// OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks // over a single port, with support for SSL/TLS-based // session authentication and key exchange, // packet encryption, packet authentication, and // packet compression. // // Copyright (C) 2012-2019 OpenVPN Inc. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 // as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program in the COPYING file. #include #include "test_common.h" #include "openvpn/common/argv.hpp" #include "openvpn/common/process.hpp" #include "openvpn/common/redir.hpp" #include "openvpn/common/splitlines.hpp" #include "openvpn/tun/linux/client/sitnl.hpp" using namespace openvpn; using namespace TunNetlink; namespace unittests { static std::string path_to_ip; class SitnlTest : public testing::Test { private: void add_device(std::string name) { RedirectPipe::InOut pipe; Argv argv; argv.emplace_back(path_to_ip); argv.emplace_back("tuntap"); argv.emplace_back("add"); argv.emplace_back("mode"); argv.emplace_back("tun"); argv.emplace_back(std::move(name)); system_cmd(argv[0], argv, nullptr, pipe, 0); } void remove_device(std::string name) { RedirectPipe::InOut pipe; Argv argv; argv.emplace_back(path_to_ip); argv.emplace_back("tuntap"); argv.emplace_back("delete"); argv.emplace_back("mode"); argv.emplace_back("tun"); argv.emplace_back(std::move(name)); system_cmd(argv[0], argv, nullptr, pipe, 0); } protected: static void SetUpTestSuite() { // different distros have ip tool in different places std::vector paths{"/bin/ip", "/sbin/ip", "/usr/bin/ip", "/usr/sbin/ip"}; for (const auto& path : paths) { std::ifstream f(path); if (f) { path_to_ip = path; break; } } ASSERT_FALSE(path_to_ip.empty()) << "unable to find ip tool"; } void SetUp() override { if (geteuid() != 0) GTEST_SKIP() << "Need root to run this test"; add_device(dev); add_device(dev2); } virtual void TearDown() { remove_device(dev); remove_device(dev2); } template void cmd(Argv argv, CALLBACK cb) { // runs command, reads output and calls a callback RedirectPipe::InOut pipe; ASSERT_EQ(system_cmd(argv[0], argv, nullptr, pipe, 0), 0) << "failed to run command " << argv[0]; SplitLines sl(pipe.out); bool called = false; while (sl()) { const std::string &line = sl.line_ref(); std::vector v = Split::by_space, NullLex, SpaceMatch, Split::NullLimit>(line); // blank line? if (v.empty()) continue; cb(v, pipe.out, called); } ASSERT_TRUE(called) << pipe.out; } template void ip_a_show_dev(CALLBACK cb) { // get addrs with "ip a show dev" RedirectPipe::InOut pipe; Argv argv; argv.emplace_back(path_to_ip); argv.emplace_back("a"); argv.emplace_back("show"); argv.emplace_back("dev"); argv.emplace_back(dev); cmd(argv, cb); } template void ip_route_get(std::string dst, CALLBACK cb) { // get route with "ip route get" RedirectPipe::InOut pipe; Argv argv; argv.emplace_back(path_to_ip); argv.emplace_back("route"); argv.emplace_back("get"); argv.emplace_back(std::move(dst)); cmd(argv, cb); } std::string dev = "tun999"; std::string dev2 = "tun9999"; std::string addr4 = ""; std::string route4 = ""; std::string gw4 = ""; std::string addr6 = "fe80:20c3:aaaa:bbbb::cccc"; std::string route6 = "fe80:20c3:cccc:dddd::0/64"; std::string gw6 = "fe80:20c3:aaaa:bbbb:cccc:dddd:eeee:1"; int ipv4_prefix_len = 16; int ipv6_prefix_len = 64; int mtu = 1234; }; TEST_F(SitnlTest, TestAddrAdd4) { auto broadcast = IPv4::Addr::from_string(addr4) | ~IPv4::Addr::netmask_from_prefix_len(ipv4_prefix_len); ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_addr_add(dev, IPv4::Addr::from_string(addr4), ipv4_prefix_len, broadcast), 0); ip_a_show_dev([this, &broadcast](std::vector& v, const std::string& out, bool& called) { if (v[0] == "inet") { called = true; ASSERT_EQ(v[1], addr4 + "/" + std::to_string(ipv4_prefix_len)) << out; ASSERT_EQ(v[3], broadcast.to_string()) << out; } }); } TEST_F(SitnlTest, TestAddrAdd6) { ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_addr_add(dev, IPv6::Addr::from_string(addr6), ipv6_prefix_len), 0); ip_a_show_dev([this](std::vector& v, const std::string& out, bool& called) { if (v[0] == "inet6") { called = true; ASSERT_EQ(v[1], addr6 + "/" + std::to_string(ipv6_prefix_len)) << out; } }); } TEST_F(SitnlTest, TestSetMTU) { ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_iface_mtu_set(dev, mtu), 0); ip_a_show_dev([this](std::vector& v, const