mirror of https://github.com/schwabe/ics-openvpn.git synced 2024-09-20 20:03:13 +02:00

Update translations

This commit is contained in:
Arne Schwabe 2015-02-15 21:53:47 +01:00
parent 9f0928c659
commit f81741cd52
45 changed files with 124 additions and 190 deletions

View File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<string-array name="vpn_types">

View File

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<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">OpenVPN per Android</string>
<string name="address">Adreá del servidor:</string>

View File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
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<string-array name="vpn_types">

View File

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<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">OpenVPN pro Android</string>
<string name="address">Adresa serveru:</string>
<string name="port">Port serveru:</string>
<string name="location">Lokace</string>
<string name="location">Cesta</string>
<string name="cant_read_folder">Nelze přečíst adresář</string>
<string name="select">Zvolit</string>
<string name="cancel">Storno</string>
@ -348,4 +346,7 @@
<string name="advanced_settings">Pokročilé nastavení</string>
<string name="payload_options">Možnosti dat</string>
<string name="tls_settings">Nastevení TLS</string>
<string name="no_remote_defined">Nedefinovaná protistrana</string>
<string name="duplicate_vpn">Duplicitní VPN profil</string>
<string name="duplicate_profile_title">Duplicitní profil: %s</string>

View File

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<string-array name="vpn_types">

