mirror of https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn.git synced 2024-09-20 03:52:28 +02:00
james 63903a8220 Modified Windows domake-win build system to write all openvpn.nsi
input files to gen, so that gen can be disconnected from
the rest of the source tree and makensis openvpn.nsi will
still function correctly.

Added additional SAMPCONF_(CA|CRT|KEY) macros to settings.in
(commented out by default).

git-svn-id: http://svn.openvpn.net/projects/openvpn/branches/BETA21/openvpn@3439 e7ae566f-a301-0410-adde-c780ea21d3b5
2008-10-17 08:15:22 +00:00

139 lines
5.2 KiB

# This is the master OpenVPN build script for Windows.
# This script will build OpenVPN, the TAP driver, and
# the installer from source, targeting x86 on Windows
# 2000 and higher, and x64 on Windows 2003 and higher.
# For quick start options, see pre-built notes below.
# Note that if you are only looking to build the
# openvpn user-space binaries (openvpn.exe
# and openvpnserv.exe) you can use the
# provided autoconf/automake build environment.
# If you are building from an expanded .tar.gz file,
# make sure to run "./doclean" before "./domake-win".
# See top-level build configuration and settings in:
# version.m4
# install-win32/settings.in
# Mandatory prerequisites:
# MinGW -- for GNU C compiler
# MSYS -- for bash
# msysDTK -- for perl
# NSIS -- for building installer
# The following additional prerequisites may be omitted
# when building in pre-built mode (see note below).
# svn -- for checking out source code (or TortoiseSVN)
# Windows Driver Kit (6001_17121_HyperV_WDK.iso) -- for building
# TAP driver + tapinstall
# Required libraries (must be prebuilt)
# OpenSSL -- define OPENSSL_DIR in settings.in
# LZO -- define LZO_DIR in settings.in
# Optional OpenVPN GUI binary (prebuilt)
# -- define OPENVPN_GUI_DIR and OPENVPN_GUI in settings.in
# Required source code not included in OpenVPN SVN repository
# because of MS licensing restrictions:
# ../tapinstall -- This is based on 'devcon' which is found in the
# Windows Driver Kit (formerly known as DDK).
# Copy the 'devcon' source tree to ../tapinstall
# Edit 'sources' and modify TARGETNAME=tapinstall
# Note that all variables referenced here such as GENOUT,
# GENOUT_PREBUILT, and CLEAN are defined in install-win32/settings.in
# Setting up a complete tool chain to build OpenVPN and all
# dependencies on Windows can be an onerous task, so the capability
# is provided to reference a directory of pre-built components during
# the build process. When dependencies are missing to build a given
# component (such as the TAP driver), the build script will auto-detect
# this and use the pre-built version instead. This would allow you, for
# example, to build an OpenVPN installer with custom edits to
# install-win32/settings.in, but then avoid needing to build all other
# components (such as OpenSSL, LZO, Pkcs11-helper, TAP driver, Windows
# service, etc.). The procedure is as follows. First Download and expand
# the pre-built binaries from:
# http://openvpn.net/prebuilt/ (choose the most recent -prebuilt .tbz file)
# After expanding the .tbz file, cd to the top level directory and
# expand an OpenVPN source distribution taken from either the subversion
# repository or a source .tar.gz file. It's best to use an OpenVPN source
# version that is the same or slightly later than the pre-built binaries
# file. So now you have a directory containing something that looks like
# this:
# gen-prebuilt -> from prebuilt .tbz file
# lzo-2.02 -> from prebuilt .tbz file
# openssl-0.9.8i -> from prebuilt .tbz file
# pkcs11-helper -> from prebuilt .tbz file
# openvpn-2.1_rc13.tar.gz -> downloaded from openvpn.net
# openvpn-2.1_rc13 -> directory expanded from above file
# Now cd to your expanded source tree (openvpn-2.1_rc13 in the
# example above), make edits to install-win32/settings.in (or even
# patch the OpenVPN source code directly), and run this script:
# ./domake-win
# If everything runs correctly, you should have a custom installer
# written to ./gen/install
# First build the autodefs directory, containing C, sh, and NSIS versions
# of global settings, using install-win32/settings.in as source.
# These settings will then drive the rest of the build process.
# Delete the GENOUT directory if CLEAN="yes"
# Load a pre-built GENOUT directory if GENOUT_PREBUILT is defined
# and the GENOUT directory is non-existing
# Each of the scripts below build, get, and/or possibly sign a different
# OpenVPN component, placing the generated files in GENOUT. Each of these
# steps is fully indepedent, and can be executed in any order or omitted.
# The exception is the last script which gathers together all files from
# GENOUT and builds the installer.
# Make the OpenVPN user-space components (OpenVPN and service)
# Make the OpenVPN TAP driver
# Make the tapinstall utility, used to install the TAP driver
# Get the OpenSSL libraries from a pre-build OpenSSL tree
# Get the PKCS-11 helper library from a pre-built OpenSSL tree
# Get the OpenVPN GUI (must be prebuilt)
# Get the OpenVPN XML-based GUI (must be prebuilt)
# Produce the license text, install README, and sample config files
# This final step builds the OpenVPN installer using generated
# files from GENOUT