std::string& out, bool& called) { if (dev + ":" == v[1]) { called = true; ASSERT_EQ(v[4], std::to_string(mtu)) << out; } }); } TEST_F(SitnlTest, TestAddRoute4) { // add address auto broadcast = IPv4::Addr::from_string(addr4) | ~IPv4::Addr::netmask_from_prefix_len(ipv4_prefix_len); ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_addr_add(dev, IPv4::Addr::from_string(addr4), ipv4_prefix_len, broadcast), 0); // up interface ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_iface_up(dev, true), 0); // add route ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_route_add(IP::Route4(route4), IPv4::Addr::from_string(gw4), dev, 0, 0), 0); std::string dst{""}; ip_route_get(dst, [this, &dst](std::vector& v, const std::string& out, bool& called) { if (v[0] == dst) { called = true; v.resize(7); auto expected = std::vector{dst, "via", gw4, "dev", dev, "src", addr4}; ASSERT_EQ(v, expected) << out; } }); } TEST_F(SitnlTest, TestAddRoute6) { // add address ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_addr_add(dev, IPv6::Addr::from_string(addr6), ipv6_prefix_len), 0); // up interface ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_iface_up(dev, true), 0); // add route ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_route_add(IP::Route6(route6), IPv6::Addr::from_string(gw6), dev, 0, 0), 0); std::string dst{"fe80:20c3:cccc:dddd:cccc:dddd:eeee:ffff"}; ip_route_get(dst, [this, &dst](std::vector &v1, const std::string &out, bool &called) { if (v1[0] == dst) { called = true; v1.resize(7); // iptools 4.15 (Ubuntu 18) auto expected1 = std::vector{dst, "from", "::", "via", gw6, "dev", dev}; auto ok1 = (v1 == expected1); auto v2 = v1; v2.resize(5); // iptools 4.11 (CentOS 7) auto expected2 = std::vector{dst, "via", gw6, "dev", dev}; auto ok2 = (v2 == expected2); if (!ok1 && !ok2) { // this is just a way to print actual value and all expected values EXPECT_EQ(v1, expected1); EXPECT_EQ(v2, expected2); } } }); } TEST_F(SitnlTest, TestBestGw4) { // add address auto broadcast = IPv4::Addr::from_string(addr4) | ~IPv4::Addr::netmask_from_prefix_len(ipv4_prefix_len); ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_addr_add(dev, IPv4::Addr::from_string(addr4), ipv4_prefix_len, broadcast), 0); // up interface ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_iface_up(dev, true), 0); // add routes // shortest prefix ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_route_add(IP::Route4(""), IPv4::Addr::from_string(""), dev, 0, 0), 0); // longest prefix, lowest metric ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_route_add(IP::Route4(""), IPv4::Addr::from_string(""), dev, 0, 0), 0); // short prefix ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_route_add(IP::Route4(""), IPv4::Addr::from_string(""), dev, 0, 0), 0); // longest prefix, highest metric ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_route_add(IP::Route4(""), IPv4::Addr::from_string(""), dev, 0, 10), 0); IPv4::Addr best_gw; std::string best_iface; ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_route_best_gw(IP::Route4(""), best_gw, best_iface), 0); // we should get a gateway with longest prefix and lowest metric ASSERT_EQ(best_gw.to_string(), ""); ASSERT_EQ(best_iface, dev); } TEST_F(SitnlTest, TestBestGw4FilterIface) { // add addresses auto broadcast = IPv4::Addr::from_string(addr4) | ~IPv4::Addr::netmask_from_prefix_len(ipv4_prefix_len); ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_addr_add(dev, IPv4::Addr::from_string(addr4), ipv4_prefix_len, broadcast), 0); broadcast = IPv4::Addr::from_string("") | ~IPv4::Addr::netmask_from_prefix_len(ipv4_prefix_len); ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_addr_add(dev2, IPv4::Addr::from_string(""), ipv4_prefix_len, broadcast), 0); // up interfaces SITNL::net_iface_up(dev, true); SITNL::net_iface_up(dev2, true); // add routes ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_route_add(IP::Route4(""), IPv4::Addr::from_string(""), dev, 0, 0), 0); ASSERT_EQ(SITNL::net_route_add(IP::Route4(""), IPv4::Addr::from_string(""), dev2, 0, 0), 0); IPv4::Addr best_gw; std::string best_iface; // filter out gateway with longest prefix route SITNL::net_route_best_gw(IP::Route4(""), best_gw, best_iface, dev2); ASSERT_EQ(best_gw.to_string(), ""); ASSERT_EQ(best_iface, dev); } }