getList(""); $this->assertTrue($list); $results = $x->result(); $this->assertEmpty($results); } public function testAddingDataEtc() { // Fake being an admin. $_SESSION = [ 'sessid' => [ 'roles' => ['global-admin'] ] ]; // Add $dh = new DomainHandler(1, 'admin', true); $dh->init(''); $ret = $dh->set( [ 'domain' => '', 'description' => 'test domain', 'aliases' => 11, 'mailboxes' => 12, 'active' => 1, 'quota' => 99999911111, 'maxquota' => 99999999999, 'backupmx' => 0, 'default_aliases' => 1 ] ); $this->assertEmpty($dh->errormsg); $this->assertEmpty($dh->infomsg); $this->assertTrue($ret); $ret = $dh->save(); $this->assertTrue($ret); // Need to add 'admin' as a domain_admin db_insert('domain_admins', ['username' => 'admin', 'domain' => '', 'created' => '2020-01-01', 'active' => 1], ['created'], true); $dh = new DomainHandler(0, 'admin', true); $dh->getList(''); $result = $dh->result(); $this->assertEmpty($dh->infomsg); $this->assertEmpty($dh->errormsg); $this->assertNotEmpty($result); $this->assertEquals('', $result['']['domain']); $this->assertEquals('test domain', $result['']['description']); $this->assertEquals(11, $result['']['aliases']); $this->assertEquals(12, $result['']['mailboxes']); // default aliases. $this->assertEquals(4, $result['']['alias_count']); // default aliases. $this->assertEquals(0, $result['']['mailbox_count']); $this->assertEquals(1, $result['']['active']); $x = new MailboxHandler(1, 'admin', true); $values = [ 'localpart' => 'david.test', 'domain' => '', 'active' => 1, 'password' => 'test1234', 'password2' => 'test1234', 'name' => 'test person', 'quota' => 1, 'welcome_mail' => 0, 'email_other' => '', 'username' => '', ]; $r = $x->init(''); $this->assertTrue($r); $x->getList(''); $list = $x->result(); $this->assertEquals(0, count($list)); $x->set($values); $x->save(); $x->getList(''); $list = $x->result(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($list), json_encode($x->errormsg)); $found = false; foreach ($list as $key => $details) { if ($key == '') { $this->assertEquals('', $details['domain']); $this->assertEquals('', $details['username']); $this->assertEquals('test person', $details['name']); $this->assertNotEmpty($details['_modified']); $this->assertNotEmpty($details['_created']); $this->assertEquals($details['_modified'], $details['_created']); // new data should have them equal. $found = true; break; } } $this->assertTrue($found, "check output : " . json_encode($list)); // need to make updated != created. sleep(1); // Try and edit. $h = new MailboxHandler(0, 'admin', true); $h->init(''); $r = $h->set([ 'password' => '', 'password2' => '', 'name' => 'test person 1234', 'quota' => 123456, 'active' => 1, 'email_other' => '', 'username' => '' ]); $this->assertEmpty($h->errormsg, json_encode($h->errormsg)); $this->assertEmpty($h->infomsg); $this->assertTrue($r); $this->assertTrue($h->save()); $h->getList(''); $list = $h->result(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($list)); $found = false; foreach ($list as $key => $details) { if ($key == '') { // Found! $this->assertEquals('', $details['domain']); $this->assertEquals('', $details['username']); $this->assertEquals(123456, $details['quota']); $this->assertEquals('test person 1234', $details['name']); $this->assertNotEmpty($details['_modified']); $this->assertNotEmpty($details['_created']); $this->assertNotEquals($details['_modified'], $details['_created']); $found = true; break; } } $this->assertTrue($found); } } /* vim: set expandtab softtabstop=4 tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: */