getAll(); $theme = ''; if (isset($CONF['theme']) && is_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../templates/" . $CONF['theme'])) { $theme = $CONF['theme']; } $this->template = new Smarty(); $template_dir = __DIR__ . '/../templates/' . $theme; if (!is_dir($template_dir)) { $template_dir = __DIR__ . '/../templates/'; } $this->template->setTemplateDir($template_dir); // if it's not present or writeable, smarty should just not cache. $templates_c = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../templates_c'; if (is_dir($templates_c) && is_writeable($templates_c)) { $this->template->setCompileDir($templates_c); } else { # unfortunately there's no sane way to just disable compiling of templates clearstatcache(); // just incase someone just fixed it; on their next refresh it should work. error_log("ERROR: directory $templates_c doesn't exist or isn't writeable for the webserver"); die("ERROR: the templates_c directory doesn't exist or isn't writeable for the webserver"); } $this->configureTheme('');// default to something. } /** * @param string $rel_path - relative path for referenced css etc dependencies - e.g. users/edit.php needs '../' else, it's ''. */ public function configureTheme(string $rel_path = '') { $CONF = Config::getInstance()->getAll(); // see: // ignore $CONF['theme_css'] if it points to css/default.css and we have css/bootstrap.css. if ($CONF['theme_css'] == 'css/default.css' && is_file(__DIR__ . '/../public/css/bootstrap.css')) { // silently upgrade to bootstrap, css/default.css does not exist. $CONF['theme_css'] = 'css/bootstrap.css'; } $CONF['theme_css'] = $rel_path . htmlentities($CONF['theme_css']); if (!empty($CONF['theme_custom_css'])) { $CONF['theme_custom_css'] = $rel_path . htmlentities($CONF['theme_custom_css']); } if (array_key_exists('theme_favicon', $CONF)) { $CONF['theme_favicon'] = $rel_path . htmlentities($CONF['theme_favicon']); } $CONF['theme_logo'] = $rel_path . htmlentities($CONF['theme_logo']); $this->assign('rel_path', $rel_path); $this->assign('CONF', $CONF); } /** * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @param bool $sanitise */ public function assign($key, $value, $sanitise = true) { $this->template->assign("RAW_$key", $value); if ($sanitise == false) { return $this->template->assign($key, $value); } $clean = $this->sanitise($value); /* we won't run the key through sanitise() here... some might argue we should */ return $this->template->assign($key, $clean); } /** * @param string $template * @return void */ public function display($template) { $CONF = Config::getInstance()->getAll(); $this->assign('PALANG', $CONF['__LANG'] ?? []); $this->assign('url_domain', ''); $this->assign('version', $CONF['version'] ?? 'unknown'); $this->assign('boolconf_alias_domain', Config::bool('alias_domain')); $this->assign('boolconf_dkim', Config::bool('dkim')); $this->assign('boolconf_dkim_all_admins', Config::bool('dkim_all_admins')); $this->assign('authentication_has_role', array('global_admin' => authentication_has_role('global-admin'), 'admin' => authentication_has_role('admin'), 'user' => authentication_has_role('user'))); header("Expires: Sun, 16 Mar 2003 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); $this->template->setConfigDir(__DIR__ . '/../configs'); $this->template->display($template); unset($_SESSION['flash']); # cleanup flash messages } /** * Recursive cleaning of data, using htmlentities - this assumes we only ever output to HTML and we're outputting in UTF-8 charset * * @param mixed $data - array or primitive type; objects not supported. * @return mixed $data * */ public function sanitise($data) { if (!is_array($data) && !is_string($data)) { return $data; // bool, int, null, object etc - can't sanitise. } if (is_string($data)) { return htmlentities($data, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false); } $clean = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { /* as this is a nested data structure it's more likely we'll output the key too (at least in my opinion, so we'll sanitise it too */ $clean[$this->sanitise($key)] = $this->sanitise($value); } return $clean; } }