuffer); } void indexbuffer_destroy(indexbuffer_t indexbuffer) { graphics_t graphics = thread_graphics; graphics->exports.indexbuffer_destroy(indexbuffer); } void indexbuffer_flush(indexbuffer_t indexbuffer) { thread_graphics->exports.indexbuffer_flush(indexbuffer); } void *indexbuffer_getdata(indexbuffer_t indexbuffer) { return thread_graphics->exports.indexbuffer_getdata(indexbuffer); } size_t indexbuffer_numindices(indexbuffer_t indexbuffer) { return thread_graphics->exports.indexbuffer_numindices(indexbuffer); } enum gs_index_type indexbuffer_gettype(indexbuffer_t indexbuffer) { return thread_graphics->exports.indexbuffer_gettype(indexbuffer); }