View File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">OpenVPN für Android</string>
<string name="address">Server:</string>
@ -89,7 +87,7 @@
<string name="default_route_summary">Leitet allen Internet Verkehr über das VPN</string>
<string name="use_default_title">Benutze Default Route</string>
<string name="custom_route_message">Benutze eigene Routen. Geben Sie Zielnetzwerk im CIDR Format an. Z.b. \" 2002::/16\" würde die Netzwerke und 2002::/16 über das VPN routen.</string>
<string name="custom_route_message_excluded">Netze, die nicht über das VPN geleitet werden sollen. Nutzt die gleiche Syntax wie die eigenen Routen.</string>
<string name="custom_route_message_excluded">Routen, die NICHT über das VPN geleitet werden sollen. Verwendet die gleiche Syntax wie bei den eigenen Routen.</string>
<string name="custom_routes_title">Eigene Routen</string>
<string name="custom_routes_title_excluded">Ausgeschlossene Netze</string>
<string name="log_verbosity_level">Log Detail Level</string>
@ -195,7 +193,7 @@
<string name="export_config_title">ICS OpenVPN Konfiguration</string>
<string name="warn_no_dns">Es werden keine DNS Server für die VPN Verbindung genutzt. Die Namensauflösung wird möglicherweise nicht funktionieren. Ziehen Sie in Erwähung selbst DNS Server in den Optionen zu setzen. Beachten Sie weiterhin, dass Android die Proxyeinstellungen für Handy/WLAN weiterhin benutzt, falls keine DNS Server für das VPN festgelegt sind.</string>
<string name="dns_add_error">Konnte den DNS Server \"%1$s\" nicht hinzufügen, da das System ihn zurückweist mit %2$s</string>
<string name="ip_add_error">Konnte nicht die IP Adresse \"%1$s\" nicht setzen. Fehlermeldung des Systems: %2$s</string>
<string name="ip_add_error">Konnte die IP Adresse \"%1$s\" nicht setzen, abgelehnt vom System: %2$s</string>
<string name="faq_howto">&lt;p&gt;Benutzen Sie eine funktionierende Konfiguration (getestet auf einem Computer, oder von Ihrer Organisation/Ihrem Provider bereitgestellt)&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Falls Sie nur eine einzelne Datei benötigen, können Sie sich diese als Email-Anhang zuschicken. Falls Ihre OpenVPN Konfiguration aus mehreren Dateien besteht, müssen Sie alle Dateien auf die SD Karte kopieren.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Klicken Sie auf den Email Anhang im Android Mail Programm bzw. benutzen Sie das Ordner Symbol in der VPN Liste und wählen Sie die .ovpn bzw. .conf Konfigurationsdatei aus.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Falls der Import fehlende Dateien anmerkt, kopieren Sie diese auf die SD Karte und starten den Import erneut.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Benutzen Sie anschließend das Speichern Symbol um das VPN zur VPN Liste hinzuzufügen&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Tippen Sie den Namen des VPNs an, um das VPN zu starten&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Achten Sie auf Fehler und Warnungen im Verbindungslog.&lt;/p&gt; </string>
<string name="faq_howto_title">Schnellstart</string>
<string name="setting_loadtun_summary">Versuche das tun.ko Kernel Modul zu laden. Benötigt root.</string>
@ -259,7 +257,7 @@
<string name="start_vpn_title">Verbinde mit VPN %s</string>
<string name="start_vpn_ticker">Verbinde mit VPN %s</string>
<string name="jelly_keystore_alphanumeric_bug">Einige Versionen von Android 4.1 haben Probleme, wenn der Name des im Zertifikat Keystore gespeicherten Zertifikates nicht alphanumerische Zeichen (wie Leerzeichen, Unterstriche oder Bindestriche) enthält. Probieren Sie das Sie das Zertifikat mit einem Namen ohne Sonderzeichen zu importieren.</string>
<string name="encryption_cipher">Verschlüsslungsalgorithmus</string>
<string name="encryption_cipher">Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus</string>
<string name="packet_auth">Packetauthentifizierung</string>
<string name="auth_dialog_title">Geben Sie den Authentifizierungsalgorithmus an</string>
<string name="mobile_info_extended">Modell %1$s (%2$s) %3$s, Android API %4$d, version %5$s, %6$s</string>
@ -351,6 +349,24 @@
<string name="no_remote_defined">Keine Server definiert</string>
<string name="duplicate_vpn">VPN Profil duplizieren</string>
<string name="duplicate_profile_title">VPN Profil duplizieren: %s</string>
<string name="version_upto">bis einschließlich %s</string>
<string name="show_log">Log anzeigen</string>
<string name="faq_androids_clients_title">Unterschiede zwischen Android OpenVPN Apps</string>
<string name="ignore_multicast_route">Ignoriere Multicastroute: %s</string>
<string name="ab_only_cidr">Android unterstützt nur CIDR Routen. Da Routen, die nicht CIDR sind, fast nie verwendet werden, wird OpenVPN für Android eine /32 Route für nicht konforme Routen verwenden und eine Warnung ausgegeben.</string>
<string name="ab_tethering_44">Verbindungsfreigabe (WiFi-Hotspot/Tethering) funktioniert, während ein VPN aktiv ist, nutzt aber NICHT die VPN Verbindung.</string>
<string name="ab_kitkat_mss">Frühe KitKat-Version setzen einen falschen MSS-Wert für TCP-Verbindungen (#61948). Versuchen Sie die mssfix-Option zu aktivieren, um dieses Problem zu umgehen.</string>
<string name="ab_secondary_users">VPN funktioniert überhaupt nicht für die Sekundärnutzer.</string>
<string name="ab_kitkat_reconnect">Mehrere Benutzer berichten, dass die mobile Verbindung/Mobile Datenverbindung häufig getrennt wird, wenn ein VPN aktiv. Das Verhalten scheint nur einige Anbieter/Mobilgerät-Kombination beeinflussen und bisher konnte weder Ursache noch Lösung für den Bug identifiziert werden.</string>
<string name="ab_vpn_reachability_44">Nur Ziele, die ohne VPN erreichbar sind, sind auch mit VPN erreichbar. IPv6 VPNs funktionieren überhaupt nicht.</string>
<string name="ab_only_cidr_title">Nicht CIDR konforme Routen</string>
<string name="ab_proxy_title">Proxy-Verhalten für VPNs</string>
<string name="ab_lollipop_reinstall_title">Neuinstallation von VPN-apps</string>
<string name="version_upto">%s und früher</string>
<string name="copy_of_profile">Kopie von %s</string>
<string name="ab_not_route_to_vpn_title">Route zur der konfigurierten VPN IP Adresse</string>
<string name="ab_kitkat_mss_title">Falscher MSS-Wert für VPN-Verbindung</string>
<string name="ab_secondary_users_title">Sekundäre Tablet-Nutzer</string>
<string name="custom_connection_options_warng">Definieren Sie benutzerdefinierte verbindungsspezifische Optionen. Seien Sie vorsichtig!</string>
<string name="custom_connection_options">Benutzerdefinierte Optionen</string>
<string name="remove_connection_entry">Verbindungseintrag zu entfernen</string>

