mirror of https://github.com/OpenVPN/openvpn3.git synced 2024-09-20 12:12:15 +02:00
James Yonan da99df6949 Windows: added /DUSE_ASIO to build script.
Because Asio use is now optional, USE_ASIO must be
explicitly defined by Windows build script.
2017-04-03 15:21:23 -06:00

76 lines
2.8 KiB

import os
from utils import *
def cli_cpp(parms):
return os.path.join(parms['OVPN3'], "core", "test", "ovpncli", "cli.cpp")
def src_fn(parms, srcfile):
# Get source file name
if srcfile:
if '.' not in os.path.basename(srcfile):
srcfile += ".cpp"
srcfile = cli_cpp(parms)
return srcfile
def src_fn_argv(parms, argv):
srcfile = None
if len(argv) >= 1:
srcfile = argv[0]
return src_fn(parms, srcfile)
def build(parms, srcfile):
# Debug?
if parms['DEBUG']:
dbg_rel_flags = "/Zi"
dbg_rel_flags = "/O2"
# Dictionary we will use to substitute parameters
# onto VC command line.
options = {
"ovpn3" : parms['OVPN3'],
"tap" : os.path.join(parms['TAP'], 'src'),
"tap_component_id" : parms['TAP_WIN_COMPONENT_ID'],
"asio" : os.path.join(build_dir(parms), "asio"),
"mbedtls" : os.path.join(build_dir(parms), "mbedtls"),
"lz4" : os.path.join(build_dir(parms), "lz4", "lib"),
"srcfile" : srcfile,
"extra_defs" : parms['CPP_EXTRA'],
"extra_inc" : "",
"extra_lib_path" : "",
"extra_lib" : "",
vc_parms(parms, options)
# Do we need to support XP and Win 2003?
arch = os.environ.get("ARCH", parms['ARCH'])
if arch == "x86_xp":
options['extra_defs'] += " /D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501" # pre-Vista
options['extra_defs'] += " /D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0600" # Vista and later
options['extra_lib'] += " fwpuclnt.lib"
# Add jsoncpp (optional)
if 'jsoncpp' in parms['LIB_VERSIONS']:
options["jsoncpp"] = os.path.join(build_dir(parms), "jsoncpp")
options['extra_inc'] += " /DHAVE_JSONCPP /I %(jsoncpp)s/dist" % options
options['extra_lib_path'] += " /LIBPATH:%(jsoncpp)s/dist" % options
options['extra_lib'] += " jsoncpp.lib"
# Build OpenVPN Connect
if parms.get("CONNECT"):
options['extra_inc'] += " /I " + os.path.join(parms['OVPN3'], "common")
# build it
vc_cmd(parms, r"cl %(extra_defs)s /DNOMINMAX /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /DUSE_ASIO /DASIO_STANDALONE /DASIO_NO_DEPRECATED /I %(asio)s\asio\include /DUSE_MBEDTLS /I %(mbedtls)s\include /DHAVE_LZ4 /I %(lz4)s%(extra_inc)s -DTAP_WIN_COMPONENT_ID=%(tap_component_id)s /I %(tap)s /I %(ovpn3)s\core /GL /EHsc %(link_static_dynamic_flags)s /W0 %(dbg_rel_flags)s /nologo %(srcfile)s /link /LIBPATH:%(mbedtls)s\library /LIBPATH:%(lz4)s%(extra_lib_path)s mbedtls.lib lz4.lib%(extra_lib)s ws2_32.lib crypt32.lib iphlpapi.lib winmm.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib wininet.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib rpcrt4.lib" % options, arch=os.environ.get("ARCH"))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
from parms import PARMS
build(PARMS, src_fn_argv(PARMS, sys.argv[1:]))