/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013 by Hugh Bailey This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ******************************************************************************/ #include "util/platform.h" #include "util/dstr.h" #include "obs.h" #include "obs-internal.h" #include const char *get_module_extension(void) { return ".dll"; } #ifdef _WIN64 #define BIT_STRING "64bit" #else #define BIT_STRING "32bit" #endif static const char *module_bin[] = { "obs-plugins/" BIT_STRING, "../../obs-plugins/" BIT_STRING, }; static const char *module_data[] = { "data/%module%", "../../data/obs-plugins/%module%" }; static const int module_patterns_size = sizeof(module_bin)/sizeof(module_bin[0]); void add_default_module_paths(void) { for (int i = 0; i < module_patterns_size; i++) obs_add_module_path(module_bin[i], module_data[i]); } /* on windows, points to [base directory]/data/libobs */ char *find_libobs_data_file(const char *file) { struct dstr path; dstr_init(&path); if (check_path(file, "data/libobs/", &path)) return path.array; if (check_path(file, "../../data/libobs/", &path)) return path.array; dstr_free(&path); return NULL; } static void log_processor_info(void) { HKEY key; wchar_t data[1024]; char *str = NULL; DWORD size, speed; LSTATUS status; memset(data, 0, 1024); status = RegOpenKeyW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0", &key); if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) return; size = 1024; status = RegQueryValueExW(key, L"ProcessorNameString", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)data, &size); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) { os_wcs_to_utf8_ptr(data, 0, &str); blog(LOG_INFO, "CPU Name: %s", str); bfree(str); } size = sizeof(speed); status = RegQueryValueExW(key, L"~MHz", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&speed, &size); if (status == ERROR_SUCCESS) blog(LOG_INFO, "CPU Speed: %dMHz", speed); RegCloseKey(key); } static DWORD num_logical_cores(ULONG_PTR mask) { DWORD left_shift = sizeof(ULONG_PTR) * 8 - 1; DWORD bit_set_count = 0; ULONG_PTR bit_test = (ULONG_PTR)1 << left_shift; for (DWORD i = 0; i <= left_shift; ++i) { bit_set_count += ((mask & bit_test) ? 1 : 0); bit_test /= 2; } return bit_set_count; } static void log_processor_cores(void) { PSYSTEM_LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION info = NULL, temp = NULL; DWORD len = 0; GetLogicalProcessorInformation(info, &len); if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) return; info = malloc(len); if (GetLogicalProcessorInformation(info, &len)) { DWORD num = len / sizeof(*info); int physical_cores = 0; int logical_cores = 0; temp = info; for (DWORD i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (temp->Relationship == RelationProcessorCore) { ULONG_PTR mask = temp->ProcessorMask; physical_cores++; logical_cores += num_logical_cores(mask); } temp++; } blog(LOG_INFO, "Physical Cores: %d, Logical Cores: %d", physical_cores, logical_cores); } free(info); } static void log_available_memory(void) { MEMORYSTATUS ms; GlobalMemoryStatus(&ms); #ifdef _WIN64 const char *note = ""; #else const char *note = " (NOTE: 4 gigs max is normal for 32bit programs)"; #endif blog(LOG_INFO, "Physical Memory: %ldMB Total, %ldMB Free%s", ms.dwTotalPhys / 1048576, ms.dwAvailPhys / 1048576, note); } static void log_windows_version(void) { OSVERSIONINFOW osvi; char *build = NULL; osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi); GetVersionExW(&osvi); os_wcs_to_utf8_ptr(osvi.szCSDVersion, 0, &build); blog(LOG_INFO, "Windows Version: %u.%u Build %u %s", osvi.dwMajorVersion, osvi.dwMinorVersion, osvi.dwBuildNumber, build); bfree(build); } void log_system_info(void) { log_processor_info(); log_processor_cores(); log_available_memory(); log_windows_version(); }