View File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<string-array name="vpn_types">

View File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">OpenVPN para Android</string>
<string name="address">Dirección del servidor:</string>
@ -187,7 +185,7 @@ hacia/de Móvil)</string>
<string name="error_rsa_sign">Error al firmar con la llave del almacén de llaves de Android %1$s: %2$s</string>
<string name="faq_system_dialogs">El aviso de conectividad VPN que esta aplicación puede interceptar todo el trafico esta impuesta por el sistema para evitar abusos de la API VPNService.\nLa notificación de conectividad (El símbolo de llave) también esta impuesta por el sistema Android para notificar una conexión VPN en curso. En algunas imágenes, esta notificación también emite un sonido.\nAndroid ha introducido estos diálogos de sistema para su seguridad e se ha asegurado que no pueden ser evitados. (En algunas imágenes, esto incluye la notificación sonora)</string>
<string name="faq_system_dialogs_title">Advertencia de conexión y sonido de notificación</string>
<string name="translationby">Traducción al español por José Luis Bandala Pérez&lt;luis.449bp@gmail.com&gt;</string>
<string name="translationby">Traducción al español por José Luis Bandala Pérez&lt;luis449bp+openvpn@gmail.com&gt;</string>
<string name="ipdns">IP y DNS</string>
<string name="basic">Básico</string>
<string name="routing">Enrutamiento</string>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<string-array name="vpn_types">

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<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">OpenVPN Androidile</string>
<string name="address">Serveri aadress:</string>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
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<string-array name="vpn_types">

