# # OpenDKIM configuration for Postfix Admin # Originally written by: Fredrik Falk # More complete OpenDKIM documentation: http://www.opendkim.org/opendkim.8.html http://www.opendkim.org/opendkim.conf.5.html http://www.opendkim.org/opendkim-genkey.8.html https://github.com/trusteddomainproject/OpenDKIM/blob/master/opendkim/README.SQL Here are the relevant parts of OpenDKIM v2.11.x configuration for Postfixadmin setup. Please refer to OpenDKIM documentation for complete information. The setup gets KeyTable and SigningTable info from MySQL, allowing domain admins to edit and add domain keys as well as assign which authors will use them. 1. PostfixAdmin Setup ----------------- Add `$CONF['dkim'] = 'YES';` to your `config.local.php`, and optionally ``$CONF['dkim_all_admins'] = 'YES';` to allow non-super-admins to add domain keys and signtable entries. 2. OpenDKIM setup ----------------- Ensure that the version of OpenDKIM supports databases/OpenDBX. After that, simply add the following to your /etc/opendkim.conf: ``` SigningTable dsn:mysql://{USER}:{PASSWORD}@{HOST}/{DATABASE}/table=dkim_signing?keycol=author?datacol=dkim_id KeyTable dsn:mysql://{USER}:{PASSWORD}@{HOST}/{DATABASE}/table=dkim?keycol=id?datacol=domain_name,selector,private_key ``` Replace {USER}, {PASSWORD}, {HOST}, and {DATABASE} with your values.