# # OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks # over a single UDP port, with support for SSL/TLS-based # session authentication and key exchange, # packet encryption, packet authentication, and # packet compression. # # Copyright (C) 2002-2021 OpenVPN Inc # Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Alon Bar-Lev # MAINTAINERCLEANFILES = \ $(srcdir)/Makefile.in SUBDIRS = doxygen dist_doc_DATA = \ management-notes.txt gui-notes.txt dist_noinst_DATA = \ README.plugins interactive-service-notes.rst \ openvpn.8.rst \ man-sections/advanced-options.rst \ man-sections/client-options.rst \ man-sections/connection-profiles.rst \ man-sections/encryption-options.rst \ man-sections/examples.rst \ man-sections/generic-options.rst \ man-sections/inline-files.rst \ man-sections/link-options.rst \ man-sections/log-options.rst \ man-sections/management-options.rst \ man-sections/network-config.rst \ man-sections/pkcs11-options.rst \ man-sections/plugin-options.rst \ man-sections/protocol-options.rst \ man-sections/proxy-options.rst \ man-sections/renegotiation.rst \ man-sections/signals.rst \ man-sections/script-options.rst \ man-sections/server-options.rst \ man-sections/tls-options.rst \ man-sections/unsupported-options.rst \ man-sections/virtual-routing-and-forwarding.rst \ man-sections/vpn-network-options.rst \ man-sections/windows-options.rst openvpn.8 : if HAVE_PYDOCUTILS $(RST2MAN) $(srcdir)/$@.rst > $@ else @echo "Missing python-docutils - skipping man page generation" endif openvpn.8.html: if HAVE_PYDOCUTILS $(RST2HTML) $(srcdir)/openvpn.8.rst > $@ else @echo "Missing python-docutils - skipping man/html page generation" endif if HAVE_PYDOCUTILS dist_noinst_DATA += openvpn.8 dist_html_DATA = openvpn.8.html # Failsafe - do not delete these files unless we can recreate them CLEANFILES = \ openvpn.8 openvpn.8.html endif if WIN32 else dist_man_MANS = openvpn.8 endif dist-hook : openvpn.8 openvpn.8.html