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<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">"OpenVPN pour Android"</string>
<string name="address">"Adresse du serveur:"</string>
@ -221,6 +219,7 @@ Sur certaines images, cette notification joue un son.\nAndroid à introduit ces
<string name="vpn_import_hint">"Utilisez l\'icône &lt;img src=\"ic_menu_archive\"/&gt; pour importer un fichier profil (.opvpn ou .conf) de votre carte SD."</string>
<string name="faq_hint">"Veillez également à consulter la FAQ. Il s\'y trouve un guide de démarrage rapide."</string>
<string name="faq_routing_title">"Redirections / Configuration de l\'interface"</string>
<string name="faq_routing">La configuration du routage et des interfaces n\'est pas faite par l\'intermédiaire des commandes traditionnelles ifconfig/route, mais en utilisant l\'API VPNService. Il en résulte une configuration de routage différente que sur les autres systèmes d\'exploitation. \nLa configuration du tunnel VPN se compose de l\'adresse IP et des réseaux qui doivent être routés via cette interface. En particulier aucune adresse de pair ou de passerelle n\'est nécessaire ou requise. Des routes spéciales pour atteindre le serveur VPN (par exemple ajoutées lorsque vous utilisez \"redirect-gateway\") ne sont pas nécessaires. L\'application ignore par conséquent ces paramètres lors de l\'importation d\'une configuration. L\'application assure avec l\'API VPNService que la connexion au serveur ne passe pas par le tunnel VPN.\nL\'API VPNService ne permet pas de spécifier les réseaux qui ne doivent pas être routés via le VPN. Pour contourner ce problème, l\'application essaye de détecter les réseaux qui ne doivent pas être routés par le tunnel (ex. route x.x.x.x y.y.y.y net_gateway) et calcule un ensemble de routes qui exclut cette route pour mimer le comportement des autres plates-formes. La fenêtre des logs montre la configuration de VPNService lors d\'une connexion.\nEn coulisse: Android 4.4+ n\'utilise pas la politique du routage. Utiliser route/ifconfig n\'affichera pas les routes installés. Utilisez plutôt ip rule, iptables -t mangle -L</string>
<string name="persisttun_summary">Ne pas couper la connexion VPN lors de la reconnexion d\'OpenVPN.</string>
<string name="persistent_tun_title">Persistance de l\'interface TUN</string>
<string name="openvpn_log">Log OpenVPN</string>
@ -324,4 +323,31 @@ Sur certaines images, cette notification joue un son.\nAndroid à introduit ces
<string name="files_missing_hint">Certains fichiers sont introuvables. Sélectionner les fichiers pour importer le profil :</string>
<string name="openvpn_is_no_free_vpn">Pour utiliser cette application, vous avez besoin d\'un fournisseur/passerelle VPN qui soutient OpenVPN (souvent fourni par votre employeur). Vérifier ici http://community.openvpn.net/ pour plus d\'informations sur OpenVPN et comment configurer votre propre serveur OpenVPN.</string>
<string name="import_log">Journal d\'importation :</string>
<string name="ip_looks_like_subnet">Topologie VPN «%3$s » spécifiée mais ifconfig %1$s %2$s ressemble plus à une adresse IP avec un masque de réseau. On suppose que la topologie « sous-réseau » est utilisée.</string>
<string name="mssfix_invalid_value">La valeur de mssfix doit être un entier compris entre 0 et 9000</string>
<string name="mssfix_value_dialog">Announce to TCP sessions running over the tunnel that they should limit their send packet sizes such that after OpenVPN has encapsulated them, the resulting UDP packet size that OpenVPN sends to its peer will not exceed this number of bytes. (default is 1450)</string>
<string name="mssfix_checkbox">Override MSS value of TCP payload</string>
<string name="mssfix_dialogtitle">Set MSS of TCP payload</string>
<string name="client_behaviour">Comportement du client</string>
<string name="clear_external_apps">Clear allowed external apps</string>
<string name="loading">Chargement&#8230;</string>
<string name="allowed_vpn_apps_info">Allowed VPN apps: %1$s</string>
<string name="disallowed_vpn_apps_info">Disallowed VPN apps: %1$s</string>
<string name="app_no_longer_exists">Package %s is no longer installed, removing it from app allow/disallow list</string>
<string name="vpn_disallow_radio">VPN is used for all apps but exclude selected</string>
<string name="vpn_allow_radio">VPN is used for only for selected apps</string>
<string name="query_delete_remote">Remove remote server entry?</string>
<string name="keep">Garder</string>
<string name="delete">Supprimer</string>
<string name="add_remote">Add new remote</string>
<string name="remote_random">Use connection entries in random order on connect</string>
<string name="remote_no_server_selected">You need to define and enable at least one remote server.</string>
<string name="server_list">Liste des serveurs</string>
<string name="vpn_allowed_apps">Allowed Apps</string>
<string name="advanced_settings">Paramètres avancés</string>
<string name="payload_options">Payload options</string>
<string name="tls_settings">Paramètres TLS</string>
<string name="no_remote_defined">No remote defined</string>
<string name="duplicate_vpn">Dupliquer le profil VPN</string>
<string name="duplicate_profile_title">Duplicating profile: %s</string>

View File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<string-array name="vpn_types">

View File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">OpenVPN Androidhoz</string>
<string name="address">Szerver cím:</string>

View File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<string-array name="vpn_types">

View File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">OpenVPN untuk Android</string>
<string name="address">Alamat Server:</string>
@ -89,6 +87,7 @@
<string name="default_route_summary">Alihkan semua lalulintas data melalui VPN</string>
<string name="use_default_title">Gunakan rute standar</string>
<string name="custom_route_message">Masukkan rute butan sendiri. Masukkan tujuan dalam format CIDR. \" 2002:: / 16\" akan mengarahkan jaringan dan 2002:: / 16 melalui jaringan VPN</string>
<string name="custom_route_message_excluded">Routes that should NOT be routed over the VPN. Use the same syntax as for included routes.</string>
<string name="custom_routes_title">Rute buatan sendiri</string>
<string name="custom_routes_title_excluded">Jaringan Dikecualikan</string>
<string name="log_verbosity_level">Tingkat rincian catatan</string>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<string-array name="vpn_types">

