# Some screenshots of Postfixadmin ## 1. Setup process When you visit visit https://your-site.com/postfixadmin/setup.php you'll see this - ![Initial setup greeting page](setup-step1.png?raw=true "Initial setup load") After creating and adding the setup password hash into your config file, and then logging into the setup page with that password, you should see : ![Setup after auth](setup-step2.png?raw=true "Setup after auth") If there are any hosting errors, or issues with your environment, they may be listed here. Create a new admin account using your setup password .... then you can login as an admin and start creating domains and mailboxes. ## 2. As an Admin user ### Login ![Admin Login](admin-login.png?raw=true "Admin Login") ### Welcome page ![Admin Welcome](admin-welcome.png?raw=true "Admin welcome") ### View other admins ![Admin list](admin-list.png?raw=true "Admin list") ### View mailboxes and aliases for domain ![Virtual overview](mailboxes-and-forwards-for-domain.png?raw=true "Viewing aliases and mailboxes for a domain") ### Add mailbox You can create as many mailboxes as you want ... ![Mailbox adding](mailbox-adding.png?raw=true "Creating a new mailbox") ### Add aliases (forwards) ![Foward adding](create-new-alias.png?raw=true "Creating a new forward") ### Add Fetchmail config for mailbox ![Setup Fetchmail](fetchmail-new-config.png?raw=true "Fetchmail settings") ### Add a Domain Key for use with OpenDKIM ![Add Domain Key](dkim-add-domain-key.png?raw=true "Fetchmail settings") ### Add a Sign Table Entry for use with OpenDKIM ![Add Sign Table Entry](dkim-add-sign-table-entry.png?raw=true "Fetchmail settings") ## 3. As a User ### Login ![User loginl](users-login.png?raw=true "User login") ### Welcome page ![User welcome](users-welcome.png?raw=true "User welcome") ### Change your mail forward ![User - edit mail forward(s)](users-edit-mail-forward.png?raw=true "User mail forwards") ### Set / Unset autoresponse (Vacation) ![User - autoresponder](users-enable-vacation-autoresponse.png?raw=true "User setup autoresponder") ### I forgot my password ![User - forgot password](users-forgotten-password.png?raw=true "User forgot password")