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<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">OpenVPN per Android</string>
<string name="address">Indirizzo server:</string>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<string-array name="vpn_types">

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<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">OpenVPN for Android</string>
<string name="address">サーバアドレス</string>

View File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<string-array name="vpn_types">

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<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">안드로이드용 OpenVPN</string>
<string name="address">서버 주소:</string>

View File

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<string-array name="vpn_types">

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<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">OpenVPN voor Android</string>
<string name="address">Server Adres:</string>

View File

@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<string-array name="vpn_types">

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<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">OpenVPN for Android</string>
<string name="address">Server adresse:</string>

View File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<string-array name="vpn_types">

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<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">OpenVPN dla Androida</string>
<string name="address">Adres serwera:</string>

View File

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
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<string-array name="vpn_types">

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<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
<!--Generated by crowdin.com-->
<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">OpenVPN para Android</string>
<string name="address">Endereço do Servidor:</string>

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~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
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~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
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<string name="app">OpenVPN pentru Android</string>
<string name="address">Adresa server:</string>

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~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
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~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
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<string name="app">OpenVPN для Android</string>
<string name="address">Адрес сервера:</string>

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~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
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~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
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<string name="app">OpenVPN för Android</string>
<string name="address">Serveradress:</string>

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~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
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~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
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<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">Android için OpenVPN</string>
<string name="address">Sunucu adresi:</string>
@ -105,6 +103,7 @@
<string name="last_openvpn_tun_config">ılış tun arabirimi:</string>
<string name="local_ip_info">Yerel IPv4: %1$s/%2$d IPv6: %3$s MTU: %4$d</string>
<string name="dns_server_info">DNS sunucusu: %1$s, etki alanı: %2$s</string>
<string name="routes_info_incl">Routes: %1$s %2$s</string>
<string name="ip_not_cidr">Arabirim bilgileri %1$s ve %2$s var, tabii ikinci eş adresi uzaktan adresidir. /32 Kullanarak için yerel IP ağ maskesi. OpenVPN tarafından verilen \"%3$s\" modudur.</string>
<string name="route_not_cidr">%1$s ve %2$s olarak IP yolu ile CIDR ağ maskesi, ağ maskesi /32 kullanarak yapamazsınız.</string>
<string name="route_not_netip">Rota %1$s/%2$s %3$s/%2$s için düzeltilmiş</string>

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~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
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~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
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<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">OpenVPN для Android</string>
<string name="address">Адреса сервера:</string>
@ -284,6 +282,7 @@
<string name="save_password">Зберегти пароль</string>
<string name="pauseVPN">Призупинити VPN</string>
<string name="resumevpn">Відновити VPN</string>
<string name="state_userpause">VPN пауза на вимогу користувача</string>
<string name="cannotparsecert">Неможливо відобразити інформацію про сертифікат</string>
<string name="vpnbehaviour">Поведінка VPN</string>
<string name="allow_vpn_changes">Дозволити зміни в профілі VPN</string>

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~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
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~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
~ Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 with additional terms. For full terms see the file doc/LICENSE.txt
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<!-- Generated by crowdin.net -->
<string name="app">OpenVPN for Android</string>
<string name="address">服务器地址:</string>
@ -14,8 +12,8 @@
<string name="cant_read_folder">无法读取目录</string>
<string name="select">选择</string>
<string name="cancel">取消</string>
<string name="no_data">数据</string>
<string name="useLZO">LZO 压缩</string>
<string name="no_data">未收到数据</string>
<string name="useLZO">启用 LZO 压缩算法</string>
<string name="client_no_certificate">无客户端证书</string>
<string name="client_certificate_title">客户端证书</string>
<string name="client_key_title">客户端证书密钥</string>
@ -36,7 +34,7 @@
<string name="ipv4_dialog_title">输入 CIDR 格式 IPv4 地址/子网掩码例如1.2.3.4/24</string>
<string name="ipv4_address">IPv4 地址</string>
<string name="ipv6_address">IPv6 地址</string>
<string name="custom_option_warning">请谨慎输入 OpenVPN 的自定义选项。此外请注意许多与 tun 模块有关的 OpenVPN 设置由于系统 VPN 功能的设计而不能得到支持。如果您缺少认为一个很重要的选项,请联系作者</string>
<string name="custom_option_warning">请谨慎输入 OpenVPN 的自定义选项。此外请注意许多与 tun 模块有关的 OpenVPN 设置由于系统 VPN 功能的设计而不能得到支持。如果您觉得缺少一个很重要的选项,请与作者联系。</string>
<string name="auth_username">用户名</string>
<string name="auth_pwquery">密码</string>
<string name="static_keys_info">静态配置中 TLS 身份验证密钥将被用作静态密钥</string>
@ -51,7 +49,7 @@
<string name="ipv4_format_error">无法解析 IPv4 地址</string>
<string name="custom_route_format_error">无法解析自定义路由</string>
<string name="pw_query_hint">(根据需求留空)</string>
<string name="vpn_shortcut">OpenVPN 快捷方式</string>
<string name="vpn_shortcut">OpenVPN 主屏幕快捷方式</string>
<string name="vpn_launch_title">连接至 VPN</string>
<string name="shortcut_profile_notfound">未找到快捷方式中指定的配置文件</string>
<string name="random_host_prefix">随机主机前缀</string>
@ -65,7 +63,7 @@
<string name="title_cancel">取消确认</string>
<string name="cancel_connection_query">断开已连接的 VPN / 取消连接尝试?</string>
<string name="remove_vpn">删除 VPN</string>
<string name="check_remote_tlscert">检查服务器是否使用 TLS服务器端扩展 (--remote-cert-tlsserver server)</string>
<string name="check_remote_tlscert">检查服务器是否使用 TLS 服务器端扩展 (--remote-cert-tlsserver server)</string>
<string name="check_remote_tlscert_title">需要 TLS 服务器证书</string>
<string name="remote_tlscn_check_summary">检查远程服务器证书的 DN 属性</string>
<string name="remote_tlscn_check_title">证书主机名检查</string>
@ -145,7 +143,7 @@
<string name="add_profile">添加配置文件</string>
<string name="import_could_not_open">无法找到导入配置文件参考的文件: %1$s</string>
<string name="importing_config">从 %1$s 中导入配置文件</string>
<string name="import_warning_custom_options">您的配置文件中有几个配置项无法在配置菜单中查看和修改,这些配置项将会当成自定义配置选项。下面是自定义的配置选项:</string>
<string name="import_warning_custom_options">您的配置文件中有几个配置项无法在配置菜单中查看和修改,这些配置项将会当成自定义配置选项。下面是这些自定义的配置选项:</string>
<string name="import_done">读取配置文件完成</string>
<string name="nobind_summary">不关联到本地地址和端口</string>
<string name="no_bind">无本地绑定</string>
@ -228,6 +226,7 @@
<string name="openvpn_log">OpenVPN 日志</string>
<string name="import_config">导入 OpenVPN 配置文件</string>
<string name="battery_consumption_title">电池消耗</string>
<string name="baterry_consumption">在我的测试中,发现最能消耗电量的是 OpenVPN 的 keepalive 包。大多数 OpenVPN 服务器都在配置文件中使用了“keepalive 10 60”这样的选项这会导致 OpenVPN 服务器和客户端每隔 10 秒就相互向对方发送一个数据包。&lt;p&gt;虽然这些包很小,几乎不会消耗多少流量,但是频繁地发送这些包会导致手机的无线模块长时间处于活跃状态,并消耗大量的电能。(请参见(英文网页): &lt;a href=\"http://developer.android.com/training/efficient-downloads/efficient-network-access.html#RadioStateMachine\"&gt;&lt;p&gt; keepalive 选项无法在客户端进行修改,只能在服务器上进行修改。&lt;p&gt;令人郁闷的是,如果发送 keepalive 的频率小于 60 秒,某些 NAT 网关可能会关闭 UDP 连接(我测试得到的结果是 60 秒)。使用 TCP 模式虽然可以将 keepalive 的频率设成很大,但是会造成 TCP over TCP 问题。(请参见(英文网页):&lt;a href=\"http://sites.inka.de/bigred/devel/tcp-tcp.html\"&gt;TCP over TCP 问题指的是由于 TCP 协议的机制,在 TCP 协议上再次封装一个 TCP 协议时,如果上层 TCP 链路的速度比下层 TCP 协议的链路速度快,就会造成大量 TCP 重传,从而导致网络拥塞,对用户来说就是网络变成龟速 ——译者注)</string>
<string name="faq_tethering">Android 网络分享和便携式热点功能(通过 WiFi, USB 或蓝牙)无法与本程序所使用的 VPN 服务接口一同工作。详情请见 &lt;a href=\"http://code.google.com/p/ics-openvpn/issues/detail?id=34\"&gt;issue #34&lt;/a&gt;</string>
<string name="vpn_tethering_title">VPN 和中继</string>
<string name="connection_retries">连接重试次数</string>
@ -278,6 +277,7 @@
<string name="tls_remote_deprecated">tls-remote不再使用</string>
<string name="help_translate">你可以通过访问 http://crowdin.net/project/ics-openvpn/invite 来帮助翻译</string>
<string name="prompt">%1$s 正在试图控制 %2$s</string>
<string name="remote_warning">如果继续,你将允许该应用完全控制 OpenVPN for Android并拦截所有网络流量。<b>除非你信任该应用,否则请不要继续。</b>如果该应用是恶意应用,你需要自行承担所有的后果。</string>
<string name="remote_trust">我信任此应用。</string>
<string name="no_external_app_allowed">没有允许使用外部 API 的应用</string>
<string name="allowed_apps">已授权的应用:%s</string>
@ -297,6 +297,10 @@
<string name="vpnbehaviour">VPN 行为</string>
<string name="allow_vpn_changes">允许更改 VPN 配置</string>
<string name="hwkeychain">硬件密钥库:</string>
<string name="permission_icon_app">应用程序试图使用 OpenVPN 为 Android 的图标</string>
<string name="faq_vpndialog43">"入手 Android 4.3 VPN 确认被防范\"覆盖应用程序\"。这将导致在不发生反应,触摸输入的对话框中。如果您有一个应用程序,使用覆盖它可能会导致这种行为。如果你发现违规应用程序联系的应用程序的作者。这个问题影响到所有 VPN 应用程序的 Android 4.3 及更高版本。请参阅 &lt; href =\"http://code.google.com/p/ics-openvpn/issues/detail?id=185\"&gt; 问题 185 &lt; &gt; 有关其他详细信息"</string>
<string name="faq_vpndialog43_title">Vpn 确认对话框的 Android 4.3 及更高版本</string>
<string name="donatePlayStore">或者你可以给我捐赠与播放存储:</string>
<string name="thanks_for_donation">感谢捐赠 %s</string>
<string name="logCleared">日志已清除。</string>
<string name="show_password">显示密码</string>
@ -313,7 +317,37 @@
<string name="unhandled_exception_context">%3$s: %1$s\n\n%2$s</string>
<string name="faq_system_dialog_xposed">如果您的 Android 设备已经 root您可以自担风险安装&lt;a href=\"http://xposed.info/\"&gt;Xposed 框架&lt;/a&gt;&lt;a href=\"http://repo.xposed.info/module/de.blinkt.vpndialogxposed\"&gt;VPN 对话框确认模块&lt;/a&gt;</string>
<string name="full_licenses">完整授权</string>
<string name="blocklocal_summary">不会将网络直接连接到本地接口路由通过 VPN。取消选中此选项会将缩进到 VPN 的本地网络的所有流量重都定向。</string>
<string name="blocklocal_title">对本地地址绕过 VPN</string>
<string name="userpw_file">用户名/密码文件</string>
<string name="imported_from_file">[从进口: %s]</string>
<string name="files_missing_hint">找不到一些文件。请选择要导入的配置文件的文件:</string>
<string name="openvpn_is_no_free_vpn">若要使用此应用程序需要支持 OpenVPN (通常由您的雇主提供) 的 VPN 提供商/VPN 网关。查阅 http://community.openvpn.net/ OpenVPN 和如何设置您自己的 OpenVPN 服务器的详细信息。</string>
<string name="import_log">导入日志:</string>
<string name="ip_looks_like_subnet">VPN拓扑“%3$s”指定的但使用ifconfig %1$s %2$s看起来更像是一个网络掩码的IP地址。假设“子网”的拓扑结构。</string>
<string name="mssfix_invalid_value">mssfix 值必须是一个介于 0 和 9000 之间的整数</string>
<string name="mssfix_value_dialog">公布于运行在他们应该限制其发送分组大小使得后的OpenVPN已包封它们将得到的UDP包大小的OpenVPN发送到其对等体将不超过此字节数隧道TCP会话。 默认为1450</string>
<string name="mssfix_checkbox">重写TCP有效载荷的MSS值</string>
<string name="mssfix_dialogtitle">设置的 TCP MSS 负载</string>
<string name="client_behaviour">客户端行为</string>
<string name="clear_external_apps">明确允许外部应用程序</string>
<string name="loading">加载中...</string>
<string name="allowed_vpn_apps_info">允许 VPN 应用程序: %1$s</string>
<string name="disallowed_vpn_apps_info">不允许VPN应用%1$s</string>
<string name="app_no_longer_exists">从应用程序允许禁止列表中移除它,不再安装包 %s</string>
<string name="vpn_disallow_radio">VPN 用于所有的应用程序,但排除选定</string>
<string name="vpn_allow_radio">VPN 是只用于所选的应用程序</string>
<string name="query_delete_remote">删除远程服务器的条目吗?</string>
<string name="keep">Thorny</string>
<string name="delete">删除</string>
<string name="add_remote">添加新的远程服务器</string>
<string name="remote_no_server_selected">您需要至少定义并启用一个远程服务器。</string>
<string name="server_list">服务器列表</string>
<string name="vpn_allowed_apps">允许的应用程序</string>
<string name="advanced_settings">高级选项</string>
<string name="payload_options">负载设置</string>
<string name="tls_settings">TLS 设置</string>
<string name="no_remote_defined">未定义任何远程服务器</string>
<string name="duplicate_vpn">重复的VPN配置文件</string>
<string name="duplicate_profile_title">创建配置文件副本: %s</string>

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~ Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Arne Schwabe
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<string name="app">OpenVPN for Android</string>
<string name="address">伺服器地址:</string>

View File

@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
<string name="ignore_multicast_route">Ignoring multicast route: %s</string>
<string name="ab_only_cidr">Android supports only CIDR routes to the VPN. Since non-CIDR routes are almost never used, OpenVPN for Android will use a /32 for routes that are not CIDR and issue a warning.</string>
<string name="ab_tethering_44">Tethering works while the VPN is active. The tethered connection will NOT use the VPN.</string>
<string name="ab_kitkat_mss">Early KitKat version set the wrong MSS value on TCP connections (#61948). OpenVPN for will automatically enable mssfix option to workaround this bug.</string>
<string name="ab_kitkat_mss">Early KitKat version set the wrong MSS value on TCP connections (#61948). Try to enable the mssfix option to workaround this bug.</string>
<string name="ab_proxy">Android will keep using your proxy settings specified for the mobile/Wi-Fi connection when no DNS servers are set. OpenVPN for Android will warn you about this in the log.<p>When a VPN sets a DNS server Android will not a proxy. There is no API to set a proxy for a VPN connection.</p></string>
<string name="ab_lollipop_reinstall">VPN apps may stop working when uninstalled and reinstalled again. For details see #80074</string>
<string name="ab_not_route_to_vpn">The configured client IP and the IPs in its network mask are not routed to the VPN. OpenVPN works around this bug by explicitly adding a route that corrosponds to the client IP and its netmask</string>